


The Menu

Comedy? You mean there's supposed to be humour in this? ... Uh. Okay then. Can't tell where, but whatever.
The acting is solid, although I'm not sure it's enough to carry the movie as a whole on its back. In trying to offer criticism, I think it ends up being just like the thing it criticises: cold, obsessive, and indeed in Margot's very own words: "fancy, deconstructed avant-bullshit". After which we are left hungry, too, because despite all the display, there isn't much substance to it at all.

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There are actual parenting lessons to learn in this movie: how wanting the best for your kid(s) leads to rigidity and stubbornness, an unwillingness to listen and be open. How it leads to irrational, unreasonable reactions and decisions, which escalates into a certain paranoia, and that eventually leads to a hysteria that destroys lives - either in a figurative or a literal way, because both can and do happen. In a way, it's great that someone tried to make that a point and thread a story through all of it.

In another way, it's just so transparent as a framework, so much on the surface - because whatever would actually carry it falls apart from a single breath it's so bad. The script, directing, acting, CGI, even the "plot" such as it is are all just annoyingly bad. So as a movie, there's basically nothing here to enjoy - or even to be spooked by, because... yeah. The Big Bad Thing:tm: looks silly as a character, and at least a decade old and low budget in quality, and that's beyond how overused and exposed it is through the whole thing.

It's frustrating and unfortunate.

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Batman Ninja

What am I going to do with you, Batman? You've destroyed a perfectly good giant robot castle.
- Joker, in Sengoku period Japan.

I think the quote sums this thing up well enough. I like Japan in general, I love anime, I can appreciate the creators for who they are, I can even appreciate certain elements like the style and the animation. I'm also aware that cartoons often "displace" Batman, in time and/or in space. Having said all that... ooooooh boy, is this a mess. It feels like there were too many ideas and nobody was willing to let any of them go. If you're not bothered by so many staples of Japanese history / popular media all appearing in one movie, brought to you by some of your favourite DC characters (probably including more people from the Batman universe than any one movie should) - go ahead, you'll have a blast. If anachronistic mishmash in general disturbs you, you best stay away from this one.

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Dumb and Dumber

MARCH 25th

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Poor Things

Shout by Ren

Victorian. Gothic. Renaissance. Steampunk. Surrealism. Absolutely love the amalgamation of eras and cultural/artistic trends here, and it's fortunate that the production value is as sky high as it is, because otherwise this would've been a catastrophe. Even a good mix of various philosophies, and it's great that the story doesn't dwell too much on any of it, doesn't try to shove any particular one down the viewer's throat, and instead lets us take what we want from it all.
Kind of a pity that not half an hour into it, most of it gets sucked into the black hole that is sex, and then just... mostly revolves around that. Could've been a lot more substance, but still. The dialogues are funny in their rawness, there's a few occasional sharp critique here and there... And if nothing else, eventually we're left with quite a lot crammed into 2+ hours of entertainment - if not more, certainly different than most movies these days.
Considering everything else in the movie, I do sincerely hope that tobacco warning at the beginning was meant to be some kinda weird joke though.

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The Family Plan

This is like... a remake of the 2015 Vacation, seriously. The poster, the entire road trip, the kids not getting along, the campus scene with mom being hot.... Except, then there's tons more chemistry here between pretty much everyone, a heavy dose of RED injected everywhere, and Ciarán Hinds and Maggie Q practically stealing the entire move (does she always do that??). With some predictable and sappy family PR at the end. It's certainly fun, just sit back and enjoy the action and have a few laughs.

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Good Neighbor Sam

"My woman's club is starting a purge on the evil, obscene publications which litter our libraries and our newsstands. I'd love to have Mrs. Bissell join us next Thursday for our weekly book burning if she's free."
I wonder if anyone'd believed that more than half a century later life would imitate art so impeccably?...

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The Birds

I've tried this multiple times now and I just don't get all the praise and high scores. At its best, this movie fair puts me to sleep. At its worst, it's damn unwatchable. I don't know what it is - maybe it's just aged badly, although I've never had that as an issue with any other movie. But if not that, then... I'm really stumped. It's just a struggle from start to end.

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Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!

All the music is so absolutely on point it's incredible.

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South Park: Joining the Panderverse

Ok this is basically back-to-its-roots genius. :rofl: Congrats.

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The Whole Nine Yards

Rest in peace, Matthew Perry. :pray_tone1:

Crazy how he's gone, and for all intents and purposes so is Bruce Willis at this point... Basically all three male leads are gone now, not even old.

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The Exorcist: Believer

Not quite sure of the connection to The Exorcist tbh, save for some of the music, apparently. Just a regular possession story. But hey, Aunt Lydia is saving girls again, so I guess that's a small win.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

I felt like at times it reaches beyond the fourth wall with the comments and remarks that probably meant to "explain" things to the "normies", as opposed to just being a plain joyride for the "nerds". Starts off a little slow, and there are some eyeroll moments later on as well, but the cast manages to shine through and make it a fun experience.
The fact that Hugh Grant, nearly two decades later, is basically playing Daniel Cleaver again, this time injected into a Master of Laketown - that alone is absolutely hilarious. And of course, Michelle Rodriguez is always great.

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Those Who Wish Me Dead

Tbh, I had it playing in the background so I might've missed a few bits here and there but... Seriously, do we ever actually learn what The Bad Guys:tm: even wanted? Because I can't recall any of that at all. Sure, one can substitute in generic puzzle pieces, but that shouldn't be the go-to solution to rely on. Geez.

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Women Talking

That's a lot of riding on the coat tails of two major classics of cinema that basically only serve as the rail track towards a trainwreck of a messed up intercourse followed by a confused (confusing?) awakening of yet another Sad Teen:registered::tm: stuck at the edge of the edge of nowhere. And holy smokes, the "development hell" this movie's been through, it's barely saw a wider public release and it already feels old and dusty on top of all that. Geez.

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Shotgun Wedding

Jennifer Coolidge is 10/10, if the movie is worth watching at all, it's for her. Because the rest is kinda cookie cutter. A touch more over the top with the gore-y bits than one would expect from a flick like this, I guess, but that's it.

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When You Finish Saving the World

I have no idea what I just watched. What is it with Hollyweird lately serving up so many slurries of nothing but dysfunctional awkward and cringe, and calling them movies? I guess there's some meta in there somewhere, but geez.

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Armageddon Time
Halloween Ends
Hocus Pocus 2
Bullet Train

It's not the kind of movie that's gonna win any award (probably), but if you want something to switch your brain off and just sit in for some action and laughs at the end of the day/week, it's absolutely perfect. Big budget, high production value, and of course totally nonsensical without much in the way of realism, but all that is exactly what makes it awesome. Definitely hits that Kill Bill vibe in all the right spots, and dilutes it with a touch more humour. Recommended if you want to be entertained and don't mind a bit of gore.

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Father of the Bride

Trying a little too hard to be modern and PC, and that doesn't have a good effect on the movie as a whole. The fact that I found myself more invested in how Billy & Ingrid are gonna end up than the kids' wedding didn't help the plot all that much either. Does have its moments, but ultimately not all that much soul or chemistry.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once
The Batman
The Lost Daughter

So there's.... some mothers on a holiday, somewhere in Greece? I guess? Certain shots/settings kinda reminded me of a few Poirot episodes with David Suchet, which is weird since those are set in the 30s. But other than that... I'm actually not even sure I recall any particularly nice scenic shot. And the rest? Just... I don't know. A few puzzle pieces that never really get together into an actual picture, there's little to no cohesion to whatever story there's supposed to be in this. And for that, it's also too long. Looks like a common theme in 2021 movies. Shame though, because there are quite a few great names in the cast; but I had a hard time even trying to keep up with who's who in terms of the characters, amidst all the flashbacks.
Might be the book's a lot better, should probably read that - can't be much worse, at any rate.

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Red Rocket

What on earth did I just watch and why was it so long and why are people praising this to high heavens? Seriously, just... what? This is a 2 hour long trainwreck, with a side of junk for some reason.
Worst thing is I can almost see it as an actual documentary, and it's scary because it might well work better that way. Still too long either way though.

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The Sandlot 2

This whole "let's bring girls in" spin could work if it was an actual sequel to the first movie, shifting the process of growing up to that particular phase. Set ten years apart, however, its connection is loose at best, that is to say, apart from the location and Mr Mertle, who once again only appears at the end - basically non-existent. With so much of the plot, and indeed even the very script itself being practically the same, the girls reduced to complete pointlessness, it feels more like a strained, PC-wannabe attempt at a remake, rather than a sequel that would still be about a decade too late.

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Like others point it out as well, this is just false advertising: there's nothing "unhuman" in here. It's not necessarily a bad movie per se, but it's a bad movie if you're expecting sci-fi and aliens, because that's not what you get. Like, at all.

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