N'Delamiko Bey



Marvel's Daredevil: Season 1

That was bangerang! What a taut, well produced season. Engaging from start to finish. Excellent writing, acting, fight sequences... I really enjoyed this show.

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The OA: Season 1
Game of Thrones: Season 8

It didn’t make me weep for the last twenty minutes like the second half of BSG’s “Daybreak”, in fact I only teared up when The Starks broke up on the dock. However, nothing compares to BSG for me... nothing.

The writing on this show started to deteriorate the further away it went from the source. I don’t think that’s the fault of the show, but George Martin. Even with him informing the major plot points, it’s clear that his nuances went missing almost as soon as they left his established world’s defining moments.

The show runners and writers did the best they could and it shows.

But as TV goes I’m fine with the way it all ended. It all seemed appropriate.

Reading responses to this entire season, and the finale, there is no way a good handful of people would have been satisfied with the way it ended... but it’s a good story told with a satisfying ending.


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