

Tel Aviv

Workin' Moms: Season 4

I feel season 4 has lost the charm, humbleness and spirit of S1, 2. It now feels like some over compensation poster to Me too or so, by having all the male characters act like useless imbeciles who can't put their socks on only to be saves by their respective female. This Mark character went from being lovely, charming and respectful mam just few episodes ago, to the laziest written dumb Duhh douchebag Hollywood stereotype.
This kind of aggressive shift of writer policies is simply disrespectful to the show and the characters. Thumbs down.

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Family Guy: 21x09 Carny Knowledge

One of the most boring episodes they had. Snoozeeee.

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Beacon 23: Season 1

At the time of reviewing this, S2 hasn't come out yet.

Beacon is a very weird Scifi show, nothing very familiar we've seen before. It's extremely slow burn.
I have a major problem with the editing of the show. Very often I felt like while watching the show I missed 1-2-3 minutes of it because scenes don't feel connected to on another! And that is very annoying.

For me, the payout at the end of the season is not at all worth the journey to arrive to it.
I'd say wait for reviews of S2 to see if they take on S1 issues properly before getting into this.
As a standalone season, I DO NOT recommend watching it.

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Beacon 23: Season 1

At the time of reviewing this, S2 hasn't come out yet.

Beacon is a very weird Scifi show, nothing very familiar we've seen before. It's extremely slow burn.
I have a major problem with the editing of the show. Very often I felt like while watching the show I missed 1-2-3 minutes of it because scenes don't feel connected to on another! And that is very annoying.

For me, the payout at the end of the season is not at all worth the journey to arrive to it.
I'd say wait for reviews of S2 to see if they take on S1 issues properly before getting into this.
As a standalone season, I DO NOT recommend watching it.

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Beacon 23

At the time of reviewing this, S2 hasn't come out yet.

Beacon is a very weird Scifi show, nothing very familiar we've seen before. It's extremely slow burn.
I have a major problem with the editing of the show. Very often I felt like while watching the show I missed 1-2-3 minutes of it because scenes don't feel connected to on another! And that is very annoying.

For me, the payout at the end of the season is not at all worth the journey to arrive to it.
I'd say wait for reviews of S2 to see if they take on S1 issues properly before getting into this.
As a standalone season, I DO NOT recommend watching it.

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Independence Day: Resurgence

Shout by stormsm

And another comment w/ spoilers -

  1. Why the hell did the queen leave the mothership? She has the largest fcking weapon ever, its almost bigger than earth, and she goes alone! the most important individual runs off to the front line !! Thats the dumbest military move someone has ever made.
    (Don't tell me the ship had to drill. they could have done it after they got that tennis ball).

  2. And if you, the Queen, already decided to leave- why the fck do you care about a stupid school bus?!?!?! chasing it for 2 hours!!?? Just go and do what you came to do !! damn that's stupid..
    (And if you already took the bait - get the hell out of there!)

Good for you W. Smith not joining this LoL of a movie (even though it's coz they didn't offer you enough money, and not coz of creative differences).

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Uncut Gems

I feel kind of cheated watching that movie. It's kinda useless and exhausting and I think the end isn't worth the trip.
I didn't like the beginning and middle of movie but kept watching to see the end. If you also find yourself in this position, simply stop watching.
I'm not recommending.

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Manifest: Season 3

This series was barely flying below 7 but after this season, it landed straight back to 6 (bad puns intended). This season had way too much Divine and God BS in it. It's like the producers try to use this show to make us religious.

I forgive all the shooting around Covid post-prod awkwardness but boy stuff here took a turn for the worst.

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Beacon 23: Season 1

At the time of reviewing this, S2 hasn't come out yet.

Beacon is a very weird Scifi show, nothing very familiar we've seen before. It's extremely slow burn.
I have a major problem with the editing of the show. Very often I felt like while watching the show I missed 1-2-3 minutes of it because scenes don't feel connected to on another! And that is very annoying.

For me, the payout at the end of the season is not at all worth the journey to arrive to it.
I'd say wait for reviews of S2 to see if they take on S1 issues properly before getting into this.
As a standalone season, I DO NOT recommend watching it.

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Black Mirror: 6x01 Joan Is Awful

There's no real punch, no real hurt. The idea here is so superficial, easy, shallow and obvious.

Coward writers, coward show makers.

Please return BBC Black Mirror!! American Black Mirror is so weak !!!!

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Independence Day: Resurgence

This movie will be enjoyed best by 13-16 year old boys. Its a children's movie.
Its 100m$ on CGI and 1000$ on script and story. You can guess the whole movie from the first 5 minutes, it has all the worst used up cliche's in the book.
The first movie made much more sense from the actions the characters took. Here, they're all idiots (humans and aliens).

If you choose to watch it, expect only normal level of GFX and nothing else. If you're looking for gripping storytale - move along sir, nothing to see here.

barely 5/10.

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 10

TBBT is like a gum the was chewed too much, and has already lost it flavour. You keep chewing it just because it's still in your mouth.
Well, you should spit it out and just be over with it.

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I kinda have a problem with this movie. It's fine entertainment, but nothing as it tries to make itself be.

The movie comes off as a "different kind of superhero movie", when actually, when it come down it - it's just the same: guy, *.some_accident, superpower, mask, girl, save girl as girlfriend, kill villain. The only difference is that it's rated R now, which is better then suck-up movies such Iron Man, Cpt. America, etc.

If it was really different, this boring scheme of a plot should have changed entirely. The "Just add F*cks !" startup doesn't cut it for me.

As I reached my 30's, I've now out grown superhero movies. I though this might be different, but it came up short.

If you're bored of the superhero genre - don't bother watching it. Doesn't live up to the hype.
Plain 6/10.

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Gotham: 2x21 Wrath of the Villains: A Legion of Horribles

Resurrects Fish Mooney?? man this is getting crazier and madder.. Just throw some aliens and some gods there and we're good. Realism has .. never was in the building.

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The Last Man on Earth: 2x13 Fish in the Dish

They are so dumb it hurts my brain. Human kind doesn't deserve surviving.

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London Has Fallen

This is an OK minus action film. Gerrad kills lots of bad guys, never hurts himself. Feels kinda like Call of Duty and some fun action scenes.

However, the movie has no climax point or peak and when its over, you feel greatly unsatisfied.
The CGI is poorly made. Aaron Ackhart has about 10 lines..

Like really bad sex.

6/10 low priority on your watch list.

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
  • this refers to Ultimate Edition *

I honestly didn't understand this movie.
Batman has some feud with Super, just cause he's an alien, and also he's pissed off on the rest of the world.
This causes him to take revenge on everything, including said SM, with all hell a against him.

As you know, at some point they make up - for the stupidest reason ever!!! - and turn on the mighty Lex.

Affleck's acting wasn't as bad as they say - it's he's character that lacked proper motivation for it's doings, and relatively not so many lines.

Jesse Isenberg did quite a good job with the material he got, so thumb up here.

The rest - fine.

Over all - many things about nothing. Ult edition is too long.

Fine. 6/10.

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Star Trek Beyond

Honestly I'm a bit disappointed in the movie. Sure, you get state-of-the-art gfx (but we wouldn't expect less, so no surprise here), and I love Zach's Spock and the other, but I didn't feel anything special watching this. It was all... pretty expected and with nothing new.

I'm sure the real trekkies will adore this, as it delivers what should be delivered, but for me, I didn't find the interest I was looking (and hoping) for.

Of this series, I loved Star Trek (2009) best, as it had actual character development and many interactions between them.

6.5/10 for me, so voted 6.

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The Last Man on Earth: 3x01 General Breast Theme with Cobras

Unoriginally stupid and painful-to-watch as ever. Feel right at 'friggin' ol' home ("Home, sweet Hell" - A. Bundy).

Don't watch it.

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Family Guy: 14x18 The New Adventures of Old Tom

fadu fadu fadu fadu... Ha!

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

This movie has a little bit of many things, and a whole lot of nothing. When you finish watching it, you realize nothing was accomplished, and as expected, it's just a setup for them to make tons of movie for the 28 or so move movies to follow.

Its a nice one. You wouldn't want to watch it again. Just don't pay to see it.

BTW. They say the name Credence no less than 27 times ! which is tooo much for this dumb character! That pissed me off so much, just STFU with saying his name already!

!! some spoilers from here !!
01:40:03,957 --> 01:40:05,250

01:40:05,668 --> 01:40:07,127
Credence, I can help.

01:41:46,685 --> 01:41:47,996
- Bar the area.
- Yes, sir.

01:41:48,020 --> 01:41:49,460
I don't want anyone else down there.

01:42:02,242 --> 01:42:03,410

01:42:06,371 --> 01:42:08,123
It is Credence, isn't it?

01:42:11,210 --> 01:42:13,545
I'm here to help you, Credence.

01:42:14,546 --> 01:42:16,799
I'm not here to hurt you.

01:42:36,401 --> 01:42:39,071
I've met someone just like you, Credence.


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Useless movie
( nothing to add)

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Prison Break: 5x07 Wine Dark Sea

this season is hella stupid

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Black Mirror: 4x05 Metalhead


Why didnt she take 2 minutes to find a big rock and bash in the little shitter?? I know it takes 2 shotgun shots, but at least the legs!
and again with the paint!!! u had the gun right there, shoot him!!
And it was so obvious that they went in for a stupid thing.. so so obvious..

I'm sorry but you'll have to watch it to see what all the fuss i about.

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The Vanishing

I stopped watching after 75% of the movie - i completely lost interest in the movie.

Then I came here and saw that others feels exactly like me - The first half is charming with the scenary, bleek atmosphere and somewhat of suspence, but after some events occur in the story, everything start to mess up and it simply wasn't worth following up :)

So I leave it like that, i'm taking the others' advice and i'm now going to sleep.

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Guns Akimbo

Man this dumb movie has so many movie studios titles logos at beginning of movie!!
I felt like Peter Griffin right here

Saban you're such a piece of drek.

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Code 8

This was surprisingly decent! Not too good but I don't regret watching it.

Cop scenes were bad! Good cop/bad cop routine felt like a cartoon parody. Also, they didn't change their t-shirts the entire film xD

Well we're stuck at home and can't leave so I guess watch it..

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It's not a thriller at all. Pace is quite steady and monotone, it's not an action movie. I kept waiting for something to happen but it didn't happen.

I'd best describe it as a family drama with some relation to drugs.
It's wasn't bad but I didn't actually enjoy it very much.

Somewhat recommend if you like drama and looking for a smooth, steady sailing with some bumps.

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The Guest

Its just an OK teen flick movie.
Started nice, but went weird and somewhat unbelievable towards the end.
It got Certified Fresh on RT, which is why i watched this. I'm sure its a bug, dont expect anything special.

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Yes Day

I'm saying this as an adult: this movie should be classified as Horror/Sci Fi..
I was terrified seeing this movie, seeing 100k damage to car and home, seeing a kid say "You're right" to parent.. almost peed my pants here.

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