Robin Hood

Shout by Vineri13

ok, if little John is played by a black actor then Nelson Mandela could be played by a white actor, in the name of equality.

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@vineri131 Your history might be a little stilted mate... there have been 'black' people in Britain since... well the beginning. But insist on your white version of history... de Nile is a river in Africa.

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The Matrix Resurrections

I guess the Wachowskis just wanted to make an unofficial Sense8 reunion

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Just Lana, and I thoroughly enjoyed that part.

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What Happened to Monday

So, this Bureau could kill anyone, anytime, without any explanation or civil outcry? This fact alone bothered me more then the 7 identical twin thing.

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@vikdean Seven identical twins are fourteen people. #IJS

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Pretty Woman

I never ever grow tired of this movie. I'm pretty sure I've watched it now maybe fives times! Love it!

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@misplacedhippie I've watched it dozens of times over the years... and I watched it in the cinema when it was released! Owned it on all media for decades chile...

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Pretty Woman

How to make a hoe a housewife.. part 1: Hunting and Escaping

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@mr-sackamano *** cackling ** At least he had a house, a pot to piss in etc.

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