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Still Alice 2014

This isa really touching movie and I was really moved so often. Alzheimer's is just a devastating disease – for both the patients and their relatives…
Julianne Moore is an amazing actress in this movie! What I still don't understand why Kristen Stewart is still cast for any movie… she is just so talentless and has no emotions or brings anything at all into the movie…

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Hard topic done well. Moore is great. Caring, disease, the slow decline. Timely reminders.

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Brilliant performances especially by Julianne Moore. Also very heartbreaking to watch but worth your time.

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Amazing movie and very good acting by Moore.

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They could develop other characters but they didnt. There is no other conflict than Alice's illness and finally everything becomes very monotonous and predictable.

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7,5/10 Τottaly agree with imdb and Track tv users!

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Certainly a very good Performance by Julianne Moore. Still Alice is an interesting display of a human`s decay

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The story moves along without any real conflict apart from Alice's illness - predictable and boring. There is no "waiting" for anything eventful. Scenes unfold and eventually the movie ends. Total lack of character development apart from Alice. I could not wait for this one to end, and when it did, I was completely dissatisfied.

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Oscar merecido pra Julianne Moore, nos faz sofrer junto a personagem enquanto a doença progredia, enquanto ela deixava de ser ela mesma. Confesso que chorei ao ver a inteligente professora se tornar uma sombra do que foi um dia. É triste. Muito triste.

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I feel it's hard to review the film on the film alone when I chose to watch it based on the fact I'd just finished the book.

So things that wouldn't normally be an issue were. Such as the infamous 'that's not how it was in the book'. This doesn't usually bother me but as I'd just finished the book and had some emotional attachment to it, I wanted what I'd just imagined on screen.

I think I'll give this film another go in the future so I can judge it on the film as more of a separate entity as the book is too alive in my mind at the moment.

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It´s been a couple days now that I saw it and I´m still not sure what to make of it. I don´t want to say something bad about the movie because it isn´t bad at all. It´s a very serious and sensible topic. Julianne Moore plays great. It´s just that I think in showing of everything that goes on with the illness and the effect it has on friends/family/work ect the story progresses to fast. What I mean is they are just dealing with one thing and the next minute there is another. I don´t say this often about a particular movie but I think this one would have benefitted from some extra playing time.

Still, as mentioned before this is a movie worth watching.

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Shout by Mohammed S

a stuning preformence from julianne

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Just another Apple commercial disguised as a (touching) film.

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Shout by Deleted

bah q merda ne galera

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One of the best performances of Julianne Moore. I believed she was Alice every second of the movie. I read the book when it first came out and I was astounded that a medical doctor had so much talent as Lisa Genova to write this story. Moore really brought out Alice's struggles with her disease straight out of the textbook to real life experiences. She gave people who suffer from this disease a voice, and I'm glad that she won that award, its most deserved.
The performance and the script was so profound that it really moves you. Yes the disease has no cure, yes the disease is neurological and yes the disease shouldn't define who we are after being diagnosed with it. As Moore rightly said, "the disease will not be bargained with". Its like taking a stair down towards the unknown one-step-at-a-time, though for some its fast and for some its a slow process.
Beautiful performance for a well written story.

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What disease so devastating! Certainly, the film is bleak because a degenerative chronic condition that leaves people being someone else. Julianne Moore delivers a wonderfully restrained interpretation that holds the entire movie. Alec Baldwin is not bad but goes almost unnoticed and I think I can not expect more from Kristen Stewart whose character was for better interpretation and she just stayed in the "good"; another young actress of the many out there today would have shone with Julianne.

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I have to say that this movie left me with a heavy heart.. I truly felt for Alice and I have to say that the idea of having an illness that is not only eating away at your body but going after the most precious possession that anyone of us have which are our memories and knowing who and how our loved ones feel about us, seems plain out horrifying.

Moore delivered an extremely heartfelt performance and the way she would look lost, confused, or terrified made me feel like I want to reach inside the TV set and just hug her.
I really liked the movie and how it focused that some illnesses really infect an entire family..

The film had its world première at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival on September 8, 2014.
Moore's performance has earned universal acclaim including wins for a Golden Globe for Best Actress – Drama, Critics' Choice Movie Award, a SAG Award, a BAFTA Award and an Academy Award, among other nominations.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

''At some point [with Alzheimer's], there would simply be no point. I have no control over which yesterdays I keep and which ones get deleted. This disease will not be bargained with.
I will forget today, but that doesn't mean that today doesn't matter.I used to know how the mind handled language, and I could communicate what I knew. I used to be someone who knew a lot. No one asks for my opinion or advice anymore. I miss that. I used to be curious and independent and confident. I miss being sure of things. There's no peace in being unsure of everything all the time. I miss doing everything easily. I miss being a part of what's happening. I miss feeling wanted. I miss my life and my family.
My yesterdays are disappearing, and my tomorrows are uncertain, so what do I live for? I live for each day. I live in the moment. Some tomorrow soon, I'll forget that I stood before you and gave this speech. But just because I'll forget it some tomorrow doesn't mean that I didn't live every second of it today.''

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Still Alice was a very touching look at Alzheimer's disease. The story was kept simple, but nevertheless managed to show the personal struggles that the titular character faces, as well as the effect it has on her family. The direction was restrained and served to highlight the acting, with an absolutely fantastic performance by Julianne Moore; I can see why she's become the frontrunner for Best Actress. Unfortunately, Kristen Stewart was terrible in half her scenes and she was definitely the worst part of an otherwise excellent movie. I cried manly tears.

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