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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season 1

1x05 Part V

Fair episode
better than the last few
and arguably the best of
this Show.
Reva yeah whatever
that seems predictable
and anticlimactic I was
definitely hoping for
something more than
Good old fashion revenge.
who cares and if they wanted
me to care then don't make
her such an unlikeable
cruel annoying bitch for
90 percent of the show.
I was way more invested
and cared so much more
for them two
Darksiders from
"Ahsoka" now they
were super interesting
and cool AF.
Once again
The Mandalorian
did this type of
episode so much better,
Once again this episode
had stuff just happening
for the sake of it and
people making decisions
that make absolutely
no sense oh yeah and
Once again the incompetent
bad guys let the good guys
Once again get away,
Including Obi.
In all this was a better
episode to the show but
at this point that's not saying
Right onto
This special event
season finale as they
are calling it.
(wonder what's so special).

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Oh dear, that didn't really go that well... :o I'm just relieved that at least Obi-Wan, Leia, and Luke will be fine.

The dark story of the life of The Third Sister is both too unbelievable and too sad/pathetic IMO.

It sucks that Tala died. She's one of the coolest characters of this show.

Anyway, it's getting too out of hand now... :o

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I'mm really surprised how good the latest Star Wars shows has been, especially given that they are made by woke Disney. Quite a contrast to the crap that has been produced for the Star Trek franchise lately.

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Okay, I don’t expect this too.

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The chapters that people said were the best, for us, the worst, it makes no sense what anyone does. Example being pierced by a lightsaber and you don't die, A series disappointment

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This episode perfectly represents the series as a whole. A few things done really well. But so many examples of terrible writing and bizarre directing decisions completely overshadow everything.

Overall, there is something to enjoy here. But the idea that it can be so much better is ever present.

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The first actually good episode this entire series.
Reva was actually good for once and learning her backstory was nice. She actually show some emotion too, which is nice. I was not a fan of her this whole series but she was actually ok here.

Too bad it took 5 episodes for it to get passable. Overall though this show was a loss and a mess.

Its also nice to see the old Kenobi come back a little bit to his former self.

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The flashback framing is the most logical use of Obi/Ani in the whole project. Reva’s whole deal feels unnecessarily complicated but I’m all for the younglings being represented here (and borderline amazed that they didn’t use this as an opportunity to somehow further the backstory of Grogu… amazed but thankful).

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The Obi-Wan we know and love is slowly returning, planning, scheming, negotiating - and putting himself between innocents and danger. Especially love the way his relationship with Leia develops. And the way Obi-Wan still knows Anakin/Vader.

The Third Sister's past... well... tragic to be sure... but it's not as though she hasn't perpetrated enough cruelty, let's just think about the scene on Tatooine in episode 1. So my compassion or sympathy's pretty limited here. Of course, Obi-Wan's manipulating her, but at this point, does anyone care? (And let's not forget why we're really watching this show: not to learn about her, who's squashed like a fly by Vader, but to see Obi-Wan confront Vader and his past and grow into the excentric desert hermit we all know and love.)

The less said about Obi-Wan's stupidity to not delete Bail's message (or set the communicator to auto-delete once heard), the better. ;)

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Ok the show is still boring but I liked that we got to see Vader's monstrous powers in this episode

He was a total BADASS

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I think I'm growing tired of the singular plot element that they recycle for every episode: Obi-Wan runs from the Empire, the Empire finds Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan outmaneuvers them. Rinse and repeat, ad nauseam.

I liked parts of it (the Vader parts, mostly), but the contrived story beats kind of left me wishing they had spent more time in the writer's room.

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I'm watching this only to find out what new silly things the showrunners invent. Apparently the pre-Hogwarths aged princess Leia is the most intelligent person around and has some hidden hacking talents which come in handy. Obi wears the same pained expression the entire show, but apparently the inquisitor girl is even stupider than he is, since after he surrenders to her she just lets him go back to the shelter from where he escapes. I know little about Star Wars but maybe I would have written a better fanfic had they hired me.

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Stop shaking the bleeping camera!!

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Horrible action sequences once again, with 50 Stormtroopers taking turns shooting one at a time, and now with shaky cam! A small space where only a child can fit -- except that once we see it, it's immediately obvious that it could easily hold two or more adults. Someone left alive who should've been killed. And on and on. I don't know what Disney's priorities are at this point, but Obi-Wan is clearly not one of them.

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Man those troopers cant shoot for shit lol they killed one person by the time they were face to face with the people.

Using the force while fighting is such a bitch move. What you couldn’t fight her fare? Of course not he’s the biggest p:pound_symbol:$$¥ in the whole galaxy

Hope the inquisitor joins the rebels

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Amazing episode, I almost cried, I did not see that coming

I want to be like General Kenobi, He's always got a way out

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The third sister shows some feelings and gets bloody. Mastermind Obi-Wan once again gets it through. Tata dies in quite an undramatic fashion. Sets up for a good final episode.

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I've seen Sunday morning cartoons with better character development than this show

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Why ist everyone always telling his / her backstory with the empire?

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I’m still severely baffled by this great journey Leia has been on when the very first introduction into Star Wats shows a beautiful young Carrie Fisher as Leia leaving a message in R2D2 asking for Obiwans help as he fought with her father. Not “hey obiwan, it’s me again…could use you for another little adventure”.

It’s like there trying to re-write the story with an ending that we already know happened

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Shout by Ro

Just stop the agony of watching the action scenes.
Horrible director

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Shout by Nicol1212

Darth Vader using the force was so epic, really hoped Reva would die.

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This episode started to redeem this series quite a bit for me. Reeva's arc finally makes sense and Vader feels more like he should do, directing things from afar then popping in at the last minute to be angry at the world.

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finally Darth gets pissed off and starts using the force. some sabre action and abit of Leia fixing something shes never seen before, but she's got the pocket handbook to fixing anything just in the knick of time. 3rd sister is not happy at the end, she's been short changed a coke instead of a thickshake .

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The whole third sister story arc makes no sense at all. I'm upset because vader killed the only family I had. I know, ill just join his ranks and kill more jedi and innocent people until i can get close to him and ignore the only other person that could help me get revenge! like WTF

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Acting? Bad.
Writing:? Bad.
Directing? Bad.

I really enjoyed The Mandolorian and even parts of Boba Fett, but this latest effort from Disney is dumb, poorly made, and worst of all, boring. I really cannot believe how bad this is.

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This was tolerable, but Darth, Ewan and 3rd Sister can only carry bad writing so far. I don’t know why everyone is so down on Moses Ingram. Would have been better if the storm troopers missed that big ass door even though they were 3 feet away with that giant cannon. That action scene was pretty good compared to the others, but they must be shooting in that tiny digital stage because there just isn’t enough room for those battles to look big.

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Another worst episode from Deborah Chow, let's see how much worse we will get next week's finale.

Can't even see and focus properly on my screen while the Stormtroopers shooting blasters at the rebel's hideout since the EFX spark was too much and it hurt my eyes at a certain point in the shootout. And why does this Disney hire these screenwriters? They let little Leia fix the broken gate and how does this little child know mechanic stuff? (Great, we now have an engineer Leia.) And why does Obi-Wan calmly agree to let the child fix and be away with her, when the reason why he's not on Tatooine looking out for Luke is that Leia got abducted from her guardians.

And also thanks for the little fanservice you give about Anakin and Obi-Wan lightsaber scene. The Vader holding back the aircraft was also cool to watch. Still, the episode is garbage!

And I like that little twist about the third sister trying to get revenge on Vader.

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The real Vader would have finished her off and made sure she was dead... Disappointing.

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Seems like Star Wars writers since The Clone Wars Series watched too many shônen anime ...
Yeah it might be logical for Vader to be more powerful than Rey or Ahsoka but why the fuck is using the force becoming more and more ridiculous and powerful with every new instance that comes to the screens?? Vaders abilities in Rogue One where awesome and even they are hardly compatible with whatever he did in Episodes 4 to 6. But based on how he is able to use the force here, the bejaviour in the old movies just doesn't make sense anymore.
Why do people feel the need to up the ante every fucking time?!

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Thank you for your service Ice Cube

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The Plot Armour is strong with this one

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I think this is a good (borderline great) episode in a series with a very bad plotline. The best I can give it is a 7/10 due to the direction Disney decided to take this show and characters in the series.

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Shout by Greg Young

I'm really struggling to see past the poor writing with this show. Storm Troopers being bad a shooting just went to an entirely new level - About 50 Stormtroopers directly facing about 20 'Good Guys', both without any cover and somehow only about 4 people get hit.

There were even moments where you could see Troopers in amongst the Rebels and still not hitting people, not sure if this was just bad editing or not.

I understand that writing a story when we know certain characters need to live is difficult but then why would you make the idea of Reva killing Darth Vader a main point when we know it won't happen?

I will say this though - They made Darth Vader look bad ass when he pulled that ship out of the sky, tore it apart and then easily defeated Reva.

Overall though I'm not sure I'll be watching any more of the new Star Wars shows unless I hear about something amazing because the recent films, Boba Fett and now Kenobi have just been plain awful.

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200 stormtroopers shooting point blank and not hitting any of the 6 untrained people inside the bunker? Stupid and lazy as any recent star wars crap.

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It's actually deeply funny to see the Reva plotline turn into exactly the kind of "edgy, complicated dark jedi" plotline the manchildren who were mad at her for being Black While Star Warsing would have loved otherwise.

Also, killing off Luther's wife is the such a cheap way to make me hate a villain but they KEEP DOING IT.

Finally, just to show off my Star Wars e-peen... Why throw Jabiim in if you're not gonna have it be raining the whole time? The whole point of Jabiim is that it's a muddy storm planet. It's like throwing Tattooine in the script and not having the action occur in a desert.

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Complaint I just read online, passing it off as my own.

It's so disheartening to see how much the Star Wars fandom has never changed. I thought we got passed this 20 years ago, but I guess the newbies need feel acceptance by repeating what everyone else says.

This is the best Stars Wars material in a long time.

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Seeing savage Vader continues to be one of the best parts of the show, which is why this episode was probably the best one so far. Really liked the flash back training session between Obi-Wan and Anakin being a direct parallel to the story throughout this episode. There were some minor things that bothered me, like why didn't Vader just stop the other ship as it was taking off? This reflects how some of the writing has been kind of lazy throughout the show. Reva's twist was good but I saw it coming as I think a lot of people did, so it was a little underwhelming. But the fight at the end was awesome.

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I agree with everyone commenting in the inconsistences on this episode. To me a minor thing but Star Wars in very inconsistence with ages, Reva is in her late 20s, Kenobi is his 50s so the events of the temple were decades ago but Luke and Leia are pretty small children like I said a minor thing but bothers me. And how about Vader holding a ship but then couldn't hold the other one, or in his fight with Reva with that strength he could have tear her apart limb by limb, so many details.

The writing is atrocious another missed opportunity for Disney.

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Bail leaving a message for Kenobi in where he mentions Tatooine and 'the boy' gotta be one of the dumbest and laziest things I've ever seen in Star Wars (and the bar is not that high). Some of the writings decisions in this series truly are baffling.

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Maaaaan does Ewan McGregor COMMAND the screen with his presence and performance!!!

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Hahahaha... How on earth are they shooting face to face in the cave and they are still missing??

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Shout by Agent24

A lot of good stuff here but also a few unlogical things. Still I loved the flashback scenes and how much screentime Vader got in this episode. Really sad to see Tala getting killed off. I really liked her character. But at least her death scene was done quite well. The ending offered a nice twist but in general I‘d say the storyline was easily predictable.

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I get that sometimes characters in a story need to make illogical decisions so the plot can move forward, but that needs to be balanced with some characters making logical decisions. Not a thing that happened this episode made sense.

And why are the rebels all a bunch of helpless women and wimpy men? How are they a threat to the empire? If you have a grenade, why not throw it at the bad guys? Why can no one in this universe fire a weapon from cover? Why exactly are so many people gathered together in a big empty building? Why did no one this episode care about precious Wade? Why did they even go this this place instead of going directly to Alderon? If you want to kill Darth Vader and have been around him for years, just poison his food. I'm assuming he has to occasionally eat.

I'm at the point now where I miss the writing of Boba Fett and his teenage vespa street gang.

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I just wanna post this from Geosage on reddit:

Imagine if each episode of Obi Wan contained flashbacks of him teaching different lessons to Anakin, and then showing how each one applied to each different episode...

Tell a story taking place now, yet also fleshing out some moments between them... ya know, really flesh out the relationship between the two of them...

But then there wouldn't be room for Reva.

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Garbage writing. This whole episode does not make any sense.

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Who writes this garbage, my god.

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God damn, some of these writing decisions man…

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It was a nice episode, great flashbacks between Obi-Wan and Anakin. These were scenes I wanted to see in the prequels: nice confrontations between a master and an apprentice.

The action is nice but the shaky camera is unbearable, I always liked Star Wars for its clean scenes.

It was strange to see Obi-Wan go instead of helping the third sister, a confrontation between the three of them would have been nice, I felt he abandoned her, to her eyes, a second time after order 66.
I know we will probably see Kenobi and Vader fighting alone again.

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flashbacks with Anakin were the best part

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i wanted to like this more but the logic in progressing the story through this episode was lacking. the effort to open the front gate using a giant gun when a quick saber would suffice... the third sister's quick turn around... continuing saga of bad shooting by the stormtroopers... why didn't tala just use that grenade on the stormtroopers... vader's mercy... feel like we're missing something.

cool to see the flashback scene though.

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Aren't lightsabers supposed to be these super rare weapons? Yet, this bunch of rag-tag farmers have a whole case just laying about?

The plot points of this entire show are soooo simplistic, it's embarrassing: A door needs to be opened? Meh, let's just have it open and shut by itself, no need to explain. The little robot has been hacked? Meh, just pull a little magnet off it and it's back to normal. The little robot destroyed the main hatch controls, oh and what's that, it'll take you 4-5h to fix? Meh, just send in the 10 year-old actual princess with a Philip's screwdriver, she'll get it done in under 20min. Vader can pull ships right out of the sky and tear them apart like paper? Meh, just hide another massive 20-ton ship behind the first one, and pretend this one can take-off faster than the first, so it can safely get away .

Barely an inconvenience.

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Shout by Enjayeff

Vader grabs one ship and does cool shit.. then he lets the second ship just take off?

Third Sister shooting 50cal laser bullets into a door forgetting she got a lightsaber?

They shooting at doors when the surrounding area is rocks? They reinforced rocks or some shit?

Obi-wan gonna help walk one shot person away rather than deflect shots just so we get a sacrifice grenade scene?

It’s these moments that really jar you out of the experience and ruin the suspension of disbelief

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An interesting episode from a series that has been hit and miss. The series is really anchored by McGregor. It was nice to see Christensen back (even though people will comment on how he wasn't de-aged well enough). Reva continues to be the worst thing about this show with Ingram either over or under acting. The Vader fight was one of the more interesting things I've seen in Star Wars - feeling like a true martial arts fight, where the stronger of the two doesn't strike but uses their opponents flow against them. I don't know if that suits Vader though.

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Shout by Darth

So if Terminator Lola was workin on it’s own evil agenda… how did Lola open the little door? At first I thought it was vader or reva using the force for how the door gracefully opened and closed but later on when they are busy terminator Lola is on their own attacking Leia

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Loved this episode!

They finally explained Reva's character and it finally makes sense. Now that her future is uncertain, this is where the fun begins! That scene where Vader was just toying with Reva was awesome!

But I have one slight complaint about this episode: Seriously, is it just me or Anakin in the flashbacks seems a bit too old?

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OMG!!! This episode is something else!! Can't wait for the season finale!!!!

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That was legit a way better episode then it had any right to be.

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