


House of Cards
The Man in the High Castle

I dropped out after season one because I didn't connect with it. I wasn't expecting Sci Fi and would rather have settled for a real alternate reality. What I watched felt long and tedious. Like it could have fit within a two hour movie. I also don't think it was that well done all things considered. It was good but not outstanding. Yes, it was nominated a lot but it didn't win a lot and most of it for supporting actors or the title sequence.

What can I say ? Another highly rated show I dropped. Maybe I should look for those rated in the 60 %tage.

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Iron Man

This is the best animated Iron Man I've seen so far. It feels much more mature and more aimed at an adult audience. I like the animation style.
The plot takes reference to the first Iron Man movie and kind of builds from there. I was surprised that there is a strong nationalist part in the story. Would have liked to see more from this but it is a complete stroy so maybe they never intented to make this into a series.

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Automobiles That Rock

I had no idea that Brian is such an avid petrolhead. But it is very refreshing to have a car themed show featuring a presenter that oozes passion for cars from every pore.
Although I got the feeling that some of the companies reps were uncompfortable with his open remarks. Doesn't bother me, though.

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The Fear Index

It loses a bit of the impact and edge if you already know the book. But it's still a good adaptation. I think Hartnett played really well.

Harris picked up something here one should think about. It's not total science fiction. Yes, there is no true AI, yet. Beside that this is something I can see happening in the future.

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Iron Man

I'm pretty sure a 50+ year adult watching this about 25 years after this aired was not on the producers mind. For sure many kids and teens got their kicks out of this but it hasn't aged well. Even compared to many other animated shows that I've watched, some of them even older, this pales.
The writing is weak, voice acting is dreadful as is the dialogue. Everything is extremly repetitive in terms of plot and even animation itself. I don't think I've ever seen the equivalent to a clipshow in animation. Second season is slightly better but this would be like saying a thunderstorm is better than a blizzard.
Maybe you've watched this as a kid and want to relive some nostalgia, go for it. But otherwise I don't see why one should watch this.

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I decided to quit after season one because, while not a bad show as such, ultimately it didn't win me over. I pondered to quit during the first four episodes but it became better so I stuck around. But it was to much up and down, back and forth for me. I didn't particulary liked any character and while the story is interesting I often thought I'd much rather watch a docu about the topic or listen to the original interviews.

And with a possible season three still hanging in the air and maybe never to occur I don't want to end up with an unfinished show after season two.

I still give the show a "7" which from my point of view is the highest I can give to a show I quit watching. It's loss of interest and rationality and not quality of the production why I quit.

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Ant Anstead Master Mechanic

That Ant is a top notch mechanic was never in doubt. But building a complete car put him on the next step. I wouldn't have minded if this had double the amount of episodes to show even more details of the build. Because this is what it's all about. There isn't any of the nonsense thyt alwmost always creeps into any car show.

You can skip the second season's two episodes. It's nothing more than a vlog that did nothing for me. Probably forced because of the pandemic but it would have been better not to make it at all.

And hopefully someday he learns how to say "Porsche" the right way. :wink:

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Race to Victory

Looks more at the political side and the relationships between the Big Three.

Not bad but I do disagree with the final conclusion and, judging by the rating, so might others.

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Watched the first season and it was OK. But, personally, I fail to see the masterpiece everyone is talking about. Which isn't really surprising for me as this lines up with many high praised TV shows I found rather mediocre or didn't even watch because of lack of interest in the first place.
This (S1) was a story for a two, maybe two and a half hour movie. But not for 12 hours. And in the end it was very generic. A unmoral politician who covers up his arse by sweeping a horribly gone wrong drone strike under the carpet which turns a POW marine into a terrorist. That's not what I call ingenious writing. Granted, it is of some interest and they managed to fool me completely. But the main reason I didn't buy in was I never saw Lewis playing a bad character. Which might be one reason he was casted for this role.

While both, Lewis and especially Danes towards the end, deliver remarkable performances, I don't like their characters and have no interest in how their story moves forward. This is why I quit after the first season.

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Planet of the Apes

This was a lot better than I thought it would be. I was expecting a low to mid level 70s TV show at best. But this was very entertaining and some episodes even tackled social issues which was not typical for the time.

Despite the fact this is a sequel to the movies you don't have to watch them. The show works well on its own. Roddy McDowell seems to be enjoying playing an ape again very much and Harper and Naughton work well together. The generall plot is repetitive and you'd better not apply logic and/or continuity. Those things weren't high on 70's TV. The individual episodes work well and there are many known guest stars appearing, most of them not recognizable because of the heavy make-up.

I think there was some more potential in it but at a reported 250k $ per episode and with low ratings CBS pulled the plug. Like I said it is entertaining to watch. I was considering rating it as an "8" but that would be to high even in the context of it's own time. But it is a very good "7".

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No Man Left Behind

I've always preferred factual documentaries over those using reenactment and this show is a prime candidate why.

I hear the accounts of these soldiers and it is really interesting, gripping, even terrifying thinking they experienced this. Next comes a dull insert or cheap reenacted scene completely ruining the moment. I would have loved a version with just the interviews and enough of background info.

So the low rating is completely because of the style this is presented.

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The Chronicles of Narnia
The Spanish Princess

If you're looking for a historical accurate tale you should not watch this. There are more than "some events/persons that have been altered" for the story. The whole timeline of events is messed up. Meaning, many of those events happened at other times than shown here. This isn't a history lesson, it's a scripted drama. Entertainment. And that's totally fine with me because it does not claim to be anything else.
Historical drama is one of my guilty pleasures and this feels like watching something akin to Dallas or Denver in medival England. The costumes are amazing and having the oportunity of filming in this great locations is a luxury that makes this look so much better. The spanish accents are a little bit thick and sometimes it was hard to understand the actors. But in general they did a great job and I was especially taken in by Charlotte Hope.
Even from this mostly fictional depiction I gather that Catherine of Aragon must have been an interesting person and I might even take the time reading up about her. And if a show manages to do that I can only rate it as a success.

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The Planets

Say what you will about the BBC but they make the best documentaries no matter what topic. I could watch this without commentary and it would still be great just with the sound and picture.

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Counting Cars: Under the Hood

It's a "Counting Cars" clipshow. Maybe they were forced to do this do to COVID - I don't know. After all they did I normal season, too. Despite the fact I watched all the episodes and there were some cool moments brought back I'd still say there's no need to watch this.

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Into the West

I gave up on this after the third episode:

It's not completely awful or unwatchable but at the same time everything just feels empty. Things just happen without any emotional weight. An indian village is burned to the ground and cut - six years later, new characters. A new part of the story. Things just come and go. They show us some town which is then massacred - why do I care ? Those characters were on screen just a couple of minutes.

This projekt probably was to ambitous for its own good. They wanted to put to many things in. For that they needed more episodes. On the positive side there is the at times beautiful scenery. The CGI looks very outdated, though.

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The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2021-11-09T23:59:49Z— updated 2022-02-22T11:43:43Z

For a hard core Star Trek Fan this probably doesn't offer much, if anything, new. And the style is similar to Netflix's "The Movies that made us" which I didn't like much.

But I'm a huge fan of Gates so for that reason alone I keep watching it.


Overall an interesting journey through the history of Star Trek. But even as a decade long fan who thought he knows much of the story already, I was asking myself more then once: "How could this franchise become so big and long lived with all what was going on behind the scenes ?"

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Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

I found the Guardians movies among the best from Marvel but this animated version is terrible.

Maybe I'm putting to much into it with this being predominantly a kids show. But the characters don't have depth for prolongued stories. There is no developement whatsoever in them. They all have one trait that gets boring or in some cases, Quill especially, nerving.
I pretty much lost interest during the second season but continued for the sake of completion. And even that was tedious. The third season was then a complete nosedive and, quite frankly, dumb. As far as I've watched it because I regarded it as a waste of time to continue.

This wasn't for me.

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Star Wars: Visions

Due to its unique style this probably won't satisfy all Star Wars fans.
But like I mentioned before, you shouldn't compare episodes as each one is an individual take by the creator - a vision. This leads to you liking some but maybe not all episodes.
You can identify the Star Wars mythology within each story and some of them I would like to delph further into. Maybe becoming it's own series outside of canon.
Overall I'd say the idea worked for the most part but I don't think I'd need more.

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I can only repeat what I said on multiple similar shows before: I am a firm believer that there are other intelligent cultures somewhere in the universe but I don't think even one has ever been here.
This is just another docu where people claim to have evidence that is ultimately circumstancial and inconclusive. Most of the time they say it's unexplainable (to which I can agree) and therefore it has to be from outer space (to which I don't agree). Now, I am not ruling out the possibility but for me there isn't hard, undeniable proof.
Plus the style, like almost every documentary I've seen on this topic, is leaning very much towards over dramatizing, conducting interviews in abandoned warehouses f.e., which ultimately is another thing that makes me doubt many things.
Maybe one day we'll have proof one way or the other. And I for one are very much looking forward for that happen. That there'll be a day where there is no shred of doubt left. And I would accept it even if we could proof nothing of it was from another world.
But we are not there yet.

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Monsters at Work

Monsters at work is pure entertainment.

There is no hidden agenda, no message, no complicated plot with twist after twist to follow.

And I find this VERY refreshing.

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Sledge Hammer!

This is one of great 80s comedies you couldn't make today.

An antisocial, nihilistic, chauvinistic, misogynist cop with violent tendencies. Try pitching that to a studio exec. There is no way this is going to fly in todays tv climate. Of course back then people were able to differentiate between a satire and reality.

This is not a sitcom, there is no laughing track and a lot is actually filmed on location. David Rasche plays the character of Hammer with the seriousness that is nessessary . He's complemented by the lovely Anne-Marie Martin and Harrison Page and the three together have great chemistry.

Understandably some of the humor might not work as well today as it was time specific. But in general the delivery of the jokes was on point and you can still get your share of laughs out of it.

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NASA TV UHD - Earth View

Awesome footage. Personally I don't like the choice of music which doesn't go along well with the pictures.

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I took a break after the third episode because I lost interest and I thought I wait for the final episode to watch the rest in one take. Now all episodes are released and I still have no interest to continue.

This one was not for me.

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The American West

Whether or not this is historical accurate, and I 've read a lot of comments claiming it isn't, this really isn't a tale of heroism or gallantry for the most part. Even though they try to sell it that way.
The production value also isn't very high. There is a massive re-use of scenes over and over again. The acting scenes aren't that great either. And it seems you just need to had a role in a Western to be considered an expert.

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Ice Road Rescue

I really wanted to like this despite the fact I usually don't watch real life documentaries because I was a truck driver myself for many years.
I can forgive the repetitive narrative because such is the nature of the job. But the edditing is awfull and the way they are trying to create suspense is insulting to the intelect. You want to know what straw broke the camels back read this comment:

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