

in front of my tv

How to Get Away with Murder: 3x15 Wes

I've seen a lot of TV deaths, but Wes's has got to be one of the most painful I've witnessed because it looked so real! Of course I was completely wrong about who the killer was (as usual) and wouldn't have guess it in a hundred tries.

That final line by Annalise shattered my heart in a million pieces and I was crying along with her.

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Timeless: 1x16 The Red Scare

If this show gets cancelled after THAT cliffhanger, NBC will be dead to me.

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The Vampire Diaries: 8x13 The Lies Will Catch Up To You

+1 because Kai will always be my guy.

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Gotham: 3x14 Mad City: The Gentle Art of Making Enemies

Pretty sure Pizza Face Jerome is going to haunt me in my dreams.

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The Affair: 3x10 310

The previous episode was more of a season finale than this one was. This episode just felt tacked on and so out of place. It's the first time during the entire series that I honestly didn't care about what happened during the majority of it, with the sole exception being the Noah/Whitney scenes.

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Sherlock: 4x03 The Final Problem

Absolutely brilliant from beginning to end! This was more intense than a theatrical film and if this is truly goodbye than I am completely satisfied!

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Sherlock: 4x02 The Lying Detective

That ending was just jaw dropping CRAAAZY! I'd love to be able to fast forward to next week to see how this is going to end.

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Sherlock: 4x01 The Six Thatchers

This is my game face and the game is on!

Holy sheet! The last fifteen minutes went and ripped my heart to shreds for a multitude of reasons and I don't know if I'll recover.

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Happy New Year, Charlie Brown

The movie that makes me ask the same question each year: What school makes a third grader read "War and Peace" over Christmas break and then write a detailed report about it? Furthermore, why is Charlie Brown the ONLY one having to read it? The other kids at the party in the same grade and class aren't worried about it.

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The Big Bang Theory: 10x10 The Property Division Collision

I want that Mr. Spock cuckoo clock.

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Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life: 1x03 Summer

Lorelei and I had the same facial expressions while watching that musical. "Oy vey" indeed.

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Smallville: 1x15 Nicodemus

Daddy Kent listening to "The Dukes of Hazzard" theme while driving makes me smile every time.

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Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life: 1x04 Fall

COURTESY REMINDER: PLEASE don't spoil the last four words for anyone, no matter if they are amazing or eh. Some people have waited almost ten years for this, so make the spoiler tag your friend on here and in real life.

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Gilmore Girls: 3x16 The Big One

I had sex but I'm not going to Harvard.

Same, Paris. Same.

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The Affair: 3x01 301

What the hell kind of ending was that?

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x09 Who's Dead?

HOLY SHEET that was mind-blowing and I'm now I'm a little depressed! I have to admit that I was 100% sure the person #UnderTheSheet was going to be Nate and frankly I wish it had been because he's been useless this whole season. And now said person was dead before the fire? Makes me wonder if a Maloney is involved?

I've said it before, but I'll say it again: This show has the BEST midseason finales of any show I've ever seen. It amazes me how they pack so much into 42 minutes and how they connect everything we saw in the previous episodes together.

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The Great Indoors

This show tries way too hard to be funny. The laugh track is almost as annoying as the tired dialogue. We get it writers, millennials are supposedly out of touch with people 20 years older than them. Shocker! This is what happens with every generation.

At this point, I'm only "watching" because I've finished an episode of TBBT and I'm waiting on "Mom" to air. My theory is the only reason why CBS picked this show up for a full season is because they have no mid-season replacements better than this which is quite frankly the saddest news of all.

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The Big Bang Theory: 10x09 The Geology Elevation

Everything is stupid and I want to go home.

I think I found my new motto.

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Gilmore Girls: 2x22 I Can't Get Started

"Oy with the poodles already!"

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Supernatural: 12x05 The One You've Been Waiting For

I killed Hitler. I think I deserve some pie.

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The Odd Couple: 3x04 Taffy Days

A beautiful tribute to a brilliant man. RIP Garry Marshall!

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Jane the Virgin: 3x03 Chapter Forty-Seven

Bitchy Cecilia is now my everything.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x07 Call It Mother’s Intuition

The Keating 5 getting a chance to tell off Annalise is now one of my favorite things that has happened on this show.

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The Big Bang Theory: 10x07 The Veracity Elasticity

I shared my body with that woman and my Netflix password.

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The Flash: 3x05 Monster

Barry, sometimes a man just wants to butter his own bread.

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The Flash: 3x04 The New Rogues

Alternate title of this episode: The Many Faces of Harrison Wells.

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Supergirl: 2x03 Welcome to Earth

I don't know who was more excited to see Lynda Carter as the President: me or Supergirl.

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Gotham: 3x04 Mad City: New Day Rising

"Where do pain-resistant clones of multibillionaire teenagers normally go?"

How I do love thee, Alfred!

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The Big Bang Theory: 10x04 The Cohabitation Experimentation

"The new neighbors are weird."

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Criminal Minds: 12x02 Sick Day

aka that episode where Thomas Gibson got fired and you can tell it too.

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