

Tel Aviv

White Tiger

Its a nice movie if you're into WW2 and/or Tanks. A bit weird though.
Someone uploaded it entirely to Youtube with Eng subs, look it up.
Or if you know the game, it's like: World of Tanks: The Movie ! xD

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I deeply appreciated the cinematography, gfx, scenery and production value, considering the budget. I never think that these money things make a movie. The actors are fine and the story of the world is acceptable.
However, the story never actually did an impact on me and when the movie ended i didn't feel like i took anything of it with me. Kind'a feels not-memorable..
And I really hoped to enjoy it more than I did!

Recommended to Sci Fi fans who like it different.

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El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie

Boy did Jesse Plemons got phat xD

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

I'm sorry but I just don't get it.
Nothing happens in the entire film. You could easily edit it to 10 slow minutes and experience everything, so I guess the 2:40 hrs is the joke on viewer's account.

You'll enjoy it best by leaving it on to play on your TV while you're folding laundry, washing dishes etc.
Don't sit down and watch.

I gonna call here that the king is naked.

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Can You Keep a Secret?

For some reason all men are gay in this film :thinking:

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Uncut Gems

I feel kind of cheated watching that movie. It's kinda useless and exhausting and I think the end isn't worth the trip.
I didn't like the beginning and middle of movie but kept watching to see the end. If you also find yourself in this position, simply stop watching.
I'm not recommending.

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How relevant has this movie has become now eh?? After watching it again now (first time on release date), man this is almost exactly what's going on out there!

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Guns Akimbo

Man this dumb movie has so many movie studios titles logos at beginning of movie!!
I felt like Peter Griffin right here

Saban you're such a piece of drek.

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This movie is like a bad copycat version of Doom (the game, the movie), with teenage like soldiers and doctors (?), ridicules dialog and acting school level of acting.
Production is surprisingly not so bad!
No need to watch this.

It was running in the background for me i wasn't seriously watching it god forbid.

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Declared at 2015, Stalled since 2016. Probably this won't see the light of day.

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Code 8

This was surprisingly decent! Not too good but I don't regret watching it.

Cop scenes were bad! Good cop/bad cop routine felt like a cartoon parody. Also, they didn't change their t-shirts the entire film xD

Well we're stuck at home and can't leave so I guess watch it..

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I am one to dislike action movies. Too much unrealistic fighting, invincible hero, and flying cars for me.

But this is different.
It's raw, brutal, angry. Beautifuly coreographed. Fights are as real as they can get in a movie, and feel like Liam Neeson in our beloved Taken (1 of course). Hemsworth is excellent.

I didn't like 6 Underground BS movie, I don't watch Jason Statham, and can't stand Michael Bay (accept Bengahzi actually) and any DC/Marvel crap. But I loved this.

Highly recommended.

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It's not a thriller at all. Pace is quite steady and monotone, it's not an action movie. I kept waiting for something to happen but it didn't happen.

I'd best describe it as a family drama with some relation to drugs.
It's wasn't bad but I didn't actually enjoy it very much.

Somewhat recommend if you like drama and looking for a smooth, steady sailing with some bumps.

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The Man from Earth

Beautiful and unique movie. Amazing what can be done with just a bunch of people, couch, fireplace, and of course, a great story to top it all. No BS special effects and stunts what so ever.

I went into it reading only the description, and loved it. It went by very quickly. Give it at least 15 minutes. If you're still watching, hand yourself the gift of watching it all the way through.

Very Recommend to those who like a good story with lots of imagination, and don't care about fancy CGI.

Great job.

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That's the worst, lowest, worst security "max security" prison ever from all max security prisons!

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This is a very very weird weird movie. Maybe like The Gift if u seen it.
I kept watching hoping the ending would be worth it.
It wasn't. It kept getting weirder and ended like you expected it.
If you're watching, watch on x2 speed. You'll miss nothing.

Not recommend at all.

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The Guest

Its just an OK teen flick movie.
Started nice, but went weird and somewhat unbelievable towards the end.
It got Certified Fresh on RT, which is why i watched this. I'm sure its a bug, dont expect anything special.

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Jerry Seinfeld: 23 Hours to Kill

Really bad. Same routine of the last 10-15 years, nothing new. Jokes about when he was in the 60's , joke about cellphones when they came out 15 years ago.
Man I love that U knew when to retire. Do it again.

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A Million Ways to Die in the West

As a movie of course it's not the best. But it's a must for any Seth mcfarland fan. There were some internal jokes and references that really warmed up up seeing!
Of course NPH is great, Charlize Theron is charming and so many guest cameos that make it such a fun watch!

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Black Beach

This movie should deserve a better score than what it has. If only you'd knew how true it is in the country this movie is based on... It really is like that in real life.
Look up that country.
Anyway nice action thriller.

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Special Correspondents

its a very light movie with some chuckles. dont expect anything special but if you like Gervais, you'll probable nod positively to this one. goes down the throat smoothly.

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Yes Day

I'm saying this as an adult: this movie should be classified as Horror/Sci Fi..
I was terrified seeing this movie, seeing 100k damage to car and home, seeing a kid say "You're right" to parent.. almost peed my pants here.

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Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey

It's like long episode of Criminal Minds

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The Tomorrow War

This movie is quite a mess. It starts like Starship Troopers and then makes some very rediciolus choices and becomes Alien VS Predator..
Overall watchable, but it's not good. And it's too long for itself.

they managed to create more toxins somehow but had no support for their trip so they flew by themselves all the way to fkn Siberia and crashed the plane on the snow! OK!! And thank God they had that school kid to save the world...
Btw Hollywood over compensation: all actors accept leads are Black.. why not just make it natural..

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Starship Troopers

Don't you love it that they mastered Interstellar flight and spacecraft but still use outdated, absolutely useless, 1500 years old tech bullet-based rifles? Hehe

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A Quiet Place Part II

I really feel that the events in this movie weren't enough to fill an entire movie. It should have been 1 or 2 episodes in a series. Doesn't feel like the characters had a major achievement or progress to justify an entire movie which takes such a long time to produce...

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Uhhhh such a waste of time I can't believe it!!!!!! Of u must watch it do it on double speed or just scroll right through!! I'm so bummed I saw the entirety of this!! :sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Ohh such an expensive piece of crap this is
(Obviously financed by that shit Chinese company) masterfully created by Emmerich, king of flops.
If plot holes disturb you, be aware! Your OCD will scream while watching this.
I guess also Oscar winners such Hally Barry have to pay the bills..
Easily one of the stupidest movies you'll ever watch.

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The hotel scene is hands down my favorite scene:

"Hey man, the world is crashing down and everything is flooded, so let's put on our Pajamas and get a relaxing, good night's sleep! Don't worry, if some choppers will urgently and surprisingly need us, they'll know where to get us from as I updated our current living address on Facebook"

XD :joy::joy::joy:

2nd best part:
"Yes of course we can launch this 40 year old space shuttle in 28 minutes. After all, we're 3 people and I only need to call my parents until the launch!"

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just think how badly they all smelled right there at the ending scene ;) xD

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