



Just finished watching it and, like some, I´m a bit on the fence. It´s a good show that has a lot going for it, most of all the cast. The acting is outstanding at times and gives you some really beautiful moments between the characters. John Nobles performance is among the best I´ve ever seen on TV. And I became very fond of Anna Torv. And despite the fact that a lot of the scientific background is borderline at best the show never feels silly.
But like some others mentioned I too think the plot went south during the later parts. The first two season got me hooked pretty fast, the third I think was at times to much to fast. But with the forth came the nosedive. It deteriorated to a point where I simply didn´t cared anymore for the plot and just went on watching to see how it ends. Not to mention that the conclusion has huge logical problems.
I´m not regretting watching it but I don't want to watch it again.

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Battleground Vietnam: 1954-1975

It's not bad in general. Unfortunately they are using the same footage over and over again even within one episode. So while this still is original footage it sure isn`t always from the event they are talking about.

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Wheeler Dealers Trading Up

I really like Mike but I too miss Ed.

Still entertaining. You get a nice insight on the car culture in different countries.

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Magnum, P.I.

I know what you´re thinking and you´re right.

Probably not a lot of people would name Magnum as one of the best TV shows off all time. But it is one of those iconic and memorable shows of the 80s that you can whatch again and again. The cast was perfect for the show, it sure was Tom Sellecks role of a lifetime. The same can probably be said for Hillerman. This isn't just another detective show it´s much more. Towards the end it became more serious and character driven which didn´t hurt. I always thought this was much more about the characters and their relations than anything else.

And on a sidenote: it was sometimes mentioned that this was more a show for the women because of Selleck. But let me remind you that some of the most gorgeous women of the 80s gueststarred on Magnum.

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James May's Cars of the People

A unique, and not always dead serious, take on the subject of motorisation.

Quite entertaining.

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Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

It's always hard to rate a SF show almost 40 years after it has been produced because from todays point of view it all seems so naive. So what to do ? Rate it to comparable shows in its timeframe. Three are coming to my mind: Galactica, U.F.O. and Space 1999. Compared to those Buck Rogers rates dead last.
Even by the standards of the 80s the sets, props and effects are weak. They recycled a lot of the Galactica stuff including the sounds which shouldn't be surprising since it's another Glen A Larson show. Seems to be produced on a very small budget and since the writing isn't good either I wouldn't recommend this to anyone but the die hardest SF fan.
I liked the Movie but the show is a great step backwards. Of course that's only my personal opinion

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Very entertaining, I enjoyed this very much. Took me about 10 days for the whole show.

Lots of action, space battles, ground battles, Lightsabre fights. But what really makes it worth watching is the writing, some really good story arcs that complement the whole saga.

I would recommend this wether you're a Star Wars fan or not.

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The Pacific

Just finished watching this.

It's really great at times, slow at others. Opposed to some other comments I don't think this is eye to eye with BoB. Not saying it's bad but I just never felt connected with the characters the way I did with BoB. Like it says in the shows description they follow three marines throughout seperate events. For me that was the problem. You are with one of them in battle and next scene you're with another one back home. Another thing I thought was missing is that I never got the feel for the scope of the battle. Yes, it's a mini-series not Hollywood and there is not as much budget but especially in the first half of the show it felt rather small.
Nevertheless I would recommend this, it is well worth the time watching it.

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Quit watching after about 40 episodes because quite frankly I couldn't stand it any longer.

I love science fiction but this I could never really get into. It had some good episodes but they were almost always followed by a bunch of bad to mediocre ones. The budget couldn't have been much because it looked cheap on every corner - sfx, masks, props - the sound effects were almost comical at times. I could have stand all this if they had at least decent writing or some science in science fiction. They had neither. And some admittingly good looking girls in tight outfits are not enough.

If other people like - fine by me - but I was hugely dissapointed.

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Star Trek: Enterprise

The last true Star Trek. Such a shame it didn't got the end it deserved.

And No, I don't consider the crap JJ Abrahms puts out Star Trek.

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Got the DVD Box for 1$ and to be honest I thought it to be an indicator that the show might be crap.
Well, it's not crap it just isn't great either. Writing is OK, storys are what you expect from that kind of show. Acting is mediocre but it's not important. The real downer for me is that it is what I expected it to be: a Stingray copycat. And in that regard it fails. They even used a lot of footage from Stingray. Towards the end of the show they seemed to be writing the storys more and more to accomodate the older Stingray footage. But it doesn't even come close.
I strongly recommend to whatch Stingray instead of this.

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I didn't knew the comics when the TV show started so I have no reference for comparison. What got me into it was the involvement of JMS because I was a huge B5 fan. I got hooked from the first minute and it got better by the hour.

This had some great moments, well written characters and the show was tough at times. I liked the plot where it wasn't an atomic war but a virus that left only the children. I thought it was a believeable story. Had it plot holes ? Sure at times, but what show hasn't ? This was about the people.

Because of creative differences between MGM and JMS, sadly, the show ran short. It ended after the second season although it could have gotten further, the groundwork was there to keep it going.

But maybe it was better this way because usually the american audience doesn't seem to like post-apocaliyptic stories and stuff like civil war set on their home soil. So instead of getting canceled it simply ended on its own.

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OK, I might be a bit biased here because the 80s were my teenage years so I grew up with those shows but I think that decade produced some of the most memorable. Shows you don't just watch and forget about but shows you never forget and that you want to watch again. Like Moonlighting.
They had actors that could act, writers that could write - they were great with dialogue. They created characters not two-dimensional look-alikes.

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The Aviators

The main focus lies on the civil/public side of aviation so if you`re more interested in military aviation you won't find much in this show.
Nevertheless still a well made and informative magazine show.

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Hero Ships

One of the better History dokumentation since they are using original footage and eye witness accounts instead of re-enactment.
Personally I don't like the use of re-colored b/W material or the orange gun muzzle flashes in some of the b/w films. Those are historical documents that should not be tampered with. Therefore I rate it at 6 rather than 7.

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For the Love of Cars

You instantly recognize a car show that is made by enthusiasts. This is one of them. I really love the backyard garage that is not all clean where you believe there is actual work beeing done. People are getting dirty hands.
While the idea of the car building and restoration shows on tv may have started in the US, I really love the british shows more. In the US there's shouting, cursing, yelling - it's more of a soap where their build cars. The british shows are about the cars and the owners - and that's how it's supposed to be.

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Hunters in the Sky

Since this is an older production it contains nothing new in terms of footage and/or content. And every episode is only a bit over 20 min long so it's a bit superfical. But with the amount of eye witness accounts, not only from american pilots, this still is worth watching.

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One of my all time favs. Just watched it for the forth time. Sadly it never got the chance to develop its underlying plot. Had great music, too.

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The Pretender

Really loved The Pretender,still do. I think this was one of the best shows. Sadly they blew the chance to end the plot properly with the movies.

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The Wil Wheaton Project

I like a lot of the shows mentioned but is that supposed to be funny? Cause I don't think it is.

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Wings of Russia

There aren't many documentations that show the history of aviation from the russian side. Therefore this one is highly recommended if you are interested in that topic. Great original footage from the beginning up to the 21st century.

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Wheeler Dealers

One of the best car shows since the beginning. Not like all the american where at a certain point all they do is shouting and yelling and trying to be cool.
Mike & Ed stay true to themself. They fix cars.

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The Big Bang Theory

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2014-05-26T09:14:30Z— updated 2016-06-26T11:52:30Z

Shoot me, but I still think it´s the best comedy out there.

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The X-Files

One of the All Time Top 10 shows. They created a whole new genre with X-files. I still remember the vivid discussion I had with my friends about the plot.

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Watched the first episodes of season 9. Well, they didn't re-invent the wheel - it's 24. And if you liked it before you probably like it again. Storylines in general are as usual but for me it feels cheaper than before production wise. Looks like a lot less money went into it.

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Stargate SG-1

They should have stopped after Season 8 the last two were really bad and in my eyes pulled the whole series down a bit. Still up to that point it's a great show and I really enjoied it.

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Dallas was a phenomenon at the time that can't be repeated or transformed in our time. The Mother-Soap. Once in a lifetime you should have watched it but skip the infamous Season 9 (if you don't know why you are either very young or completely unaware in the 80s ;-) ). I admit the quality of the show drops to the end but in general it's still a good show.

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I'm very interested in the history and strategy of war. I just don't get it why History Channel always has to re-enact everything and use flashy graphics and soundtracks.

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Expedition: Bismarck

The pictures of the wreck are amazing and they reveal what really happened back then. But overall it's too Hollywood for a serious documentation.

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Home Improvement

Really love this show. Just finished watching the whole thing again.
This is not only great comedy, this is about the people, their life and everyday problems. There arent't a lot of sitcoms you can watch more than once, this is definately one. And if you haven't watched it, well - what are you wating for ?

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