

Saint Louis, MO


This show is full of horrible people with severe daddy issues. Fitz is a putz, thinking his penis is a flagpole and anywhere he sticks it he's claimed as his for the glory of the republic.

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Dear White People

Wish there were a way to validate someone has watched a show before rating it.

It was quite good, better than I expected. Lionel is the hero we deserve, though all the main characters demonstrated worthy development arcs. Made me a little wistful for college even.

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Altered Carbon

Eh, I found it rather disappointing. I know in the mythology of the show stack tech has only been around a couple hundred years, but look at how different culture is with just a few decades of cell phones. Am I really to believe cross sleeving would even be a thing? If the stack can receive input from drugs, how would a body's natural hormones impact? Lack thereof in a synth body? And DNA tagging? When you jump sleeves, clone? What kind of identity verification is that?

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Surprisingly good series. Left a lot of threads to explore in subsequent seasons while handling the origin and team establishment well. So when's the next season?

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Jupiters Legacy

This wasn't good.
Bad CGI to prop up a story conceived by Mark Millar, who, despite a wealth of more interesting thought in the world, continues to have people buy his cliché shlock.
But for those looking for their superhero stories to be simple, free of politics or point and as bland as butter on white toast, it might serve as a brief distraction from being mad at the sky.

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