


The Green Mile

one of my favorite movies of all time. Sam Rockwell's performance was classic......All I wanted me was a little cornbread.

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The Predator

Bingo!! Nailed it. Great addition to the franchise.

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Deep Rising

Finally got around to seeing this one albeit 20 years after it's release. Holy crap I'm sorry I missed it. Really, really enjoyed it. Not perfect but a solid monster flick.

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Midnight Run

I guess I missed the comedy part. I didn't find anything funny. It is an okay on the Run movie though.

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Pacific Rim: Uprising

Not as good as the first but better than advertised by movie snobs.

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Brewster's Millions

Classic comedy with two of funniest ever. Pryor and Candy are hysterical.

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Well it's better than The Meg.

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The Meg

I was looking forward to this movie too. But in the end it's just meh. Bad CGI and heavy pandering to the Chinese market. I watched Asylum's Megalodon right afterwards and that one is better.

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The 'Burbs

About a 9 on the tension scale, Rube.

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A very underrated Action, Drama, Thriller franchise.

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Airport '77

I had seen 70 and 75 a couple of times through the years but never saw this one til now. It was an amazing watch. Highly recommened.

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Minority Report

No quite the masterpiece some would have you believe but worth a watch.

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The Great Gatsby

Unwatchable. synthesizers, dance beats and rap music in the 20s ....really?

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Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Another overrated dud from Stanley Kubrick, one of the most overrated directors of all time.

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At War with the Army

The Navy gets the gravy but the Army gets the beans.....beans, beans, beans, beans, beans....

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Where the Red Fern Grows

I don't want character... I want dogs!

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The Man Who Invented Christmas

One of the better movies I've seen in a long time.

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Planet of the Apes

My favorite movie of all time.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

The Mad Max concept after all these years....is still pretty dumb.

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Kinda like a high tech Die Hard.

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Uncle Buck

Classic John Candy and John Hughes.

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The Commuter

Solid Liam Neeson effort. The post credits are one of the coolest designs I've seen.

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Piranha 3D

Can't believe I got suckered into this garbage.

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Mary Shelley

This movie is kinda old school in that it is heavily dialogue driven. So I guess that's why a lot of modern audiences don't like this. Surely don't expect a Frankenstein movie. I found it to be mostly interesting, especially the last half of the film. Elle Fanning is tremendous as usual.

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Ant-Man and the Wasp

I was down with this movie until the mid credits scene. That just ruined the entire thing for me. Meh

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The Zookeeper's Wife

I don't really care for Nazi era movies and not a big fan of Jessica Chastain. But I absolutely loved this film.

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State of Play

Wow is this terrible. Nothing to see here... moving along.

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The Social Network

Very overrated and dull. So much unnecessary garbage tossed into a meh subject like bookface.

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Independence Day: Resurgence

Much better than the movie snobs say. Enjoyable alien flick.

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Time After Time

Still holds up after nearly 40 years. A classic time travel story with a twist.

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