


Star Trek: The Next Generation

After realising it´s been a good 15 years that I´ve watched TNG I decided it´s time again. Yes, the first season is far removed from what the show went on to become and I remember when they originally aired I rejected it. I couldn´t come to grips with the characters and some of the first scripts were awful. But everything turned around and it became one of the best shows (not only in the genre) ever made.

I still only own the DVD version, I´m not a huge friend of all that remastering. I´m sure it looks and sounds better but I like to experience it the way it was originally done.

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@andreas1138 Please do reply to my comments, I love talking about Star Trek. And I know from reading other comments that views can very much differ. But be aware there might be spoilers in the comments. I usually mark those. You will find some negative comments, too.
The show got better in the later seasons. For me the third season was the turn around and the forth the real breakthrough. They also get more continuity later on where events from other episodes were picked up again. There are some very good episodes in the earlier season though, too. You will discover Q on a couple of occasions as he had appearances in every season. Some of those episodes are important for the long run so you shouldn't skip those.
Voyager was my least favorite of the Trek shows (Discovery holds this spot now) which was mostly due to the fact I didn't like any of the characters particulary, especially not Janeway. Still a show I can watch anytime.
Yes, Patrick is a great actor and will have many great moments during the show.
Looking forward to your thoughts on the show.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

After realising it´s been a good 15 years that I´ve watched TNG I decided it´s time again. Yes, the first season is far removed from what the show went on to become and I remember when they originally aired I rejected it. I couldn´t come to grips with the characters and some of the first scripts were awful. But everything turned around and it became one of the best shows (not only in the genre) ever made.

I still only own the DVD version, I´m not a huge friend of all that remastering. I´m sure it looks and sounds better but I like to experience it the way it was originally done.

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@sarosauce Thanks for the links.

So far I´ve seen only one TNG episode on BluRay (Tapestry) and I was a bit thrown of. It looked great, colors are brilliant but I had difficulties adapting to that. It almost looked to real. How to explain? I never had problems believing the sets to be real in SD. In HD they looked so well that I actually percieved them as just that - a movie set. I could even make out imperfections in the color or the build f.e. I hope I can reflect what I mean.
I watched several TOS episodes in HD, again looking great and, interestingly, here the higher resolution wasn´t a problem maybe because the sets were simpler back then. But the remastered part where they put in new effects, that I didn´t like. Enhancing something that was originally there is OK but putting in new things ? No thanks (similar to SW Trillogy). It seems that in TNG they did the good remastering.
Anyway, I since somewhat changed my mind in general towards the HD versions and they are now coming at reasonable prices so I think I will get them at some point.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

Watching this series in 1080p with DTS audio creates a whole new experience, quite different from the original broadcast and the DVD's. It's like re-discovering it in wonderful ways. After binge watching the first season, I can say the re-mastered version has subtle differences from the DVD's. The cuts are more precise, some scenes are dropped or shortened and the effects look crisp and clear. You can actually read some of the small letter text (hilarious in some cases), and make out the hull lettering in every Federation ship. Hey, I didn't even know the Enterprise had a side hull ID with the name, and a smaller lettering in the nacelles (that one is only there in the first season). If you haven't seen the Blu-ray release, you haven't seen this series at all.

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@carlos-teran I was initially opposed to the re-mastered version but I recently got the whole show for a great price. I am in the process of watching it now and I have to agree with you completely. I am not sure about dropped or shortened scenes, although it might explain why I felt some episodes where different. But the picture is great, I've already paused the discs several times to read the ships screens. That was impossible on SD. As I already know the show pretty much inside out I try to take in more of the sets and props so, yes, you are right - a totally new experience.

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Star Trek: Voyager

I´m a Star Trek fan and that will never change. Having said that Voyager always was my least favorite of the shows. I watched it when it originally aired with a bit more of the fanboy attitude and now 20 years later. It´s not that it is bad in general, there isn´t something fundamentaly wrong with it. But after finishing it now I found many little things that I didn´t like. For starters I never really had favorites among the characters. With very few exceptions I found them either annoying or I didn´t care at all most of the time. Voyager had the least amount of memorable episodes which I only noticed now while watching again. With every other Trek show I could name you multiple episodes that really left a mark in my brain so to speak, not with Voyager. There where quite a lot of episodes I had totally forgotten about. I found the later part in general to inconsistent and often times the story was a little to convenient. While at first they struggled to find resources left, right and center, later on it seem to be no problem at all. Loose a shuttle ? No problem next week we have the full complement again. Ship damaged in battle ? Again, next week bright and shiny as new. I could go on but I think I made my point. Maybe I´m beeing unfair, the show was clearly more directed to the casual viewer, it hadn´t a strong main story line beside the going home part and even that solution in the end was a bit to easy for my liking. I often thought maybe they should have brought the ship home a bit earlier and shown how the would all adapt back home. But that´s just me.
Having said all that, and please keep it mind it´s a personal opinion, I still never regretted watching Voyager. It is part of the Star Trek universe and for that reason alone I wouldn´t have missed it. But althought it is possible that I will watch other ST shows again in the future I´m not shure about Voyager.

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@andreas1138 One of the many good things about Star Trek - it has something for everyone. When I say "least favorite among the ST Shows" it is still a great show and better than most things running on TV.
The way you describe why you like Voyager I can easily relate to. I drove trucks for the better part of 20 years and I see the connection you made.
I really hope you enjoy TNG, it was my Trek comming out so to say. And this after initially rejecting it (season 1 had some weak episodes). A lot of good things came out of that.

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Home Improvement

Really love this show. Just finished watching the whole thing again.
This is not only great comedy, this is about the people, their life and everyday problems. There arent't a lot of sitcoms you can watch more than once, this is definately one. And if you haven't watched it, well - what are you wating for ?

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@andreas1138 I wasn't aware that this isn't on any streaming service. I own the DVDs so I can watch it anytime I like. I still catch the odd episode on TV once in a while.

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I know most people don't respond well if you say something negative about their favorite show but I can't help it. If you like it I'm glad for you (really) but please allow me my opinion.
I am one of those who doesn't think that this is THE best show ever. It's not even the best sitcom in my opinion. It had its moments but not many. Maybe it isn't fair to judge it 25 years after the fact because that is a long time in TV land and things change. But most of the stuff I dislike has nothing to do with timeframe.

First, why this is called Friends is beyond me. Those are the most dishonest, selfish, egoistic and sometimes even mean group of people I've seen on TV. They constantly try to withhold stuff and most of the comedic situations spawn from that. I don't see where it is funny to go behind your friends backs. There are those moments where there behave like friends should, but those come usually after they screwed up.

Than there is the characters. I've written in some episode's comment that Ross is the most obnoxious character I've ever seen on TV. And I've seen my share. And there is WAY too much of him and Rachel who I also disliked deeply. They pull down every episode they're in which is pretty much every episode. That constant back and forth, the bickering and their pretensious behaviour is so annoying. Joey was funny at first but that wears out fast once you get past 50 episodes. Very one-dimensional. I don't even know what to say about Chandler because he is that bland. Monica went from "I don't care" through "I kinda like her" but ultimately annoying. Phoebe I liked until she, too, got the I-need-to-marry virus. Until that she was honest in that she didn't care what others thought about her and just made her thing. Alltogether there was little character developement in any of them. I couldn't connect with them and was more interested in what guest stars might turn up next.

And what it is anyway with all the girls need to find guys to marry and get babies and the guys needing to score? It is a good thing there wasn't any social media available because with all those gay and trans jokes there would have probably been a lot of heat.

That laughing track is way over the top. It accompanied literally every sentence. It even ruined jokes by starting to early. And what is wrong with building up an emotional moment and going through with it instead of ruining it with a bad joke ?

So, why did I watch, and even complete, it ? It's simple. And I mean that in the true sense of the word. You don't have to pay close attention to the plot, f.e. you don't have to stop it if the phone rings, you can even skip an episode completely. It's like having a radio playing in the background. Sometimes reading the synopsis was as interesting as the actual episode. Let's be honest: continuity, logic and depth of story were not the trademarks of Friends. It is full of holes and errors. But it fitted my daily schedule. I could drop in a couple of episodes here and there. And I punished myself a little bit because I went out and bought the whole series at once. Had I watched the first season first I would stopped there and then.

This is the longest review I've written in a while which shows I thought about this show a lot. I like versitality, it would be boring if every show was the same. That doesn't stop me though from speaking my mind. This is a love or hate kind of show. I don't hate it as such. But there were only just one or two episodes a season I think were more than average. It became better towards the end (either that or I caved) but it was an effort to get through and I am glad I'm done with.

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You think I'm woke by reading one comment and taking a look at my history ?

Buddy, You've just made my day. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

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I know most people don't respond well if you say something negative about their favorite show but I can't help it. If you like it I'm glad for you (really) but please allow me my opinion.
I am one of those who doesn't think that this is THE best show ever. It's not even the best sitcom in my opinion. It had its moments but not many. Maybe it isn't fair to judge it 25 years after the fact because that is a long time in TV land and things change. But most of the stuff I dislike has nothing to do with timeframe.

First, why this is called Friends is beyond me. Those are the most dishonest, selfish, egoistic and sometimes even mean group of people I've seen on TV. They constantly try to withhold stuff and most of the comedic situations spawn from that. I don't see where it is funny to go behind your friends backs. There are those moments where there behave like friends should, but those come usually after they screwed up.

Than there is the characters. I've written in some episode's comment that Ross is the most obnoxious character I've ever seen on TV. And I've seen my share. And there is WAY too much of him and Rachel who I also disliked deeply. They pull down every episode they're in which is pretty much every episode. That constant back and forth, the bickering and their pretensious behaviour is so annoying. Joey was funny at first but that wears out fast once you get past 50 episodes. Very one-dimensional. I don't even know what to say about Chandler because he is that bland. Monica went from "I don't care" through "I kinda like her" but ultimately annoying. Phoebe I liked until she, too, got the I-need-to-marry virus. Until that she was honest in that she didn't care what others thought about her and just made her thing. Alltogether there was little character developement in any of them. I couldn't connect with them and was more interested in what guest stars might turn up next.

And what it is anyway with all the girls need to find guys to marry and get babies and the guys needing to score? It is a good thing there wasn't any social media available because with all those gay and trans jokes there would have probably been a lot of heat.

That laughing track is way over the top. It accompanied literally every sentence. It even ruined jokes by starting to early. And what is wrong with building up an emotional moment and going through with it instead of ruining it with a bad joke ?

So, why did I watch, and even complete, it ? It's simple. And I mean that in the true sense of the word. You don't have to pay close attention to the plot, f.e. you don't have to stop it if the phone rings, you can even skip an episode completely. It's like having a radio playing in the background. Sometimes reading the synopsis was as interesting as the actual episode. Let's be honest: continuity, logic and depth of story were not the trademarks of Friends. It is full of holes and errors. But it fitted my daily schedule. I could drop in a couple of episodes here and there. And I punished myself a little bit because I went out and bought the whole series at once. Had I watched the first season first I would stopped there and then.

This is the longest review I've written in a while which shows I thought about this show a lot. I like versitality, it would be boring if every show was the same. That doesn't stop me though from speaking my mind. This is a love or hate kind of show. I don't hate it as such. But there were only just one or two episodes a season I think were more than average. It became better towards the end (either that or I caved) but it was an effort to get through and I am glad I'm done with.

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@abstractals So, that's where I knew him from. I couldn't place him and was to lazy to look it up.

The Friends actors weren't the worst part of the show. They pretty much all had one character trait down to perfection and milked it dry. I doubt I would have had a better opinion 20 years ago and I think I can say with certainty that you shouldn't bother watching this now.

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Star Trek: Enterprise

The last true Star Trek. Such a shame it didn't got the end it deserved.

And No, I don't consider the crap JJ Abrahms puts out Star Trek.

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@nightwatchertheater yes, that sucked. Althought I always believed it was done with the intend to somehow bring him back. Which happened in the book series I think? Anyway, I later found out they did it on purpose just to evoke some kind emotional response.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 1

Reply by FinFan

Review by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-12-29T14:07:55Z— updated 2018-12-30T18:43:12Z

I've watched each season of any Star Trek show more times than I can remember. The Next Generation was a show I rejected at first but with every time I watch it I embrace it more and more.

Yes, there are a lot of things debatable about the premiere season in terms of quality of the writing, continuity errors, character developement, actors performances to name a few. It is easy to critisize after the fact and with many years now gone. And even I am the first to admit that there are many cringe worthy or eye rolling moments in this first season. But remember, althought they had the original show to base it upon, they literally started with a white sheet of paper. Especially with the characters.

I also like to write a few words about the remastered HD version as I was initially oposed to that. Having now seen it I have to say it really looks great. The special effects are what most benefitted from the overhaul. They look much more crisp and detailed now. In general the picture looks great and I am amazed what they got out of the original source material. A minor negative is that the picture background looks very grainy at times especially if you're sitting close to your screen, whereas the important foreground is almost always amazingly clear. It also gets grainy when there is camera movement whereas static shots are really the best. But that is not really a downside. Brilliant and vibrant colours.
It is now easy to read the screens (which I did ocasionally). At the same time it is also easier to spot minor imperfections on the sets and props plus you sometimes spot the egdes of the make-up on characters. And it becomes really obvious now when a stunt double was used. But those are all not really flaws, nevertheless I thought I share this remarks.

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@andreas1138 I can't remember the last time anyone said so many good things about this first season. I like that. Even a lot of long time fans I know are usually reserved when asked about season one. I think you will have a lot of fun watching the other seasons as well.
If you watch on DVD/BluRay you should watch the specials. There is some good content and interviews.

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Review by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-07-09T13:27:16Z— updated 2018-07-22T20:57:21Z

I try to be fair but seen with the rational mind of an adult this show is barely "meh".
The voice acting is absolutely overdone. Most of the villains are silly. Sound effects seem to come straight out of The Flintstones. Music between Pink Panther and Scooby Doo with a portion Peanuts.
Spider Man sounds like Adam West´s Batman, both in word as well as pronounciation and acts really dumb at times. "Oh, my spider sense is tickling" while someone stands right behind him.
Jamesson is completly possessed by Spider Man. Everything is Spider Mans fault, Spider Man is responsible - he sounds like a whiny child most of the time. That was my impression of the first season.
The Second season started with a great episode "The Origin of Spider Man" but that was a lone exception. In general 20 min episodes are just too long. They had too little content and oftentimes contain minutes of Spidey swinging around to some groovy soundtrack. It became increasingly more ridicolous, it felt like the writers were smoking weed. Elfes, demons, monsters or some kind of wild tribe, alltogether more sci-fi elements - it just doesn't fly.
Season 3 seems to be recycling old material with new dialogue.
For the intented audience that was probably under 10 I am sure none of this mattered. Unfortunately I don't have the fond memories of watching this as a child. I skipped some of the second season and the third just played with me paying no attention.
So I have to stick with "meh", sorry.

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@appoxo99 Yes, he's like that. But there are different ways to portray that and here it was annoying. Like I said, it's a kids show and I'm looking at it through the eyes of a 50 year old. I like many of the animated superheroes shows, in may cases more so than the live-action movies. This one just didn't connect.

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Review by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-07-09T13:27:16Z— updated 2018-07-22T20:57:21Z

I try to be fair but seen with the rational mind of an adult this show is barely "meh".
The voice acting is absolutely overdone. Most of the villains are silly. Sound effects seem to come straight out of The Flintstones. Music between Pink Panther and Scooby Doo with a portion Peanuts.
Spider Man sounds like Adam West´s Batman, both in word as well as pronounciation and acts really dumb at times. "Oh, my spider sense is tickling" while someone stands right behind him.
Jamesson is completly possessed by Spider Man. Everything is Spider Mans fault, Spider Man is responsible - he sounds like a whiny child most of the time. That was my impression of the first season.
The Second season started with a great episode "The Origin of Spider Man" but that was a lone exception. In general 20 min episodes are just too long. They had too little content and oftentimes contain minutes of Spidey swinging around to some groovy soundtrack. It became increasingly more ridicolous, it felt like the writers were smoking weed. Elfes, demons, monsters or some kind of wild tribe, alltogether more sci-fi elements - it just doesn't fly.
Season 3 seems to be recycling old material with new dialogue.
For the intented audience that was probably under 10 I am sure none of this mattered. Unfortunately I don't have the fond memories of watching this as a child. I skipped some of the second season and the third just played with me paying no attention.
So I have to stick with "meh", sorry.

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@warden1 I already have it on my watchlist but thanks for the tip anyway.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 2

@finfan I finished Season 2. I preferred Season 1, but I can tell the production quality is usually good. The story are complex enough for a series of that age and I always feel I am in space with the crew.
Already started Season 3 and I can tell the production value is increasing.

My personal awards for S2:

Favourite episodes: 2x08 A Matter of Honor and 2x15 Pen Pals
Favourite aliens: The Borgs... but I don't know if we can call them aliens.
Favourite guest stars: Nikki Cox (Sarjenka from 2x15 Pen Pals), Suzie Plakson (K'Ehleyr from 2x20 The Emissary), Jaime Hubbard (Salia from 2x10 The Dauphin).
Favourite holodeck moments: Worf's rite of passage from 2x14 Icarus
Favorite moment: Riker confronting the Klingons in 2x08 A Matter of Honor
Funniest moment: Wesley asks Riker and Guinan how to deal with the girl he likes (2x10 The Dauphin)
Best story I wanted as a prominent subject: Time issues in 2x13 Time Squared

I haven't watched 2x12 The Royale, 2x18 Up the Long Ladder, 2x19 Manhunt and 2x22 Shades of Gray. I'll try to get to them eventually.

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@andreas1138 I find your choiches quite interesting even if I don't agree with all of them 100 %. But I do understand why you choose them. And as I always say: it would be boring if we all like the same.
My biggest issue with season two was the absence of Dr. Crusher which was one of my favorites from day one. And as you cleary have gathered from my comments, I didn't like Pulaski. She really was a red cloth for me.
You can easily skip Shades of Grey (clipshow, nothing in it) and Royale (good idea, awful execution). Up the long ladder has no implications in the big picture. Manhunt has some funny parts with Lwaxana (if you like her), to be honest I don't know if any relevant parts are in there but I don't think so.
But if you are like me I'll guess you watch it anyway.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 2

Reply by FinFan

@finfan I finished Season 2. I preferred Season 1, but I can tell the production quality is usually good. The story are complex enough for a series of that age and I always feel I am in space with the crew.
Already started Season 3 and I can tell the production value is increasing.

My personal awards for S2:

Favourite episodes: 2x08 A Matter of Honor and 2x15 Pen Pals
Favourite aliens: The Borgs... but I don't know if we can call them aliens.
Favourite guest stars: Nikki Cox (Sarjenka from 2x15 Pen Pals), Suzie Plakson (K'Ehleyr from 2x20 The Emissary), Jaime Hubbard (Salia from 2x10 The Dauphin).
Favourite holodeck moments: Worf's rite of passage from 2x14 Icarus
Favorite moment: Riker confronting the Klingons in 2x08 A Matter of Honor
Funniest moment: Wesley asks Riker and Guinan how to deal with the girl he likes (2x10 The Dauphin)
Best story I wanted as a prominent subject: Time issues in 2x13 Time Squared

I haven't watched 2x12 The Royale, 2x18 Up the Long Ladder, 2x19 Manhunt and 2x22 Shades of Gray. I'll try to get to them eventually.

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@andreas1138 you're welcome. I like reading your comments. It's rare to find a first time viewer today. I talk about Trek often with friends but they all have seen it dozens of times. So having a fresh view on things is interesting.

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The Orville

This show might have started as a competitor to Star Trek at the time. But we are way past the question if this is the better Star Trek.

The Orville more than stands on its own. It's an amazing show.

Fact !

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@andreas1138 Agree. Tbh I've given up on the new Star Trek completely. No longer interested and won't be fooled again to be lured in for another try.

The Orville has all I want and I hope we'll get another season.

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Quit watching after about 40 episodes because quite frankly I couldn't stand it any longer.

I love science fiction but this I could never really get into. It had some good episodes but they were almost always followed by a bunch of bad to mediocre ones. The budget couldn't have been much because it looked cheap on every corner - sfx, masks, props - the sound effects were almost comical at times. I could have stand all this if they had at least decent writing or some science in science fiction. They had neither. And some admittingly good looking girls in tight outfits are not enough.

If other people like - fine by me - but I was hugely dissapointed.

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@sarosauce I love sci-fi but I don't just watch a show because it is sci-fi. Main reason for me to get into this was Gene Roddenberry. I am a big Star Trek fan and I wanted to see what else he did. Maybe that's the problem. With Trek the bar was very, very high and this was nothing like Trek. Still, I started watching it twice and both times I quit so I probably just don't like it anyway.

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Batman Beyond

Batman is my favorite superhero and science fiction my favorite genre. If you put them together, it doesn't make either any better.
Apart from the occasional and expected silly parts, writing is actually really good most of the time. But a pseudo Iron Man type Batman is not my thing.

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@drygoatair Thanks for the reply.
I haven't perceived it that way but I guess you could call it that, too. Doesn't change my overall opinion, though. Like I said it's not awful but not great either from my perspective.

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The Flash

This show can be really good when it deals with the main plot. It can be equally awful when it brings us the bad metahuman villains.
Nevertheless it really picked up for me at the end of S2 where I really wanted to watch it but what happened next I had not anticipated.

I will remember this show as tough to stick with at first. Evolving, over the two seasons I did watch, to something I liked. Then it dropped like a millstone within the events of 3 episodes to the point where I couldn't quit fast enough. And it made me ultimately realize I should probably not start watching another superhero-show.

I wish, for once, they would make one of this shows for adults. Without all that unessessary drama.

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@aksieman well, you got a lot further than I did.

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Married... with Children: Season 3

Reply by FinFan

As a childhood favorite of mine, I decided to order the first three seasons of "Married with Children" on DVD some years ago. Unfortunately, it didn't quite live up to me expectations and memories...

Don't get me wrong, it's a classic and fun to watch. But overall it gets very repetitive and stale, therefore I didn't order any further seasons and quit watching the show.

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@drnkmnky Yeah, I know what you mean. Not the ideal show to binge. Still lot's of great stuff in it. I'm watching it three at a time with breaks in between.

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Star Trek: Discovery

Please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck...

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@genetai When I first heard they are doing a new Trek show I was over the moon. When I read about it in the month following my enthusiasm somewhat deminished. It won´t be the Trek of old of that I´m certain. It still can be good.

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Shout by Deleted

Really miss this show! I'm so sorry that James Woods' brother died, for more than one reason. That ended the show because Mr Woods was soooo distraught...

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@rhondasharp on what info do you base that ? Woods himself said in an interview they (the cast) were surprised about the cancellation

"We're a little baffled by the decision but we’re very supportive," Woods said Tuesday. "None of us can figure out quite why. But we have no bad feelings. This show did an enormous amount for me personally. We all won doing the show." Woods said he and the cast and crew were "very saddened" that the show didn't continue but they were trying to be positive.

It was the writers strike and in the end the rating in the 18-49 demo that hurt the show and lead CBS to the decission to cancel.

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Nazi Megastructures

Reply by FinFan


Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-09-28T10:35:37Z— updated 2017-09-30T23:58:02Z

Ok show but at times overdramatized. Also the moderators (historians) seem to be easily impressed at times marveling f.e. in awe at a simple concrete wall. I sometimes wondered if they really were where there claimed to be. But it is still interesting to see the amont of construction that took place. That is really mind-boggling.

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@novellguy I don't know if I would call it desperation. Towards the end of the war, maybe. It has always been the case that during wartime all efforts are focused and centralised in one area. All available resources funneled into the same goal. War has always been an engine for developement. Like it or not - without two World Wars it would have taken longer for certain things to invent. One has to give those engineers credit for their ingenuity. During peace there are many other things that vie for attention and the thinking is totally different. When I visit historic sites/buildings or watch any kind of documentary I often ask myself if we, with our advanced tech, would be capable of repeating such a feat. Try building a pyramid today for that matter.

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Nazi Megastructures

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-09-28T10:35:37Z— updated 2017-09-30T23:58:02Z

Ok show but at times overdramatized. Also the moderators (historians) seem to be easily impressed at times marveling f.e. in awe at a simple concrete wall. I sometimes wondered if they really were where there claimed to be. But it is still interesting to see the amont of construction that took place. That is really mind-boggling.

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@novellguy that`s (sadly) the story of mankind

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Reply by FinFan

Lowered my rating as I was so bored on S2E1 I turned it off.

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@defestated Same here. Althought I made it a couple of minutes into eps three.

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Review by FinFan
BlockedParent2012-12-28T21:15:14Z— updated 2016-06-26T11:46:01Z

I started watching this although I knew it was killed after one Season.

Honestly I don´t know why. This was in my opinion a real quality show which deserved to live to develop it´s plot. This looked and felt good. I went through 8 seasons of 24 ´cause everyone said it was so great - the one season FlashForward has had more than the whole 24. Of course this is just my view but there is so much s**t on TV and this had potential. Maybe not for 8 season but 3-4 to play itself out.

I will miss it and although it´s not finished I don´t regret watching it. It will remind me of how stupid TV-Stations are. They are pushing a lot of shows down our throats that don´t have good ratings either.

One thing for those of you consider reading the book: If you like good SF without spaceships and aliens you will problably like it - if you´re looking for the conclusion of the show save the time. The book and the show have very few in common. They took the general idea of the FlashForward but that´s about it. Few other parts, too, but in a different context. Whole different story and characters beside from Simcoe and even he is different. It is a good book, though.

What did you see ? ;-)

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@misnomer I bought the book in hope to get closure on the story. As I mentioned that's not the case. But I really recommend you read the book. I don't remember any details (can't spoil anything) but it was a great read. That much I do remember.

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Earth 2

It was one of my favourite shows growing up, I was about 8 or 9 years old when it was shown in Italy. I remember that I had to watch it before lunch in the summer, after a nice swin in a nearby beach in my town. I wasn't able to watch all the episodes, so I took the chance to watch it now, almost 30 years later.

These are the kind of stories I really like: a group of people far from home, in a new land, that needs to organize and survive. I probably like this setting because The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne caught my imagination when I was little. Also, science fiction is a genre that sits well with the story.

Before watching Earth 2 again (in Italy it is called "Progetto Eden" = Eden Project) after so many years, I though I was going to like it no matter what, because of nostalgia. But I was wrong, I am still impressed by the story, the characters, the aliens design, the relationships between some of the protagonists... I consider it a magnificent series.
The science fiction is well done, it's not too advanced, it's what you expect. Even the virtual reality is more believable if you compare it to Star Trek, and I like that. The transportations feel authentic, the weapons are advanced but heavy, and even the camp where the group sleeps feels realistic.

When I was little I wasn't aware about the status of the show (I didn't even know that series could be canceled!). During this run, I was hoping to have a satisfying ending, with the group walking towards the sunset with a voice over, by Devon, saying "We'll reach New Pacifica some day, I am sure". The final episode show us an uncertain future and it's a shame we'll never walk with these characters again. I read somewhere that the series didn't have many viewers and the Broadcaster wanted to change the protagonist to a male character, hoping to have more views, but I don't think Devon was an issue, the bond between her and her son is a nice way to keep the story going. Maybe this news was false, don't quote me on that.

We were lucky to have a glimpse of the future in the episode "The Boy Who Would Be Terrian King", so I think Devon and Co. will reach their goal. It's the best future possible, I like mother and son stories, and I am happy they'll be together no matter what.

This came out in 1994 like The Shawshank Redemption and when I was little I wasn't able to notice that Clancy Brown played such different characters. Danziger is my favourite of the group. Like I wrote for the Orville, it's a show where I see myself being friend with the group so it was nice to be part of the "Eden Project".

I quote you, @finfan , because I like your opinion, if you'll have the time to write one. But I am happy if you just have the chance to read my thoughts on this.

P.S.: I forgot to quote the amazing theme song, it summarizes greatly the nice and dangerous journey of our group!

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@andreas1138 I don't mind being quoted or tagged. I always enjoy our convesations.
Unfortunately I can't say much about this show. I watched it twice - once on it's original run and a second time about 9 years ago. Both times it failed to impress me. I can't tell you why exactly because I didn't write any comments. I rated it a "5" which I usually do with shows that aren't completely bad but fail to engage me.
I like what you wrote though as I can easily put myself in your shoes. It's clear you love this show and why. I have the same feeling about other shows and I'm sure people would wonder what I see in them.

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Monsters at Work

Reply by FinFan

Monsters at work is pure entertainment.

There is no hidden agenda, no message, no complicated plot with twist after twist to follow.

And I find this VERY refreshing.

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@adonael :rofl:That's the best laugh I had all day. Thanks for the reply.

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This has the potential to become either a smash hit or the bust of the season. I can see it go either way.

I had some difficulty at first getting into it because on the surface it seemed so cliched. Psychology student working as a dominatrix, gay BFF. It's not a comedy as such althought towards the end it had some really great laughs. Definately not sitcom format. For me it became much better once the focus shifted from the SM stuff more towards the personal issues both have. It's more of a tragedy, really. I like the character of Tiff and Zoe Levin plays her really well. Alltogether it reminded me a little bit of Secret Diary of a Call Girl if only vaguely.

The length of the episodes is an issue with some episode just barely making it to 14 min runtime. I'd say 5 min more per eps would have been good for more substance.

I am not sure where the story can ultimately go, or if they even plan to take it anywhere. I don't see this making it through multiple seasons. Had they switched the last two episodes around I would have been OK with this being a closed story.

So, let's see if there will be more.

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@littlegreycells I read various reviews saying it wasn't as good as the show. So maybe I just watch that again.

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This has the potential to become either a smash hit or the bust of the season. I can see it go either way.

I had some difficulty at first getting into it because on the surface it seemed so cliched. Psychology student working as a dominatrix, gay BFF. It's not a comedy as such althought towards the end it had some really great laughs. Definately not sitcom format. For me it became much better once the focus shifted from the SM stuff more towards the personal issues both have. It's more of a tragedy, really. I like the character of Tiff and Zoe Levin plays her really well. Alltogether it reminded me a little bit of Secret Diary of a Call Girl if only vaguely.

The length of the episodes is an issue with some episode just barely making it to 14 min runtime. I'd say 5 min more per eps would have been good for more substance.

I am not sure where the story can ultimately go, or if they even plan to take it anywhere. I don't see this making it through multiple seasons. Had they switched the last two episodes around I would have been OK with this being a closed story.

So, let's see if there will be more.

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@littlegreycells no, I haven't. Did you, and if so would you recommend it ?

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This has the potential to become either a smash hit or the bust of the season. I can see it go either way.

I had some difficulty at first getting into it because on the surface it seemed so cliched. Psychology student working as a dominatrix, gay BFF. It's not a comedy as such althought towards the end it had some really great laughs. Definately not sitcom format. For me it became much better once the focus shifted from the SM stuff more towards the personal issues both have. It's more of a tragedy, really. I like the character of Tiff and Zoe Levin plays her really well. Alltogether it reminded me a little bit of Secret Diary of a Call Girl if only vaguely.

The length of the episodes is an issue with some episode just barely making it to 14 min runtime. I'd say 5 min more per eps would have been good for more substance.

I am not sure where the story can ultimately go, or if they even plan to take it anywhere. I don't see this making it through multiple seasons. Had they switched the last two episodes around I would have been OK with this being a closed story.

So, let's see if there will be more.

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@littlegreycells yeah, me too. Billie Piper was amazing.

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Planet of the Apes

A interesting alternate premise that somehow reboots/continues the original story. Roddy McDowall returning in the monkey make-up and Mark Lenard playing a recurring villain role are the most interesting to follow. The world manage to hold some interest after five movies but the repetitive stories made the show fast into a science fiction version of "The Fugitive" where humans manage to befriend so many apes and people it should have been easy to overthrow the bad general that pursuit the humans as his army had the stronghold of 3. A lot of moral preaching and apes that behaves just like humans also don't help the series that much. It is not that strange this series was cancelled before even one season was finished even if there is some memorable moments.

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@dangigernes >quote A lot of moral preaching and apes that behaves just like humans also don't help the series that much.

Wasn't that the whole point of the show/movies ? Showing the error of human behavior through the actions of the apes towards humans? It wasn't as sophisticated though as Star Trek.

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