


Star Wars: Andor: 1x02 That Would Be Me

That Security Force is probably good Stormtrooper material. :laughing:

Anyway, still slow burning. The whole first three episodes released today are rather on long pilot movie I guess. Let's see how that movie ends.

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The Orville: 2x03 Home

Compared to the previous two episodes I would give this a "11".

While maintaining some of the fun, the more sublte one, Cherry Chevapravatdumrong gives us a character driven episode which didn't really need the hostage taking part, but it wasn't to harmful either. I am sure Trek fans are thrilled seeing Picardo, Billingsley and Hagan guest-staring. I know I am and especially the scenes between Picardo and Sage are the highlight of this episode. And the show proves again that it can be great when it finds the balances between seriousness and fun.

So is Alara gone for good? From what I read on the net I'd say she's gone as a regular for now and might come back as a recurring character at a later time. But that is just my opinion. In any case it is a loss for the show

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x03 Replacements

That was in parts extremly dark and gruesome. But it is countered by a very positive final scene.
So, that were basically the first Stormtroopers ? It will be interesting to see that transition.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x08 Narkina 5

Another episode with little action. We seem to be at the beginning of another story cycle. I liked it nevertheless.

Had some interesting angles like the world building, again. I guess now we know how the Empire builds it's massive arsenal. They probably have thousands of those facilities. I was very aware that Andor was already looking for weaknesses and planing his escape. We can easily assume he won't stay there for his term.
Syril is again put in his place and I wonder what he'll do now. Is he going rogue ? (intentional choice of word). Another question being raised is: who is Luthen ? I mean, who is he really ? What's his angle, why is he so adamant at forcing the issue of rebellion ?

Lot's of room for speculation.

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Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian: 2x01 Making of Season 2

More, more, more. I could watch hours of this stuff. It really shows how much respect all those people have for the source material. They see this not just as something that is there to make them money. And that makes all the difference in the world.

Seeing George on set with Grogu put a HUGE smile on my face.

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Munich: The Edge of War
Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x02 Paths Unknown

I would have switched the first two episodes to be honest as this is a far better season premiere. And with the final shot than leading into Omega's confinement and that new facility location makes more sense to me.

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Halo: 2x03 Visegrad

For the life of mine I could never have imagined dropping this show after season one. I was so exited for season two. But they totally screwed up, destroyed everything they build up so far. It's a completely different animal.
Who cares about things like Akerson's father having dementia ? Is this supposed to be character background to explain his actions ? I don't care ! Add "Drama" to the genres because that is what's it become. Every new character they added so far is boring af and is only there to serve certain purposes.
Sorry, but I'm not interested anymore. Didn't even bother finishing this one. And it's more proof positive for me that I should not watch another new show.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x09 Bounty Lost

Those were Kaminoan clones, no ? Is this a precursor to Snoke ? I never thought about Snoke having Kamino DNA but if you look at him......could be. But didn't Palpatine create him much later ? Are they trying to change the story ?

Intriguing, as this could weave multiple shows together.

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Star Wars Rebels: 2x02 Relics of the Old Republic

I know it's only animation but seeing Rex and Ahsoka reunite produced a big lump in my throat.

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I really enjoyed it. Of course a biopic, any biopic, is much more engaging if you want to know about the character portrayed. Maybe I had a bit of an advantage not knowing very much about Tolkien. Just the basic facts that I gathered from some documentary on one of the LOTR bonus discs. I am sure there is some artistic freedom involved and that facts are sacrificed on the altar of drama.
It was interesting to see where the ideas for his stories originated from. I wouldn't have minded some added running time to help adding more depth to certain aspects.
Like everything it is a matter of taste but all things considered one of the better movies I watched this year.

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Mars: 2x05 Power Play

We missed the time to put the corporations on a leash. They have become too powerful. Thanks to lobbying all over the world they have basically taken control. You don't have to be a genius to see that.
The way they are portraying the Mars colonization is pretty much a repetition of history.

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This isn't a war movie it's a movie about war. What it does to and with people. How soldiers are used, betrayed and lied to.

But be aware because this isn't shiny hollywood-like war. No, this is gritty and dirty - it shows the futility of war not the heroics.

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Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

The main problem with the movie is that if you´ve seen the first two you know what will happen so there isn´t much suspense. On the other hand I wouldn´t recommend watching it at first because than it takes away something from the earlier movies. In itself it is not a bad movie. So there is your dilemma.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-03-27T19:12:53Z— updated 2017-04-02T21:25:48Z

To be honest I wasn´t interested much in this at first. I feared they would wrap the story of legendary Jesse Owens in the american hero blanket. The typical good vs. evil movie. Hollywood has had a tendency to overdo it at times. Instead they managed the balance between the sport and the political side and also showed that in America too there were issues concerning racism.
On the production side I liked the look of the movie very much. Visualy it was very good. The scenes in the Olympia Stadium in Berlin looked great.

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The Twelve Tasks of Asterix

Probably the best of the Asterix Movies. It´s my favorite for sure.

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The Man in the High Castle: 1x04 Revelations

The writing of this show is driving me nuts.

You pull up a well planned scheme to fool The Marshal and you go straight back to the town. I don't know if that's more stupid or the fact the Marshal didn't go back to check.

Plus, every invited guest at the speech is getting checked, and so are some of the people in the audience. But Frank can just walk in with a loaded gun.

A little bit of effort please. Just don't make things happen because they have to. Use some common sense for crying out loud.

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The Spanish Princess

If you're looking for a historical accurate tale you should not watch this. There are more than "some events/persons that have been altered" for the story. The whole timeline of events is messed up. Meaning, many of those events happened at other times than shown here. This isn't a history lesson, it's a scripted drama. Entertainment. And that's totally fine with me because it does not claim to be anything else.
Historical drama is one of my guilty pleasures and this feels like watching something akin to Dallas or Denver in medival England. The costumes are amazing and having the oportunity of filming in this great locations is a luxury that makes this look so much better. The spanish accents are a little bit thick and sometimes it was hard to understand the actors. But in general they did a great job and I was especially taken in by Charlotte Hope.
Even from this mostly fictional depiction I gather that Catherine of Aragon must have been an interesting person and I might even take the time reading up about her. And if a show manages to do that I can only rate it as a success.

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The Alienist: 2x08 Better Angels

I was a bit disappointed by some of the character decisions at the end. But that blame I have to lay at Caleb Carr's doorstep. This is still one of my favorite shows, I have grown very accustomed to the characters and I hope to see them back soon.

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Star Wars Rebels: 2x16 Shroud of Darkness

It's an interesting question that's been asked here. Could Ahsoka have prevented Anakin from turning to the dark side if she hadn't left the Jedi? Of course that was never a question until now because she was never part of the movies. In any case I think this is to be interpreted as her taking blame for what happened to him. She thinks she failed him, asks herself, or even is convinced, she could have stopped him. That of course means that she is now admitting that Anakin has indeed become Darth Vader.
It was great to see Vader at the end. Personally I always thought he's not used enough., I could watch a whole series with him.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x06 Weapons Factory

The connection between Anakin and Asohka really feels genuine while the one with Padme never did.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x07 Reunion

One of the most satisfying moments of the whole show was seeing Duras lying there with that Bat'Leth in his chest. I was a little bit surprised they went through with it considering this is a family show and it was a bit un-Trek. It was very much Klingon, though, and it showed again that they are a culture that deserved to be in the spotlight more often.
I was dissapointed they decided to kill K'Ehleyr as I liked the charecter and Suzie very much. But for the character growth of Worf it was the right thing to do. And, of course, the introduction of Gowron played by Robert O'Reilly. Who has probably the must hypnotizing look ever. Strong episode and important moving forward.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x15 Pen Pals
The Luminaries
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x02 A War on Two Fronts

Ugh, that was too much hormones at once. That almost felt soap opera-ish.

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The Siege of Jadotville

First off, great movie ! Not that overdrawn Hollywood stuff. Much more realistic. Really pulled me in and the fighting felt very tense.

As for the story I have to admit I hadn't known it before. Doesn't surprise me one bit though. But it's good to see that those things come to light at last and the soldiers get the recognition they deserve. One of the sad truth of life. Too many things have happened, and are still happening, we don't know about.

Fu**ing politicians always come out on top. Always have been, Always will be.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2019-02-08T21:16:40Z— updated 2019-06-28T18:14:43Z

This is the kind of show I can watch anytime, anywhere and I will always be in a better mood than I was before.
The term "Totally Ninja !" could have been invented for this in the first place.

Update: I just read that Max Wright passed away a couple of days ago. RIP in thank you for all the great moments.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 2x03 Trouble the Water

I really love the writing. At the end of the previous episode you'd expect all hell to break loose and they come back with a slow start. And all the while you sit through the episode waiting for the heat to come. And they deliver.

The episode really had something of a western feel to it with everyone trapped in the sheriffs station.

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Designated Survivor: 1x19 Misalliance

Still like the show in general but at this point I'm more interested in the political parts. The conspiracy already got boring couple episodes ago.

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The Pillars of the Earth

Great production, perfect cast (McShane could play the Devil himself).

Funny thing, I never considered reading the book althought it stands on our shelf for years. Well, thanks for there is television ;-)

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