


Elsbeth: 1x05 Ball Girl

Reply by Zac

I'm entering into my snitch era

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@rujowax i liked the 1 conversation she had with the detective where she mostly talked like a normal person

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Reply by Zac

A must-watch for League (LoL) e-sports fans. Other e-sports fans might enjoy it as well, although part of its magic is the actual Riot casters and a few streamer cameos.

Unfortunately, I don't think that people that have never watched competitive LoL nor e-sports will enjoy it. I can't be subjective on this since I've been watching League since S4, but that is my best guess. There are just too many League and e-sports references, parallels and jokes in general. That is a HUGE positive for long time watchers like me, but people unfamiliar with the scene won't get them.

Addressing the LoL fans now, go watch this ASAP. This is kind of a comedic mockumentary, following the life of a fictional supp player "Creamcheese" and a fresh adc talent "Organizm". It has the cringy humour you would expect from pros, kinda like "The Office" but for a fictional League team. Team drama, community flame, fall from grace, drive to lift an LCS trophy, it's all there. You'll actually see the LCS studio, Riot casters and even "The Dive" commenting on the characters quite regularly. Still, you can tell it's a show though, because despite them being in NA, they dream of winning World's xD. We had Arcane, now this and an MMO in the works, good time to be a League fan!

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@tortugas I'm a casual PC gamer who never watches esports or live streams and has never played League and I've enjoyed this show a lot. I feel like the show has done a really good job of explaining the parts of League that are relevant to the situation without overloading me with information. I of course didn't recognize any of the people they had in the talking heads but they did a great job of grounding the show. Creamcheese can be cringy at times but his character has grown well throughout the season - i liked when he came home from the rough high school reunion and just sits down and queues with Org

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The Good Fight

Reply by Zac

This is not a TV show, this is a lefty antifa woke propaganda documentary! This is despicable to be so political in a show. The more seasons, the more ridiculous it gets. Unwatchable.

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@jed-dye "Unwatchable" seems like a bit of a stretch considering you've seen every episode lmao

The comments from snowflakes on trakt are always funny, i dont doubt this show is bad 6 seasons in though

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Motherland: Fort Salem: Season 1

Some things I didn't like, like the applaud/stomping, and the cheesy mass orgy. It kept me entertained though.

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@faelz Yeah just finished the first season, seems the show could be a bit better if the first half of the season wasn't so horny. By episode 5-6 I feel like I knew more about how people bang in this universe than the war. Hopefully its better going forward

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x13 Coming Home

Reply by Zac


Review by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-03-17T10:49:45Z— updated 2022-08-01T08:54:47Z

And they're back in full action mode: blasts, explosions, flickering monitors, sparks flying, shaky cameras, spore drive being used as a thruster .... What happened to the more subtle, more science based, more logical, more calm approach of the two last episodes, which actually capture some of the real Star Trek spirit?

Only the admiral back at home perhaps behaves like a calm Star Trek officer (even Tilly tries to). Though the whole evacuation sub-plot is useless: can't they show the evacuation of civilians and the panic that must have been inspired on those worlds? Instead they show some arguably brave soldiers on a generic command bridge organizing the evacuation. I appreciate Tilly's personal growth but why should I care about her? She was annoying (but somewhat funny - I'll give her that) and she was clearly written out of this season and now she returns in the final episode just to show she's perhaps red shirt material too?

But most of the other officers behave like intimidated or immature teenagers: Entire worlds are at stake, the president actually risking her life by connecting her mind to the species, but the bridge crew seems very much interested contemplating personal issues, like Saru's little amour fou, like the Captain being obviously paralyzed by the fact that Book is about to die (remember: she wasn't able to destroy Book's ship in the first place by obviously not executing a Star Fleet issued command) and like the bridge crew discussing who's about to pilot that shuttle into (what they believe) is certain death (and so forth) Why can't the captain just issue orders?

The whole communication scene and ultimate resolution is totally screwed up. Even given that this specie's communication is heavily based on feelings, I can't believe that such pathetic Hollywood BS is a meaningful way to communicate and to negotiate a "cease fire". They could also have elaborated on the astonishing fast progress: they went from exchanging simple mathematical patterns to almost (as in: bad) poetic lines w/o any difficulties. And then, boom!, Book is alive again. 'cause why not? Discovery jumps frantically through space and time, why should death be an ultimate barrier that the writer's can't bend if that's convenient? Why adhere to the laws of physics anyway? And in the spirit of true BS Hollywood pathos this show of course needs Book to be alive 'cause nothing but a 100% happy ending will do.

To me, this finale is super unsatisfactory.

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@alexlimberg I guess I never really thought he was gone, so I never considered him “brought back”. It wasn’t that long ago that the crew went and “hid” in the pattern buffer, so as soon as I saw Book’s beam of light fade away I thought of that and assumed he was fine. But I get your premise about plot armor being annoying I guess?

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x13 Coming Home

Reply by Zac


Review by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-03-17T10:49:45Z— updated 2022-08-01T08:54:47Z

And they're back in full action mode: blasts, explosions, flickering monitors, sparks flying, shaky cameras, spore drive being used as a thruster .... What happened to the more subtle, more science based, more logical, more calm approach of the two last episodes, which actually capture some of the real Star Trek spirit?

Only the admiral back at home perhaps behaves like a calm Star Trek officer (even Tilly tries to). Though the whole evacuation sub-plot is useless: can't they show the evacuation of civilians and the panic that must have been inspired on those worlds? Instead they show some arguably brave soldiers on a generic command bridge organizing the evacuation. I appreciate Tilly's personal growth but why should I care about her? She was annoying (but somewhat funny - I'll give her that) and she was clearly written out of this season and now she returns in the final episode just to show she's perhaps red shirt material too?

But most of the other officers behave like intimidated or immature teenagers: Entire worlds are at stake, the president actually risking her life by connecting her mind to the species, but the bridge crew seems very much interested contemplating personal issues, like Saru's little amour fou, like the Captain being obviously paralyzed by the fact that Book is about to die (remember: she wasn't able to destroy Book's ship in the first place by obviously not executing a Star Fleet issued command) and like the bridge crew discussing who's about to pilot that shuttle into (what they believe) is certain death (and so forth) Why can't the captain just issue orders?

The whole communication scene and ultimate resolution is totally screwed up. Even given that this specie's communication is heavily based on feelings, I can't believe that such pathetic Hollywood BS is a meaningful way to communicate and to negotiate a "cease fire". They could also have elaborated on the astonishing fast progress: they went from exchanging simple mathematical patterns to almost (as in: bad) poetic lines w/o any difficulties. And then, boom!, Book is alive again. 'cause why not? Discovery jumps frantically through space and time, why should death be an ultimate barrier that the writer's can't bend if that's convenient? Why adhere to the laws of physics anyway? And in the spirit of true BS Hollywood pathos this show of course needs Book to be alive 'cause nothing but a 100% happy ending will do.

To me, this finale is super unsatisfactory.

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Booker is alive again. 'cause why not? Discovery jumps frantically through space and time, why should be death an ultimate barrier that the writer's can't bend if that's convenient?

Book never died, his transporter signal was intercepted

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For All Mankind

Wonderful show partially weighed down by more of modern pc bs.

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@donpalomono I don't really get this viewpoint (and I've heard it before). I think the female characters existence in the story make the show more interesting. In my opinion it would be weirder if the show just glossed over women joining the astronaut program and pretended like it wouldn't be a big deal. I don't think they overdid it, they told the story and showcased how such a situation might have played out in the 60s-70s and then moved on fairly quickly to focus on other stories with all the astronauts doing their jobs.

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Bull: 5x01 My Corona

Reply by Zac

This episode was a prime example of what to do should you want your TV series cancelled. The creepy baby was beyond, the lip singing is incredibly ridiculous and the mask wearing... come on. less than 20 minutes into this episode, I want it to turn it off.

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@cyn-c the mask wearing is the most realistic and least weird thing about the episode

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Reply by Zac

What happened to Season 2?

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@pixada its coming this friday i hope its good

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Bull: 2x14 Keep Your Friends Close

Reply by Zac

Good episode but I wanted to smack Cable. Really dumb decisions on her part. We know she’s young but she’s not naive so I was pleased with how things played out. She broke her promise and the law. She’s lucky she wasn’t left in prison. Bull saved her from that. I love how carefully he tried to break the news to her about letting her go. Showed he really cared and was trying to explain why her presence would not only jeopardize the company but all their reputations.

You can’t expect her to keep working when you can’t trust her to do her job or refrain from the temptation of breaking the law again.

Anytime I’ve done something stupid, I’m like ‘yeah okay, my bad, I deserved that’. So I couldn’t understand why Cable looked at Bull like he was betraying her at the end much where she takes off. Like he’s the bad guy? No. I honestly expected her to go ‘I guess I deserved that...but what does this mean for us? Can I still see everyone once in awhile’ and the Bull would tell her they’re family or something.

A conversation that I wish happened but didn’t because Cable is too immature (as evidenced through the whole episode). She could have told Bull at any time her ‘friend’ cornered her but she didn’t. She waited until she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

While her character had its moments I hope she’s not brought back as a regular because this feels more realistic.

Also great acting this episode from Weatherly. Lots of subtlety. He’s just sitting there and you can see the various emotions in his eyes. I love when actors can do that.

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@jupitersummers (late reply first time watch through) The thing that really bugged me about her actions, totally aside from deciding to help her old friend, was just how stupid she was plugging that flash drive into her computer while connected to the server. She's supposed to be the smart tech person and really didn't think to completely check the flash drive out on a different computer before plugging it in inside the FBI headquarters? Or maybe get a copy of the "signature" off the FBI server, disconnect entirely, and then compare that to the thing on the flash drive when a hack can't touch the server? Seems to go against every cyber security bone in my body. I really like Cable as a character and I'll be sad when she leaves the show (which she apparently does at the end of this season) but this whole thing is more than a reasonable reason for her to not work there...

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Bull: 1x21 How to Dodge a Bullet

Reply by Zac

The "fixer" is such a badass, pretty good episode. Hope to see more of her. I like her for Bull.

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Maybe I’m crazy but I’m really not liking her character or the way the access is portraying her. Her dialogue is weirdly worse than everyone else on the show

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Below average quality drama which just happens to be in space. I don't like this type of drama. It tries to work towards feel good moments but it feels unnatural and artificial, and I'm asuming that cycle of feel good feel bad will be repeated throughout the show. I won't know cause I'm stopping after 2 episodes. It's shallow and stupid. I feel like I wasted precious time I could have spend watching something else.
And it's not realistic at all, which I feel like it's trying to be.

I'm pretty sure they have procedures for everything up there and the commander won't take impulsive actions when she has an actual expert in the field right next to her. And even if she did I'm sure there will be an issue with that commander. And I'm sure the psychologist or whoever that was wouldn't encourage her by telling her she did the right thing cause she tried to save her colleagues. I mean, again, it's dumb drama.
And there's no way austronauts would even start that journey with so much hostility. It just seems impossible.

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@phunkie Yeah its like they forgot about the years of training they spent together and seemed to start the mission like they barely knew eachother

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Black Panther

Reply by Zac

They are the richest country in the world but they keep everything to themselves? No wonder Trump people and Fox liked the movie. It's the opposite of inclusive or kind. The reasoning given for their behavior appears righteous and doesn't appear to be true. It seems to be rationalizing bad behavior. Behavior otherwise seen as awful in the real world.

It isn't clear if this is or isn't an authoritarian regime either. We know it's a monarchy with silly rules for who leads.

The "good guys" could easily be seen as bad guys. There's likely destitute people all around the outside of their advanced beyond first world country. That's messed up.

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@skinnymuch Did you see the end of the movie?

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Brave New World

very watchable, sci-fi that has good cgi + good acting with what so far is a click the next episode to see what happens next story. thumbs up.

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@guenguer Plenty of people care about CGI- of course it matters. Good CGI is an incentive to watch something, people enjoy seeing quality effects.

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Stargirl: 1x01 Pilot

Reply by Zac


Shout by Deleted

What's with the "I think this show will be bad?". Titans is awesome. The CW DCU shows are great. I just finished the first episode and I enjoyed it. Give it a chance.

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I'm going to give it another episode or maybe I'll watch the season idk.. But the CGI/fighting in this episode wasn't nearly as good as I remember Titans being

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9-1-1: Lone Star

Reply by Zac

Good so far but Liv Tyler brings the show down. Her voice is just so soft and low with no personality. Rest of the cast seams well placed.

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@elcaptainhook well fortunately they can just replace her character like they did with the call center operator girls in the other 9-11 show

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Hawaii Five-0: 9x07 Pua a'e la ka uwahi o ka moe (The Smoke Seen in the Dream Now Rises)

Reply by Zac

Shout by Zac

Filler episode... they’re really really stretching this Adam situation.

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@lkay Well considering zero plot progression happens during the episode - I'd say it's filler. But hey we're 200 episodes into this show they're gonna need some fillers to keep going.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Reply by Zac

Shout by Matt
BlockedParent2016-12-15T11:40:45Z— updated 2016-12-18T11:56:22Z

If there was a bit more character development, Rogue One would be one of the greatest films of the year. Either way, it was easily one of the best Star Wars films, and it got that way through likable characters, spectacular cinematograpy and a great final act.

Oh, and the Vader scene.

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@mattjackson I agree with all the things you said. I do however think that they went a little overboard with the references to the other movies in this film.... That Vader scene though.

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