

Tel Aviv

Die Hard 2

Boy isn't this movie the perfect example of 90s overly stupid and exaggerated action pieces! Didn't age well for me this one.

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Independence Day: Resurgence

Shout by stormsm

And another comment w/ spoilers -

  1. Why the hell did the queen leave the mothership? She has the largest fcking weapon ever, its almost bigger than earth, and she goes alone! the most important individual runs off to the front line !! Thats the dumbest military move someone has ever made.
    (Don't tell me the ship had to drill. they could have done it after they got that tennis ball).

  2. And if you, the Queen, already decided to leave- why the fck do you care about a stupid school bus?!?!?! chasing it for 2 hours!!?? Just go and do what you came to do !! damn that's stupid..
    (And if you already took the bait - get the hell out of there!)

Good for you W. Smith not joining this LoL of a movie (even though it's coz they didn't offer you enough money, and not coz of creative differences).

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Uncut Gems

I feel kind of cheated watching that movie. It's kinda useless and exhausting and I think the end isn't worth the trip.
I didn't like the beginning and middle of movie but kept watching to see the end. If you also find yourself in this position, simply stop watching.
I'm not recommending.

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Independence Day: Resurgence

This movie will be enjoyed best by 13-16 year old boys. Its a children's movie.
Its 100m$ on CGI and 1000$ on script and story. You can guess the whole movie from the first 5 minutes, it has all the worst used up cliche's in the book.
The first movie made much more sense from the actions the characters took. Here, they're all idiots (humans and aliens).

If you choose to watch it, expect only normal level of GFX and nothing else. If you're looking for gripping storytale - move along sir, nothing to see here.

barely 5/10.

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I kinda have a problem with this movie. It's fine entertainment, but nothing as it tries to make itself be.

The movie comes off as a "different kind of superhero movie", when actually, when it come down it - it's just the same: guy, *.some_accident, superpower, mask, girl, save girl as girlfriend, kill villain. The only difference is that it's rated R now, which is better then suck-up movies such Iron Man, Cpt. America, etc.

If it was really different, this boring scheme of a plot should have changed entirely. The "Just add F*cks !" startup doesn't cut it for me.

As I reached my 30's, I've now out grown superhero movies. I though this might be different, but it came up short.

If you're bored of the superhero genre - don't bother watching it. Doesn't live up to the hype.
Plain 6/10.

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London Has Fallen

This is an OK minus action film. Gerrad kills lots of bad guys, never hurts himself. Feels kinda like Call of Duty and some fun action scenes.

However, the movie has no climax point or peak and when its over, you feel greatly unsatisfied.
The CGI is poorly made. Aaron Ackhart has about 10 lines..

Like really bad sex.

6/10 low priority on your watch list.

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
  • this refers to Ultimate Edition *

I honestly didn't understand this movie.
Batman has some feud with Super, just cause he's an alien, and also he's pissed off on the rest of the world.
This causes him to take revenge on everything, including said SM, with all hell a against him.

As you know, at some point they make up - for the stupidest reason ever!!! - and turn on the mighty Lex.

Affleck's acting wasn't as bad as they say - it's he's character that lacked proper motivation for it's doings, and relatively not so many lines.

Jesse Isenberg did quite a good job with the material he got, so thumb up here.

The rest - fine.

Over all - many things about nothing. Ult edition is too long.

Fine. 6/10.

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Star Trek Beyond

Honestly I'm a bit disappointed in the movie. Sure, you get state-of-the-art gfx (but we wouldn't expect less, so no surprise here), and I love Zach's Spock and the other, but I didn't feel anything special watching this. It was all... pretty expected and with nothing new.

I'm sure the real trekkies will adore this, as it delivers what should be delivered, but for me, I didn't find the interest I was looking (and hoping) for.

Of this series, I loved Star Trek (2009) best, as it had actual character development and many interactions between them.

6.5/10 for me, so voted 6.

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

This movie has a little bit of many things, and a whole lot of nothing. When you finish watching it, you realize nothing was accomplished, and as expected, it's just a setup for them to make tons of movie for the 28 or so move movies to follow.

Its a nice one. You wouldn't want to watch it again. Just don't pay to see it.

BTW. They say the name Credence no less than 27 times ! which is tooo much for this dumb character! That pissed me off so much, just STFU with saying his name already!

!! some spoilers from here !!
01:40:03,957 --> 01:40:05,250

01:40:05,668 --> 01:40:07,127
Credence, I can help.

01:41:46,685 --> 01:41:47,996
- Bar the area.
- Yes, sir.

01:41:48,020 --> 01:41:49,460
I don't want anyone else down there.

01:42:02,242 --> 01:42:03,410

01:42:06,371 --> 01:42:08,123
It is Credence, isn't it?

01:42:11,210 --> 01:42:13,545
I'm here to help you, Credence.

01:42:14,546 --> 01:42:16,799
I'm not here to hurt you.

01:42:36,401 --> 01:42:39,071
I've met someone just like you, Credence.


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Useless movie
( nothing to add)

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The Vanishing

I stopped watching after 75% of the movie - i completely lost interest in the movie.

Then I came here and saw that others feels exactly like me - The first half is charming with the scenary, bleek atmosphere and somewhat of suspence, but after some events occur in the story, everything start to mess up and it simply wasn't worth following up :)

So I leave it like that, i'm taking the others' advice and i'm now going to sleep.

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Guns Akimbo

Man this dumb movie has so many movie studios titles logos at beginning of movie!!
I felt like Peter Griffin right here

Saban you're such a piece of drek.

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Code 8

This was surprisingly decent! Not too good but I don't regret watching it.

Cop scenes were bad! Good cop/bad cop routine felt like a cartoon parody. Also, they didn't change their t-shirts the entire film xD

Well we're stuck at home and can't leave so I guess watch it..

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It's not a thriller at all. Pace is quite steady and monotone, it's not an action movie. I kept waiting for something to happen but it didn't happen.

I'd best describe it as a family drama with some relation to drugs.
It's wasn't bad but I didn't actually enjoy it very much.

Somewhat recommend if you like drama and looking for a smooth, steady sailing with some bumps.

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The Guest

Its just an OK teen flick movie.
Started nice, but went weird and somewhat unbelievable towards the end.
It got Certified Fresh on RT, which is why i watched this. I'm sure its a bug, dont expect anything special.

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Yes Day

I'm saying this as an adult: this movie should be classified as Horror/Sci Fi..
I was terrified seeing this movie, seeing 100k damage to car and home, seeing a kid say "You're right" to parent.. almost peed my pants here.

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The movie peaks at mid at 7/10 max but at the third act and finale it crushed and burned to a lazy, cliche lame ending, finishing at 4/10.
I'd recommend NOT watching it.

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I deeply appreciated the cinematography, gfx, scenery and production value, considering the budget. I never think that these money things make a movie. The actors are fine and the story of the world is acceptable.
However, the story never actually did an impact on me and when the movie ended i didn't feel like i took anything of it with me. Kind'a feels not-memorable..
And I really hoped to enjoy it more than I did!

Recommended to Sci Fi fans who like it different.

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Can You Keep a Secret?

For some reason all men are gay in this film :thinking:

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The Tomorrow War

This movie is quite a mess. It starts like Starship Troopers and then makes some very rediciolus choices and becomes Alien VS Predator..
Overall watchable, but it's not good. And it's too long for itself.

they managed to create more toxins somehow but had no support for their trip so they flew by themselves all the way to fkn Siberia and crashed the plane on the snow! OK!! And thank God they had that school kid to save the world...
Btw Hollywood over compensation: all actors accept leads are Black.. why not just make it natural..

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Sand Castle

While this movie has great production value, good talent and the plot synopsis promisee great potential, the movie is overall underwhelming and did not make an impact on me. I'm a huge fan on war films genre, but this one is quite forgettable unfortunately.

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this is a normal movie in no way. the story is not straight forward and i went online afterwards to read what it was about. it's all metaphorical and ideas, and not a plot like we are used to. it's in the genre of The Fountain, Tree of Life, Knight of Cups, etc.

Its really a love it or hate it film. If you're just into casual watching - don't watch this one.

I didn't like it.

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Money Monster

This movie is my perfect score of 7: it's somewhat entertaining so I don't regret watching it, but this review is the last time I will indulge in the movie and defiantly would not watch it again.

It does not offer any memorable nothing: the acting, directing, camera work is fine. The story is OK (many holes but whatever) and doesn't bite into anything. Not painful though, just somewhat entertaining.

You can put this movie on your list, but play it on some LaZy weekday evening but don't reserve your prime time slot for this.

Just for reference: my genre's 10 and 9 are The Big Short and The Wolf of Wall Street.


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Patriots Day

I just kept thinking what if every city bombing would get a Berg/Whalberg Hollywood movie.

Good piece. Well paced, believable and emotional. The 2 Bergs make a great team.

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The Shallows

I had no expectations but the movie was surprisingly nice! i believed the girl and what happened on screen. watch it casually, don't free up your time for it.

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The movie is very beautiful and high quality - everything looks real and believable, and acting is first class as you can expect from Christian Bale. However it feels very long and the pace is extremely slow that it made me fall asleep and I had to continue watching the next day.
Its a depressing film and overall, though I appreciate it very much, I can't say i enjoyed it and I just wanted it to be over.

I'm giving it 7, though it deserves 8, but I'm actually not recommending it.

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Extraction 2

While this installment packs lots of action, the first one was better. And I expect the third one to be much worst as they'll turn this film to some sh*tty Marvel style franchise

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Cold Pursuit

It's not a "good" movie but it's very nice and quite easy for an action movie. Also, not very much action here, so lite on that too.
Good for easy Neeson fans. Don't expect much of it and won't be disappointed.

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The Beekeeper

Old guys killing millennials, what's not to love?

So basically nowadays if you're currently employed as a Bee keeper/Brick Layer/Pancake Flipper that automatically means you're an ex CIA employee.
Seems they don't have the best retiree plans...

That FBI woman was the worst she should have died

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War Dogs

This movie will Deja-Vu you straight to The Wolf of Wall Street. You'll get the same feeling of money, power, drugs and recklessness, and a fine amount of Jonah Hill. Difference is that here Jonah takes the lead, instead of being Leo's co-pilot.

So take a bowl full of "The Wolf", add a cup of "Lord of War" and just a curt of Hangover's Bradly Cooper, and you'll get a nice and entertaining movie. It won't make you think so much like in Wolf or War, but it tastes good enough. Though don't expect the gourmet of Martin Scorsese.

But surely you will lick your spoon thanks to Ana de Armas.

I recommend this one if you liked said movies, and you have a free night. an even 7.5/10 .

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