Atmos Black


Omicron Persei 8


Way better than I was expecting. Go in blind if you can.
Didn't quite understand all the twists and turns, but I'm looking forward to a second viewing.

Robert Rodriguez's Matrix/Inception? I'm here for it!

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Going in blind is not enough. You also need to be deaf and dumb to survive this massive pile of :poop:

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The Killer

Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-10-31T14:05:21Z— updated 2023-11-08T21:05:53Z

The most straightforward genre film Fincher has made since Panic Room, and probably his goofiest effort since The Game. It’s not great, what’s really lacking here is that inventive spark that makes his best work tick. The script is generally cliche, repetitive, predictable and sometimes cheesy. That’s not entirely surprising given that the film’s based on a graphic novel, and thankfully the film is at the very least somewhat aware of its own shortcomings. For example, there are some really funny moments of dark comedy through the film’s use of cynical narration. I also feel like Fincher is self-inserting himself in Fassbender’s character here (it’s kinda obvious if you’re familiar with his other work), but that ultimately doesn’t lead to a new, unique insight. It’s not a secret metaphor for filmmaking or Fincher’s career, at least I’m not seeing that. At most it just feels like Fincher taking a laugh at himself. It’s also not really reinventing the wheel when it comes to the way that it explores the serial killer as a cinematic archetype. Instead, this movie is at its best when Fincher’s finding new ways to present familiar ideas. The set pieces are pretty decent, he still knows how to bring the tension, shoot with precision and use great sound design & score. His use of songs from The Smiths adds a cool stylish touch, or it comments on scenes in an ironic way. Again, the sum doesn’t add up to something special or unique, but because it's made with a lot of skill and sleek style, it doesn't feel as disposable as a lot of other films like it.


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That's a very fair review and for me the unique thing was that this is the first revenge movie without any emotion. It's clean and unemotional. So the character and the movie as a whole are totally concruent. I haven't seen any other movie that is that way.
That's unique for me

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Love & Death

Why is this so poorly rated ?! The acting is fantastic!

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Because it's impossible to watch after you have seen the original Candy. Jessica Biel was amazing and it had a genuine 70ies vibe. This is just a very poor copy.

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The Night Agent

Typical crapflix show made by bunch of first time film makers who asked ChatGPT to write, cast, film, edit, and produce the show.

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I wanted to write exactly that! 100% no real writers were involved in this.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-03-31T11:55:27Z— updated 2022-05-16T06:46:32Z

Are you feeling nostalgic for movies like Fantastic Four, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Elektra, Ghost Rider and The Punisher?
Well, you’re in luck.

Easily the worst comicbook film since Hellboy (2019), but I doubt that’s to many people’s surprise.
It’s produced by Avi Arad and written by the guys who did Power Rangers, Gods of Egypt and The Last Witch Hunter.
Its director has never made anything noteworthy, and the lead is an overrated, pretentious hack whose performances have derailed many films over the past ten years.
It’s exactly what you think it’s going to be: dated, nonsensical, overblown and completely soulless.
It’s got crappy acting, predictable story devices, weak dialogue, weird editing choices, everything looks cheap and blue; you probably get the gist of it by now, especially if you’ve seen those movies I mentioned earlier.
This is nothing more than a quick cash in by a studio who thinks they can sell anything for as long as you slap Marvel’s name in front of it.
And they’re probably right, so who can blame them for making it?


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No, the worst comic book film in recent years was Batman. Morbius was exceptional in comparison!

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Reply by oo0

So here’s what happened: Some guy played GTA V and his stoned friend, who happened to be a producer, said: Come on, let’s make a movie out of it! I dare you! They laughed, called Michael Bay and the rest is history.
Seriously, the movie makes no sense, is absurd and absolutely senseless. Most of the scenes are just a usual day in GTA. I couldn’t stop laughing at the bs story and absurd „story“. Crank was better because it was funny with a purpose. This is just embarrassing and at the same time it’s not even the worst movie I’ve watched this year.

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@w2m but you watched it twice?

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Lol - definitely not - that’s just a weird bug from auto-check in

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The Batman

absolute garbage, had to turn subs on the audio was so incomprehensible, pretentious nonsense, I had to turn off when he was fumbling around for a USB port. Bring back Clooney

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Me too - the techno music was so loud that it nearly broke my soundbar and the dialogue was just whispering bullshit. They did it to distract from the fact that there is no story and the actors are that bad.

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The Batman

Lost all interest when Catwoman made a woke comment about white privilege. Wasn't good before that and turned it off after that comment. Don't waste your time, worst Batman movie to date...

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It's a surprise that you even made it that far. It basically went from boring to an utter waste of time in less than 30 minutes.

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The Batman

The Worst Batman Movie of All Time

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By far the worst - even the 70ies TV show was better in every aspect! Just horrible!

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Generic as a story. This is basically Bruce banner origins. Horrid acting, shallow plot. This is worse than matrix 4

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No, nothing is worse than Matrix 2-4 :wink:

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Hmmm...... stupid story and stupid ending....... - "tell me where my family is and reveal everything!!!",
- "I won't tell you, kill me!!",
- "no, I won't do it",
- "ah, okay, okay, I'll tell you and will confess everything"

Hey, screenwriter, are you serious????!!!!!!!

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Ok, so I’m not the only one who thinks that somehow they cut out 30 minutes between this dialogue and the end. I already thought that I had a blackout instead of blacklight :joy:

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The Ice Road

Shout by ds1

When thinking about who to partner a Neeson character up with, they come up with someone like "Gurty"? That is quite laughable.
What an awful, senseless movie. Acting, even for a Liam Neeson movie, is garbage.
Exposition is as little as possible and as much on the nose as possible.
Villains of this movie are cardboard characters, no depth, no charisma, no background.
They only exist to give this movie some suspense. But since they are depthless characters, you do not care at all.
Fishburne was in this for a quick paycheck, he gets killed off very early on.
Several scenes make no sense, like the end scene, or the scene after the bridge collapsed. You are pressed for time? Let's take a look at the collapsed bridge, because we need to kill one more character off that has no impact at all.
Fighting scenes are lame, Neeson's age is showing hard in this.
The cutting is all over the place. Directing? Doesn't seem to exist in this movie.
While other mediocre movies of Neeson are a nice time waster, this is just an entire waste of time.

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You made it to the end? Respect - I couldn’t make it… impossible

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Rogue Hostage

Judging from the trailer, this looks mighty good! I'm not really a Tyrese fan.... But I'll make an exception and watch this movie. If anything, I know Michael Jai White is gonna give us some foot and fist action!! :laughing:

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@ccostello1665-yahoo-com Thank you for saving me the trouble. I don't know... I was telling a friend not too long ago, that I've noticed both my favorite actors, Bruce Willis and Michael Jai White's movies have really sucked. I mean, I get better entertainment from watching a 70s B-movie. The last good movie I seen White in was "Triple Threat," and before that his cartoon series "Black Dynamite." Perhaps he should stick with cartoons. The last good Bruce Willis movie I've seen was "Red," and "Red 2." Who the f**k are writing and directing these movies? M. Knight? OMFG!!! LOLOLOLOL

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I don't even watch any Bruce Willis movie anymore - they all are bad C-movies.. although there was one a few years back (after Red 2) that I enjoyed - there he was naked on a skateboard in a car chase lol - don't remember the name of the movie, but it was funny good old Bruce-style

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"don't try to understand it, feel it"

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Yeah, that's the point: I felt nothing at all.
(Well, I only felt sorry for everyone wasting their time to be honest.)

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Amazing. A very original scenario, perfectly executed until the end. It all makes sense, but still leaves a lot of open questions for your imagination.

The main actors are ok, they do the job, but the supporting ones are amazing. The whole beginning sequence with Martin is so weird and hilarious, a perfect intro into the movie. The kid is also creepy as fuck, with a little help from voice over he's just perfect.

The design of the house is also the perfect fit of trying to create something ideal but with no understanding of how things are supposed to be, the whole thing is uncanny valley to the max, just as much as Martin is.

And the whole situation raises lots of questions, what's the correct behavior ? It's rapidly obvious that the kid is not human, so what do you do ? Can you trust them ? Are you sure you'll be released ? Are you helping an alien invasion or something like that ? Should you not stop it ? Or maybe the other way around, if you manage to raise the kid normally, with love and everything, there's a chance it would end up being a good thing ?
What if you killed it ? So many other scenarios to try other than the one chosen by the characters.

Do everybody behave the same way ? Does everybody dig their own grave ? How many instances ? How many time did this happen ?

So yeah, not only is this a very original, complete and captivating story, the whole concept is just genious and leave so many other possibilities to think about when the movie ends. It's new, it's weird, it's fun. Definitely a masterpiece.

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This is either a paid review our you're clinically depressed and should see a doctor.

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Timeline is a mess. All this back and forth is confusing. Made me loose focus and interest. And once I've seen her kill the guy I'm really not that much interested in seeing it again from another perspective and with additional info.
Action is good. That is, when there is any. There is sex, of course (with her handler - how original) , the usual. All together I think I've already seen this movie. Sasha Luss is a beautiful woman but this doesn't warrant me watching this for two hours. I checked the running time around midway through the movie and decided I didn't want to add another hour. Tell your story in one linear timeline, present your twist towards the end and then (!) do the flashbacks for explanation.
Trailer is very misleading - alltogether dissapointing.

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You can't blame the movie that you are not intelligent enough

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Chuck 2.0! Totally into it!

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Ok... I was wrong... No Chuck... No humor... No sense...

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