


Dr. Stone: 1x14 Master of Flame

I want 2 watch but i cant y

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@dr-stone This site is not for streaming media, but to track what you watch. Get a subscription to Crunchyroll if you want to watch Dr. Stone

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Locke & Key: 1x10 Crown of Shadows

Was anyone else getting irritated that when the kids (thought they) found Well Lady/Dodge/Lucas on the floor that they just kept standing around and not immediately looking for all the keys to take back from her?

I knew when all the kids tossed Dodge into the black door that it was probably Ellie because when Bode was at Ellie's house they didn't show her.

I didn't know nor expect the end parts with Gabe or Eden, which also begs the question then, where the hell is the real Gabe?

One other big question, did anyone else think that one paramedic kind of looked like Stephen King making a cameo appearance near the end?

But according to the credits, it wasn't! Lol :wink:

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@thenightwolf haha sorta. That’s Stephen King’s son Joe Hill, who is also the writer for Locke & Key graphic novels.

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Locke & Key: 1x10 Crown of Shadows

Was anyone else getting irritated that when the kids (thought they) found Well Lady/Dodge/Lucas on the floor that they just kept standing around and not immediately looking for all the keys to take back from her?

I knew when all the kids tossed Dodge into the black door that it was probably Ellie because when Bode was at Ellie's house they didn't show her.

I didn't know nor expect the end parts with Gabe or Eden, which also begs the question then, where the hell is the real Gabe?

One other big question, did anyone else think that one paramedic kind of looked like Stephen King making a cameo appearance near the end?

But according to the credits, it wasn't! Lol :wink:

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@thenightwolf I was also confused about the real Gabe, and if Gabe even existed as a human or if Dodge just created him to infiltrate the group. I can't quite recall him before he inserted himself into the prank on Eden. Hopefully, we'll get some explanation.

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Locke & Key: 1x10 Crown of Shadows

Was anyone else getting irritated that when the kids (thought they) found Well Lady/Dodge/Lucas on the floor that they just kept standing around and not immediately looking for all the keys to take back from her?

I knew when all the kids tossed Dodge into the black door that it was probably Ellie because when Bode was at Ellie's house they didn't show her.

I didn't know nor expect the end parts with Gabe or Eden, which also begs the question then, where the hell is the real Gabe?

One other big question, did anyone else think that one paramedic kind of looked like Stephen King making a cameo appearance near the end?

But according to the credits, it wasn't! Lol :wink:

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@thenightwolf thank you, that really helped. Hopefully we get to find out when and how he got switched.

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Little Fires Everywhere: 1x05 Duo

Reply by Wynter

Jeez Mia, you are supposed to be an adult and take a high road when confronting a privileged, but very traumatized teen. Instead, you decided to be a bitch. I really have a hard time connecting to Mia's character or feel sympathetic for her.

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@ootony I disagree. She is a teen, and most teens of any background feel entitled and treat others in ways that in retrospective is horrible. Was her behavior propped up by privileged? Absolutely. But it also wasn't the only reason she treated people the way she did. There is time and place to call people out, but being sensitive to their trauma requires being a bigger person.

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Shrill: 3x08 Move

Reply by Wynter

Not going to lie, I was kind of mad at the ending. After watching the entire series, it felt like there had been no growth and in turn, no happy ending. I was hoping that Annie or Fran would have learned something about themselves and change for the better.

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@ad76 I'm sort of enjoying the ending. Life has no happy endings, just a series of ups and downs, and Annie and Fran have a lot of living and growing to do.

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The Traitors: 1x06 Episode 6

putting this comment in when i’m only ten minutes in so who knows what will happen BUT maddie is so infuriating. she’s accidentally latched on to wilf and caught aaron in the crossfire for no good reason and then she thinks because people are saying she’s wrong that she’s right lol. i’m mad

edit after the mission: red group just sauntering along i’d have been furious if i was literally buried lol. nightmare

edit after the round table: actually furious at amanda… alyssa has been playing the game better than will the whole time and this is what amanda does…. furious

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@maurak I guess it makes sense for Amanda to back Will at this time. She was banking on Will still being under suspicion, so she could potentially get rid of two traitors and keep all the money, if she ends up winning. She also didn't know if she could manipulate Alyssa, or if Alyssa would backstab her, in case she stayed. She had the proof that she could not trust Will, and that made it easier to keep an eye on him and get ahead of his game. I am very disappointed that Will's dangerous move to throw a team member under the bus actually paid off, though. But that's just me theorizing without knowing how it all gets resolved.

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