


High-Rise Invasion

While this is an easy show to watch due to quite fast pacing it sadly also seems to be very tonally misguided. A little gag here and there would be fine but sadly it's quite prevalent in the episodes so things are never as dire as they should be (also not supported by it's colorful presentation). Characterization is also moot with constant flip-flopping emotions or even goals for each of them (also noteable by each of them almost never overcoming their own fights and instead getting duked out by one another all the time). The world building also turned out out be quit lackluster as this whole space is frankly not believable for what they are going for... it's not expansive and plays out quite linear with the core scenario being left ultimately underdeveloped and instead expanded with mask related mumbo jumbo magic.
Technically this is also nothing to write home about with stiff animation, often boring indoor BGA and stock battle themes... at least they kept the gore.
I'm certainly watching the rest of the episodes when they release but mainly to see what's the explanation for all of this. I expected it to be much worse anyways.

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The Day I Became a God

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To no one's surprise Jun Maeda has a formula he sticks to but that I don't think it translates well to single cour shows. I didn't get very invested in this but I can see why it solicited quite a few harsh criticisms. Frankly the show to me had just a few too many weird elements to take it seriously and the conclusion leaves me a bit uneasy, especially given Youta's general narcissistic narration.

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Shout by sp1ti

The promo art is quite deceptive as this is not at all a traditional looking anime... even more so it's an atrocious mess. While I'm not at all opposed to 3DCG shows this one is in no way up to today's standards. The models look bad and so is the rigging, backgrounds are ugly and low res, the frame rate is choppy and it doesn't even take advantage of stuff 3D would bring (like delivering great action choreography). Putting 2D characters next to 3D ones should be forbidden by law.
Whoever picks those Crunchyroll exclusives has some really fat fingers apparently but not that I'm surprised considering their first funded project wasn't even an anime to begin with.

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Talentless Nana

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For me this turned out to be somewhat of a guilty pleasure. While the general logic and setup is somewhat flawed (alongside the weird interaction of the "Enemies of Humanity" threat), the actual manipulation and deductions making up the runtime are quite fun and you get the killer POV for most of these. Unfortunately this ends just after introducing a major point of conflict for Nana so you'll most likely have to read the manga for a proper resolution. RIP Michiru - hard to phantom why they would even leave someone with her powers on the island.

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Ninja Collection

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This is basically the same as Yamishibai except that it has "mysterious" Ninjas added who take care of the entities. There is a minuscule attempt made to connect them but really they just take away from the already short runtime making what would have been lame episodes of the main show even worse.

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Mapleworth Murders

This is not really a good spoof of Miss Marple nor very funny but since it's so short it can suffice to fill some time. Plenty of guest appearances from the NBC comedy/SNL camp which should be indicative of whats going on.

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Ultramarine Magmell

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Quite the lackluster package... thought I might finish this but nahhh. There isn't really any plot to go by as it is mostly just a collection of episodic stories around Magmell but those are all beats done before, and vastly more interesting too. There is no sense of exploration as the MC is pretty much invincible and he already knows a lot about the place leaving him mostly indifferent to everything unfolding. There is some attempts at comedy but it doesn't really hit nor is it consistent. Add to that bland character and creature design with just tolerable art and animation... Really not worth it.

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Sadly this show does very little with the core concept of the Snowpiercer besides some early exposition about the carts and is instead more concerned about it's pointless crime case and drama and does so with extremely uncharismatic characters (except for the "antagonist"). Having now also proven that the action chops aren't there either and wanting to drag things even further out with a second season I'll gladly exit this ride and get frozen instead.

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JJ Villard's Fairy Tales

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If this show has one major draw then it's the artstyle imho which I dig a lot. Problem is that while those crude versions of Fairy Tales would look great as a series of artworks it comes across kinda shallow and sometimes dumb when corporated into a full "story". Still, didn't hate it and would watch more of them as my leniency for 10 minute episodes is quite high anyways.

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Penny Dreadful: City of Angels

As current as they hit the current protests going on I cannot help but to feel bored. Very little supernatural is going on and the plot lines are hardly new. My core issue however is that I still don't get why this is unfolding. Why would the "bad" lady spend her years trying to incite a race war when she is already powerful enough to destroy the world as it is and for that to focus on this particular community (in the year 1938..)?

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Peepoodo is a quite raunchy and explicit sex comedy that also tries to be educational to a certain degree by spoofing the format of kids shows (more by means of putting things out there rather than being particular in depth). While often entertaining the show sometimes tips the balance a tad bit too much towards crudeness, reminding you of the fact that this might as well be interpreted as beastiality porn...
Still, it's short and I feel like everyone who looks at this should easily be able to tell if they are going to dig it or not.

While being initially produced for the French Blackpills streaming service (which was at the time mobile online) they transitioned to their own website for FR & EN audio https://peepoodo.bobbypills.com/. Season Two has been crowdfunded.

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Shout by sp1ti

I accidentally closed the tab after finishing writing something up for the show... can't be bothered to go in detail again.

This is basically a giant injoke as the Cody Heller got this produced and cast with a A-lister, taking on >her< name and dating a fictional version of >her< bodyfriend (also named after him ...Dan Harmon).
The setup - as outlandish as it sounds - makes sense as a way to allow the protagonist to process her insecurities/drama/trauma in wake of seeing her sex doll version... but it is made little use of and is instead quite superficial and often cartoonish (making her a bigger "dummy" than the doll in the process). Sure there is a (sort of) progression towards the logical conclusion of self-love but the ride is not worth it. And that ride - I kid you not - involves her setting up a date for the doll which is suddenly lusting after a 12 year old... Cody is kind enough to provide the lube for the occasion.

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Shout by sp1ti

Thought this would be more interesting but it's basically just celebrities praising their staffers/collaborators and them talking about stuff with varying degrees of relevancy to their work (exceptions are sometimes involving artists themselves)... Adding in some occasional animation does not really elevate the material. It is also mostly related to artists I don't care about.

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Shout by sp1ti

This turned out to be a lot better than expected. Forte and Olson work great with each other and while the home remodeling stuff is a bit goofy at times it somehow works in the cartel setting.

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Thought I'd check this out because of ufotable and expected another Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu but somehow ended up with a popular shonen jump adaptation :laughing:... dropped out about midway during it's airing and only now finished the show.
While there is some of the expected visual glamour including very stylized combat techniques to elevate this but the format is safe and the writing not really great. Still, there is a decent amount of action and interesting demon powers to overcome so that should be cool..? It's just that they main trio(quartet) kinda sucks. Not only are they extremely one note but two of them are just played for comedy 80% of the time - and it's the kind of comedy that makes me want to blow my brains out. The fourth wheel Nezuko that should drive the story is mostly stashed away in her basket and can be used conveniently to save the day when required.
Could have been decent if it wasn't for those distracting issues...

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Motherland: Fort Salem

Despite the season preview at the end of the pilot previewing some intriguing "witchy" scenes ahead I think I'm going to pass. Wasn't certain beforehand how YA oriented this will be but from what I've seen that is certainly the target audience (if I had known it would air on Freeform I wouldn't have bothered - just thought that this being at SXSW would mean something different..).
Lots of stuff gets skipped over or is handled superficially which is weird for a show declaring sisterhood/their squad to be something crucial.

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Beef House

Shout by sp1ti

As lowbrow as this is I actually found myself enjoying this quite a bit from the second episode on.

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Cursed Films

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BlockedParent2020-04-30T10:22:25Z— updated 2022-07-08T11:38:18Z

I wasn't aware of many of those supposed "curses" surrounding the movies so while that info was somewhat interesting there wasn't enough for it there to fill a streaming services desire for multiple episodes - so what do you do? Pad them with often times irrelevant stuff to make them longer...
The Twilight Zone Movie episode also highlighted the more exploitative side of the subject mater but it's also the first time a horror doc actually did not idolize John Landis as an icon which was unexpected to see on Shudder of all places.

Edit: Updated my overall rating to a 6 since the second season is actually a lot better with less focus on "cursed" aspects and instead more interviews about the filming itself.

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While usually in an anthology you have your good and bad segments here they felt quite even being created by the same staff but still dabbling in different kinds of "horror" each time. Problem is that there really wasn't anything that would make them stand out. The premises are not bad per se but with 30 minutes episodes being told in a straight forward narrative they can't seem to hit a sweet spot in addition to making almost all "twists" predictable.

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Yeah this is terrible. Nauseating concept (which makes hardly any sense nor is consistent), unfunny humor, lame ecchi and certainly the worst main duo I've seen in a long time... and somehow this gets 2 cours?!

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Outburst Dreamer Boys

Shout by sp1ti

Run off the mill chunibyo show that starts out high-energy but is overall quite uneven in entertainment.

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Stars Align

Seems kinda silly but dropped after Episode 9... At this point it's just a melodramatic slog where everyone's parents are abusive in some way or another. But thank god there is Maki to fix things who is apparently also an empath in addition to already being the "gifted" tennis ace of the show. Kanako also is handled very weirdly making her mainly a fujoshi insert...

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Cannon Busters

Dropped at three episodes. It's not the worst show you can pick but it hardly feels original... it's like a mashup of anime which were popular in the US in the 2000s coupled with some other stuff he did. Go back and watch those instead as they have a lot more character.

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Shout by sp1ti
BlockedParent2019-10-16T00:04:23Z— updated 2021-03-28T18:01:03Z

So far this contains a lot of quirky/oh-so-random segments without much of a hook alongside some recurring bits - out of those Quarter Life Poetry is the highlight for me (which you might as well just watch on other platforms, eg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELTRkamduIc).

Update 2021: (not a lot of people watching huh ;)) Now in Season 4 the show lost decent recurring segments with S3 so it's mostly mediocre or worse in quality with only occasional standouts in episodes. I think it's still great to give a platform for all these different creators but the writing seems to be more self-indulgent these days?

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The Boys

Shout by sp1ti

Despite having been hesitant to watch this (bc superheroes :rolling_eyes:) I gave it a try anyways in hopes for subversion or spoofs of the genre (hello https://trakt.tv/movies/super-2010). Unfortunately this was just very bland and slow with some seriously lacking characterizations and world building just for the sake of being able to do an otherwise generic but raunchy "thriller/heist-ey" type of deal vs the hot current :superhero: everyone seems to crave...

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Shout by sp1ti

I'm rating this after only watching the first episode. It's 2019 and I'm not ready for a Gonzo shitshow:

  • Terribly paced
  • No effort done to make this setup immersive (thanks to the above)
  • The animation is choppy, designs weird and everything looks bland and filtered

No thank you Netflix. If you know how long the source material is why don't you actually bother doing a proper adaptation... Not interested in continuing this.

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Swamp Thing

Shout by sp1ti

You know, I thought I'd give this a shot given it's "horror" roots and provided that it is already canceled (and possibly cannot go too superheroish) but I cannot get into a story when I have to scratch my head every few minutes; this plays out too illogical. Be it terrible scene flow or the fact that no one reacts or handles this setting in a believable way. Dropped.

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Last Period: the journey to the end of the despair

Shout by sp1ti

I guess this was OKish but very skipable.

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How Clumsy you are, Miss Ueno.

Shout by sp1ti

The only thing this got going for it is the weirdness of the inventions... everything else is the same "joke" beaten like a dead horse.

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High School Girls

Shout by sp1ti

Sorry but this is just trash... There are no jokes in the show and the scenarios are stretched out despite being only three minute long. They also decided this should be a SILENT comedy but somehow found it a good idea to include grunts instead. :exploding_head:

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