Speed Demon



Survivor: Season 46

Reply by Speed Demon

Season 46: The Crying season... why is everyone crying?
Oh yeah, it's 2023/2024.
Next season - Instead of immunity, contestants get to search for Safe Spaces.

Better than 1/2 of the air time in the first 4 episodes is focusing on just one guy!! After being voted out, maybe we'll now find out if there are others competing in this year event.

BTW - remember on years gone by we'd get several babes with bodies.. now we just get mutts with butts. Have they used up all the attractive women in America already?

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WOW!! I did not know that... thanks for sharing @marcelain

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The Traitors NZ

Reply by Speed Demon

Where are Americans watching this? I can't find it on any of the torrent sites.

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@phug use kodi... Homelander and wutu have links in 1080 and 720

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Trigger Point

Reply by Speed Demon

Not as good as I was expecting.

Obviously they were trying to stuff as many black actors into one series as possible. Fortunately they were all pretty good actors except the top cop - she was annoying but that might have been down to the crappy dialogue she was left with.

The big finale was unfortunately predicable.

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@poisonandrew Fair enough... I don't live in the UK. Point taken - and no, I'm not racist either. It just seemed it was forced that's all. I'll keep that in mind in the future.

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Das Boot

Reply by Speed Demon

I really liked this show - plenty of suspense and good story lines. Downside is the amount of subtitles - about 99% of the show is subtitled. I understand that it's a multi-country production, but watching subtitles is really annoying - I don't care if it makes the show more authentic. At least the titles are nice bright yellow instead of blend-in white.

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Oh I wish I'd done that years ago!! Too old to be bothered now :>) I've been to Germany 8 or 9 times now and every time I wish I'd learned it back in 2009. @toto74

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Ridley Scott. The king of epic. A must watch for anyone who loves epic battles.
I don't know what to think of Napoleon because I haven't done my research, and this movie seems to be too nice in all parts. I learnt a lot, yet I could have learnt more. It should have included a little information on who each person was the same way little facts popped up on the screen telling us the location, year, or how many died. Heartbreaking how more than 3 million French people danced into their deaths, simply because a man had the power to. What's even more heartbreaking is times haven't really changed.
Besides the writing, the production was phenomenal. Apple TV is becoming one of my favourites. The acting was atrociously good. The score was tense, and Joaquin Phoenix was legendary as per.

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@zxki 100% Better said than I could've - thumbs up!!!

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Reply by Speed Demon

Not bad movie, but kinda not spectacular either.

Story and acting good, CGI very good. Atmos surround sound - superb.

Main character Jessie Brown has a personality of a goldfish.
Could've skipped the whole Cannes trip and shortened the movie by about 30-45 minutes and it wouldn't have been missed.
Generous 7/10

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@rxp91 Interesting... I watched it on kodi

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Reply by Speed Demon

Not bad movie, but kinda not spectacular either.

Story and acting good, CGI very good. Atmos surround sound - superb.

Main character Jessie Brown has a personality of a goldfish.
Could've skipped the whole Cannes trip and shortened the movie by about 30-45 minutes and it wouldn't have been missed.
Generous 7/10

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@rxp91 My Denon receiver said it was Atmos when it was playing. either way the sound was great!

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Slow Horses

Reply by Speed Demon


Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2022-04-08T20:15:24Z— updated 2023-03-15T12:38:39Z

3 episodes in...
First episode was 6/10,
2nd episode 8/10,
3rd episode 10/10

Glad I stuck it out during the first episode as this is turning into a really good show.

Season 2 looks like it's already in the bag. Can't wait to see it.
Season 2 was even better, right from the beginning. 10/10.

Season 3 looks great as well!

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Stick with it... it does get much better @stormsm

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I was OK, but felt like it missed a lot of what actually happened.
I know nothing of the story/events, but it was disjointed and left me with questions like - what happened with the miners? Were they still mining? We never saw one instance of the ore arriving and being loaded onto the ships.. other than the ship at the very beginning, there was just ships in the harbour with only the ferry actually docking ... on one occasion. What happened to the English guys?

The picture/poster had absolutely nothing to do with the movie because everything was on the land.

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Thank you for that insight.. very interesting. @steffe73

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Who Is Erin Carter?

Watched 3 episodes and it just got dumber and dumber.
Not only that, but no one is actually paying attention to details in the filming of it. Here's a couple of examples..
1. She's at the pool with her daughter. she's wearing a grey/white T-shirt. She leaves and gets into her car. She arrives at the destination wearing a yellow top and yellow jeans - huh?
2. Twice she tracks somebody down using her mobile phone - it shows us her doing it. How does she track someone she doesn't know? does everyone in Barcelona have a chip embedded that anyone can use to keep track of them?
3. She goes to meet somebody but parks literally 2 miles away. She stuffs a gun in her waistband but we never see it until she needs it then it appears again
4. She plays a game of tennis - doesn't sweat at all. Walks away and her mobile phone just appears in her hand!!
5. Someone shoots out her rear window and she drives to her destination.. with the window in tact
6. She runs away from the bad guys who jump into their Range Rovers and pursue her only to appear from two different directions to block her!!!

I could go on, but you get the picture.

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Ahh I missed that!! Now it makes sense. @velvetthunder

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Animal Control

Reply by Speed Demon

This show needs a laugh track or a pop up that says "laugh here' cause I didn't know when I was supposed to laugh!!!

Comedy? Which part was the funny bit?


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@psymann LOL - good one. Family Guy is funny though.. but yeah that's about it

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The Mosquito Coast

Reply by Speed Demon

Man, f**k this show. The whole season and no reveal about why they're running and what they did. This show is not even close to being interesting enough to pull that off. It's just 7 episodes of a family running and hiding from various people. That's it...

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@chewy74 It all gets explained in episode 1, season 2.

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Trigger Point

Reply by Speed Demon

Not as good as I was expecting.

Obviously they were trying to stuff as many black actors into one series as possible. Fortunately they were all pretty good actors except the top cop - she was annoying but that might have been down to the crappy dialogue she was left with.

The big finale was unfortunately predicable.

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@swanqueenz I zero problems with black people..my best friend is black and know a good number of others. Some of my favourite actors and music artists are black. My comment was based on how 'woke' and obvious the producers etc made it... they are trying too hard. Just cause someone points something like that out doesn't automatically make them "offended".. another woke word used way too much

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For All Mankind: Season 2

Reply by Speed Demon

Season 1 was tolerable, but season 2 is boring and mind-numbing. Got to the first 15 minutes of episode 3 and couldn't take it anymore. Goodbye.

This show started with promise - the Russians getting to the moon before the Americans, but they're now changing history. Reagan president in 1976?! Margret Thatcher also PM in 76?! Emails and colour monitors in the late 70's. Please.

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@stormsm Maybe I will give it another shot... I seem to have had a bad feed from Kodi that just screwed everything up. It happens, but that's the price you pay sometimes for free TV.

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The Silence

Good premise (although quite similar to A Quiet Place which was done much better) but seriously, if you're going to make a movie where the main protagonist is supposed to be deaf girl, why not find an actual deaf person to play the part? Or at the very least, find someone who knows how to play a deaf person. This movie was complete nonsense; one minute she's signing to her friends and family, yet when they sign back, she answers in perfect English. I have never, ever met a deaf person who, when they spoke, spoke with a clear, articulate voice. Yet this girl was supposed to be completely deaf but conversed in clear, ungarbled language with her family and her boyfriend (via iPad). Made absolutely no sense, and was a great detraction from what could have been a decent movie. Because of that glaring issue, there is no way I can give this anything better than a "4". The acting was average - definitely nothing to write home about - and the "strange cult" that gets mentioned in the synopsis gets about 15 minutes worth of screen/story time. It just muddled the story, IMO. Overall, this was kind of like a strange, mixed-up concoction of A Quiet Place and 28 Days Later ...where they wanted the females just to breed and repopulate the world. Some have mentioned the weird ending but for a movie like this, I don't know what they could have done differently; the ending made as much sense as anything else could have. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone; too many issues, too many similarities to other films, and nothing worth sitting through 90+ minutes for.

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@hubes-0a31c592-8851-4ddf-8e72-a7a20966824a The girl wasn't born deaf, she said at the beginning of the movie that she gradually became deaf... that made me give it a pass on that aspect, but you're right it could have been done better.

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Lost in Space: 2x03 Echoes

This episode has to go down in history as the dumbest episode of any show in the last 50+ years. The plot is so full of holes you could fly a ship through it... Spoilers if you really think it'll ruin the experience....
1) They arrive at the space station ship Resolute and don't even notice there is no life in or around the ship.
2) They go inside and discover no one is there - nothing odd about that, why not split up and send the kids back to safety.
3) Dr. Smith starts a fire and all the doors close but they have no problem moving around the ship to get around the safety doors - we never re-visit the fire or even find out if it was put out.. and all the doors are open later too
4) They find out the ship was abandoned 7 months ago..
5) A horse appears for no apparent reason out of thin air (what did it eat for 7 months?) It then disappears into thin air once it isn't required for the scene
6) The robot is the reason everyone abandoned the ship, only it has no legs and one missing arm - the arm is on the Robinsons' ship (huh?). It travels at the speed of a snail, no one could outrun it apparently
7) Thousands of people on the ship couldn't capture it so they ran away, but mum and dad Robinson capture it in about 3 minutes
8) The police guys return to the ship and promptly put the robot into a steel cage - how? Did they throw some cheese into the cage and close it once it was inside? Why didn't they do that 7 months ago?
9) Dad Robinson goes down a well - apparently, they had to wait for him cause they didn't know how to bang on the pipes to see if it was blocked
10) The other robot is on the planet - how did it get there?
11) There's more, but you get the idea

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@onlime Yes, another good example of something that could have been good and then they just milked it way too far.

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Resident Alien: Season 2

I almost never stop watching a series midway but this is just too painful to continue. It's everything wrong with Hollywood in our times.
To be fair I think the premise is pretty good and Alan Tudyk is a talented actor. He's doing his "schtick" admirably and delivers the alien humor well. It's the absolute 4th wave feminism that is intolerable. But the preaching of the new woke religion is too much.

It was evident from midway thru last season that this is where it was going but after S2E3 the writers turned it into talking points from a women's study syllabus and it's so forced. Women's pay gap? check Women being objectified? check Mansplaining? Check. Bright pink hair? Check. Unattractive fat women? Check and check and check. Stupid, spineless, buffoonish men? Oh yea. It's so bad they even have the kids joining in on the act. Can't let those little ones just be kids, we have to make sure to get em while they're young.
Don't waste your time.

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@ranchpig 100% agree!! Unattractive fat women being objectified - lol

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The Book of Boba Fett

Reply by Speed Demon

Same people that have brought Mandalorian to life are behind this.
So it begs the question: Why? Why do we need this series? Why not just expand on the Mandalorian series?
It's obviously during a different timeline.. but do we really need it?

First episode is somewhat interesting, but not even close to amazing. Will give it some time because Mandalorian didn't get good till the second season, but not sure how long I'll stay interested at this point.

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@veganaf Agreed - it didn't make sense at the time but now it's starting to make sense as the stories become clearer. Patience is a virtue I suppose :>)

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The Book of Boba Fett

Reply by Speed Demon

Same people that have brought Mandalorian to life are behind this.
So it begs the question: Why? Why do we need this series? Why not just expand on the Mandalorian series?
It's obviously during a different timeline.. but do we really need it?

First episode is somewhat interesting, but not even close to amazing. Will give it some time because Mandalorian didn't get good till the second season, but not sure how long I'll stay interested at this point.

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@veganaf No. The first 4 episodes were bluh. I've given it a chance.

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The Book of Boba Fett

Reply by Speed Demon

Same people that have brought Mandalorian to life are behind this.
So it begs the question: Why? Why do we need this series? Why not just expand on the Mandalorian series?
It's obviously during a different timeline.. but do we really need it?

First episode is somewhat interesting, but not even close to amazing. Will give it some time because Mandalorian didn't get good till the second season, but not sure how long I'll stay interested at this point.

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@joenightman You were right - it was great. Looks like we've got some interesting story lines coming up.

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For All Mankind: Season 2

Season 1 was tolerable, but season 2 is boring and mind-numbing. Got to the first 15 minutes of episode 3 and couldn't take it anymore. Goodbye.

This show started with promise - the Russians getting to the moon before the Americans, but they're now changing history. Reagan president in 1976?! Margret Thatcher also PM in 76?! Emails and colour monitors in the late 70's. Please.

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@viperdu-vark Somehow I missed the bit about the time jump...must have been eliminated from the show I was watching. As for for the other stuff.. nice perspective. Thanks for sharing.

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Succession: Season 3

Succession is a strange show.
Sometimes you watch it and it's pretty good and the next moment it's childish, badly written and just crap, then it's OK again.

Not 100% sold on it going into the 3rd season. Episode 1 is a mess.

NONE of the characters are the type of people you'd want to sit down and have a cup of coffee with, let alone spend any amount of time with.

Not sure how long I'll watch this season - it's hanging in the balance right now - 4/10

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@jordyep I get that and they do it very well, but sometimes it's just too much!!

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Reply by Speed Demon

Cool concept but terrible, terrible writing.
None of the characters behaves in a believable way, it all feels staged (you know those lines that just happen in movies but just don't feel right in real life? Like "there's no time to explain, just follow me" or "we've got company"), even at the beginning at the resort, before the supernatural part kicks in, like a series of scenes almost unrelated one to the other and patched together, each with the precise purpose to stimulate a feeling in the audience or to get the plot ahead. Characters falling as flies like in predictable horror movies.

Some unexplicable sloppy screenplay moments:

  • "I'm a nurse. My name is Jarin"
  • (after the seizure) "I ruined everyone's breakfast"
  • "Everyone needs to have a voice here. [...] We will make destructive decisions if we don't feel safe with each other" (The whole group psychology session on the beach, really).
  • "Guy, I feel better!" (after having her tumor removed)
  • (baby dies): "maybe we should all talk about what just happened"
  • "I stare at the remains of nameless people in glass cases, and I kept thinking I'm going to be one of those people"
  • (holding those pool rubber buoy worms) "I'm using these to swim out. I have a sister, she's a therapist too. I need to get to my sister, we never talk, we had a fight a long time ago. She's older, but now I am ."
  • (why do you keep lighting the matches on?! And just the whole scene)
  • (Rust that acts like poison into the blood stream?)

The ending was the best and more naturally progressing part of the movie

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@lumaestri Perfect summation. How about the part where the kids thought they couldn't get pregnant until doing it at least 10 times

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Only Murders in the Building

Reply by Speed Demon


Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2021-09-02T14:08:07Z— updated 2022-08-13T19:22:26Z

It's not as good as I was expecting, but still giving it more time to improve. Got to episode 3 and it's worth continuing - just don't expect a ton of laughs.
Martin Short is definitely the best actor in the show, with Steve Martin surprisingly not quite up to his best. Selena Gomez should stick to singing 'cause she certainly can't act.
Overall it's amusing and worth spending time watching - looking forward to the mystery unfolding.

(8/8/22) Season 2 - Getting stupider by the episode. Complete mess compared to season 1 - 4/10

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@nescobar-a-lop-lop I've never seen Victoria Justice act..but she looks good so that's something

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Billions: 5x12 No Direction Home

Shout by Shraa

To be honest, I saw that coming, and that was a cliche twist. The teaser for the next season has me worried we'll not be seeing Axe anymore.
What did catch me off guard was that till the very end, Wendy and Bobby never kissed. FFS, I wanted it so bad. I have been waiting 5 seasons for it. I really hope Bobby comes back in season 6.

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@bl-zz Great news... I watch on Kodi, so there's no commercials/ads and I don't get to see them.

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Only Murders in the Building

Reply by Speed Demon


Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2021-09-02T14:08:07Z— updated 2022-08-13T19:22:26Z

It's not as good as I was expecting, but still giving it more time to improve. Got to episode 3 and it's worth continuing - just don't expect a ton of laughs.
Martin Short is definitely the best actor in the show, with Steve Martin surprisingly not quite up to his best. Selena Gomez should stick to singing 'cause she certainly can't act.
Overall it's amusing and worth spending time watching - looking forward to the mystery unfolding.

(8/8/22) Season 2 - Getting stupider by the episode. Complete mess compared to season 1 - 4/10

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@magic_claw LOL - no I'm an old guy! Still...she can't act.

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Billions: 5x12 No Direction Home

Reply by Speed Demon


Shout by Shraa

To be honest, I saw that coming, and that was a cliche twist. The teaser for the next season has me worried we'll not be seeing Axe anymore.
What did catch me off guard was that till the very end, Wendy and Bobby never kissed. FFS, I wanted it so bad. I have been waiting 5 seasons for it. I really hope Bobby comes back in season 6.

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@shraa1 Well excuuuuse me... according to IMDb that was it, but I shoulda checked YouTube. But I'm happy to be wrong. Looking forward to another season

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Survivor: 41x01 A New Era

Reply by Speed Demon

The American version of this awesome show is getting beyond tedious.
If you want to see good versions that are far superior check out the Australian Survivor and Survivor South Africa.

Everything about this show is political now. Over the top 'inclusiveness"
"GUYS" is now outlawed. I'm waiting for someone to sit out a challenge because they feel they're isolated and non-athletic.

If they want to go so political correct and inclusive, how about having a competitor in a wheelchair or a quadriplegic?

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@thenightwolf So far I've only been able to get from Season 6 forward in the S.A. version. The N.Z. is OK, but they really need to provide subtitles - it's hard to imagine they're actually speaking English at times! And they all mumble. I didn't even know there was a UK version - must look for that!

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The Tomorrow War

Reply by Speed Demon

Typical alien invasion movie.. a tiny bit better than the norm. One thing no movie ever addresses is - how did the freaky aliens' manage to build that spacecraft? How could they dig the mine that brought up the ore to smelt and shape into metal and then assemble?

This film is full of holes and questions that I can't believe SOMONE somewhere didn't ask - Why? How? and That makes no sense whatsoever!!

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@michalkaluza No I didn't see that. Thanks

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Die Hart

Reply by Speed Demon

Thought this was a movie. Sounds like fun but i wonder if the chosen service will hurt the number. Didn't even know it was out and honestly i don't have the option to stream it since Quibi isn't available here... So I'll have to watch it other ways :wink:

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@ali-88 Roku TV has it now. You can watch them all back to back

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