


The Flash

The first Flash, as a TV show that is.

I think this was the first attempt at making a serious (!) superhero series for TV. Yes, it had it`s goofy episodes, cheesy dialogue, logical lapses. At time the music was too comical. I never liked The Trickster episodes. On the other hand there were some really good ones that were way beyond what you would expect in terms of storylines. FX was good too for 1990. Overall I think quality was really good. They overdid the costume, though. The look is great but the muscles ? C´mon that´s a bit too much.
I haven´t seen the 2014 version, I will later for sure. But vise versa one should whatch this who only saw the newer Flash.

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Texas Rising

I usuall like history themed shows but I had my problems with this.
I read somewhere they totally messed up the locations and wardrobe. While that may or may not be true, I´m no expert, there were other things wrong with it. The main characters, Santa Anna and Houston, are very two-dimensional. There are no layers of character I spotted. Rest of the characters are basically the same, no depth. I understand these are historic figures but I think there should be enough recordings to give them more to play with. Further there are to many b-storylines that do nothing to support the whole that could easily been left out.
All in all it was OK but nothing I would highly recommend.

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Would I have watched this without Duchovny in it? No, probably not. Do I think it´s a waste of time? No, because I liked it.

I like the style of the show, it´s not fast paced action but it isn´t boring. I don´t know how much of the Manson character is fictious and what is historical. Since I didn´t know that much about him in the first place, besides the obvious that is, it doesn´t matter much to me. I regard him as simply another character.

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One of the best shows I have seen in a while. Actually one of the best shows I´ve seen, period. Had so much fun watching this.

I liked Damian Lewis in Band of Brothers and now I really am a fan.

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Well, this could become interesting if it´s not only going to be hot-blonde-in-tight-jumpsuit-solving-crime-of-the-week.

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Taking into account that this is 50 years old this really is entertaining. I liked Fireball XL5 so it was logical to go with this. You recognioze the amount of work and dare I say love that went into this even if the stories from our point of view now apear silly.

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Lost in Transmission

Well, another car builder format. And it follows the same rules as the other ones - building cars for an unrealistic budget in a timeframe that can´t be done. So why do I watch it ? I´m a car nut and it´s the before-after effect I want to see. The rest I just ignore.

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You´ve got to give it to the BBC, they know how to make great documentaries. The amount of work they put into this is amazing. They came up with the most awesome footage of sharks I´ve ever seen. Whether you´re interested in sharks alone or in sea life in general this is higly recommended.

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Orphan Black

I don't know. I really liked the first two seasons and I was eager to see where the story would lead. But after the cliffhanger at the end of the second I had a bad feeling. After watching the first episodes of season 3 it's exactly what I feared. They are putting in the usual cliches, the pace of the show is down. What started out promising is about to become just another atypical show. If this doesn't pick up fast I think I'll quit. Tatiana is great but her performance alone can't carry the show.

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CSI: Cyber

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2015-04-24T18:13:08Z— updated 2016-06-24T19:58:19Z

After the first 8 episodes I´m still not sure where I stand with this show. Every new show needs some time to develop. This isn´t all out awful but it isn´t exceptionally good either. It is definitely not CSI. And maybe that`s the whole problem. Because of the CSI tag I compare it with the other shows and this does not come close. Maybe they should name it just Cyber

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Expedition Great White

Very dissapointed by this one. I´m very interested in sharks but this is more like a soap than a serious documentary. Didn`t made it through the third episode.

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Painkiller Jane

I really had hopes for this to be good despite they fact it only lived one season. Some good storys but no matter what it feels life- and soulless.

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The Classic Car Show

As much as I love shows about cars, especially classics, I could have done without those stiff moderators and their scripted commentary. As much as the content is concerned this is more a show about the lifestyle and less about the history and technical part of classic cars.

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Fireball XL5

You have to take into account when this was made but I had a lot of fun watching this.

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About what I expected. Not to overdramatic which is a plus. I wish there would have been more detail but maybe they can`t do it for security reasons. But they show that it takes a lot of work and dedication to become a fighter pilot. And sometimes not even that is enough.

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When I first read the plot I thought this could be interesting, something new. But it became something else entirely - and in the process unfortunately not so new and interesting.

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Lords of the Car Hoards

Well, another car building show. I like the idea with the hoards and Rick Dore sure has a name in the business. But what is it with these car shows there is so much garbage going on besides the build. Why has there to be constant fighting about almost everything. What´s the deal? First of all it´s not very convincing, it looks and feels staged. And second we all know that in the end they get it done and everything will be fine. So why not just concentrate on the build. I think that would make these shows a lot better.

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I like the story but due to the unique style I never really connected with the show.

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Man On The Moon with Walter Cronkite

This stuff is old. And by old I mean really old. Newest material is from early/mid 80ies, most of it though from the 60s. It´s not a typical docu, it`s a recollection oftentimes only the pictures without any narrative. Still with hours of original and untampered footage this has some merit. But propably only if you really have an interest in the subject.

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The Office

Usually I like Ricky and his style of humor. I love "Extras" but I really struggled through this one. I only finished it because there are only 6 hours in total without the Christmas Special.
It had its moments but in an attempt to make this look like they are doing kind of a documentary on the office staff it feels stiff and studied. Characters are one-dimensional and there is almost no developement. Personally I can`t figure out why this is so highly praised.

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Street Hawk

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2014-12-02T22:00:59Z— updated 2023-03-05T18:51:37Z

Street Hawk was a short lived action series in the fashion of Knight Rider. Personally this worked better for me. Maybe because the bike couldn´t talk. Production wasn´t worse than any of the other shows. Rex Smith definately isn`t worse than Hasselhof. I guess it was just too much of the same at the time. So if you have a couple of hours to spare you might consider the show for some 80s nostalgia.

My average rating for all thirteen episodes comes down to 7,31.

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Cold Case

I wasn´t much into cop shows at the time the show aired. My wife watched it and I went along. After a couple episodes it grew on me. I liked the past/present take which was kind of different to other police dramas. And I loved the period music. Sadly, the same music is the reason this show hasn`t made a DVD release yet.
And there was something about Kathryn Morris. No - not the hair. I actually always liked that.

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Air Warriors

Finally a new series about aviation. Hope there will be more.

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Mighty Cruise Ships

If you´re interested in the technical aspect of the ships skip this because it´s more about the cruise, the destinations and less about the ships. More like a travel channel documentation. They are showing some very nice places, though.

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Family Guy

Yes, the show has changed over the years and so have the characters. You either like it or not. I think it`s still one of the best shows and I would take any season of Family Guy over all that reality garbage.

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Wings: Flying Through Time

Personally, I don't like the short 25m format 'cause it only touches the minimum facts of each topic. Other than that there`s nothing wrong with it.

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From the Earth to the Moon

I´ve been interested in the space race for a very long time and seen about every movie and documentary about it. Nevertheless this show was well worth watching because it tells storys that haven´t been told. It´s those storys about the people and what went on behind the headlines.
Mixed with original footage this show gives an insight at a time of great struggle but also great hope.

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Generation Kill

This is terrible. I couldn´t even make it through the second episode.

A bunch of kids pretending to be tough marines while most of them leaving the impression they couldn`t even tie up their own shoes. Stupid dialogue with constant repetition of the f-word in every second sentence as if there where a rule to do so.

After just having seen Over There this shouldn`t even been mentioned with the same breath.

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Over There

Ever since Tour of Duty I´ve been waiting for a similar show.

Would have been nice to see what they could have done with a couple of season to play with. You can only do so much in terms of character developement or story arcs and I think Over There had the right tools to go much deeper into it.

But I guess a topic like this doesn´t get you good ratings. Yeah, it´s controversial but those shows usually are the better ones.

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