

Los Angeles, California

The Concorde... Airport '79

An embarrassment and a waste... much like the Concorde itself.

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Black Rain

I want to like this one so much. It's very flawed, but there's a lot of good here. It looks great, the culture clash aspect works well, the performances are great, but the story is just too weak. It should be a classic, but I can only really give it a strong 7.

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Airport '77

Some cool late '70s tech on display in this one. That weird era where everything was woodgrain. Woodgrain TVs, woodgrain pong machines, woodgrain stereos... The movie itself? Eh, it's another Airport flick who cares.

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Women in Fury

Pretty well made for what is essentially just a lesbo-sleaze flick.

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Noah's Ark

Being incomplete makes it a bit hard to fairly judge, but what remains is a disjointed and heavy-handed mess, albeit with a fair degree of competent filmmaking and classy spectacle.

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Night Has a Thousand Eyes

Well put together psych-noir. Edward G. Robinson is great as always.

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Strike Commando 2

Big step down from the first one. Sort of a take off of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Has its moments, but mostly poor.

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Ryan's Daughter

A step down from Lean's previous work, especially plotwise. A married Irish woman having an affair with a British soldier isn't exactly something that warrants much empathy from an audience. Still, it kept me engaged, and for a film of its length (longer than Doctor Zhivago!) that's saying something.

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That scene where Hitler and Speer are looking over the model of Berlin... soulcrushing.

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Transporter 2

Every major actor in this flick speaks fluent english. So that's an improvement, I guess.

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The Transporter

Whoever scored this flick must have a dent in their head. Lackadaisical techno for high paced action scenes? What were they thinking?

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The Matrix Revolutions

Where the 2nd Matrix film benefited from leaning into the goofy, video game-style action, in this one that all works to its detriment. A surprisingly boring movie considering how action-packed it is.

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The final line made me laugh harder than I've laughed at anything for as long as I can remember.

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La Roue

I suppose it can be a bit of a patience tester, but this is really a lovely film. Captures the human spirit as well as anything.

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The Matrix

I guess it's OK? First act was a lot better than the 2nd and 3rd. Action scenes were just kinda lame. The bullet time and black trench coats were really more cringe worthy than anything. Reminds me a bit of the fourth Alien movie.

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Troma's War

One of Troma's more impressive productions. Good fun.

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Game of Death II

I don't even really think of this as a Lee movie, but he's in it so much it's hard to get past that. The fight scenes are still pretty good, though not very "Lee-like". The fight in the nightclub where "Bruce Lee" kicks out the light was pretty slick, and somewhat smart given the circumstances.

I don't hate this one like a lot of people do, but it's very, very flawed and would have been better if it just didn't have "Bruce Lee" in it.

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How Not to Make a Movie

Probably my favorite thing RLM ever made. Brings me back to my childhood and teenage years making schlock in my parents' backyard. Good shit.

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3 from Hell

I guess I'm glad it exists. There were some alright moments, the raid sequence set to In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida was pretty slick. In general though, I just didn't love it. At the absolute best I would describe it as "more of the same", but it really isn't the same. It's a lot less.

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Game of Death

An incredibly flawed movie, but when it's good it's great. Some of the highest highs of any Bruce Lee flick, but some of the lowest lows as well.

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The Satanic Rites of Dracula

Feels like an early '70s TV flick, were it not for the nudity. Probably the weakest of the bunch.

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All Monsters Attack

Bro, this shit fucking sucks.

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A standout early Kurosawa film. I enjoyed this one quite a lot.

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The Idiot

Weaker Kurosawa, but still enjoyable.

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The Warriors

This movie spoke more to me as a lifelong Lakers fan than it did a lifelong crime flick fan. I really found it more goofy than anything, but I had a lot of fun with it.

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First Blood

A perfect action film. Hardly an action movie, really. More of a drama. A perfect dramatic telling of the life and struggle of an American veteran who has returned home. Where the real war is.

If you ever want to explain modern America to somebody, show them this film. It's all you need to understand.

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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Possibly the greatest film ever made.

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Knights of Badassdom

Maybe the worst movie I've ever seen.

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House of Dracula

Really just a strictly worse version of House of Frankenstein. Not bad, but certainly a weak link in the series.

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A Corner in Wheat

Possible influence on Carl Th. Dreyer's Vampyr? I've always thought so.

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