


Star Trek: Discovery: 2x06 The Sound of Thunder

Absolutely excellent, probably the best episode of the season so far. Some real edge-of-your-seat enjoyment with stunning visuals.

  • This very nicely followed up on Saru's episode of Short Treks (which is now finally on Netflix, although it's hidden away). It seemed to me that Saru was becoming a bit unhinged at moments here but I think he did know what he was really doing, and acted in the best interests of keeping his crew safe. Still, he really did put the ship in danger when he started mouthing off to the Ba'ul when Pike was trying to communicate with them!
  • The design of the Ba'ul was incredible and effectively creepy. It reminded me a lot of the creature that killed Tasha Yar back in the classic TNG episode 'Skin of Evil'. I have to wonder if that was intentional.
  • Dr. Culber is clearly extremely uncomfortable with his new body and being back on Discovery. I can understand why Stamets might not particularly notice, but the other doctor really should be aware that Culber is going through severe stress/panic psychologically and be trying to offer him help in that regard. No way should he be resuming normal duties yet!
  • The Red Angel becomes more intriguing. A time travelling humanoid in a mechanical suit? Tell me more!
  • I had assumed that all the plant life growing in Saru's quarters was a holographic projection in the previous episode, but it appears to all be real here.
  • Tyler has settled in to a strange role, seemingly at one with the whole Section 31 philosophy mere days after joining up with them.
  • I still really want to know what the hell Airiam is!
  • Do humans drink tea? If Michael was British then she'd probably be correcting Siranna's brewing methods :p
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@lefthandedguitarist That second point you make - I was thinking about the same line. But remembering what Armus said about those who left him behind I'm not sure I could make a connection. But interesting line of thought.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x06 Part VI

Best episode ever because lightsaber fight !

Seriously ?! It was in parts better but it couldn't save the show as a whole.

OK, I admit I was wrong and there was another match between them. And it was better then the first. But no stupid writing ? Why did Vader just leave Obi-Wan under the rocks ? He couldn't feel he was still alive ? Well, he couldn't feel him sneaking up behind him, couldn't he ? But he knew he was on the little ship. And if that is how it went down why didn't Obi-Wan just kill Vader right there? Could have saved the galaxy lots of trouble. He clearly had accepted that Anakin was gone, he even called him "Darth" (which by the way is wrong because that's a title, the name would be Vader). And they now established that the Empire, and Vader, knew all the time that Kenobi was alive and where he was.

Luke having no memory of being chased in the night by a lady with a crimson lightsaber ? OK, maybe it's one of those selected memory losses.

Reva standing on the surface of Tattoine after taking a lightsaber in her guts just mere hours before ? How is that not convinient writing ? And wanna bet we see her again? Maybe in a spin-off?

Qui-Gon appearing at the end was nice but ultimately useless. This final episode was just ticking up boxes to preserve canon but it also creates logical errors by doing so. And there was never any danger towards the characters.

Hindsight is always 20/20 but after watching what I had high hopes for, I can only say it would have been better it didn't happen.

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Calling him Darth is probably a reference to A New Hope, where Kenobi calls Vader like that.

OK, that slipped my mind. Could be, yes.

I wanted the fight to end with Obi Wan believing that Vader could turn to the light again... maybe having a vision of the future where Anakin kills the Emperor.

There's an idea I could get behind. That's actually a great thought. Or it could have been Qui-Gon's voice telling him "He will bring balance to the Force, Obi-Wan". That would mean, though, they had used Qui-Gon more in the show. At least put something in to make sense of that decision to leave him alive. He went in with a "either he dies or I do" attitude and when he has Vader beaten he just leaves.

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The Boys: 3x05 The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies

Is that the end of Crimson Countess already?

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@gabriel1c I don't see how she could came back from being burned to a crisp.

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The Orville: 3x01 Electric Sheep

Do androids dream of electric sheep?

I could use a recap, it's been too long...

Sadly, this episode did feel to sit somewhat below the usual quality standard that The Orville has got us used to in previous seasons (some editing and pacing issues and the odd character reaction/dialogue), but I'll give them a break, since they've probably got a bit rusty after all this time away.

But, all in all, I'm so happy to have this crew back, and still feeling as trekkie as ever!

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@misnomer Yeah, I think some scenes were stretching a bit. I've heard McFarlane talking they are a making a mini movie now each weak. So, probably not the usual 45 min format. There's a lot of chatter about what is going to happen this season and I'm very excited, too. And if the season is succesfull he's open to do more.
The story was still great in this one. And I love how they doing it without the glitz and glammer and the noise a certain other franchise is using. :wink:

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Marvel's The Punisher: 2x11 The Abyss

Did they really need to bring Karen back? she was completely unnecessary in this episode

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@abstractlegend storywise I agree. But it was nice to see her anyway for (maybe) the last time. Since there will be no Daredevil and possible no more Punisher.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x08 Mercy

Review by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-04-21T19:02:13Z— updated 2022-05-12T14:39:58Z

Is that a sequel to The X-Files? To me that whole FBI agent plot (who has encountered a Vulcan reconnaissance team long before Cochrane allegedly made first contact?) seems totally pointless. Is that of any consequence to the main story? Or is Picard just free to go and won't see Fox Mulder ever again? If that's the case this episode is another inconsequential mediocre filler episode for the most part. A 6/10. The other part with the hunt for Jurati and what she tries to use Soong for is probably more important - but that's only a small part of this episode.

The only interesting part is perhaps the Q/Guinan interaction. Since TNG I wonder, where (or when) these two races have crossed each other's paths. I have to admit that I still don't understand Q's game. But Picard and Guinan obviously don't get it either. Jurati (aka the Queen) revealing parts of her plan to Soong is equally mysterious and hard to understand. Let me get this right:

So the Borg, who mysteriously appear from yet another timeline or an extra dimensional pocket of space, summoned Picard in episode 1/2. They almost killed him, so that Q rescued Picard from death (why would the Borg know that's gonna happen?) and hurled him into the alternate "Terran" timeline, that Q branched off from the regular timeline by manipulating Renée in 2024. The Borg knew (Why? And how could they know at this point since Q supposedly created this timeline only after making the decision to rescue Picard?) that in this alternate timeline (which must be yet another timeline than the one the Borg ship emerged from) there was a Borg queen imprisoned by humans. This Borg Queen was the last of her kind in this alternate timeline. She was awaiting her execution. This would mean the total eradication of the Borg in this timeline. They were defeated by mankind. In this alternate reality, this last Borg Queen lured Picard into time traveling to 2024 Earth pretending that's where the timeline could be fixed. She needed Picard to escape from her 24th century execution. For two reasons: she trusted Picard would free her for morale reasons and - of course - alternative Picard was supposed to be her executioner and was the only one who had the chance to liberate her. But in reality this Queen wanted to go back to 2024 to execute her own cunning plan. In 21st century California she wanted to stop Renée (who - for whatever reasons - is a Picard ancestor? It's that important?) so that this dreadful alternative Terran timeline prevails (It's not clear what Q was up to... He wanted to stop Renée, too. Why? Only to branch off the alternate timeline where he'd Picard fling into? His intervention as her shrink must have had the desired effect: before Picard intervened, Q created an alternate path where she was determined not to fly into space and which ultimately led to the universe of in which Picard became this cruel warrior in the first place. Why wanted Q Picard hurl into this terrible version of the universe? I don't get it. And why do the Romulans represented by the watcher try to protect Renée? Or don't they protect - just observe? How do they know that Renée will be important to the future of the galaxy? And if they knew, why doesn't this particular watcher - is she Laris or not? - doesn't have any clue wether it's best to help or stop Renée from being launched into space?) Back to the Queen: She never wanted to revert the timeline back to the timeline Picard came from. That was just a pretense. She wanted to change this timeline in a different way: Her cunning plan is to assimilate Earth before humans will become a threat. Stopping Renée will somehow preserve the Terran timeline (for reasons not known to us 'cause we don't know what the Europa mission will discover) and she knows this (cause she knew what Q has manipulated? How does she know?). Only preserving this Terran timeline will give the Borg Queen the chance to have a 400 years headstart (the other timeline where Renée flies into space won't allow her plan to materialize. Why? Wouldn't that equally allow her to quickly assimilate the whole Earth before Renée is even back from Europa? And if that's so, why didn't she travel to a time in the year 2024 in which the Europa rocket has been launched w/o Renée, who was discouraged by Q anyway?) During this 400 years time period she would have all the time in the world to assimilate humankind. In a couple of decades the rest of the Borg will eventually expand their space into the alpha quadrant (if the timeline we know from TNG and VOY is an indicator when the Borg will be able to reach Earth) and this Borg Queen (or her successors) will reunite with the collective. By keeping the alternate "Terran" timeline intact she would prevent regular's TNG (in which the Borg are also controlling vast stretches of the galaxy) timeline from ever happening. The Borg would dominate humankind in that alternate timeline long before those violent Terrans even started to develop warp technology and ultimately will have had the chance to defeat the Borg. And then there's Soong who seems to be important to both Q and the Borg Queen, right? Why? This part of the story is still shrouded in mysterious fog

Is that the general idea? Hmmm.... probably not even close. But you see my point right? Who is supposed to understand that w/o consulting the Memory Alpha wiki article? When does a plan become too convoluted to be a believable plan? When does a show's plot become too convoluted to be enjoyable?

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@alexlimberg >When does a plan become too convoluted to be a believable plan? When does a show's plot become too convoluted to be enjoyable?

I think we past that point a couple episodes ago.

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Silo: 1x08 Hanna

I really thought they were going to reveal more details in this episode, but nothing. Besides the emotional dialogue between father and daughter, I expected more from this episode.

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@typongtv yes, but during the time this was produced they couldn't have known they get a second season.

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The Mandalorian: 3x07 Chapter 23: The Spies

Review by FinFan

Funny how now the Empire Remnant has a secret underground resistance against the New Republic. How the tables have turned.

This episode was way better in terms of storytelling but it left me very frustrated. I know that the Mandalorians are not likely to win if they want to keep the mythology. But just for once I'd like to see them come out on top. Gideon has become a bit ridicolous. He's the archetype of a bad guy. He was more interesting when he wasn't flying around as a Vader look-alike. I hate to see Vizla die but I should've seen that one coming because I really grew to like him. Grogu inside IG ? Come-on, he's a Force user. Despite the fact he choose not to train with Luke he still has the ability, no ? And we still must have a monster, doesn't we ?

Now, those are personal and, yes, biased points on my behalf. Like I said it was a great episode as such. In the end I see it as a win for the author if he invokes those reactions from me. There were also moments that gave me serious goosebumps. Like when Bo told them what happened between her and Gideon and subsequent how Din told her why he's following her. The talk about Thrawn didn't surprise me. I expected that pretty much from episode one forward.

Only one episode left and I hope there'll be some silver lining.

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@noodlebrain Sadly I would absolutely believe that that was the sole reason the did this. Grogu's story really hit a wall this season.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x07 Announcement

Review by LeNodos
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-10-19T22:28:01Z— updated 2022-10-21T15:04:08Z

This was a really interesting albeit slow episode with many intriguing threads. I really liked that Andor went back to Ferrix. I had almost expected that with these three-episode-arcs he wouldn't and we wouldn't see those characters and the established city anymore.
At times what is presented just doesn't feel like star wars very much. It just seems too earthly or too much like other fictional worlds which are a lot more Sci-Fi and a lot less fantastic. It was a step up that they finally included a few more aliens but still too few to make the world seem really alien.
I liked the depiction of everything happening inside the ISB although the leader is a bit too friendly and understanding for my taste (and understanding of how to acquire a high position within the empire).
I have one big question though: Was that female informant or spy supposed to be Leia? She looked a lot like Carrie Fisher back in the day to me but would be way too old since Leia should be around 15 at that time. And while we are at the topic of (possible) cameos: Yularen's character was a bit off when compared to his appearances in Clone Wars and Rebels.
I am however really excited were all this leads especially whats going to happen to Andor himself.

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@lenodos Don't mention it. Truth be told I didn't recognize her too and only discovered in a review I read it was her :laughing: And until now I didn't spot the naming "coincidence". So, we're even.

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The Orville: 3x08 Midnight Blue

10 minutes into the episode

"Oh, I guess this is just going to be a standard, easy-to-digest bottle episode that shows Topa becoming more interested in joining the Planetary Union with a B-plot about her awkwardly crushing on Gordon."

45 minutes into the episode

"Fuuuuuck meeeee..."

More blatant retreading of past episodes and, again, despite that, a brilliant continuation of those plot threads. For an episode that was willing to depict child torture, it sure did end on a high note. And it threw quite a few curve balls in the process.

I ignored the throwaway line during the Haveena dinner, and the unusual meetup in the Lounge, because I absolutely did not expect to see a real spark between Bortus and Kelly. I equally did not expect to see Klyden come back and make a complete about-face from his previous position. There are going to be a lot of viewers that won't take Klyden back, but I am genuinely relieved that the family is whole again. So... (pregnant pause) ...what does that mean for Kelly? The dinner they all had on the ship felt straight-forward, but still gave me a twinge of impending trouble.

I don't quite get Gordon's involvement with Topa yet. I mean, I understand the general sentiment, but not how he suddenly took a frontline position about it. Did I tune out at the wrong time, or was the Engineering scene really meant to be all the backstory? Are they going to continue this in another episode? We don't even know the repercussions of his outburst in front of the Admirals.

Finally, DOLLY PARTON! Her appearance embiggened my heart. And her music was perfect. The celebrity cameos never dissapoint, even if it's just for a few moments. Though it is interesting that she referred to herself as a program, she knew she wasn't the real person. That would be a serious problem in a different altruistic universe.

  • That canyon shootout felt so Abrams Trek. Some kind of special, explody treat for the viewers. Conversely, the hallway (catacomb) shootout felt very well choreographed and believable.
  • President Blue Boy is back, but I have doubts that it was Bruce this time... unless he swallowed a frog.
  • All of these episodes were finished story-wise before they began airing, but as if in response to fan criticism Ed (and a few others) finally call the Moclans "on their bullshit." You want to leave? Good, be sure to let the door hit you on the way out! The Union will be weaker, but the Moclans will be way weaker than that all on their own. 50 bucks says The Union has to rescue their sorry asses before the season ends.

This is it! These last two episodes are not a two-parter, but they are no doubt going to segue from one to the other as the finale of the season. If an underdog deserves to get renewed, it's The Orville. Seth is no stranger to having his shows canceled (sometimes over and over again). So even if it isn't renewed right away, I trust him of all people to find a way to make it come back somehow.

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President Blue Boy is back, but I have doubts that it was Bruce this time... unless he swallowed a frog.

Pretty sure that was him. I'm watching Babylon 5 at the moment and it was his voice. I think the make-up makes it harder to talk.

Agree with your comment all the way especially concerning the Moclans. They probably never thought they'd be thrown out but I love it.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x05 Part V

Not going to lie, this was better than the previous episode. I still just want to make it through the end. And for a show I had high hopes for, that's a statement of disappointment.

The flashback with Obi-Wan and Anakin was really good but should have been in the movie in the first place. It would have explained more back than as it did today. Seeing Vader stomp through the hallways and holding of the transport was another great sequenz. Overall it's still nowhere near what could have been. Because of the writing...

When the Stormtroopers land and take position in front of the door, that's about as un-military as you can get. Line up for an enemy to maw you down. Is this overconfidence or stupidity ? If Reva could have just slice open the door with her Lightsaber than why not do so in the first place ? And when the door does open, Stormtroopers are dropping like flies and I counted three (!!!) "rebels" being killed, including Tala. And Reva stands just behind in the background. The revelation of her story was anything but a surprise, but it's another reminder that this show has the wrong title. And how many other force sensitive people did she kill or helped being killed to get back at Vader ? To avenge what he has done as Anakin ? Killing what was in your words your family for revenge ? Yeah, that totally makes her one of the good guys instantly. (Attention sarcasm)

But here is one thing I really have a beef with and it hasn't even directly to do with the story or show itself:

Why is Qui-Gon dead ?

He got punched in the gut by Maul's saber once. So did the Grand Inquisitor, and so did Reva. Apperently twice !!! And both are alive.

Right now, even another fight between Vader and Kenobi, which would at this point nake no sense, can't save this show.

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@travelful Thanks for your insights. I'd accept that for the sake of storytelling regarding the prequels. And in a way it would also explain why Obi-Wan choose to die facing Vader in Ep IV. You could make the same arguments for that. It could've very well been Qui-Gon telling him to let go in that moment.

But I have doubts the writers of this show had that in mind while writing those scenes we saw here.

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The Man in the High Castle

Very good concept, but too slow to the point that I stopped watching it and checked the man of recap 4 videos as a recap for the whole series, so I enjoyed 40 mins summary of the whole 4 seasons!

And thank God that I stopped watching it in season 1 because the ending of season 4 (series final) was so bad!

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@ahmedhamdy90 Thanks for the tip. I think I will watch those as well. I just finished season one and I'm probably at the same point you were.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x09 Project Daedalus

Another strong offering from Jonathon Frakes, however this one is not entirely without its flaws. It shines in the character interactions but seems to stumble over some of the plot points.

  • The whole Airiam story would have been far stronger if we had actually gotten to know her previously to this. I was delighted that we were finally given answers as to just what she is, so it seems an odd move to remove her now. I particularly liked the view of her memories just hanging out with Detmer and the other bridge crew. WE NEED MORE BRIDGE CREW. They are often more interesting than the main cast.
  • Speaking of Airiam, her end didn't make much sense; she's wearing an EVA suit! Why disable the helmet? Why not just get blown out into space and them beamed into Discovery's brig until they can sort out what's going on with her?
  • The Spock/Burnham stuff was electric here. Their discussion in her quarters was quite magnificent. His accusations towards her brought up things that viewers themselves have been voicing in the way her character works. It highlighted just how much work her character does need to fit in as a more natural crew member (the galaxy does seem to revolve around Michael Burnham), and I hope this is the beginning of it.
  • The Spock/Stamets scene was surprisingly compelling too. We see a gentler side of Spock, in contrast to the aggressive side he showed with Michael.
  • I noticed that Michael made no move to help Nhan, who was suffocating to death in the room with her.
  • Kadis-kot!
  • The evasive flight through the minefield didn't seem to be having any of the effects the crew seemed to think it was.
  • Major Star Trek VI vibes when they arrive on the Section 31 HQ.
  • Airam shutting down was straight out of Terminator 2. Great stuff!
  • "Hit it." Pike needs his own show.
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@misnomer yap, I just read it myself. Figures, once I like something about DSC.... Had to happen because we knew Pike's fate.

But it's another blow as he really brought something to the table, both the character and the actor. I wonder who would want to replace him. So far the captains haven't lasted long on this show. DSC needs to become more of an ensemble show otherwise they should ultimately rename it Star Trek: Burnham.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x09 Project Daedalus

Another strong offering from Jonathon Frakes, however this one is not entirely without its flaws. It shines in the character interactions but seems to stumble over some of the plot points.

  • The whole Airiam story would have been far stronger if we had actually gotten to know her previously to this. I was delighted that we were finally given answers as to just what she is, so it seems an odd move to remove her now. I particularly liked the view of her memories just hanging out with Detmer and the other bridge crew. WE NEED MORE BRIDGE CREW. They are often more interesting than the main cast.
  • Speaking of Airiam, her end didn't make much sense; she's wearing an EVA suit! Why disable the helmet? Why not just get blown out into space and them beamed into Discovery's brig until they can sort out what's going on with her?
  • The Spock/Burnham stuff was electric here. Their discussion in her quarters was quite magnificent. His accusations towards her brought up things that viewers themselves have been voicing in the way her character works. It highlighted just how much work her character does need to fit in as a more natural crew member (the galaxy does seem to revolve around Michael Burnham), and I hope this is the beginning of it.
  • The Spock/Stamets scene was surprisingly compelling too. We see a gentler side of Spock, in contrast to the aggressive side he showed with Michael.
  • I noticed that Michael made no move to help Nhan, who was suffocating to death in the room with her.
  • Kadis-kot!
  • The evasive flight through the minefield didn't seem to be having any of the effects the crew seemed to think it was.
  • Major Star Trek VI vibes when they arrive on the Section 31 HQ.
  • Airam shutting down was straight out of Terminator 2. Great stuff!
  • "Hit it." Pike needs his own show.
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@lefthandedguitarist Interesting second point that would have made a lot of sense. Seems the logic thing to do. But I guess ultimately she had to be removed from the show so keeping her would have only prolonged it a little. I too enjoyed how Spock stood up against Burnham. She clearly doesn't like a taste of her own medicine.
And the last point, boy I couldn't agree more. At first I wasn't sure that bringing in the character of Pike was good or bad. Felt like throwing a bone to the old fans. But now I think he's become the best character in a very short time and I thought about how I would love to see him at the center of a show.

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Designated Survivor: 2x21 Target

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-05-10T13:15:12Z— updated 2018-05-11T22:41:46Z

Is there really a difference if Hannah wears a badge or not? She breaks in with a loaded weapon, commits bodily harm, and she simply calls Aaron and comes free. Also Kendra and Trey, where does this come from? No chemistry, if you ask me. It seems it's only there to add a romance. Finally, the mysterious candidate - what a surprise. As if that was a big secret.
But it's good that the campaign is likely to start in the next season. I only see two possible scenarios. Kirkman is re-elected and we get Season 4 or he loses and the show ends after Season 3.
Despite what I wrote above, I will come back next week.
Suplemental May 12:
Doesn't matter any more, I just read ABC has canceled so next week will be the last episode.

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@jbaby_9783 you are right, that is another possibility. I was looking at it under the assumption that a) there is a 3rd season and b) they don't cancel with only one episode left. Then a 3rd season could focus around the campaign and the end could have gone either way. To be honest, although I like the show, I never saw it going much longer that one more season anyway.

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The Mandalorian: 3x08 Chapter 24: The Return

Shout by Xander Nijhof

What?? No teaser? No stinger? No giant cliffhanger?

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@xander75 Maybe they aren't sure there'll be another season. I could absolutely see this being the end of this show with Mando making appearances in other creations that are yet to come. They already said he's no longer the focus of the show. And you know what, I think I would be OK with that.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x03 Power Broker

Not a bad show by any means but if I'm honest I liked WandaVision more. I feel like I am missing a lot of background.

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@paulvincent83 I totally understand your point. But I only remember very basic things from the movies and when they talk about stuff here I don't think I get everything. And they seem to be drawing from the comics which I don't know at all. That's not the shows fault. And you're right, this and WandaVision are two different animals. Wanda just had me more intrigued.
Nevertheless I will continue watching. Maybe everything falls into place at the end.

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Black Mirror

Wanted to see what all the buzz was about... I've watched 5 episodes and got bored out of my mind. Feels like it's targeted for teenagers.

It has a very simplistic take to it: ultra-hyper-dramatization of very basic concepts and bad behaviors of a minority of people. Reviews say it raises questions about society and politics but does not provide arguments or details either way. The stories are sometimes interesting but lack any depth and in the end, it's the idea that counts, or so they say. Just presenting basic questions with no details and some vague/weird drama only makes people argue and thus promoting the series. I find it pretentious.

One of the society satires i enjoy is South Park which most of the times present quite a complete picture about a topic with multiple perspectives and arguments. Compared to South Park at that, Black Mirror is kind of showing you only what the main character(s) see.

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@billzy one of the concepts today I don't get is attacking people for voicing a different opinion then your own. You like it, fine. Someone else doesn't, equally fine. Your last sentence is totally unnessessary.

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The Big Bang Theory: 12x12 The Propagation Proposition

Somehow, I always found Zach entertaining. He's too damn dumb to not chuckle a bit whenever he's around. Rajesh's story, on the other hand, is getting quite tiresome. But I guess everything in this show that envolves relationships has been getting tiresome for quite some seasons. Heck, for me, that's the one thing that ruined this show.

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@misnomer The problem, from where I stand in regards to the relationships, is that not everyone has them. In real life there are people who don't have a partner or are married and are lucky. This show has taken the approach that being on your own is bad and pitiful and that's what I don't like.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x01 The Star Gazer

It is the 25th century and people continue to use weak password, some have to tell Picard that picard-0-0-0-0 it is not a good password

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@rodrigoma Well, one could argue that the safety of said password lies in the fact it's so outlandish and stupid that no one would believe they actually use it. :wink:

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Band of Brothers: 1x02 Day of Days

This episode was lots of dirt flying everywhere, the sound of shots being fired and people yelling.

It's all very confusing, and the fact that it feels like there's 50 different characters doesn't help.The ony face/name connection I can make is Winters'. Of all the other's I have no idea who is who.

I do like how it's all very desaturated. It gives the show this bleak, old-timey feeling.

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@abtr The ony face/name connection I can make is Winters'. Of all the other's I have no idea who is who.

It's interesting you see it that way because I always thought this is how it's supposed to be. I watch it for the third time and I always felt the story is told through Winter's eyes. In war soldiers come and go and you do forget a lot of them.
I don't know if you continued watching but if not I think you should. Granted, this show is not for everyone. But I think it's one of the best that's ever been produced.

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Star Trek: Discovery

Please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck...

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@genetai When I first heard they are doing a new Trek show I was over the moon. When I read about it in the month following my enthusiasm somewhat deminished. It won´t be the Trek of old of that I´m certain. It still can be good.

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Ahsoka: 1x04 Part Four: Fallen Jedi

Sabine is so weak. She gave up so easily. And she should’ve listened to Ahsoka and destroyed the key. What’s more important the fate of the galaxy or one guy

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@nox32 Furthermore I would not expect the Sabine from "Rebels" act like this. Ezra told her that he could count on her. However I do not think he meant that she should find him but to honor his decision and protect Lothal and the Galaxy. He knew that finding him means finding Thrawn as well. Therefore, by giving in to Baylan she betrayed Ezra's trust.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x01 The Star Gazer

Shout by Reiko LJ

A strong opener for the new season! Super advanced borg Queen... Used the same line as Picard's mother. Is that supposed to make us think it might be her or simply a tactic since his memories would have been absorbed into the collective at one point when he was assimilated.

As for Q at the end there and 'Road not taken', I'm guessing we're gonna get some alternate timeline fun!

I'm still holding out hope for a Seven x Janeway reunion at one point or another. We've established she's queer already. Now stop this nonsensical romance with Raffi and crack on.

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@reiko_lj Is that supposed to make us think it might be her or simply a tactic since his memories would have been absorbed into the collective at one point when he was assimilated.

I think it's the second. I hope it is because, otherwise, it would be to much drama for no apperent reason. Plus, if his mother would've been in the collective all the time, why did he not sense her as Locutus?

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Star Wars Rebels: 4x02 Heroes of Mandalore (2)

Didn't Sabine herself say it can't be turned against Stormtrooper armor just like that before she just did that ? headscratch

Even if the premiere episodes were a bit conventional and predictable (add to that that I already knew Katan will get the Dark Saber). In the origional trilogy there only was Fett and to be honest he didn't leave any impression at all. He was background noise for me. I have to say I really like Mandalorians now. The live action show helped me on that path even if that Mandalorian seems a bit different. It could turn out to be very exciting when the animated Mandos appear on the live action show.

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@mrgoat93 I don't remember the exact words but I was confused. You may very well be right. When I watch it again I will pay closer attention.
Thanks for the reply.

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The Big Bang Theory: 12x24 Unraveling the Mystery: A Big Bang Farewell

Shout by kinky
BlockedParent2019-05-17T21:24:48Z— updated 2019-05-19T16:00:37Z

A wonderful goodbye to a decaying show. After quite a few underwhelming seasons, against all odds, they gave us a genuinely funny and very heartwarming episode. Ain't gonna lie, I shed a tear or two (and not only during Sheldon's Nobel speech). They've truly put some heart into this series finale, there isn't a single thing I can complain about it. The show ended on the highest possible note.

I was prepared to be disappointed by the lack of guest stars in the final episode, but then Buffy the Vampire Slayer :heart:

Twelve seasons is a big chunk of life, and I'm glad to have The Big Bang Theory being a part of mine for this long. I will miss these guys.

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@misnomer I, too, was waiting for some guests to appear. But ultimately they made this finale about the group. And that is how it should be.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x05 The Perfect Game

The FBI dude said they did have any current charges against Matt. They would have never breached his door or put out an "arm and dangerous" without charges.

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@anthoney65 hadn't thought about that. but maybe he didn't wanted to let Foggy know what they have against Matt. Could be strategy.

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Westworld: 2x02 Reunion

I hope this weapon is not meant literally but rather as some kind of metaphor.

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@abstractlegend It most certainly is the place, yes. Data storage facility would make sense as it would be kind of a weapon against Delos to gain control about that. But, if William built such a place inside the park then why try to smuggle data out inside Peter Abernathy? Why the sattelite uplink with the Woodcutter ?

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 5x15 By Inferno's Light (2)

What a conclusion. Up to this point, Star Trek has mostly been fumbling with the second halves of the two-part episodes, but this one manages to be satisfying in every way. The shock of Cardassia joining the Dominion is a brilliant moment, prophecised nicely back in 'Rapture' with Sisko's vision of the locusts. It's almost sad to see how Gul Dukat can't understand how he and his planet are being used.

The prison break stuff might be my favourite parts of the episode, though. Worf gets to be extremely Klingon and manages to gain the respect of a Jem'Hadar, which is no small feat. I love that he keeps getting back up even though he's clearly not in any fit state, and that he really can't shrug off the injuries he's sustaining. Meanwhile, Garak gets to shine too when we find out that he's claustrophobic - in his case, he manages to gain the respect of the Klingons, who again are a pretty tough crowd to please.

If the episode feels weak in any areas, it might be the conclusion of the Bashir-Changeling situation. He's going to blow up Bajor's sun by just flying there and sacrificing himself, in the process wiping out significant Federation, Klingon and Romulan fleets. It's a sneaky and very clever tactic by the Dominion that would have worked, but it's execution on screen is a little hard to take seriously. Maybe if Bashir-Changeling had some more dialogue or realisation about how his plan had failed it would have worked better. I'm a bit curious as to why going to warp inside a solar system is a no-no, too.

Nice to see the Klingons finally back on our side. They just feel better as allies.

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@lefthandedguitarist >quote I'm a bit curious as to why going to warp inside a solar system is a no-no, too.

If memory serves me well there are numerous times where it has been done as well as episodes where there are indications it´s a bad idea. Althought you'll find explanations suporting either theory. In the end it might come done to beeing a storytelling tool.

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Silo: 1x10 Outside

Just let me get two things out of the way I think were weak storytelling.

First, putting the drive on the hub was the stupidest thing to do as it could only lead to her getting caught. It also was illogical as it was clear that they would just override it and/or claim it as false. Granted she didn't know about the Janitor room but she knew there was surveilance everywhere and because of that might reach the conclusion that all those feeds had to be watched somewhere. But the story needs to go on so I'll take it.

Second, its hard to believe that they didn't inspect the stuff they brought to Juliette or they would have found the note. Even not knowing what it meant they would not have let it through. Plus, from a storyelling point of view it was giving too much away. Would have been better to not show it. Instead they could insert a scene when Juliette is about to break down to explain that she didn't die. And speaking of dying, Where are all the others that went out? Does someone actually go out to collect the bodies ?

Now, for the big reveal at the end I have to say I didn't see that coming. After making us believe (and I did) that it is safe outside, not only do we learn it is not, but there are literally dozens of silos out there. Does that mean the whole of mankind lives underground ? My guess is that each one thinks they are the only one and each one does have someone taking care that it stays like that. But we still don't have an idea about why ?

There is one thing I noticed that I want to point out. When Juliette told Holland about the door below he seem genuinely surprised. As if he didn't knew. That was the moment he ended the conversation. Just saying.

So, I don't know the books but from reading elsewhere I understand we barely scratched the surface of the story. I wonder how slow they will go with this one. The second season is already confirmed but thre is always the chance of not getting a third, or forth, or however many they need to play this out.

I sure hope we're not getting left hanging in the air atsome point.

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@misnomer OK, I see your point concerning the bodies. That could be an explanation. But I don't think I saw any bodies in the final overview shot. Need to go back to check that.

For sure something about the tape is different. Remember what Walker said ? That the tape has to be special or why make such a fuzz over the theft ? And I'm sure she switched it.

The door below leading to the other Silos is an intruiging thought It would give sense to Hollands reaction when Julitte told him about it. That's a good point.

Should be interesting to see how this goes on.

Thanks for the reply.

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