Caleb Peters


Grand Prairie, Texas

The Simpsons: 5x21 Lady Bouvier's Lover

Not a fan of these abe-focused episodes, but that sound of silence parody was pretty good.

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Black Mirror: 2x01 Be Right Back

Man, this fucked with my brain. Especially since we have chatbots and such now that are at roughly the same level of realism.

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The Simpsons: 4x11 Homer's Triple Bypass

A perfect commentary on how awful and exploitative american healthcare can be.

It's just saddening that it still rings true 30 years later.

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The Simpsons: 4x08 New Kid on the Block

I really like this episode.

I was wondering when they would parallel Milhouse's crush by having Bart debelop one, and they did it quite well.

Laura is great, and although her mom isn't in msny scenes she could be a good addition if they bring back the chatavters every so often.

They even tossed in an accurate rendition of what rejection feels like!

I also like how by the end, Bart kind of realizes that she's ultimately too old for him - which is better than Dipper did for awhile.

I do hope they bring back Laura as a background character every so often, and she compliments Bart's kind of reckless attitude quite well.

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The Simpsons: 3x19 Dog of Death

Kinda ends abruptly, but oh well.

It's not bad, but definitely skippable.

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The Simpsons: 3x16 Bart the Lover

This is one of those episodes that didn't age super well, but it's not bad otherwise.

As someone else mentioned, I do wonder how she didn't realize it was Bart's handwriting....

But then again, she is super lonely, so perhaps she wasn't paying attention?

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The Simpsons: 2x16 Bart's Dog Gets an 'F'

Both pets haven't so much as been in the background of most episodes, so having this episode focus on one of them isn't bad.

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The Simpsons: 2x03 Treehouse of Horror

"Quoth the raven: Eat my shorts!"

I do like how 2/3 of this is parodies of classic things though - the Kang & Kodos segment is a parody of that one Twilight Zone episode (I think it's called "To Serve Man?"), and the final being a parody/interpretation of "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe.

The first segment with the house is pretty good too. I like how the basement door is literally the only thing between them and the burial ground, as well as most of the tombstones being references.

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The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes: 2x01 The Private War of Doctor Doom

The new intro is pretty bad (narration in intros is almost always annoying), but this episode was solid otherwise.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x22 Imaginary Friend

Why'd they place the focus on some random kid we've never seen?

I've never seen this character, and we're not going to see her again, so I don't really care about her and her imaginary friend.

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Futurama: 8x05 Related to Items You've Viewed

Now this is a Futurama episode - the humour is on-point, the premise is one that makes you think about reality while pushing it aside to enjoy the show, and it ends with a tongue-in-cheek lampshading of the entire episode's events.

Hoping the rest of the season is like this.

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Regular Show: 7x24 California King

Oh my god, is this whole episode just a reference to the Labyrinth movie ffs.

Well, if you've seen the movie I guess it's neat - but if not (like me), then it's just kinda mid.

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Regular Show: The Movie

Going into this, I'm not sure what I expected - but it was pretty good and kinda fun.

Feels like what a Regular Show movie should be: Some absurd-ass situation with a sincere yet half-joke ending.

I also like how they brought back stuff from previous episodes. Always nice when shows/movies do that.

I wonder if the show will reference this too (started season 7 and have been going in release order, and this came out before episode 6 did).

So yeah, if you like the show or are new to it (like me) this is worth watching. Has basically perfect balance between taking itself seriously and going "dude, it's the regular Show movie".

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Regular Show: 1x05 Free Cake

Vanilla > chocolate.

The council is also gonna haunt my nightmares for a few days. Lovely...

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Futurama: 7x24 Murder on the Planet Express

Actually a bit disappointed he died in the end ngl.

Also wanna know how the hell they explained the non-deaths to everyone who got eaten. Did Blorgulax just pop up and say "hey sorry for eating you, but it's part of the team building exercise! Don't let the others know you're not dead :D"

And why not disarm everyone before doing this? Surely at least 1 other crew would've tried to kill him at the end, right?

Pretty good team building plan otherwise though, maybe except for the trauma and possibly telling someone something you'd regret later cuz you thought you were dead.

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Justice League: 2x20 Hereafter (2)

Probably my favourite arc of the series.

Nice to see Savage's more human side and how his immortality affects his thinking over time.

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Justice League: 2x18 Secret Society (2)

As with many episodes of this sueo, the ending is a bit of a non-conclusion.

Green Lantern just gives a somewhat obvious answer to the whole "wait we meant everything" question, and everyone walks off - then they're back in action in the next episode, as if this one didn't happen.

But I guess they weren't able to add a couple more minutes to finalize the story, so it is what it is.

Decent conclusion to a good arc, but needed just a bit more time to fully conclude.

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Justice League: 2x06 Only a Dream (2)

I'm a bit disappointed they didn't show us how the team saved Hawkgirl, but this was a great arc otherwise.

Dream-based stories have always been intriguing to me, and this is no exception.

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Justice League: 1x21 Metamorphosis (2)

The abrupt ending really drags this down. The setup of Stagg's mind being transferred (or cloned - but unclear which it is) into the big monster is good, but I really think it could've used an extra episode to fully complete the story.

Rex's sacrifice being undone also undermines the moment a bit (similar to Gravity Falls' ending), but could've been written into something more later on (though I don't think he appears again). Bringing him back nullifies the tension since we now know he's damn near immortal, so it removes all stakes from the battle.

It's not bad, but not as good as the start was.

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Justice League: 1x19 A Knight of Shadows (2)

A great conclusion to Le Fey's arc.

J'onn being the instrument of destruction and a mere pawn is a great addition, showing that he still misses his world dearly while also accepting the reality of their doom.

Jason even apologizes for Etrigan's terrible attitude before resuming his endless quest.

It's a great ending to a solid arc. Definitely worth a watch.

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Justice League: 1x17 Injustice for All (2)

Damn, Batman talking 2 members of Lex's group (one of which was basically the co-founder) into helping him is such a great move. Even makes Cheetah feel a bit guilty halfway through.

They do handwave the way he escaped the restraints, but I kinda don't care cuz of the former point.

Great conclusion to the arc, and ultra-humanite having Batman donate the money towards his opera show does answer what his use for money is in a way that incorporates the arc's opening (though it is a bit obvious at the start).

I do wonder how the opera show felt after seeing it though. Did they know his backstory, or think it was just the alias of some eccentric billionaire?

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Justice League: 1x14 Legends (1)

This episode feels like a parody of itself while also answering my eternal question of what media is like within the comic book universe.

That could be an essay in its own, but the TL;DR is that superhero comics are still a thing - as evident by John growing up on the justice guild comics of old.

As I said though, this feels kind of like a parody of superhero stories. It's not bad, but feels a bit overdone.

The twist at the end of both this episode and the entire arc are what really make it imo.

It's also cool af to see the wacky theory I had as a kid (that all media existed in other universes, and their authors had a psychic link (or whatever) that gave them ideas for stories) be a plotpoint in the episode.

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Justice League: 1x13 Fury (2)

While the ending to this is good, the execution kinda sabotages the amazon queen's actions in the Paradise Lost arc.

Why would she bury some random sea captain who saved a single girl yet banish the heroes who saved the entire world? It really undermines what was already a flaws ideology (which hawkgirl even points out - stating the Aresia is only taking their doctrine to its logical conclusion).

Having a man save her is a good way to undermine her terrible logic, but at the same time makes the queen seem like an uncaring asshole rather than holding up a terrible yet somehow all-powerful legal requirement.

I'm sure the reason is just because this was written way after Paradise Lost and thus the writers just forgot about or didn't consider it - but it still bothers me.

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Justice League: 1x09 War World (2)

A good conclusion to the war world arc.

I like to think that Draaga changed things for the better, taking Superman's advice to heart and fixing all the problems Mongal never cared about - or at least doing what he can to improve life on the planet.

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Justice League: 1x04 The Enemy Below (1)

A good introduction to Aquaman and Atlantis, though they could've taken some time to establish a bit of his backstory.

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Justice League: 1x01 Secret Origins
Futurama: 6x19 Yo Leela Leela

There's a handful of decent jokes, but it's pretty forgettable otherwise.

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Futurama: 6x14 Neutopia

This is that token episode long-running shows do where everyone is way out of character in order to force a message rather than discussing it with any sort of subtlety or attempt at nuance.

So yeah, skip it. Other shows do the "sexism is bad aight?" episode way better (like Avatar: The Last Airbender).

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The Dragon Prince: 4x07 Beneath the Surface

I just wanna know how tf they built that bridge in the dark.

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The Office: 9x23 Finale

Honestly, the perfect ending to the show.

They even brought back Michael! That was great.

Though Kelly and Ryan just running off (and Ryan abandoning his kid) was kinda unnecessary. I thought her boyfriend was vastly better than Ryan.

But, it was still a great ending otherwise.

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