

New York, NY

A Cure for Wellness

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Cure for Wellness’:

  1. This movie does NOT deserve its 42% Rotten Tomato score. I thought it was a solid film that actually has solid rewatch value. It’s a complicated story where everything, I believe, makes a refreshing amount of sense in the end. And I thought it was shot extremely well.

  2. I was very satisfied with the ending. And there was a large amount of doubt (no thanks to the RT score) that I would be. I reeeally thought this would be another “he was crazy the entire time” ending, or another bleak conclusion where the main character is just plain f’d. But I was happy to see Lockhart in a better place and to leave with the absolute realization that he had actually found his cure after all.

  3. Lastly, I thoroughly enjoyed the score. It was incredibly eerie and haunting — and I thought it contributed wonderfully to the film’s equally eerie atmosphere.

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Prison Break: 5x08 Progeny

I can barely get my Uber driver to pick me up on the right street corner, let alone give him coordinates.

The amount of disbelief you have to suspend for this show is outrageous.

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The Lion King

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Lion King’:

  1. Timon and Pumbaa stole the show. Billy Eichner killed it and had me cracking up, particularly at the end of Hakuna Matata.

  2. Honestly, the worst parts for me: Beyoncé and the all-too-abridged “Be Prepared.” Then again, NOBODY can top Jeremy Irons.

  3. This film repeats so much of the original. Many of the same shots (w/ admittedly STUNNING visuals) and same lines. The best of this were all the parts that were new, because you can’t duplicate perfection. I just wish they mixed things up a liiittle bit more.

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Castle Rock: 2x08 Dirty

Who woulda thunk you’d ever root for Annie Wilkes? Strange, but incredibly fun.

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Castle Rock: 2x07 The Word

Shout by Corey

I was ecstatic to see the connection to the first season. We were left with questions that I thought would never get answered, but it looks like they just might after all.

Great to see Bill underneath that hood.

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Castle Rock: 2x05 The Laughing Place

A standout episode. I love how this is giving us so much incredible backstory on such an iconic film character. It makes me so excited to see where this show ventures next season, and the season after, considering all of King’s iconic characters.

And kudos to all of the casting this season. Stellar.

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Preacher: 4x06 The Lost Apostle

@LegendaryFang56, you read my mind. The three people who were hung made no sense to me either. I had no idea where they were and why that even happened. It felt like it should’ve been an impactful scene, but it wasn’t. Seems like there have been a few unexplained moments like that in this final season.

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Preacher: 4x05 Bleak City

It took five episodes, but it look like we’re finally getting started...

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Preacher: 4x04 Search and Rescue

Between Starr’s ear, the pilot’s sunburn, his chewed-off arm, and Cassidy ripping the skin off his hands... I’m gonna vomit.

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Preacher: 4x03 Deviant

That ear is VERY distracting.

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Saturday Night Live: 45x16 SNL At Home: Tom Hanks

It wasn’t a particularly funny episode of SNL, but it certainly is a memorable one.

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The Walking Dead: 10x12 Walk with Us

Shout by Corey

I’m a liiiiiiittle disappointed that Carol didn’t get to do the job herself... but that was a nice little twist.

Now TWD has a big challenge on their hands. Alpha was a stellar villain — and now she’s gone. Where to go from here...

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The Walking Dead: 10x11 Morning Star

The Long Night: TWD Edition.

Fans who have lost faith in this show need to find their way back again. It may not be the same show it once was, but “different” isn’t always a bad thing. This episode was quality television. And it’s a shame that so many old fans are probably missing out.

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The Walking Dead: 10x10 Stalker

Samantha Morton is one of the best things to happen to TWD in a long time.

Ryan Hurst took Beta to creepier heights in this episode. The whole scene with him descending upon Alexandria was pretty effective.

Great episode.

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Saturday Night Live: 45x12 JJ Watt and Luke Combs

Pretty decent job for a non-actor. Solid episode.

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Saturday Night Live: 45x11 Adam Driver and Halsey

Adam Driver is SNL gold.

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Ally McBeal: 5x07 Nine One One

A return to form for the show with all the heart. :blue_heart:

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Ally McBeal: 5x06 Lost & Found

Ally and John Cage were always the heart and soul of this show.

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Survivor: 40x03 Out for Blood

Shout by Corey

Crossing my fingers and toes that Ethan gets back in it!

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Outlander: 5x01 The Fiery Cross

Giving us a little Scottish “L-O-V-E” gave me life.

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Burnt Offerings

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Burnt Offerings’:

  1. Excuse me while I Google the entire meaning of this film.

  2. It had so much potential that it never reached. However, I noticed a lot of distinct horror film elements that are used today — and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were inspired by this film.

  3. It was certainly creepy (especially the ending). Karen Black was great. But there needed to be more Bette.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x04 Chapter Twenty-Four: The Hare Moon

Nick is a piece of sh:asterisk_symbol:t. Sabrina... girl, you need to stop chasing him. He doesn’t deserve you.

Otherwise, great episode. Loving the coven rivalry and how the stakes have risen.

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American Horror Story: 9x02 Mr. Jingles

Loving the 80s theme. But I feel like this could’ve been a :asterisk_symbol:little:asterisk_symbol: more of a slow burn. I think too much is happening too fast. Curious to see where this goes over seven more episodes.

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Terminator: Dark Fate

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’:

  1. Linda Hamilton killed it, yet again, as Sarah Connor. Who knew she could get even more badass? Seeing her with Arnold again was magic.
  2. THAT is how you do a climactic final battle. ALL the fight scenes were actually pretty damn awesome. Bravo.
  3. “I won’t be back.” That hurt, Arnold.

Extra Note: This was the best Terminator film since T2, hands down.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x15 Channel 5

Dwight: “Still filmin’, Al?”

YUP. Yes, she most certainly is.

When. Will. These. Tapes. Go. Away?!

Otherwise, not a horrible episode. I liked the idea of the Gulch, but now who knows.

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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’:

  1. I need to watch the Fred Rogers documentary now.
  2. I was expecting a little more, but it was a cute film with a refreshing message.
  3. Only Tom Hanks could play Fred Rogers and Walt Disney.
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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x12 Ner Tamid

FINALLY. A quality episode that piqued my interest.

Diggin’ the addition of the rabbi. Enjoyed him from the start.

Also, Mo Collins is tremendously underutilized. I’d watch her drive a truck and ramble on for an entire hour.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Parasite’:

  1. Wow. Just wow. Super original and exceeded all my expectations.
  2. Whyyy couldn’t the people in the basement come to an understanding with the family?! It totally could’ve been a win-win. So tragic.
  3. Creepy to think whoever lives in that house will have a secret tenant. Hopefully Ki-woo’s plans work out one day.
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Knives Out

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Knives Out’:

  1. That ending was absolute ACES. Maybe one of my favorites.
  2. This film was anything but predictable. At first, I hated that we knew how Harlan really died so soon. Turns out, I knew nothing.
  3. I love that... not only is the cast chock-full of super famous actors, but that they take a backseat to allow Ana de Armas to shine as the lead.
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’:

  1. Reviving such an epic saga from the 70s/80s ain’t no easy feat -- and they’ve succeeded here.
  2. I was expecting more from Kylo Ren. His lack of menace is one of my biggest criticisms.
  3. Rey is a great character and her force-fetching the lightsaber from the snow was perfection.
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