

California, USA

Gotham: 4x10 A Dark Knight: Things That Go Boom
Arrow: 6x04 Reversal

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2017-11-19T02:45:24Z— updated 2017-12-09T20:07:30Z

Although I liked the episode otherwise, that whole Internet Vault thing was absolute crap. The beginning of the team's discovery and explanation of the Evil Plan sounded sort of okay at first, sounding like it was heading toward some sort of widespread DNS hack (which could indeed have paralyzed much of how the Internet is used), but then... only three? in one single (and conveniently local) "vault"? for the entire Internet? C'mon writers, we all know that you're capable of much better than that.

Fun episode, otherwise, but given that it all depends on that crappy core...

Okay, well, we did get to see Oliver nicely running the Overwatch station; that was pretty cool. He certainly has the tactical abilities to run that sort of coordination, and throw in that quick "well, you've automated so much of the tech that anyone could do it" explanation and we're good, right? Well, a lot better than that those "Internet Vault" crap.

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Chuck: 1x07 Chuck Versus the Alma Mater

The momentary reference to the 1985 movie "Gotcha!" was a nice touch.

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Marvel's Cloak & Dagger: 2x10 Level Up

So, I mostly liked this finale (and season), but...

Some of this episode's personal-demons confrontations felt a bit blunt, although it's difficult to do this sort of thing without it feeling blunt. And this season's villain is all about surfacing your painful memories to the point of despair. So... okay.

More of an issue for me was how many transitions into and between those confrontations, seemingly at Andre's all-powerful whim, felt so arbitrary and discontinuous. Fleshing out the cause-and-effect connections of those power-flexes and transitions could have produced a much stronger result.

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In the Dark: 4x13 Please Shine Down on Me

The whole time, I was thinking that one call to Gene and/or Sara expressing concern that the call warning Jimmy about the sting might have come from Josh (which Gene or Sara could then easily find out), and just sit back and let Josh experience the same arrest-and-trial and blind-jail-prisoner hell he was so determined to see Murphy get. Much easier, much more poetically appropriate.

But instead...

Not at all what we all wanted for Murphy or Felix, after everything they've been through, especially once someone finds Josh and fingerprints the big knife right nearby (or did she pick that up on her way out?).

Pretzel deserves better.

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The Flash: 9x13 A New World (4)

It was a nice goodbye.
A somewhat weak action/conflict episode, with multiple super-bads (some of whom individually once stymied the team for most of a season) defeated far more quickly and easily than they ever were or should have been.
But at least it included a fairly nice goodbye; better than some.

Edit: Turns out there're other reasons for at least some of this last season's choppy abbreviated feel: :disappointed:

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Willow: 1x02 The High Aldwin

So far, I'm really liking pretty much all of the characters and the actors' renditions of those characters.

The story is... okay.

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Naomi: 1x03 Zero to Sixty
Stargirl: 3x03 Frenemies - Chapter Three: The Blackmail

Does anyone else think that something is distinctly wrong with Sylvester? (Beyond his ridiculously reckless destructive behavior; like something's wrong with him causing this behavior.) I have to wonder if, when he "came back" in his coffin (as he explained in episode 3x01), he came back a little incomplete. (He's reminding me just a little of Harold Meachum from Iron Fist.)

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Stargirl: 3x03 Frenemies - Chapter Three: The Blackmail

I'm finding it interesting that Courtney, Nebraska's Conclusion-Jumping Champion of Seasons 1 and 2, is now the one [finally] practicing extreme caution about suspecting or condemning any one in particular.

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The Flash: 8x18 The Man in the Yellow Tie

Mmmm. Errr. Gaak.

Honestly, I really liked the basic idea of the primary story here: Eobard's second-chance return (perhaps earned for that end in Legends) sans most of his memories leaving little more than the Speed Force source designs to drive him but unaware of its "negative" aspect, etc., etc., etc. This storyline alone could easily have fueled a good solid movie. And that's my problem: it should have been a movie, or at least 2-3 episodes, to give it enough room to flesh out and breathe. Jamming it all into one episode this like required simplifying and shortcutting too much of it, leaving it feeling choppy and... well... shortcutted.

A good idea quickly rushed together half-baked yields an okayish result that could have been so much better.

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The Flash: 8x13 Death Falls

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-06-30T23:31:51Z— updated 2023-01-09T00:11:26Z

Warning: Minor naming gripe.

Hell Storm? Really? I could see that as something flip that Frost might say, or maybe if Constantine was involved, but... uhhh...

Given the trail so far, from Firestorm to Deathstorm to... Icestorm?

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The Flash: 8x11 Resurrection

This was another one of those episodes in which I did really like the high-level storyline, but was frustrated by the excessively sloppy/clumsy execution of so many of its pieces. (I get the feeling that Khwalah's probably right about it being at least partially a direction problem.) In any case... sigh. This could have been really good.

High-level story progression: 8/10.
Detailed execution: 5/10.

And why does Deathstorm (in his reveal-pose at the end) look a bit like a big flaming Dammit Doll? Hopefully, that'll improve, too.

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The Flash: 7x18 Heart of the Matter (2)

That they can each mold their lightning power into the creation of a big lightning-sword? Okay, weird, but kinda cool.
That that somehow suddenly makes them all swordsmanship experts? WTF? No.

This episode was the usual-of-late The Flash mix of fairly well-executed moments and really poorly-executed moments, but that one... what the... I just... Sigh.

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Supergirl: 5x12 Back from the Future (2)

So, lots o' fun stuff and a few bits of nefarious Lex-plot advancement, but a few serious gripes as well:

Why do the heroes always have to pause their frantically imperative rush to solve the crisis to have a deep heartfelt personal-life discussion? It was a good discussion, but... uh... there's a deadly battle going on upstairs and a wild timebomb ticking in those servers, guys; can we have this talk later?

Just about every DEO-agents-vs-hijacked-tech fight scene was utterly ridiculous. Super-advanced and deadly tech that apparently couldn't hit the side of a Sandcrawler, mad energy-bolt crossfire-chaos that somehow never manages to hit anything... C'mon, writers. I know you can formulate a scene where the super-tech poses a realistic deadly tech and is realistically and heroically fought off. Why the crazy-sloppy theatrics?


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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x02 Meet the Legends

Hologram of Zari Tomaz: Help me, Nathan Heywood. You're my only hope. [vanishes]
Nathan Heywood: Wait a minute. Where'd she go? Bring her back! Play back the entire message!
Gideon: What message?
Ray Palmer: That was so COOL!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x02 Meet the Legends

Okay, I think I get what they were doing, sort of following and wrapping up on the Legends worldwide exposure at Heyworld. And, it's Legends, so there's gonna be some wacky to it. But... uh... That was pushing even the Legends' capacity for making timey-wimey wacky work.

I do like how their movie-panel at the end called out everything that was wacky about this adventure (cough), although the effectiveness with which they seemed to achieve their nothing-to-see-here back-to-normal-ness was a bit... simple.

IAC, some good stuff sprinkled about. Meeting Behrad. A bit of Sara's Crisis after-effects. A hint of the soul-chit madness to come. Not really enough (IMO) to make this episode's wackiness factor flow together as well as it sometimes does with the Legends, but... Hoping that the season to come finds the feet that this episode seems to have stumbled off of.

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Stitchers: 3x01 Out of the Shadows

Fun, and good to see the gang back, but...

Did it feel like a rather lot was resolved awfully quickly and simply? Almost feels like the writers changed their minds about where they wanted to go between the end of season two and the beginning of season three, and so [a little too] quickly wiped things clean so as to redirect. Maybe not, maybe it's just plain old sloppy writing. Either way, hope the season's plot improves from there...

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Batwoman: 3x07 Pick Your Poison

Again, some good stuff and some seriously lazy-writing bits.

Such as: That's not how CEO transitions work at all; like an "acting CEO" (which made no sense here to begin with) would have the authority to sign her job over to someone else without the approval of the company's board (which was threatening to fire her a few episodes ago) like that. But if it makes a story advancement easier for lazy writers...

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The Flash: 9x06 The Good, the Bad and the Lucky

I like seeing occasional episodes that focus on various other characters, but this...

This felt like the writers took a genuinely interesting story-concept idea and tossed together some quick and sloppy story around it. There were some good bits in there, but most of it was... disappointing.

I was actually encouraged by the first four episodes of this season; still not as good as Superman & Lois, but certainly easily better than much of The Flash's recent seasons. Then... sigh.

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Supergirl: 6x20 Kara

While it was nice seeing everyone return to help save the day, it would have been so much nicer if those appearances had been given real substance and felt less like shallow tokens.

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Stargirl: 2x02 Summer School: Chapter Two

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2021-08-24T03:42:31Z— updated 2021-08-28T21:02:46Z

I don't know. I'm kind of all over the place on this one.

7 (good) bits: End scene with Cindy and Bobbie and Eclipso, maybe the bits with Richard and Pat, and maybe Rick's DoorDashing.
6 (fair) bits: Most parts with Jenny.
5 (meh) bits: Most parts with Courtney.
4 (poor) bits: Huge green flares (and a new crater) in the park in the middle of town and no one notices.


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The Boys Presents: Diabolical: 1x05 BFFS

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2023-08-19T02:20:18Z— updated 2023-08-21T04:04:28Z

Freaky flashbacks to the Golgothan (a. k. a., The Excremental), if a little less visually gross.

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The Boys Presents: Diabolical: 1x05 BFFS

The bathroom "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I was just here taking a sh*t" moment was weirdly pretty damn funny.

Pretty much the rest of it was a whole lotta WTF?

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The Flash: 8x10 Reckless
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x04 Bay of Squids

I know I've said before that this show can be at its best when it goes all-in timey-wimey wacko, but this wasn't it. This was far more farcical than anything else—from candied Fidel to pointless football—and so much of it just made no sense whatsoever, including Eva handing the Waverider and mission over solely to Mick (while the rest of the crew will now do... what?). There were some fun and funny moments, but not enough of them to make up for the Bay of Farce that was the rest.

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Arrow: 7x10 My Name Is Emiko Queen

The whole Emiko Queen storyline direction is interesting, if perhaps feeling a bit recycled—albeit fairly consistent with the comics origin of that name, so... okay.

That new direction's execution (acting, direction, scene blocking) in this episode—especially around Emiko herself—however, was consistently terrible, as though the directors/producers just didn't care about the experience this time around.

Sigh. And hope...

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Blindspot: 3x09 Hot Burning Flames

I was starting to get a little encouraged by slow improvement over the last few episodes. The few two episodes of this season were far too rough, chopped together, sloppy. The last two were actually pretty decent, IMO. But this one was far too rough, chopped together, sloppy... Sigh.

Too much of Season Three so far is looking like a caricature of the first two seasons.

I heard that NBC has ordered a Season Four of Blindspot. Does that mean that Season Three does get significantly better somewhere along the way, or have NBC (who has never really been shy about canceling even good shows) dropped its expectations a bit much?

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Stitchers: 3x09 Kill It Forward
Supergirl: 6x19 The Last Gauntlet

So much of this episode (including that panoramic battle sequence) had so much potential to build and be the climactic sendoff of the series. However, so much careless lazy clumsiness in the design of its details wasted so much of that potential that the result... Sigh.

I think the only part that I actually liked was Esme grabbing the All Stone and throwing it down to break it in three. Besides that Esme may have been the best acted in this episode (and the moments featuring her generally being the better ones), that one move reflected some of how I felt about most of the episode as a whole.

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