Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Warrior Nun

I very much enjoyed season 1. Season 2 ... pfff. Not very much. Season 1 I'd easily rate 8 out of 10 or higher. Season 2 maybe, maybe, at best, 6 out of 10. Based on season 2 it's not strange it got cancelled.

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A Series of Unfortunate Events

I dont understand how this is classified as a 'comedy'. It's boring, stupid and most of all I would use the description 'depressing'. Yes, that is the definition of a black comedy... but this is just.... appalling. That means terrible.
The amount of (semi-)famous actors in the series is amazing though.

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Leverage: Redemption

While season 1 was half decent and in general good enough.
Season 2 is stupid and childish. I very much doubt there will be a season 3.

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Deep State

Season 1 is quite decent, except for how the main characters are able to nearly instantly beam themselves all over the planet without apparent time loss for traveling, sitting around at the airports and going through security checks with all of their weapons, hurted faces etc. That part is very conveniently left out ;)
Season 2 is a lot less strong. Individual motivations of people is less sensible and overal the whole story is just so much less smart. It's not terrible, just.. not that good.
Season 1: 8,5 out of 10 (rounded down to 8 as I dont think it's worth a 9)
Season 2 6,5 out of 10 (rounded up to a 7 as it's not as bad as a 6)

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

Overal I think Kenobi was not that bad. At least not as utter rubbish as Book of Boba. Only a few scenes were too terrible to watch, like an escape from the inquisitors main base with hundreds of troopers, was mind numbing stupid and the later laser-quest rifle gun fight at the Path base.
Oh and of course when Vader held a ship that was blasting off, with his force-fingers, yes that was also retardly stupid.

What I dont like is how Disney seems to be hell bend on degrading all our heros to weaklings with a frail hart and not able to get stuff done
What's next? Chewbecca series while he's taking care of his mommy and nana and being bullied ?

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His Dark Materials

At least a series with a proper ending.
Not something all streaming series get.
Far from a happy ending though.

Overall it's a decent series.
This series is very much carried by Dafne Keen and Ruth Wilson.

Acting by Amir Wilson / Will Parry is dreadful. He has just one facial expression and that's it.
Story wise the motivation of 'lord Ariel' is not worked out properly. The same goes for the 100% turn around in just a few episodes of how 'Marisa Coulter' treats her daughter. Not believable enough.
Every season somewhere in the middle the story gets very weak and/or goes completely off the rails. Season 3 is no exception.

But again, at least it got a proper ending.

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The Book of Boba Fett

This is a total and complete insult to the legacy of Boba Fett. Not only did the most famous bounty hunter ever become a 'good guy' overnight without much reason, he's WEAK SAUCE. A disgrace.

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Star Wars: Andor

The series starts very slow. It takes it time to get going somewhere. If compared to its dreadful peers like Book of Boba Fett then Andor is a true gem. When evaluated by itself, then it is a very decent series, but it really relies heavily on the StarWars canon. You need to know what 'the empire' is and who Palpatine is and why the empiral navy taking over on planets is so scary. Most people likely know. But you really do need that basis.
Anyway. Series. Starts slow, picks up after 3 or so episodes. The culimination of season 1 is superb, though it does not 110% fully makes sense that all main characters are bothering to travel to the same small city. I'll forgive the scenario writers lacking in that area, as it did bring a very nice final to season 1 and leaves me wanting for more.

Diego Luna is absolutely superb in his role. Kudos for that.

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The Recruit

This series season 1 is absolutely superb. The humor is sarcastic to the max in a way that it's almost a comedy. But never getting there. It's extremely well done. It's lovely unrealistic, never gets too serious and yet manages to captivate you into binge watching the whole thing.
Can't wait for season 2.

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Shout by RiGHT
BlockedParent2022-10-28T20:20:59Z— updated 2023-02-06T13:13:56Z

I very much enjoyed this. A nice balance between drama, action and fun. There's quite some comedy in this.
It's also much more enjoyable than for example Arrow, which at some became endlessly stupid gun fights vs arrows.
The amount of fist fights in this was also not over the top (vs how it was in Dare Devil or the golden fist boy...).
Acting in this series is here and there a bit sub par (strange to come to this conclusion when you look at the actor star cast) But overall, very enjoyable series.

MODERATION EDIT: Don't use offensive words.

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Enjoyed this show a lot actually. More than I expected. Season 2 is a bit weak, but 3 a lot better again.
Watched on HBOMax.

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Dexter: New Blood

Although a much better written ending to this series then the original series finale, I am still extremely disappointed by how they decided to wrap things up. It's again an easy way of finishing things. The aggressive death of the coach, though necessary for the built up towards Harrison his action, was very disappointing. From that moment I knew which way things were going. The evil Dexter again.
So the ending got predictable.
And yes, as expected then. No smart things. No redemption. No nothing. Just quick and easy, once again a highly unsettling ending. Now for good.... Disappointing

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow

Ever since that annoying character Astra was introduced, the series went downhill fast. Spooner made things even worse.
Season 6/7 went totally overboard. Not very strange the series got cancelled.

Too bad that it did not get a proper ending. Season 7 episode 12 * COULD * have been a proper ending to the series albeit a bit disappointing ending. But it could have been and should have been.
Now the series remains open ended, no proper finale.

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Irma Vep

This series feels more like a documentary about making the French film classic, then an entertaining series.
Alicia is sweetly fragile in her role as an actress, becoming more powerful when she becomes who she plays. Rene Vidal is unfortunately the only really interesting character. Is he really crazy, or just....?
I haven't added a rating since I can't decide yet if i like this series or not.

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Started watching this for Stana Katic, and she's carrying the whole series. But without a Castle to bring some light to this darkness, this series is too brutal and too raw and rough for me. Perhaps its reality. But it was too much for me. I got through season 2 even, then stranded. Didnt feel like I really wanted to bother with season 3, even knowing that it was the final season.
Season 1 seemed cool and all and promising, but the story got dragged on and on from there. I dont know if I want to say Yay or Nay to this series as for an advice to watch yes or no.

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Too bad the last episodes are sooooooo terribly filled with nonsense. Earlier episodes were more or less smart and (remotely....)possible, but the last episode was all about doing some magic and then suddenly everything is possible. Very disappointing. On basically every level. Rambo would be jealous of the impenetrable skin our heros seem to have.
What saves it all, is the final few scenes of the gathering with basically everyone in the series, making it a proper finale.

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Jupiters Legacy

Very disappointing series. Not surprising it got cancelled. The ending is far from 'closing', so I cant even recommend watching it if you really like superhero series. The only thing good / enjoyable about the series is that it's not extremely over the top woke.

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Watched 2 episodes so far... And uhm.... Wow. Extreme over the top in every possible way.
But it's so terrible that it's actually funny.
Quite a few famous faces in supporting roles and guest staring.
Don't expect anything even remotely serious though.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Must say that I am happy with the final episode. All of season 6 around bad-guy version of Coulson was b.s. and there were definitely some dreadfully bad episodes, but also several pretty cool ones. Overal not a bad series and one of the better Marvel series.

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Miracle Workers

Season 1 was kind of fun. Stupid mostly, but at least Original. I had some doubts about which way it would go, but ok. Overal season 1 was enjoyable (enough).
Season 2 was just plain stupid. Hardly any 'haha' or even a grinn. I just find myself being annoyed with the utter stupiddity and lack of humor. Extremely disappointing. Season 2 also totally changed the premise, no longer Miracle Workers, but just 'retardedness on Earth'. Waste of time. Season 3 came and uhm. Yeah. Whatever. Seriously, who genuinely enjoyed this???

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A bit disappointing series. It starts interesting, then adds loads of characters and many side stories, adds a lot of moral messages and then in the end it's of course the evil white men (all white men in the series are at fault in one way or another) who dunnit. The series is slow-paced and at some point starts to be very predictable. And it could really have done without several of the point less side stories.
This is one of the lesser BBC mini series.

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This series is... Totally not what you would expect. The explanation of what is happening finally comes in the last episode of season 1, but up to that point the series keeps you guessing.
It's not really sci-fi, it's starts to be more of a drama by episode 6 or so.
It's still an interesting series and gives a feel of Iceland and their people and the harsh surroundings they deal with.
I strongly advise to watch the original version with sibtitles and not some dubbed audio version.
It's not the best series ever, but I still found it to be entertaining and kept me engaged.
I wonder if they plan to do a second season, I'm not sure if i'll be watching though.

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Miracle Workers

Season 1 was weird, but original and I enjoyed it.
Season 2 is..... wtf is this? Seems they want the series to get cancelled. Good that it still gets to a third season, but I hope they really fix their stuff for season 3, because season 2 is simply just not funny and hardly interesting.

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Season 3 was supposedly announced for October 2021 ! Very surprising news!

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3 episodes in, I'm really enjoying the series so far. Too bad they cancelled it after just the one season. Will continue to watch it.

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very disappointing this never got picked up. looked like a great pilot to a full season series :(

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Mythic Quest

Somehow managed to get through 3 episodes. My gf summed it up to "it's asif we're just only watching other people work". It's not funny. No haha, not even a smile's worth. It's simply not funny. And it's also nothing near realistic as to how developers or testers work on any software product. How did this ever get a second season?! Apple obviously has too much money to throw around and a lack of creative master minds.

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The Boys

This series is refreshingly different from DC and Marvel shows. I stopped watching immediately - at first- after the scène where the girlfriend gets obliterated. But gave it a second chance later, while watching alone. It's too much gore to be girlfriend-approved material.

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Lost in Space

It does have that original feeling of family alone on an unhabited 'island' with a lot of family drama, but too much family drama for my taste. I dont feel much connection to the main characters, I couldnt care less if any of them gets hurt or whatever - the kids are just too annoying. It is a nice adaption to a sci-fi series, but the occurrences are badly written and not very realistic. Seems to be aimed at being 8-15 y/o + parents. I watched 3 episodes and dont really feel like I want to watch another few.

The whole atmosphere and way of writing feels very much like "Away". Also too much drama, too little sci-fi.

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The IT Crowd

I tried watching this, but...... ugh. It's dreadful. Ploughed through 3 episodes and found myself only wanting to press the fast forward button. Perhaps a bit too typical British 'humor' for me. But - it's just simply not funny. It's stupid and obnoxious is probably the best one word description for this entire 'comedy'.

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