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God's Favorite Idiot: Season 1

16 episodes were planned and only 8 were filmed - im not sure if they'll ever get to the second half, but it's the same ole Falcone and McCarthy schlock; if you like that, then you'll enjoy this otherwise skip it.

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American Horror Story: Season 10

imo - two half baked scripts mashed together into a "double feature" of weak conclusions. the acting in the 2021 alien segments were abysmal for the most part. episodes 1-5 of ptown vampires and the Eisenhower alien segments in the second half were the most watchable/enjoyable.

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Tuca & Bertie: Season 1

push through the first couple of episodes and you'll be truly rewarded with some very meaningful/emotional content

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American Horror Stories: Season 1

i hope they do better with season 2 because this was very weak

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The Devil You Know: Season 1

Pazuzu Algarad story is extremely interesting, but there is a lot of filler to stretch out 5 episodes.

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Agua Donkeys: Season 1

it feels like Napoleon Dynamite with it's deadpan quirk, but the real gags are few and far between

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Schmigadoon!: Season 1

i hate musicals, but the cast was stacked, so i gave it a try and i love it!

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RuPaul's Drag Race: Season 13

Shout by T-TOWN
BlockedParent2021-06-30T18:32:13Z— updated 2021-07-02T15:41:33Z

having a contestant repeatedly call herself a "filler queen" (Joey Jay eliminated E05) isnt just funny meta, but a blatant universal issue of what this show has become.

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Pretty Hard Cases: Season 1

excellent chemistry between Moore and MacNeill

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Good Girls: Season 3

very weak season...some of the storylines have become boring, stale and repetitive. im ready for the girls to move on to new (mis)adventures.

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The Purge: Season 2

season two is probably one of the best outings for The Purge franchise, even though it mostly takes place the 364 days surrounding the big event. the character development, suspense and urgency are all paced wonderfully over 10 episodes - investing in the stories being unfolded for everyone involved, instead of just nameless fillers to beef up the kill count. it's a great watch.

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Central Park: Season 1

Shout by T-TOWN
BlockedParent2020-09-08T18:43:22Z— updated 2020-09-18T20:23:40Z

i feel like this show is going through some growing pains. im willing to follow it into season 2, but i hope it improves. i can see instances of greatness and some episodes are better than others, but it's not as good as i had hoped nor as good as the people involved can do.

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Tigtone: Season 1

enjoyed it - looking forward to season 2

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The Purge: Season 1

The Purge franchise has been hit n miss for me, personally, and this season has been a total letdown.

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YOLO: Season 1

the show is definitely weird and the name is stupid, but surprisingly i enjoyed the entire season. easy binge with only 8 short runtime episodes.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: Season 12

Sherry Pie has been officially disqualified this season! twitter screenshots here https://imgur.com/a/AUfQig0

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Miracle Workers: Season 1

Shout by T-TOWN
BlockedParent2020-02-12T14:22:30Z— updated 2020-09-14T01:07:08Z

stumbled across this show because the network was pushing season 2 so hard with repeated commercials. usually, that would turn me off from watching, but it looked hilarious, so i gave season 1 a try while waiting for Middle Ages to begin. i really enjoyed this show, far more than i expected. it's extremely underrated as an easy 22 minute per episode binge-worthy comedy with a great/interesting cast.

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Riverdale: Season 3

the show has become so convoluted because they refuse to drop ANY storyline - they just slap layer after layer of unresolved barely cohesive drama to pad the 22 episodes. ive stuck around for CHONI, just give them a spin off already, so i can get off this damn ride!

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Catfish: The TV Show: Season 7

this has been an extra terrible season, imo

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Flaked: Season 1

much better then expected, especially, since it's about a bunch of Venice slackers

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My Mad Fat Diary: Season 1

Shout by T-TOWN
BlockedParent2017-01-09T04:47:31Z— updated 2019-06-13T01:33:32Z

season one is so honest it hurts, there is a lot more to this story then teenage angst...and this talented cast makes me care, more then I should about a group of nobodies

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Under the Dome: Season 1

season one was an amazing rollercoaster of fun, but I cannot say that for the next 2 seasons

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Lady Dynamite: Season 1

wtf did i just watch?!?! weird show, but gets better as the season progresses

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