

New York, NY

RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x09 Episode 9

Another great episode! Also, I don’t dislike Tamara, but I think she’s borderline obnoxious. Just a little too extra. Ginger and Michael, on the other hand, are absolute class acts. Excited for the finale.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘V/H/S/85’:

  1. The technology story was so stupid, and basically the worst piece of this collection.

  2. I thought it was cool how they ended one tale, only to bring it back later in another. Didn’t see that coming — and that’s always nice.

  3. One thing that I’ve grown to appreciate with this franchise is that — while there are some hits and maybe even more misses — I’ve noticed a decent amount of originality and out-of-the-box thinking with these stories. Was this chapter mind-blowing? No. But I didn’t feel like my time was wasted.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Wish’:

  1. Gaston officially has a rival for the sexiest Disney villain.

  2. My first major thought is how I don’t understand the disdain this film has been getting. This was a solid Disney story. A touching standalone fairytale, with great characters, gorgeous animation, and those signature Disney tunes. Yeah, there were a lot of Easter eggs. I loved ‘em. This is clearly a love letter to Disney history, to the man himself, and I was moved by it.

  3. “Knowing What I Know Now” is a certified bop. And I was giving ALL the snaps when the queen joined in.

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Black Friday

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Black Friday’:

  1. It’s so unfortunate, because this could have been something really fun, the makings of a holiday horror classic even, but this film was horrifically made. Everything about it — from the writing to the directing to the editing to the scoring — was poorly executed. Sawa deserved better.

  2. So many silly character decisions. For example, how did Bruce Campbell jumping into a pile of seemingly-contained monsters benefit anyone? It didn’t. At all. So silly.

  3. I know we don’t always need a point. We didn’t necessarily need to know the aliens’ motive. We didn’t need to know exactly why they possessed people to surround a mysterious blob with toy products. But MAYBE knowing would’ve made this better.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Thanksgiving’:

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever rooted for a cast of survivors any less. Maybe that was the point. Maybe it’s because these characters just weren’t memorable whatsoever. Maybe it’s because he took time to feed the cat.

  2. This very badly wanted to be the next Scream / I Know What You Did Last Summer. So many parallels.

  3. I’ll give it points for entertaining, over-the-top kills and a unique premise. Points off for a predictable killer reveal.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x06 Dreams in the Witch House

This one started strong and then kinda went off the rails. And the Outlander theme kept throwing me off lol.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x05 Pickman's Model

Somewhere, somehow, I missed the entire point of this story. It all felt very disjointed and fairly meaningless. The time jump offered nothing. The existence of that creature felt purposeless. And the motivation of Pickman was lost on me. Squandered potential amongst gorgeous production value.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x08 Episode 8

That was a fantastic episode! Bummed about who went home tho. I’m sorry, but I think Tamara is a bit overrated.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x01 Lot 36

I didn’t hate this. It was a strong setup, but it felt like it wasn’t given enough time to finish properly. Sufficiently atmospheric and well-acted, but otherwise rushed.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘V/H/S/99’:

  1. I kinda couldn’t wait for it to end.

  2. It all just felt incredibly amateur, more so than any other entry in this franchise. The skeletons in the first couple vignettes were something straight out of a Spirit Halloween. The game show story, while properly evoking 90s Nickelodeon, was otherwise absurd in so many ways. It all just gave a high school project vibe.

  3. The last tale came close to being an original, standout piece, and redeemed the film a smidge, but much of its humor didn’t land and could have never saved the film as a whole.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x07 Episode 7

Kate Butch looked ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. Straight out of an old black and white film. It was perfection. A well deserved win.

One frustration: I don’t understand the praise for Tamara’s ridiculous runway look. I could have made that outfit myself. Completely lacked any imagination whatsoever.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘V/H/S/94’:

  1. Better than the last one for sure, thankfully due to a return to form. Looks like Shudder salvaged this series.

  2. I wish that once, just once, that the wraparound central story wasn’t the worst story. The SWAT thing was silly and the acting was atrocious.

  3. That funeral home tale was particularly creepy, and probably my fave.

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V/H/S: Viral

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘V/H/S: Viral’:

  1. Wow, that was absurd. Where V/H/S/2 improved upon the franchise’s formula, this third entry completely obliterates it. This isn’t a found footage anthology. This is a mess.

  2. That whole party scene, where the dog gets impaled by a fork yet is seemingly unaffected, is particularly and pointlessly ridiculous.

  3. The ONLY thing that showed any semblance of promise was the parallel universe segment. There was an inkling of cohesive creativity there.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘V/H/S/2’:

  1. This sequel took everything that was wrong with the first one and completely fixed it. This is a solid horror anthology worth recommending.

  2. I wish the central story provided more insight into the lore of the tapes, and wasn’t just used as a vehicle to tell the tales. Still, this is a major improvement from the original.

  3. Was there anything especially groundbreaking here? Not really. (Though I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the POV of a zombie before.) But I would say all the stories were equally entertaining, well-acted, and there was a decent variety.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘V/H/S’:

  1. As a fan of found footage films, I was intrigued by the idea of a found footage anthology. But this kinda felt like found footage overload.

  2. It would’ve been nice if the central plot came together and tied up everything a bit more. I thought it was strange to end on yet another story.

  3. The tales themselves were pretty mediocre and suffered from some subpar performances. A couple fairly-surprising twists here and there, even some nifty visuals in the final story, but there was nothing that stood out enough for me to recommend this to another found footage fan.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Cure’:

  1. I’m confused and annoyed.

  2. Mamiya and his stupid questions. Whether integral to the plot or not, it was equivalent to whiny kids in the backseat incessantly repeating “are we there yet?”. It got old very fast.

  3. So much, maybe a bit too much, left up for interpretation. As I struggle to piece together what I just watched, I simultaneously struggle to care. For what it’s worth, I wasn’t bored.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x06 Episode 6

DeDeLicious absolutely destroyed that lip sync. Did not see that coming.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Deadstream’:

  1. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a “live-streaming my night in a haunted house” story, but there is some originality here, mostly found in its solid dose of humor.

  2. My only qualms with the film were a fair amount of predictability and a bit of overacting. I saw a lot coming.

  3. It did get pretty ridiculous, but it worked. It was almost a parody of “found footage” films. Never meant to be taken seriously. Spooky, mindless entertainment.

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Survivor: 45x05 I Don't Want to Be the Worm

That was an incredibly boring episode. Felt like forever before we got to a challenge. And when we finally do, it’s another underwhelming obstacle course.

I’m over the combined reward/immunity challenges. Separate them and give us less talk. I know we wanna get to know our castaways, but these convos are far from compelling, and I miss the creative challenges of yore. Give us tension. Give us something fun to watch.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… take notes from Australian Survivor. They’re getting it right.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x03 Episode 3

Did I watch the same lip sync? Because Cara clearly didn’t know the words.

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Survivor: 45x03 No Man Left Behind

I love that contestants are in the opening credits again.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x01 Episode 1

For many, I couldn’t tell the difference between the first and second looks. Otherwise, great first ep!

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The Stranger

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Stranger’:

  1. What a strange little show. I never felt fully invested in all of this. Probably because it was overloaded with wayyy too many subplots that ended up feeling like a total waste of time.

  2. The theme song is horrendous. Doesn’t match the vibe of this show in any capacity.

  3. Yeah, the ending was shocking… but there was a strong sense that so much was left unexplained.

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Mortal Kombat

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Mortal Kombat’:

  1. I kept waiting for a tournament to happen.

  2. The score was relentless and cheesy. I felt like it tried reeeally hard to compensate for a story that didn’t feel remotely epic or grand. It made me miss the 1995 film.

  3. I wasn’t a fan of the casting. There was a missed opportunity to bring some really iconic and dynamic characters to life. And I don’t think these actors fit the bill to accomplish that mission. The script didn’t help either.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Cube’:

  1. Despite an interesting premise that may have inspired future movies, this is most certainly added to the list of films with annoyingly dissatisfying endings.

  2. If I was meant to despise each and every aspect of the character Quentin, the film succeeded there. I hated every single bug-eyed moment of his stupid pouty face. Simply despicable.

  3. Worth’s role in the cube-making made little sense. One minute he’s saying he knows nothing about it, next he’s telling Holloway when they started putting people in it. In fact, much of the dialogue had little substance or meaning.

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Shallow Grave

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Shallow Grave’:

  1. Solid ending. I didn’t see that coming.

  2. I had questions. Why couldn’t they just report the death and keep the money? Why did the two roomies all of a sudden decide to be a couple? Some character actions just didn’t flow, and I didn’t really sense they were each out for themselves until the very end.

  3. I thought the direction and cinematography were pretty fantastic. Some great shots all throughout. This was apparently Danny Boyle’s first feature film and I can see how he was quick to impress.

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The Witches of Eastwick

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘The Witches of Eastwick’:

  1. Three absolute queens. Their chemistry is actual magic. And they make this film the 80s classic it is. Watching them together is everything.

  2. This is Nicholson doing what he does best. Eccentric, charismatic, and a little psychotic. His performance is on another level.

  3. After several viewings, I didn’t realize John Williams did the music for this! And knowing now, I could most definitely tell. The theme has stuck with me for years.

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Red, White & Royal Blue

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Red, White & Royal Blue’:

  1. The scenes before the beginning credits led me to believe this would be an intolerable, corny, cheese-fest of a film. I was wrong. This was heartwarming, well-done, and didn’t shy away from much. And I would love to revisit these characters again.

  2. It was great to see Uma Thurman! Her president’s reaction to her son’s news was EVERYTHING. Sincerely beautiful.

  3. I particularly enjoyed the scene of them texting / talking to each other while separated, the way it was put together. Envisioning them in the same room, the same bed. Appearing and vanishing. That’s when I started to realize this movie was actually pretty smart.

Bonus Thought: That journalist is a total POS. We’ve all met this guy.

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Night of the Comet

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Night of the Comet’:

  1. The best parts of this were Willy and the DMK callback. The two leads grew more likable as the film went on, but not enough to save a very silly movie that never seemed to know what it wanted to be.

  2. I hate hate hated the music with a fiery passion. I get it’s the 80s, and it certainly sounded that way, but everything still managed to feel very much out of place.

  3. There was a decent story somewhere in here, but the execution was off. And things like the stepmother slapfest in the beginning were just plain unnecessary.

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The Night Flier

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Night Flier’:

  1. I’ve never wanted a main character to be eaten more.

  2. This felt less like a feature film and more like a long episode of Tales From the Crypt, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

  3. It was a simple tale, but particularly unique in the vast vampire realm of film. I enjoyed the use of flashbacks and the way the story unfolded. But the vibes win here. It felt classically creepy. Nothing that’ll give you nightmares, but a properly-atmospheric watch during spooky season.

Bonus Thought: Why the hell was their boss so unhinged?

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