

Saint Louis, MO


I give it a full +1 on the rating just because...

Beating a guy to death with a Tonka Truck.

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Ghost in the Shell

A fairly faithful, but entirely soulless adaptation. One might even say it seems to have lost its ghost. Is but a shell. That would be an exceptionally cliched thing to say. Which would be entirely appropriate.

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Would have been 2pts higher were it not for the main casting. These two are so incredibly milquetoast that they drain all color and flavor from every scene they are in. And there's a lot of color and flavor.

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The Holy Mountain

More drugs were involved in the making of just five minutes of this movie than in the entirety of Keith Richards life.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

It was what I needed it to be...

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

For a story in which we knew how it ended, and all the characters died, it was pretty good. Can we get K-2SOs core downloaded into another robot? On repeat viewing, post VIII, one can appreciate some of those bits of data with long term impact.

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What Happened to Monday

Just because there are seven fertilized eggs doesn't mean all of them have to be carried to term (they do commonly freeze excess fertilization in IVF treatment). I'm only about 30 in, but going to call it. Their father was a horrible person who sacrificed his wife and the happiness of all his children rather than abide by the law and be happy with a sustainable solution.

I was right.

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Squarely in my "not my thing" bin...

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Fantastic Four

Surely this can't be as bad as I'd heard, right? Act 1 showed a modicum of promise, but then wow, just went to sh-t and kept getting sh-tti-r...

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2

There is little that isn't wrong with this. Part of the appeal of Spider-man, in most all of his incarnations save this one - be it Peter Parker or Miles Morales, is that he's the wise-cracking every adolescent who by chance has these abilities.
Through the decades, we've seen the clone saga, and the venom storylines, and part-time Avenger, but this, this is like having Superman indiscriminately killing people and not caring about the consequences of his actions.
The Spiderman cinematic universe, at least as envisioned by Sony, is dead to me. F'k them, and I hope their attempts to turn it into an ensemble affair with Sinister-Six and such, fail miserably.

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Thoroughly ambivalent. I watched it, it was not completely objectionable. Nor was it praiseworthy.

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Holy frakkin hell. This one will stick with me.

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World War Z

If they hunt by sound, why would bursting their eardrums not work? Or thumpers, ala the sandworms of Dune. And considering the world is not a silent place, and their movement would do things like break glass in the process of moving around... ugh, holes, holes, everywhere holes.

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