Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3

I guess there are some statements and pieces of dialogue in there which are supposed to be funny. I cant classify any of that as jokes though.
Too much is just over the top.

Quite impressive cast though. Crappy movie.

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Die Hart

Quite an impressive actors lineup.
Quite impressive how entirely shit this movie still has become all because of the impressive leading man...... who keeps being the same character over and over again. And only manages to become more and more annoying each and every movie.
Probably the only good thing about this movie in the first 25 or so minutes is Nathalie Emmanuel.

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Daughter of the Wolf
Tom Clancy's Without Remorse
Truth or Dare

Overal I found the movie entertaining. Lucy Hale was carrying this movie though.
The ending of the movie is disappointing. Too easy. I guess it was this or a happy hollywood ending, but I would have strongly preferred that. Perhaps a happy ending but then some final closing scene where sweet do-good Olivia in the end turned into a aggressive freaky b*tch when a guy would have tried to charm her or hit on her like Carter did when getting her in trouble. That would have been far - far better then this cheap simple solution.

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A bit too much drama for me unfortunately.

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The Protégé

Very simple action movie. Good entertainment where you can turn off your brain or even walk away for a minute to pee. Great cast with Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Keaton and [strike]T-1000[/strike] Robert Patrick (yes I know he was great in many other series and movies, he was good in X-Files as well).
Maggie Q was enjoyable to watch. She managed to keep being the lead character even while surrounded by such an established cast.

So bottom line: good entertainment, but nothing special you have not seen many times before and no plot twists you have not seen coming.

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Seriously wtf. Already the opening scenes near the plane are so extremely stupidly over the top........ not even Rambo in his best days would be doing that sh**. And then the minefield.... and that was not even 20 minutes into the movie. Things got worse from there.
Maybe if they'd made this more into an actual comedy, things would have been better.

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The Contractor

Predictable. No plot twist that you didn't see coming from miles away. Just another action movie like many, many others.
On the plus side : no woke b.s. for once!

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In the Shadow of the Moon

Shout by RiGHT

The conclusion of the movie felt a bit like an anti-climax. The conclusion of 'things having already happened', as the girl says, is a bit strange remark for an explanation why she cannot change the past. It's the whole basis of the movie that she goes back in time to change the past, to change the future. The butterfly effect would of course be huge to undo that outcome of the first meeting between Locke and the girl (avoiding spolers here as much as I can)., but its just a bit strangely contradicting on just about everything.

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Gunpowder Milkshake

The movie is a bit of a mix between Kill Bill and Hanna.
Well... not the best ever, but pretty decent. Watching Karen Gillan for nearly 2 hours is of course a nice treat. Too bad Freya Allan doesnt have a bigger role in it, that would have been even better :)

Overal it's extremely predictable, but still well done. A very decent near-2 hours of popcorn entertainment.

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The Flash

That Ezra Miller is an annoying actor. What worse than having one? Exactly: 2 of them.
This movie had a fun amount of cameo, but that's about all there's good about this movie.

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Too bad it was apparently needed again to add the wokeness where the white man was of course the main bad guy. That really took away too much for me. The near superpowered feminist main person is of course the (almost) only smart hunter. Kept down and little by the men in her tribe, when let loose she alone can kill any alien. From outer space or the old world. Right.

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this desperately needs to be a full length movie or series, with Anne Winters and William Fichtner

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Hidden Strike

seriously wtf - how bad a Mad Max ripoff can you possibly make. After 21 minutes I was basically done....... trying to continu watching, but this.... is.....

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The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

This is probably one of the most stupid movies I have ever seen........... and still it is captivating. Bill Murray is carrying this whole movie of course, but superb roles by Willem Dafoe and Cate Blanchett and Owen Wilson and Anjelica Hustun.......... only Jeff Goldblum his role is a bit underwhelming.

Anyway. For a stupid movie - it's pretty good.

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See How They Run

Ruth Wilson steals the show, the first few scenes. And Saoirse Ronan is absolutely beautiful and lovely.

The movie feels a bit like a (theater) play in a way. Just not very funny. Unfortunately. And not as smart as some other movies it seems to try to steal or borrow from.

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Army of One

refreshing no woke bullshit for once.
but oh my God this is a worthless piece of crap movie. lol.

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Stupid dialogues, extremely poor acting (but might also be because they just had nothing to work with), stupid script without any interesting plot.... uh what else. Just crap. Too much focus on the 'sam' kid, making it seem like some overly violent nickelodean movie.
Only 1 interesting plot twist I did not see coming, but that kind of just made everything even less believable, fitting in with the rest of the story just fine.
If there had been much, MUCH less of "sam" scenes, things might have been less crap and more of a 80's movie like Cobra (1986). Just missing the meat hook where some bad guy can 'hang around'.

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This movie is made for 14-15 y/o's I guess.
Peer pressure crazyness. It shows all the bad things that come from that.
Hope people watching this realize what a stupid shit comes from giving in to these kind of things because other people tell you to do dares or just are convincing you to do even simple things you dont really want to. Have a spine. Say no.

Ending of the movie is one big disappointment though...... too bad.

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Extraction 2

The whole prison-escape scene is probably the biggest b.s. that I have ever seen from all prison escapes ever in a movie. Action packed, sure, believability somewhere around 0 Kelvin.
Quite disappointing, considering I actually enjoyed the first movie. This felt more like an insult to anyone's intelligence.

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Double Threat

this movie is a totally stupid simple action flick. the goal seemed to be to make some humurous movie with a lot of action.
the only good thing about the movie is ms Ryan who is truely gorgeous.
other than that, this is a movie to forget. 6 out of 10 for the popcorn entertainment

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24 Hours to Live

no surprises, nothing you didnt see 12 times before, nothing you didnt see already coming for 30 minutes.
just "ok" action flick.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Hmm well. Yeah. What to say.
It was ok.
Not liking how Wanda again ended up being the evil one.
The 'actress' playing America Chavez seemed rather pointless. It could as well have been a totem or random artefact.

Start was interesting but soon after things started to get derailed. Ending was disappointing.

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Black Warrant

the movie seems to be as stupid as the name of the movie. calling this a b-movie is a huge insult to all real b-movies.

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At least this movie starts out pretty good and its less boring then Last Seen Alive, Butler his previous movie that I saw. Is it realistic - hell no, but still enjoyable enough :-)

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Last Seen Alive

decent popcorn amusement, but nothing special and not really a movie thats going to become a classic. no plot twists. nothing you cant see coming from miles away. but yeah. its ok :) it's a bit Jane Doe level quality, so seeing Jamie Alexander in here makes perfect sense.

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Beach House

there are unfortunately only 2 good things about this movie:
- Willa
- not destroyed by wokeness

Other then that it's just boring :(

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Killing Gunther

euhhh.... not bad, not great. They probably had a lot of fun making the movie. Less fun watching it though.

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Triangle of Sadness

the "humor" was beyond me unforunately. Harrelson put a smile on my face, probably once.

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