

New York, NY


3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Servant’:

  1. This show is the slowest burn of all slow burns. It’s kinda insane. They could have either shortened this to just a couple seasons. Or they could have had multiple, evolving story arcs within this fairly-intriguing mythology. All in all, we waited far too long with limited payoff (and limited questions answered).

  2. These characters are not grounded in reality. They’re odd. And, for the most part, it can be what makes this show interesting to watch. But they also tend to make decisions and react in ways that make little sense… leaving us all kinds of frustrated.

  3. I didn’t hate it. And I’ve always been an M. Night fan. And it’s a great cast. I’d be lying, despite my qualms, if I said they didn’t have me hooked from the first episode.

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The Honeymooners

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Honeymooners’:

  1. The Honeymooners is pure television magic. The comedy still holds up to this day. The chemistry between our main quartet is perfection. And there’s real emotion here. This was the first show I ever fell in love with.

  2. Ralph Kramden is one of the most iconic television characters of all time. Never has such a big-mouthed bus driver had so much heart. Gleason is a legend.

  3. It’s a shame there are currently no other comments here. I’d like to believe there are others out there experiencing the sheer joy of this classic right now.

Bonus Thought: Hellooo, Ball.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’:

  1. This is such a fun show — as long as you don’t take it too seriously! Suspend your belief. Don’t be overly critical. Expect imperfection and convoluted storylines. And just enjoy the witchy ride!

  2. I’m a bit mixed when it comes to the ensemble. There are some awesome characters: the aunts (my faves!), Lilith, and Ambrose (when his intensity is dialed down a bit). And then there are some not-so-great characters: I think Sabrina’s group of friends are horribly written and, frankly, unlikeable. I think they’re the worst part of the show.

  3. That ending. It’s rushed and dissatisfying. A big disappointment. Luckily, it doesn’t alter everything that’s come before it, because at that point you kinda accept that the show simply goes off the rails sometimes. And it’s still worth the watch.

Bonus Thought: Shame on those musical performances. Shame.

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Into the Badlands

3 Thoughts After Giving Up on ‘Into the Badlands’:

  1. I made it through the first season of this show. It had a little potential, but it failed to grab me enough to continue.

  2. The fight scenes were cool. From what I remember. Which isn’t much.

  3. The moment I heard the show was canceled, I knew I wouldn’t be revisiting it.

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Dead to Me

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Dead to Me’:

  1. I already loved Applegate, but this show made me a fan of Cardellini, whose delightful charm is a major highlight of this series. Their pairing is cute for sure.

  2. An overabundance of incessant secrets grows as tired as some of the plot points. While it’s a show worth checking out, I can’t say it’ll be one that sticks around in your memory.

  3. The final season takes a major shift in tone that, I believe, becomes a detriment to the series. A lot of the fun is gone.

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Marvel's The Punisher

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Marvel’s The Punisher’:

  1. Jon Bernthal’s incessant gruffness and mega-machismo would otherwise be off-putting, but it worked here. He was (and hopefully will continue to be) the perfect Punisher. With slightly weaker secondary characters all-around, he carried much of the show.

  2. As much as I love the cheesy superhero fluff and standard MCU fare, it’s a nice change of pace to have something super gritty in the mix. This Punisher was relentless and not afraid to get a bit brutal.

  3. It’s not a perfect show, but the fight scenes are top-notch and there are some really solid moments, particularly at the end. Despite its untimely cancellation, it wraps things up rather well. DEF worth a watch!

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The Comeback

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Comeback’:

  1. Thank you, Lisa Kudrow, for your genius. And for creating one the absolute best and wholeheartedly underrated characters on television.

  2. Like Valerie Cherish herself, ‘The Comeback’ deserved more than it ever got. Sheer perfection from start to finish. Treat yourself with this series. And witness one of the most magnificent series finales, ever. Then join me in praying for a season three.

  3. And then there’s Mickey. Robert Michael Morris was a gift. Without him, there would be something incredibly special missing from this show. xo

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Walking Dead: World Beyond’:

  1. It was an interesting idea to have the main characters in a Walking Dead spinoff be younger. Unfortunately, it’s these characters that make this series a tough watch (aside from Elton). The acting chops just aren’t there. But the cringe often is. And it feels like the creators realize this as the spotlight shifts off them a bit more towards the end.

  2. Iris and Silas may be the worst characters ever in the Walking Dead universe. May we never see them again.

  3. Plot-wise, you may often find yourself scratching your head, wondering what the point of this limited series is. It presents some interesting ideas as to what else is going on beyond the legacy TWD characters and worlds we already know. But the story felt lazily strung together and we aren’t thrown much in the realm of anything particularly compelling.

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The Fall

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Fall’:

  1. The power and presence of Gillian Anderson is reason enough to check out this show. Maybe the only reason. No other character quite reaches her level. Her performance is subtle, but you just can’t take your eyes off her.

  2. There are some strange plot points, mostly in the first season (like the dude beating up prostitutes in his hotel room), that go nowhere. There are quite a few characters that aren’t fully fleshed out, where you wonder what they’re true purpose is in the story. All in all, there’s something about this series that feels… incomplete. It closes with that feeling too.

  3. Jamie Dornan is sufficiently creepy. And I remain a fan of him and his work. But I had read reviews of this show, before watching it, expressing that he doesn’t succeed in being a powerful enough yin to Anderson’s yang. And I couldn’t help but take note of that throughout the series. I do agree that this show could have been significantly elevated by a more dynamic villainous performance.

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Now I understand why Phoebe’s winning all these awards.

Such a lovely, touching, heartbreaking and hilarious series. I want to see more so bad, but at least we know that she knows she’s loved.


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Supergirl: 1x16 Falling

This was no doubt Supergirl's best episode to date. My only complaints are James (of course) and that the red kryptonite was somehow Maxwell Lord's brainchild. Otherwise, it was FANTASTIC.

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iZombie: 1x07 Maternity Liv

Loving this show and its cast. Gives me a nostalgic feeling of the old WB shows.

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Now Apocalypse

3 Thoughts After the Cancellation of ‘Now Apocalypse’:

  1. I just found out this show was canceled — and I’m slightly bummed. It wasn’t groundbreaking by any means, but it was incredibly weird and it would’ve been nice to see where the insanity was headed. It was memorable enough for me to just now check up on it.

  2. Beau Mirchoff is reason enough to watch this show. My goodness.

  3. My last thought is that I don’t really have another thought. Maybe that’s why it was canceled. It simply wasn’t enough. But it’s worth a watch!

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Maniac’:

  1. This series didn’t grab me at first. I wasn’t quick to binge it, at all. But, as the series went along, I discovered something that was wonderfully weird, surprisingly shocking at times, and wholly original.

  2. I came out of this with a better appreciation for Emma Stone. She really is such a wonderful actress. Jonah has his moments for sure, but his downtrodden Owen can get a tad exhausting after awhile.

  3. I think my biggest takeaway from this show is that, while it may appear to be merely quirky and imaginative, there are some pretty powerful messages here, some potent and emotional moments. So much is explored: loneliness, mental illness, loss, grief, purpose, friendship, addiction, family, and the courage to grab your life by the reigns. And it allows you to fill in the blanks without spelling everything out for you.

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The Twilight Zone: 1x05 Walking Distance

I think many of us would love to take this journey, even for a moment.

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iZombie: 2x13 The Whopper

I've always thought this show had such potential since day one. The 2nd season had me doubting its direction and I found it to be losing a little steam.

This episode is one of the good ones though - and my faith has been renewed. Excited to see what happens when all the lies are revealed.

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iZombie: 1x12 Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat

Such an original take on the overused zombie story. Great cast of (mostly) fresh faces. Keep this one around!

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Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story’:

  1. It was a difficult, compelling watch. Hard to fathom that it isn’t fiction. It was a conflicting watch as well, understanding that stories like this perpetuate Dahmer’s fame, as well as the trauma of the victims’ families. It did, however, shed a light on the victims’ stories and the failures of those who could’ve stopped him sooner.

  2. That Tony Hughes episode was especially heartbreaking.

  3. The standouts were the incredibly-creepy score and the phenomenal performances. Richard Jenkins, Niecy Nash, and Evan Peters really outdid themselves here.

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The Good Place: 3x12 Pandemonium

I adore this show. It might be the most wildly imaginative series I’ve ever watched.

But am I the only one feeling zero chemistry between Chidi and Eleanor?

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The Good Place: 3x01 Everything Is Bonzer!

This whole “second chance at life” thing is interesting. I kinda miss the Fake Good Place, but we’ll see where this goes.

As long as we still see plenty of Janet, I’m happily along for the ride.

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘WandaVision’:

  1. WandaVision is ultimately a show about overwhelming grief and how an ultra-powerful superhero might unintentionally handle it. Fans will be butthurt by their disproven fans theories and infinite expectations — but this show succeeded in telling the story it wanted to tell. AND it did it in an absolutely wonderful and unique way, especially for Marvel.

  2. As a devotee of classic television, I love love loved the many homages at the beginning. And I love how television gave Wanda solace in her life, as it has for me, which provided the inspiration for her pretend-perfect world. I wish those moments lasted longer, but I’m über grateful for what we got.

  3. This series also succeeded in making me care deeply about characters I had previously overlooked. I can’t wait to see their journey continue.

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The Americans: 1x04 In Control

Still on the fence about this series. I’ve waited so long to check it out, expecting that type of indifference. I’m not a political person, nor a history buff, so I find myself lost in a lot of that jargon.

Staying for Russell and Rhys. Hoping to get on the right side of the fence as I keep watching.

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Jury Duty

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Jury Duty’:

  1. Kudos for being something very different AND for pulling off something so elaborate. I left this viewing experience feeling super satisfied. Phenomenal payoff.

  2. To me, this was less of a comedy and more of an experiment. Quality reality TV. Yeah, it was funny for sure, but I was essentially more curious about where this was all going. And how authentic it was. I’m glad they showed all the receipts at the end lol.

  3. Fantastic, super-likable cast with great chemistry… especially our leading man Ronald. I hope we get to see more of him.

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Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness

I was pulled in by the hype. Truth is certainly stranger than fiction.

Not many redeemable characters in this, not even Carole. She was making money off these animals, just like all the others. But there were some decent folk, the two amputees among them. The biggest tragedies were Travis and, of course, the animals themselves.

A compelling watch, for sure.

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You: 1x01 Pilot

Interesting premise, like ‘Fear’ but from the perspective of Marky Mark.

Penn is a snack, but too bad he’s Looney Tunes.

And I think we’re all on the same page about the curtain-free windows. Biggest (silliest) shock of the episode.

Curious to see more.

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Preacher: 1x09 Finish the Song

That was quite an opening!

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The Stranger

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Stranger’:

  1. What a strange little show. I never felt fully invested in all of this. Probably because it was overloaded with wayyy too many subplots that ended up feeling like a total waste of time.

  2. The theme song is horrendous. Doesn’t match the vibe of this show in any capacity.

  3. Yeah, the ending was shocking… but there was a strong sense that so much was left unexplained.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Clickbait’:

  1. Well, they certainly got me with that final twist. I’ve read thoughts from a few people saying how far-fetched it is. But honestly, these days, I really don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility at all.

  2. This show gave me some first-season 13 Reasons Why vibes, as it focuses on a single character each episode and how they’re connected to the central mystery. I personally enjoy that plot device and I thought it worked well here.

  3. All in all, I liked it! While it wasn’t anything particularly groundbreaking, there were moments that moved me. Moments of tragedy, along with some solid performances, that made me care about the well-being of even minor characters. Many shows don’t succeed in that.

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘11.22.63’:

  1. It was actually a lot darker than I expected it to be. The Stephen King vibe is definitely present. Quite a few eerie, shocking, and supernatural moments.

  2. It will certainly try your emotions. I was left somewhat heartbroken multiple times throughout the story. A good sign that these are characters you care about.

  3. All in all, I enjoyed this limited series that was less about JFK and more about love, but I was left feeling a bit empty. A lot happens. And, in the end, one might question the purpose of it all. I can’t say it didn’t stick it’s landing — it most definitely did — but I guess I wanted more for our main character.

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Trixie Motel

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Trixie Motel’:

  1. This show is essentially one season-long advertisement for the motel. But I love Trixie, and she’s a genius. Because it worked. I wanna stay there.

  2. As far as serving as an entertaining television series, it struggles. It’s at its best during the renovation segments, and seeing those gorgeous transformations, but those are unfortunately few and far between. Beyond that, it feels like we’re mostly served way too many (poorly) scripted/staged moments that pull us away from what is supposed to be reality.

  3. Katya was, hands down, the best guest. Her entrance was a breath of fresh air compared to the others. And she and Trixie have such a natural chemistry. It is absolutely delightful. I can understand why they’ve stuck together for so long.

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