


Star Trek: 2x07 Catspaw

Was Chekov wearing a beatles wig? His hair did not look at all natural.

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@medous It actually was a wig in that style of fashion. It was also Walter Koenig first episode (in production order). He was brought in to appeal to a more younger audience. Imdb notes his hair was too short at the time therefore the bad wig.

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Timeline is a mess. All this back and forth is confusing. Made me loose focus and interest. And once I've seen her kill the guy I'm really not that much interested in seeing it again from another perspective and with additional info.
Action is good. That is, when there is any. There is sex, of course (with her handler - how original) , the usual. All together I think I've already seen this movie. Sasha Luss is a beautiful woman but this doesn't warrant me watching this for two hours. I checked the running time around midway through the movie and decided I didn't want to add another hour. Tell your story in one linear timeline, present your twist towards the end and then (!) do the flashbacks for explanation.
Trailer is very misleading - alltogether dissapointing.

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@w2m So, in your world, if someone doesn't like something you do he's just stupid ? You do know the concept of opinions, yes ?

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The Exorcist

Reply by FinFan

This is scary? The effects,the vomit, etc are laughable, that image of the demon that shows in some times is not scary at all. If this is scary then I don't know what hereditary is.

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@samekas I agree from todays point of view it doesn't look that scary but did you take into account that this movie is from 1973 ?

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Superman: The Animated Series: 2x17 World's Finest (2)

Reply by FinFan

I love that the term "street pizza" in regards to someone falling off a bulding was allowed in a kids cartoon xD

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@morphinapg in 1997 people weren't as thin-skinned as today.

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Ford v Ferrari

"Nice stopwatch." "You want one, they're italian."

I am a car nut. I follow motorsports since the early 1980s up to today and I love the history of it. So this one was highly anticipated. And I was not dissapointed.

The movie is great. I'm sure they added or altered some things like they allways do but the basic story is right. This was one of the greatest moments in motorsports. The dawn of a new era. The racing footage is great and I was surprised to find out that it was all done practical because I expected a lot of it to be CG. However I don't think it depicts the excitement of racing like Le Mans or even Grand Prix did. I was much more immersed in those. Matt Damon was allright but I was awestruck by Christian Bale's performance. Bernthal seemed like an odd choice to play Iacocca because it is so far away from The Punisher, which is imprinted on my mind, but it works.

What can I say ? You like motorsports watch it. But this is also about friends & friendship. About facing impossible odds to accomplish your goals. And it tells the story not too clichéd. After all, this is how it went down. If there are clichès then they were probably born here.

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@dulneth-p If you've already watched it the warning was too late anyway. Ferrari just focused on the wrong things. The man was an interesting character but they choose to show the really boring parts.

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House of Cards: 1x10 Chapter 10

Reply by FinFan

Politics sure is a dirty game.

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@harboejacob I would find it very difficult to dispute that.

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Ford v Ferrari

"Nice stopwatch." "You want one, they're italian."

I am a car nut. I follow motorsports since the early 1980s up to today and I love the history of it. So this one was highly anticipated. And I was not dissapointed.

The movie is great. I'm sure they added or altered some things like they allways do but the basic story is right. This was one of the greatest moments in motorsports. The dawn of a new era. The racing footage is great and I was surprised to find out that it was all done practical because I expected a lot of it to be CG. However I don't think it depicts the excitement of racing like Le Mans or even Grand Prix did. I was much more immersed in those. Matt Damon was allright but I was awestruck by Christian Bale's performance. Bernthal seemed like an odd choice to play Iacocca because it is so far away from The Punisher, which is imprinted on my mind, but it works.

What can I say ? You like motorsports watch it. But this is also about friends & friendship. About facing impossible odds to accomplish your goals. And it tells the story not too clichéd. After all, this is how it went down. If there are clichès then they were probably born here.

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@dulneth-p Thanks for the reply.

Well, there are the aforementioned "Le Mans" and "Grand Prix" which were made in the 60/70s. The racing footage in those is great and was actually filmed during a real race. But they do lack on the story side an can be considered a bit boring by some. "Rush" which depicts the 1976 F1 Season and the rivalry between Lauda and Hunt is worth a look for sure. There is the 1990 "Days of Thunder" with Tom Cruise which is basicall Top Gun but with cars.
There are biopics about Lamborghini (Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend) and the relatively new "Ferrari". But those are more about the men and less about the cars.
I personally wouldn't recommend "Driven" or the recent "Gran Turismo". I thought those were really bad. Then again it's just my opinion. But don't say I didn't warn you. :grin:

I think I've written comments to most of these movies so if you like let me know your thoughts there.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x09 The Harbinger


I thought they're not after her for having a high M-count, but for her ability to retain any transplanted. And, ultimately, so they can take her apart, see how she ticks and modify Snoke (Palpatine's clone) to accept "M" transplants successfully, so they can supe up his M-count.

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@stijnmaes1992 You really should check the meaning of spoiler as this is not the first time you're blaming someone. That comment is not a spoiler. It's a thought about what he thinks is happening in the story.

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A timeless TV classic from when the whole family came together to watch. Totally worth a re-watch after all these years.

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@noodlebrain What do you think ? :wink:

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x07 Extraction (2)

Okay I have a very strong feeling this shadow clone is Tech

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@aeronmelon After reading your comment I watched the scenes again and I don't hear it. And Ventress is not a clone, she's Zabrak. But we'll see.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x07 Extraction (2)

Okay I have a very strong feeling this shadow clone is Tech

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@harlillyquinn Uh, that didn't even cross my mind but it's an intriguing idea.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x01 Confined

Well, if the plan was to portray how dire the situation is they did a good job. Whole episode was grim but also a bit boring I have to admit. The final five minutes redeemed this somewhat. But no Bad Batch in "The Bad Batch"
Omega is still very naive. My guess would be they have Snoke, or an earlier version, in that vault. In the end it has to lead to what happened with the sequels and that's the bitter pill I have to swallow.
I find it hard to believe thought that no one noticed that Nale Se discards Omega's blood samples all the time.

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@vwfringe Thanks for the link. Took me a while to get to it but I finally watched it.

I think it's a really good analysis of SW. It has always been for kids, I myself was twelve when I saw ANH, but that doesn't mean it can't also be for adults. I do like some of the Disney shows for what they are but not all of them. But I agree wholeheartedly why Andor is special in that mix. Which is exactly the reason why some people I know don't like it. And that's fine. You can't satisfy everyone, althought I something think Disney doesn't know who they want as an audience.

Ultimately Disney has extinguished my interest in new SW. I quit watching "Ahsoka" althought she's one of my favorite characters. Not the live action version, though. I will complete The Batch because it's the last season and I want to know how it ends. I do look forward to next season of Andor very much, hoping they don't destroy it, too.

But all the new shows/movies being in developement, I have no interest in.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x02 Paths Unknown

I would have switched the first two episodes to be honest as this is a far better season premiere. And with the final shot than leading into Omega's confinement and that new facility location makes more sense to me.

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@stijnmaes1992 And where would the spoiler be? Omega's confinement in the new facility is already confirmed in episode one and the comment doesn't say what the final shot is.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x01 Confined

Well, if the plan was to portray how dire the situation is they did a good job. Whole episode was grim but also a bit boring I have to admit. The final five minutes redeemed this somewhat. But no Bad Batch in "The Bad Batch"
Omega is still very naive. My guess would be they have Snoke, or an earlier version, in that vault. In the end it has to lead to what happened with the sequels and that's the bitter pill I have to swallow.
I find it hard to believe thought that no one noticed that Nale Se discards Omega's blood samples all the time.

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@vwfringe Could be. There has to be a reason why they are after her. But truth be told, I wouldn't mind for once not having a special one. We already had Anakin, Grogu and Ezra. But like I mentioned they need to bridge the gap to the sequels. I don't like it but I accepted it. Doesn't mean the story can't be good.

Thanks for the reply.

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Halo: 2x03 Visegrad

Are lighting guys in short supply or something? I can't see shit this episode. :person_shrugging:

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@noodlebrain It's part of the darker and grittier approach they want to achieve this season. :wink:

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Reply by FinFan

Lowered my rating as I was so bored on S2E1 I turned it off.

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@defestated Same here. Althought I made it a couple of minutes into eps three.

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I'm surprised to find that I don't believe this movie holds up to modern audiences. It has some good cinematography and is good for its time, but not that watchable today. Only Kubrick fans who want to be educated on his early work should watch this. Kubricks previous movie, Paths of Glory, is a much easier recommendation and a much more reasonable length as well.

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@jidar I find it intersting that you point out Kubrick fans should watch this while he himself disowned the movie and did not include it as part of his canon

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Great so far. F*** the haters, some people don't know their elbow from their arsehole, so why the hell should their opinions matter?

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@anubis81 I respect that you like the show, but to say that negative comments, or in this case comments that don't reflect your own opinion, don't matter is a prime example of what's wrong with the world.

You like it, other don't. Both matter !

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Futurama: 8x08 Zapp Gets Canceled

Episode was OK, although at times I wasn't sure if this is pro or anti PC.

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@zoloft True.

Thanks for the reply.

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Ahsoka: 1x04 Part Four: Fallen Jedi

This show suffers the same problem as Kenobi.

It was highly anticipated and everyone is waiting for "the" one thing to happen. It is easy to look at. Meanwhile we get one action scene after another but little content. I like lightsaber fights as much as the next guy but even I are bored by them at this point. And they are stretched out for no reason other than to fill the time. Furthermore monotone one word dialogues, and totally predictable writing. And you realize by now that this should have been a movie rather than a mini-series.

Even the massive reveal at the end wasn't a surprise as the title of this episode alone was a massive spoiler in itself.

But this is how you catch bees. Just pour enough honey over it.

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@lenodos maybe I'm reflecting a bit after the fact but I really wasn't surprised or shocked to see him. I would not think of Sabine as a "Fallen Jedi" as in my eyes she's no Jedi to begin with. The others - could be.

The lightsaber fights could be more impactfull if there wouldn't be one or two every episode. That's my point.

But different opinions are always a good thing otherwise there'd be no discussion.

Thanks for the reply.

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Ahsoka: 1x04 Part Four: Fallen Jedi

Sabine getting stabbed by lightsaber: I am fine, tis but a flesh wound.
Ahsoka on top of ship in space: This is fine, I am going to do some acrobatic jumps in space, fall back on the ship and prevent the enemy from blowing us up using my lightsabers.
Ahsoka falling on the ocean: Well, I am dead... Time for some memberberries and time travelling!

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@beestmann That could be an explanation but it still would be a thin one. But lets see what happenes next week. They really need to come up with something because otherwise I would like to know why Ahsoka doesn't return the favor and pulls Ezra out of time just before he vanishes so that it's only Thrawn who disappears.

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Ahsoka: 1x04 Part Four: Fallen Jedi

Sabine getting stabbed by lightsaber: I am fine, tis but a flesh wound.
Ahsoka on top of ship in space: This is fine, I am going to do some acrobatic jumps in space, fall back on the ship and prevent the enemy from blowing us up using my lightsabers.
Ahsoka falling on the ocean: Well, I am dead... Time for some memberberries and time travelling!

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@beestmann True. But Ezra closed the portal to that world and even Palpatine seemed not be able to open it. Now (a badly CGI) Anakin appears out of the blue to save Ahsoka (who was before killed by him and later saved by Bridger) and who lost the fight to Baylan way to easy, just to open that realm again.

I think it was a good think they closed that thing because it pretty much gives writers free reign to bring back whomever they want from the dead and I don't like that.

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Ahsoka: 1x04 Part Four: Fallen Jedi

Sabine is so weak. She gave up so easily. And she should’ve listened to Ahsoka and destroyed the key. What’s more important the fate of the galaxy or one guy

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@nox32 Furthermore I would not expect the Sabine from "Rebels" act like this. Ezra told her that he could count on her. However I do not think he meant that she should find him but to honor his decision and protect Lothal and the Galaxy. He knew that finding him means finding Thrawn as well. Therefore, by giving in to Baylan she betrayed Ezra's trust.

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Ahsoka: 1x04 Part Four: Fallen Jedi

Who's the fallen Jedi? Anakin? Baylan? or Ahsoka, who literally falls

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@annonimousse The fallen Jedi usually refers to the ones who fell for the Dark Side. For that reason it could only be one.

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Ahsoka: 1x03 Part Three: Time to Fly

I don't appear to hate this as much as others, with Sakhno's Hati being a real standout for me. But yeah, a 20 minute chase in a 30 minute episode is not good. This should have found it's way onto the end of Episode 2. But we are in the age of quantity, over quality. I've got the feeling we won't see Thrawn til Episode 5 minimum.

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@theavereviewer If at all. There is the possibility that Thrawn and Ezra might not appear until the final episode and we then have to wait for season two to see how they deal with the Grand Admiral.
Since I don't think he'll survive ultimately for continuity reasons (althought Disney might not care about that) and I furthermore suspect they don't hired the actor just for a handful of episodes, I see this as a possible scenario.

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Ahsoka: 1x01 Part One: Master and Apprentice

The most anticipated show in the SWU is finally there. Of course, every new show is the most anticipated but Ahsoka still is something special. There will be lovers and haters of that I'm sure. Right now I take the middle ground.
I like the look and the fact that it is basically the continuation of Rebels which I absolutely love. Therefore I'm thrilled to see all the characters in live action finally. The beginning with the crawl text gave me a bit of goosebumps I have to admit. I think the story has potential and I place my faith once again in Filoni to make this right. After all Ahsoka is his baby.
Of course we get a lot of character introduction in the pilot and I'm already regretting not having watched Rebels again as I'm sure I missed some easter eggs along the way.
From a neutral standpoint I'd say this was a "7" all day long. It had it's moments and it's flaws especially towards the end it became very predictable. And once more someone will survive a lightsaber stab. But because of the aforementioned connection to Rebels (you can call it fan-service if you like) I decided to go with "8".

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@quab775 Not sure I get what you mean. You can watch this show without having seen "Rebels" I'd say but it is a clear continuation of that story line. Most of the things that happened between these characters will be explained. But it's different feeling if you've seen instead instead of just being told. Of course if you watch "Rebels" after watching "Ahsoka" you do already know what will happen to the characters.
Don't know if that answers your question. If not, please feel free to reply again.

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Silo: 1x03 Machines

The action sequence was running a bit long but otherwise another solid episode.
I'm surprised there wasn't another way to relieve the steam pressure. Was that just a story tool to generate tension? You would think the builders would incorporate a way to make repairs in case they are needed. Otherwise they were either pretty sure the generator would run forever or they never anticipated it runs so long. Weird.
Did you notice the moment they switched to the back-up the screen showed a healthy, green environment outside ? No coincidence I say.
Bernard is hiding something, he is a much more important player in the tale. Unfortunately I was sure the moment the major opened up to the deputy her clock was running out.

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@daddy7860 That it was.
Thanks for the reply.

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Silo: 1x02 Holston's Pick

Pretty sure none of those who went outside are dead. That's part of the control mechanism to keep people inside. The people in power are obviously afraid to loose it. They destroyed all evidence of what happened in the past so they can create their own myth. Yeah, I know I'm stating the obvious. Maybe they are even living on the surface themselves and don't want to share ? Maybe the Silo is important for things on the surface to work, part of a machinery ?
But it leaves the question open why no one ever came back.

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@daddy7860 For sure the suits are rigged. that much we know. But why do we only see those two bodies then ? Where are the others that went to clean. No one could've gone much farther then Holston or his wife did. And in the decades there must have been many that went outside.
I'm not saying you're wrong but at the same time I would not be surprised if someone was still alive.

Thanks for the reply.

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Silo: 1x10 Outside

Just let me get two things out of the way I think were weak storytelling.

First, putting the drive on the hub was the stupidest thing to do as it could only lead to her getting caught. It also was illogical as it was clear that they would just override it and/or claim it as false. Granted she didn't know about the Janitor room but she knew there was surveilance everywhere and because of that might reach the conclusion that all those feeds had to be watched somewhere. But the story needs to go on so I'll take it.

Second, its hard to believe that they didn't inspect the stuff they brought to Juliette or they would have found the note. Even not knowing what it meant they would not have let it through. Plus, from a storyelling point of view it was giving too much away. Would have been better to not show it. Instead they could insert a scene when Juliette is about to break down to explain that she didn't die. And speaking of dying, Where are all the others that went out? Does someone actually go out to collect the bodies ?

Now, for the big reveal at the end I have to say I didn't see that coming. After making us believe (and I did) that it is safe outside, not only do we learn it is not, but there are literally dozens of silos out there. Does that mean the whole of mankind lives underground ? My guess is that each one thinks they are the only one and each one does have someone taking care that it stays like that. But we still don't have an idea about why ?

There is one thing I noticed that I want to point out. When Juliette told Holland about the door below he seem genuinely surprised. As if he didn't knew. That was the moment he ended the conversation. Just saying.

So, I don't know the books but from reading elsewhere I understand we barely scratched the surface of the story. I wonder how slow they will go with this one. The second season is already confirmed but thre is always the chance of not getting a third, or forth, or however many they need to play this out.

I sure hope we're not getting left hanging in the air atsome point.

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@misnomer OK, I see your point concerning the bodies. That could be an explanation. But I don't think I saw any bodies in the final overview shot. Need to go back to check that.

For sure something about the tape is different. Remember what Walker said ? That the tape has to be special or why make such a fuzz over the theft ? And I'm sure she switched it.

The door below leading to the other Silos is an intruiging thought It would give sense to Hollands reaction when Julitte told him about it. That's a good point.

Should be interesting to see how this goes on.

Thanks for the reply.

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Dirty Old Cars: 1x11 Trashed Trans AM

I think that's the first time I saw a loss in any of those car shows.

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@aeronmelon True, others might have taken the parts that are usable and swept away the rest.

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