Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The Nevers

Too bad this got cancelled early. The early episodes were promising and anjoyable.
Later on in the series the story went off the rails entirely., but I was quite interested in seeing what way things would develop. Acting performances were quite strong in my opinion. It deserved more than it got.

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Very surprising show. I expected some feminin over the top woke stuff, but not at all. Its a strong show and quite surprising. Plot twists you can see coming from quite a bit and then........... oh wait. So I enjoyed it and binged the whole season 1 in just one go.

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The Thaw

Pretty good police detective series. No woke bullshit.
Can be viewed on (HBO) Max

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Justified: City Primeval
The Widow

Initially I liked the series and the premise. It seemed so interesting. Then however it just became some regular story like any, where you see the "plot twist" coming miles and miles away. And then quite soon it became some feminist crap where of course the white guy is always the bad guy. Or some useless weak liar who you better just sent away as soon as you meet him. All the drama side stories got so annoying that I started fast-forwarding parts of the story, which seemed to be meant as character building stories. Just not interesting.
It's too bad really. Had they made this into a 4-episode mini-series where they would focus only on Georgia it would have likely been much stronger. I gave it 5 out of 10, but in all honesty it maybe should have been even a 4. The only good thing is how Kate carries the story and the whole show.

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The Border

This series is actually called Wataha.

It's about a border guard elite unit guarding the border between Poland and Ukraine.
It's suprisingly good. In general I do not like non-English spoken series much, but this is quite enjoyable for both season 1 and season 2. I have not completed season 2 yet, so cant say how the third and last season is.

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I Know This Much Is True

Mark Ruffelo shows he's actually a good actor.
But this dramatic negative psychologic cr*p is not for me, sorry.

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amazing acting. I am not familiar with the case as I'm not a UK citizen, but I found the whole story captivating.

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The Old Man

I very much hate the jumping back and forward in time. All the flashbacks are taking away from the pace of the series. Many are not needed.
While trying to accept these flashbacks - the series in general is quite ok. Too predictable perhaps and nothing we have not seen already many times before. It's still good and interesting, but just nothing that has the wow-factor.
I am 4 episodes in and I'll continue watching, at least this is not a form of insult on our intelligence like so many other of the recent streamingservices 'hitseries'.

Here's hoping for an interesting plot twist.

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Only Murders in the Building

This series is a serious hidden gem and so far I have been honestly surprised with how much I enjoyed this. Only saw first 8 episodes of season 1 and I can only hope they will be able to keep up the quality.
It's slow paced, but.... wow, quite amazing. Steve Martin is less Steve and Selena is a whole lot less Selena. Superb!
The chemistry between the unlikely partners in crime is superb.
Here and there it goes a bit into over-acting and crazyness overdrive, but usually they manage to keep it in the acceptable range and I can even smile about it :-
I am very curious to how they will manage to extend this story into a second (and even third) season.

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Vampire Academy

This whole series seems to have been set up with the idea of being as woke as (not at all) possible and don't give a crap about the source material, just use the name and the general thought without being or even attempting to be canon. Rubbish crap. Too bad they didnt manage to cancel it after the very first episode already. This should have never made it past a pilot.

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first episode is just sex jokes. in the most rediculous way I have ever seen.
joe pesci is great, but........... come on..... this is....wtf.

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The Undeclared War

Do not watch this series if you cannot handle an open ending. There is no season 2 and the story is nowhere near a wrap-up.

The series season 1 is interesting and quite different from other computer-nerd centric series. I might even go as far as calling it realistic. Simon Pegg is in the most serious role I've ever seen him in, which is also refreshing.
The main accress is not just another woke face, she actually is a proper actress for a change. Also quite good. The story is a bit too slow as it focusses a bit too much on her family relations. Not very realistic is how the intern gets to go do field work, but ok, let's forget that mishap from the writers (suddenly you wonder if you're watching a series for 14 y/o's on Nickelodeon or something). Other then that it's an interesting look at how the Ruzzian trolls are doing their internet spam, manipulation and propaganda.
It's really disappointing that this small gem did not get a season 2.

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Full Circle

Shout by RiGHT
BlockedParent2023-07-16T19:49:03Z— updated 2023-09-26T12:08:49Z

I was really looking forward to the next big Claire Danes project.
After the first few minutes of episode 1 I am already hugely disappointed. Wtf at the shaky cam footage? They are so obviously making it on purpose extra shaking that it almost makes me feel sick to the stomach - or at the very least annoyed.
Very much doubt I will continu watching this, if theres anymore of that shaky cam sequences.

MODERATION EDIT: Don't be disrespectful.

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

One of the nice things about this series is that it's half an hour only, so you go through the entire season in a weekend.

I liked the breaking of the 4th wall, that was done well, except for the last episode. That was just a very cheap and stupid way to end the story lines.

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The White Lotus

I really do not understand how this series is getting such high praises.
I havent smiled more than .... maybe once?
It's more like obnoxious, annoying. Its boring. Not funny.

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Secret Invasion

Superb acting by a great cast (except for Kingsley Ben-Adir / Gravik who ghas the expression and deepness of a door post).
But the story line is all over the place and is basically oldschool series V / Visitors in a marvel setting.
Also really dislike what they did to Maria / Cobie Smulders, there was more possible with her character. I guess she was too white to get a place in whatever may comes next.
Episode 1 : 6 out of 10 stars, mostly because of hoping it's a setup to... well... more.
Episode 2 : 4 out of 10... maybe 3 even. Nope. Not much more really coming.
Episode 3: 5 out of 10 ? more of the same. The cast also seems to be struggling what direction the writers and director want them to go.

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Carnival Row

I very much enjoyed the start of season 1. It was interesting and I found it to be a nice fantasy world that was in the process of being created. And then............ it became all about how the white man is a terrible oppressor of anyone different and lack of rights and blablabla insert woke stuff here. Season 2 brought that into an overdrive. Thank goodness that at least there was a somewhat voice of reason that violence is not solving everything, but at the same time it is too much calling for voilence to get your point through to force change. I am still keeping it to a 7 out of 10 overall evaluation, but that is really only because of the great setup of the whole reality and the stunning acting of the main characters.
Season 2 is too much rushed, especially Vignette her motivations of going from left to extreme right to even extremer left wing terrorism - are difficult to understand. Covid-19 pulled a number on this series, which most likely could have been much better, though I strongly feel that the call of using violence to get what you want, is not ok.

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Power Book IV: Force

I got interested in this series because of Lili Simmons who was stunning on Banshee, alongside Anthony "Homelander" Starr

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities

I expected quite a lot of this series, but it turned out to be a huge disappointment. I stopped bothering after episode 3.

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At least there is an ending to the series. But there are too many parallels to Dexter.
What a disappointing last season. What a predictable and terrible crap ending. At least the final scenes of the fake-movie are added that give things a somewhat nice ending.
But after the great and inventive writing of the first seasons, this is all just one big disappointment.m

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Mrs. Davis

I just cannot decide if I want to award this series a 9 out if 10 or a 4.
It's crazy and... Absurd. And kinda fun. It's rather unique in it's way of story telling. I guess it's worth the time to watch it.

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Too bad it takes to Episode 5 before things finally start to go somewhere and it becomes less much 'setting the scene'.

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Red Election

This series is not bad, but it aint brilliant either. Still its pretty decent entertainment. The final episode of season 1 was one big load of .... (you know).
Very disappointing how they tried to bring everything together and then suddenly everything being questionable.

Also - I am not even living in UK nor am I Scottish -, but I found it extremely respectless towards the Scottish leadership how they made it look like they were just laying down and waiting for the Ruzzians to take over their lands and control. Asif the Scottish would be helpless without the English big brothers keeping them safe. Ugh. Too much of a political statement for me to be honest.

Anyway. Forgetting the last episode, I guess I did enjoy the rest of season 1. Hopeing that there will be a season 2..... Too many unanswered questions.

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The Third Day

The series started off kinda interesting and then went entirely off the rails. The whole idea of the festival made a bit of sense, but then never was actually addressed, only few people coming to something meant to make money, then..... . Because only that can explain the remainder of season 1.

Unfortunately the season has an open ending and as this was cancelled, there will never be a conclusion to the series.
Not that it matters that much, because it's all quite rubbish :)

Dont bother with this series.

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True Lies

Just don't take this series too serious and it's funny popcorn entertainment.

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Ms. Marvel

Intended audience probably around 8-12 years old.

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Dead Ringers

My God...... the first few minutes of this are probably more graphic than John Wick 4 and way more unsettling :)

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Terra Nova

There is less than a hand full of actors here who actually are any good, most really dont seem to know what they are doing.
In the basis it's an interesting story and a quite fresh look upon multiple ideas taken from other sci-fi series.
Like already the ring from Stargate for example :) Still I enjoyed watching it.

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