Viper Du'Vark



The Bourne Ultimatum

This movie has got to be my favorite out of the three. I really enjoyed how well they've blended the first two films with the 3rd one. The only thing I didn't like about the movie was the fact it took Bourne just over half the movie to get to New York. Everything else was just perfect.

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Spider-Man 3

I wanted to love this movie so much, but I just cant. As much as the action scenes where great, there where to many slow moments. Those moments where you can quickly go grab a refill on that pop, or use the bathroom and know your not missing anything important.

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Batman Begins

If Sam Raimi set the bar for what a superhero film needs to be in his Spider-Man films, Christopher Nolan took that bar and smashed it and then replaced it with his own bar set even higher than the one set by Raimi. Nolan took the Batman franchise to new heights. Batman Begins is the best superhero origin film that is out there (still to this date in the year 2012). The acting was great with an excellent cast and the darker story line (compared to other superhero films which is more light) was amazing. After watching Bale as Batman, I thought he was born to play the role. Also some of the action scenes weren't bad at all. I enjoyed how Nolan wanted to make the film as real as a fantasy film could be by changing the look of the Batmobile and what the future Batcave could look like as a couple of examples; the film turned out better for it.

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Inside Man

Inside Man is an excellent witty heist film. The plot was brilliantly written and Washington and Owen's acting were both exceptional; in fact all the cast in this film were all phenomenal. Just after Clooney's Ocean's Eleven, Inside Man comes second as an all time favorite heist film on my list. This was a solid entertaining film from start to finish.

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Sadly when people reference Whedon's previous work they say either (pre-Avengers) Buffy or Angel or both hardly does Firefly gets dropped. Serenity is a continuation of that television show which was a diamond in the rough. Even though this film was based off a television show that only ran 11 episodes on FOX before it was pulled, Serenity is actually a decent entertaining film that can rival most other Sci-Fi films out there. This film was humorous and thrilling at the same time. The plot of the film which helped tie lose ends of the television series was original and entertaining to follow and the cast were all excellent. Fillion is the best!

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The Matrix

The Matrix raised the bar and pioneered in crazy special effects and action scenes for any future action movie to try to achieve for years to come. This film was a masterpiece. The acting was subpar and story line wasn't half bad, but the real gem was all the action this film packed. It was extremely fun to watch. The Wachowski brothers did an amazing job creating something special here.

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The Matrix Reloaded

While mostly others thought The Matrix Reloaded didn't live up to its predecessor I thought it did and exceeded it. Again like the first one the acting wasn't special but at the same time I thought the story line got a little better and the action in the film was ramped up to a new level compared to the first. Like others has said that chase scene was the best I've seen in an action movie that I can think of; which should have been a no-brainier because they built their own stretch of freeway to film it. Matrix Reloaded is an excellent sequel to The Matrix.

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The Matrix Revolutions

The Matrix trilogy lost some of its fire in the last film. The story line felt boring most times and most of the action I felt that was great in the first two films wasn't in the last. I feel like this was a side effect of The Wachowski brothers trying to focus more on the real world and Zion than the Matrix which let's be honest the best action scenes were of that inside the Matrix. In the end Matrix Revolutions turned out to be a disappointing conclusion to the trilogy. Still despite its flaws, Matrix Revolutions shouldn't be skipped if you haven't seen the whole trilogy as it was still somewhat "just a little" bit entertaining to watch.

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Gone in Sixty Seconds

Although Gone in 60 Seconds is one of Cage's better films in my opinion I felt this film was very slow at starting up. In fact the whole first half of the film fells boring most times. It's not until when the mid marker starts when it starts to pull my intention back into the film as they start stealing the cars. Also some of the acting from some of the cast seemed like a joke at times.

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This movie was pointless. The whole time while I was seeing this I kept looking at my cellphone counting down the time when the movie was over.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Great movie. The battle at the end of the movie was very satisfying, and it was left open for the possibly for a forth movie.

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Knocked Up

Wasn't as great or funny as the 40 Year Old Virgin, but it was funny nonetheless.

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It was awesome to see Statham and Li together in the same movie, they both worked well with each other. While the action in War was top-notch and amazing, the overall plot of the film was just subpar. By saying subpar I mean that the plot was interesting, fun, and entertaining to follow through most of the movie until about 10 minutes left of the film when the final main twist is shown and then my interest is lost quickly and I no longer was having any fun. I was very disappointed in how the movie ended. I believe that an ending helps make most of the movie. If the ending fails, that bad feeling you feel after you leave the theater will cloud how great the rest of the film actually was, thus overall downgrading how you enjoyed yourself watching that movie.

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The Dark Knight

I felt that The Dark Knight was if only just a tiny bit less entertaining than the first film Batman Begins, but by just slightly which isn't bad because it is still in the same league as the first one. Nolan continued to bring his flare to his version of Batman in The Dark Knight trilogy. Bale, Freeman, Caine, and Oldman all turned in great performances again in this sequel and with the addition of Eckhart and Ledger which also had great performances as well the cast was excellent and the story line was engaging to watch. Ledger did amazing work bring the role of The Joker to a new darker direction unlike anything seen before.

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Forgetting Sarah Marshall

In my opinion the best of Judd Apatow's movies. I thought it was hilarious and more entertaining to watch over other movies like Superbad, Knocked Up, and The 40 Year Old Virgin.

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The Adjustment Bureau

This film has a surprisingly decent story line and was very entertaining and interesting to watch. The cast in this film turned out great performances. It felt fresh and original; a good concept. I really enjoyed this film.

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The Three Musketeers

I really enjoyed the movie. The action scenes were great, and the special effects were pretty sweet to look at. The story line however, it felt a little weak and it could have been better. Nonetheless, I was still entertained. A good watch.

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The Dark Knight Rises

If there is only one little thing I'll nitpick about is that I wish there were more action scenes. They seemed to lack somewhat in this film, or they weren't as great as I was expecting them to be. The Dark Knight Rises is more character and story driven than the previous films which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Don't get me wrong besides that one little nitpick I thought the film was extremely excellent and Nolan continues to make great superhero films. As I said, The Dark Knight Rises has a great story line, all the cast were amazing, and above all else I loved the cameos and nods to all the previous films in the franchise. Without a doubt The Dark Knight Rises exceeds its predecessors and is the best in the trilogy (which is difficult for a third film in a trilogy to do) and it is a darn shame there will not be another film in the Nolan's Batman universe.

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Safe House

The only good part about this movie was that it had Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds. Don't get me wrong, I liked the film. I thought the action scenes were really entertaining and loved every minute of them, but I didn't think this movie was as great as Denzel's other films like "Inside Man", and "Unstoppable". I also thought "Déjà Vu" and "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3" were better than this.

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This Means War

I thought it was hilarious, and a very entertaining film. I thought all three leads were great, the action scenes were fun to enjoy, and the comedy were funny at times. I never went into the movie expecting anything great, and what I got in return was an enjoyable time at the theater. Just take it for what it is, mindless entertainment.

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Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

I'm a little confused on what I just saw. I have a hard time hating superhero films because I love them all, despite the fact that Superman Returns and Green Lantern was awful I tried to find some kind of entertainment out of them, but Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance was just horrible. I'm a fan of both Crank films, but I don't believe the directors of those films should have been the directors of Ghost Rider 2. Their filming technique doesn't mix well for a superhero film. On top of the bad directing of the film, I felt like the story line was complete garage. Even more so, only 3D showings of the movie was playing in my area, I would have had to drive out of my county if I wanted to see it in 2D, so I didn't have much of a choice, but if you do decide to see it, don't see it in 3D if you have the choice, it was bad.

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Wrath of the Titans

The first film Clash of the Titans like most films that has a sequel is better than this film. I felt like Wrath of the Titans was just an OK movie. It wasn't great, and it wasn't awful either. I never saw Clash of the Titans in 3D so I can't comment on the difference in 3D effects between the two; special effects had improved though. The story line in the film felt boring to me at times, and it could have used a couple of more action scenes in there.

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The Amazing Spider-Man
The Bourne Legacy

I was kind of disappointed with this film. It seemed like to me they substituted action scenes for more dialogue. I am though a fan of Renner and love most of the movies he has been in; he is definitely making his way to become a super action star. With that said his Aaron Cross is no Jason Bourne and because of this I felt the film was missing something great. You really can't do a Bourne film without Damon's Jason Bourne in it, it just isn't the same. While the action was geared down in favor for the story, I also felt the plot line was a little weak as well and wasn't compelling as the original trilogy.

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Act of Valor

Don't believe the bad reviews about this film. Act of Valor is an excellent movie through and through. I do agree with most of the other reviewers that the acting does suck most of the time, but you have to remember and keep in mind that these "actors" are real Navy SEALS. They didn't go and get an acting career. They joined the military. If you peel away the acting you are going to get a decent story and some of the best non-CGI action scenes. I haven't seen any non-CGI action scenes better than this; it was great and felt real. The action scenes were top-notch. On top of all that... Yes, this film was pretty much a feature length long recruitment video; but nonetheless, it was really entertaining.

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Conan the Barbarian

Had good special effects, was lightly entertaining, and had a bad story line. Despite the latter two of the three, I have seen worst films then this. I only gave it an extra star because of the lead actor from Stargate Atlantis and for the bad story line this movie had I was a little shocked that the special effects were at least decent (not great, but decent).

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The Hunger Games

Taking a step back and comparing this film to other films based off of books (Harry Potter; Twilight); I would have to say The Hunger Games turned out to be a better enjoyable film then those other two series. While I felt like the story line at the beginning of the film was lacking a bit, the acting was much better than anything I have seen in the other series. Once "The Hunger Games" started in the film is when the movie started to pick up a bit in my opinion and after the film was over it got me intrigued to see what happens next in the next two films. Overall, I have seen better films so far this year in 2012, but I also have seen much worse than this and I enjoyed The Hunger Games.

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Safe is your typical Jason Statham movie, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The action scenes were all very well done but as for the story line; that kind of took a backseat in the film just like any other Statham film. The action scenes were enough for me to stay entertained throughout the film. Enjoy it for what it is and you'll have fun watching it.

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Colombiana is a decent revenge film. The action scenes were alight, not great; I have seen better. This movie was better than I thought it would be. It was worth the rental.

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The story line in this film was lacking, but the fight scenes and special effects were amazing. It didn't live up to my expectations that I thought this film was going to be, which was a disappointment, but it wasn't as bad as a lot of the bad reviews here make it out to be. Freida Pinto was drop dead beautiful, and I can see Henry Cavill was a good choice now to be Superman in the next Man of Steel movie.

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