N'Delamiko Bey



Westworld: 2x05 Akane No Mai

Is it just me, or is Dolores becoming more and more annoying with each episode?
Maeve, on the other hand, has my entire heart.

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@raichuuu Heartless is the word I would use for Delores this season. Maeve always had my heart...

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 2x01 Soul Brother #1

These faux Jamaicans are an affront to real Jamaicans everywhere. Is Netflix really saying they couldn't find one anywhere to play the role?

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@sicarius13 I agree entirely. In this day and age where diversity is being sought out, what a cop out to have such whack ass accents when the real thing is available. Affrontery indeed!

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Outlander: 3x13 Eye of the Storm

I've just got around to watching the finale, and as a practitioner of the ATRS, it is incumbent upon to register my disappointment in the production team and @RonDMoore for producing this racist shit for television.

There are any number of ways they could have portrayed the African Traditional Religions, however they chose Hollywood's white washed view of MY religious traditions, instead of anything like historical accuracy, or for that matter anything congruent with truth.

There are any number of practitioners that could have advised them, but they chose to prey upon the traditional view of Europeans towards African religions instead of treating it with respect. I am so disappointed in their handling of this portion of the story, it's my lowest rated episode of this show, ever.

And after three seasons, I find myself questioning this show's integrity. Just to be clear: the kind of hodgepodge shit that you portrayed on screen borrowed from several traditions and did not portray any of them fairly or accurately.

#disappointedasfuck in all of them. The ATRs are not some hodgepodge you can borrow from to colour your story without committing to accuracy. How could they get it so wrong in 2017?

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@hdfan Thank you for mansplaining and whitesplaing that for me.

I know you and 'nobody care', however you don't control what observations I make and or valid complaints I lodge in the Internet ether.

Which makes your comment vapid at best and unnecessary (dismissive and racist as well) at worst.

I am somebody. And I actually give a fuck, you can't dismiss my life experience because 'it was a great finale'.

I mean you can, but you really can't.

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Game of Thrones: 7x07 The Dragon and the Wolf

I really hope this episode doesn't get leaked.

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@lilycollins I really hope it does...

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His Dark Materials: 1x01 Lyra's Jordan

I'm cautiously optimistic based on this first episode. It seems faithful to the book and I really like the cast.

I felt like maybe there was too much awkward exposition up front and yet I still feel like I would be pretty lost if I didn't already know the story.

Were there helicopters in the book? I don't remember that and it seemed out of place with the 1920s technology feel of the rest of the world. Also, it felt like only the main characters had daemons with none in the background.

But, there were also moments here where I was completely entranced by the story being told. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

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@lefthandedguitarist Yes there were 'helicopters'... called 'ornithopters'.

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Snow White with the Red Hair: 1x10 Inexperienced Heart, Going Deeper

Wasn't particularly interested by the main story about the bird people, but ZOMG a kiss at the end? Progress? In my shoujo?

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You made me laugh out loud. :joy::joy:

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x01 That Hope Is You (1)

Michael Burnam on truth serum gas is my everything...

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@dewdropvelvet I cackled and am still cackling after dozens of rewatches.

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Harlots: 3x04 Episode 4

I almost feel sorry for Isaac Pincher.

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@bouncyeyeball Almost... he looks to be going off the deeper end of things.

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Sense8: 2x12 Amor Vincit Omnia

This was a great wrap up of this show. And someone needs to write Kala-Rajan-Wolfgang fanfic immediately

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@tiriltronic I agree about the fanfic. That was a nice twist.

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Outlander: 2x07 Faith

The king is a two pump chump.

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@dfabro LMFAO!!! You nuh lie!!!

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Battlestar Galactica: 4x20 Daybreak (2)

This episode still makes me cry.

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@phunkie I think them going their way is a beautiful way to end the story... I cried because it was goodbye for them. They didn't get to earth to be together... but to be at peace. Daybreak 1 & 2 are our final insights into these characters and firm goodbyes, and it always makes me cry.

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Westworld: 1x06 The Adversary

Did anybody else spot the Yul Brynner-Gunslinger cameo? Awesome!

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@reindertot YASSSS!!! I cackled! Loved it!

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 8x02 Bitch Perfect

I fall more and more in love with Kim Chi at every episode, but I had to say I really could have slapped Acid Betty at some point there. Thorgy was great and I'm surprised she didn't win, because I loved her performance and look both! I really disliked Laila, not impressed with Dax, looooooved Naomi's runway, and I don't think Acid Betty's nice looks can make up for her awful personality at all, but at least she tries. Gigi is an amazing dancer, but her runway was sooo boring... a little sad, really. The others. eh, just disappeared to the background.
As for the elimination: truly, is anyone even surprised? If you can't lipsync I Will Survive, your gay/drag subscription needs to be revoked ASAP.

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Girl, you ain't ever lied!

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