Shouts about...

X-Men: Apocalypse 2016

I think the movie was great... I go to the theathers more than once to see it Again... Jean was the Best of all movies congrats to Sophie Turner! I Love It

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Bad movie, bad plot, bad screenplay, bad make-up... One of the worst villains in the superhero movies and it's just hard to overcome some previous ones. Keep the Quicksilver's 10 minutes, frenzied Wolverine's 10 seconds and some special effects and throw the rest away.

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I'm very disappointed with this movie, especially with Apocalypse. The character was just too flat and vague. His characterization was nothing like what I expected (a ten feet ancient dude??) and his powers, i mean, he didn't use half of them... wtf
Sophie Turner was just MEH and Wolverine's appearence was unecessary as his damn solos movies, smh.
Loved Psylocke and Quicksilver, and that's it. the rest was just too poor. Easily the weakest film from this reboot.

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Evan Peters' Quicksilver is the true american hero.

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That Quicksilver scene was really great O_O

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I have no idea why Twentieth Century Fox doesn't just give up and sell the rights for these characters back to Marvel. They didn't actually do too bad this time, but I still feel Marvel would do a better job of it.

Anyway...X-Men: Apocalypse is not bad. It's a nice enough 2 hours plus of big explosions, special effects, and skintight leather. Everything a superhero movie should be.

The actors do a good job with a script that lacks depth but still manages to come up with moments that are memorable. Lawrence and Fassbender have some sort of detachment from the whole movie that does seem off, but all the others did a good job considering.

All-in-all, X.Men: Apocalypse was not a bad way to spend an evening. It manages to entertain and some parts are downright exciting.

So...Will I re-watch this in future? Not very likely, but stranger things have happened...

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The problem I usually have with the Marvel movies is that while they where something special when they started they´ve become a common thing in cinema today. So I´m not as thrilled today with every new one coming out, I watch them, they were quite average to me lately. I found this to be quite entertaining though. Story was good, I like that we see more of where the x-men came from and how they got together. Visually it is good too. As I said, it´s a good and entertaining movie.

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The pace seemed a little slow but the action scenes are good, overall sit, relax watch a x men movie.. previous one was better.

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Plot and story pretty non existent but a decent special effects fun filled 2 hours

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Not terrible, not great, just... fine. Easily the worst of the new trilogy. Script-wise it was a real letdown from DoFP and First Class, and Apocalypse as a villain is stereotypical and brings nothing new to the table. Oscar Isaac was so wasted in this role.

While being a complete deus-ex-machina, the Quicksilver scene is again the best in the movie.

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This one is just another Marvel blabber. You won't find anything special here. Usually, the X-men series pack some story and intrigue into the film, maybe some schemes or few story lines.
This one here is just the action sequence following to all American default storyline - good guys, problem, bad guy loses, end. 10% story, which contributes very little to the Xmen universe.

As you are probable a fan of GoT I guess, you will enjoy seeing our dear Sophie Turner on screen. But that's not enough. Also, Dolby Atmos is fun.

I was disappointed walking out of the theater.

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Unleash your power...... Let go Jean .......Jean let go !!!!!!

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I put off watching this for an exceptionally long time past its release, simply because I had lost faith in the x-men franchise. I find x-men in particular difficult to look past its inability to stick to comic. I understand allowances have to be made for its jump to cinema, but there is so much changed and it just makes me mad,

However, this movie surprised me. While yes, many changes were made, in particular to say storms character, they did atleast stick to their own established universe in terms of other characters, such as jean grey and the Phoenix. So I can't complain about it really. I appreciate that this essentially left it full circle in terms of the movies, making it relatively easy to jump to the first three x-men movies directly after this with only a minor amount of discrepancy between the movies.

So while the fact they continue to diverge from comic is of continual annoyance to me, it was more enjoyable and less irksome then others in the x-men franchise.

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An interesting take on Apocalypse, the first mutant. Its a good movie, but not great, Apocalypse is a tough character to pin down and I really like the destruction and action in the movie, and especially the development of the Four Hoursemen of Apocalypse. First Class was a level above, a hell of story with a great twist but in this case it just didn't work out the right way. An enjoyable X-Men movie hopefully the next will be better.

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Totally great movie. It did have room for improvement, but you have to do what you can with the time you have, so something will suffer for sure. For one I would have loved to see more of Wolverine. Or to see Colossus or Kitty Pryde.

Sophie Turner was amazing as Jean as was Evan Peters as Quicksilver who stole the movie once more with such amazing scenes...
The music, the 80's cameos.. Knight Rider, 6 million dollar man..... wow.

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Has plenty of cool moments even if the X-Men films coexist with each other less and less as they go on. X-Men: Apocalypse isn't the best of the bunch but it's not the weakest since X-Men 3 happened first.
The movie has it's slow points but comes to life and is more fun whenever Quicksilver is on screen pretty much.

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There are definitely better X-Men movies than this one but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I had read many reviews before I went to the cinema so I was a little sceptical but at the end I enjoyed the movie. Don't expect great mega epic x-men movie and you'll be just fine. It could be a little bit shorter because some scenes are boring but at least you spend more time in the cinema :) So don't worry. If you like X-men, go for it. You won't be disappointed.

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Sophie Turner is terrible in this

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I liked it, way less confusing than the rest of the x-men, i enjoy it and had a nice action flow and plot with a good comic relief

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Waste of time. The only cool thing in this movie is QuickSilver scene.
Dummy movie with dummy script.

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X-Men: Apocalypse" was a solid hit in my book! While it may not be hailed as the ultimate X-Men film by everyone, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The action sequences were undeniably impressive, and witnessing the mutants unite against such a formidable foe was truly exhilarating. And let's not forget about the villain, talk about intense! Overall, it's a thrilling ride that keeps you engaged from start to finish. Consider me a fan!

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Such a shame that Oscar Isaac was buried behind too much makeup and the motivation of an 80s-level cartoon villain. What started as the best re-interpretation of the X-Men with First Class, thanks to fleshing out already well-known characters by giving them some realistic reasons for being so bitter started flickering out with a whimper here. And, unfortunately, Dark Phoenix followed in the same well-tread footsteps of The Last Stand and Apocalypse to further prove young Jean's point about the third (and fourth) always being the worst.

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Well that was fucking nonsense. Got so bored at one point I went and stacked the dishwasher. There are some good scenes but they are overshadowed by so much there is to give absolutely no shit about.

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While I watched this I thought to myself several times, this could have been so much better as a part 1 and part 2. It would be like the Infinity war to Endgame, but then I thought the story is so bad and full of propaganda that it shouldn't have been. So all in all the movie itself as a movie is great but the movie as the story and all that could have been so much better or improved.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - The film is good.. But I find it very confusing with all The X Men films.

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit :zzz:

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>kills millions of people
>death and destruction on a scale humanity has never seen before
>changes his mind in the last 5 minutes

Well, guess he's a good guy then. All is forgiven. Are you sure about not wanting to join the X-Men Erik? Aww, too bad.

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The repeating trope of the good guys becoming bad and then realising they want to be good again is getting really annoying, especially with Magneto like dude pick a side instead of jumping side to side. It would’ve been less annoying and kinda reasonable if the motivations were understandable but they are not and are vague. Apocalypse was well done and the action was great with a pacing not getting you bored at any moment.

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I give it 9.5 out of 10

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Shout by Darth

To be more specific 7.3

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I really like the Quicksilver montages in these movies. They always have a cool soundtrack, and the slow-motion action sequences are fun to watch.

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This movie is so dumb

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7.5/10 - Lots of action but the story was meh tbh.

I'm not really a big fan of the old Egypt but I guess it's nice to have some new elements.
It seemed like the followers of that "god" were way too loyal though.

Poor Eric really doesn't have it easy but then again he also just likes to create trouble.

Quicksilver is one of the cooles characters and has the best scenes with the best music. I also loved that the Knight Rider intro was playing on the TV at his place.

This one also had a Stan Lee cameo, again, which is always nice.

Story wise I mainly liked the following things:

  • Jean and Scott meet
  • Charles and Moira fall in love, again
  • Quicksilver
  • Some background/origin stories (Storm, Wolverine, etc.) - they weren't that good but it's still interesting to learn more about these characters
  • All of the scenes at Charles' school
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Apocalypse's voice was soft and soothing, exactly as an immortal demigod's should be, I suppose.

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Looks great. Is a bit clunky as you'd expect. Also a bit long. Fun but

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Trilling and very entertaining third entry in the X-Men prequel film series. I loved the opening sequence in ancient Egypt which was brilliantly done in my opinion.

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X-Men: Apocalypse is an over-the-top superhero film that's entertaining but not very substantive. When an ancient and powerful mutant is resurrected from the ruins of an Egyptian pyramid he puts together a group of follows to help him conquer the world, and when Magneto falls under his thrall Mystique seeks out Xavier to help rescue him. Several new/original trilogy characters are re-introduced, including Storm, Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Nightcrawler. However, this kind of further muddles up the X-Men continuity. Yet there are a few interesting character developments, and some intriguing changes in the new timeline. And, the special effects are especially good and bring a lot of energy and excitement to the action scenes. While it's definitely one of the weaker entries of the series, X-Men: Apocalypse is still a fun sci-fi/adventure film.

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Hi there!
Since this movie os part of the trilogy that prequels the x-men movies, i didn't understood very well why Logan (Wolverine) appears on this movie already with the addamantium claws?

He just gets his claws a few years later from major Striker, when we ser in X-men Wolverine begins

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I really feel the need to quote Deadpool: "These timelines are confusing!"

Also, that whole little Stryker trip was just so they can squeeze in a few minutes of weird Wolverine? Now that's just lazy writing.

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It's fine, not the best but not bad. There was some real potential with the younger students and the 80s that was wasted. The Quicksilver and Wolverine scenes were the best. Everything else was kinda dull. Apocalypse was pretty generic and Oscar Isaac was wasted.

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I think it was almost perfect way to connect the "old" and the "new" X-men. :)

And now we know when and how the Phoenix was born.;>

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Shout by Deleted

Good plot, amazing actors, it's always a pleasure, x men never let us down!
I've a recommendation for Italian users: please watch it in English. It is with enormous sorrow that I must admit we are in front of the worst voice over in the history of the seventh art

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Shout by Khawlah

I can't keep up with the timeline of the X men movies anymore. I don't know what's going on. But I know that I didn't like this movie. Directing, script, CGI, costumes, make up, all was bad. Not to mention the worst villain of all time. James and Michael weren't given much, which I thought was a waste. They are what made the prequels so amazing, take them out of focus and all turns to shit. The only positive thing I have to say is that I thought Sophia was a great Jean Grey. She had the same "the weight of the world on my shoulders" vibe to her. Even her scene with Wolverine had the same charge.

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Shout by Deleted

I've seen all the X-MEN MOVIES even LOGAN and I watch then over and over DAYS OF FUTURE PAST is the best

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Shout by Raphaël Donier
BlockedParent2017-05-06T18:44:38Z— updated 2017-05-28T19:20:44Z

nice science fiction movie X men :) but A little disappointed XMEN always the same script a little boring ...

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be filled with wonder or astonishment.
"she marveled at Jeffrey's composure"
synonyms: be amazed, be astonished, be surprised, be awed
a wonderful or astonishing person or thing.
"the marvels of technology"
synonyms: wonder, miracle, sensation, spectacle .... Dear Marvel... You're not fitting the definition much these for Deadpool thankfully

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better then i thought it would be, they should just make xmen into a live action tv series

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Not the best X-Men movie but still worth a watch

Beautiful CG

Light on the story but still enjoyful

Villian voiceover was pretty rad

Some characters didn't reveal their full potential

Quick Silver sequences were stunning and a blast to watch

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Very boring, brings nothing new or exciting to the table.

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Lent on Google Play, I mostly enjoyed Apocalypse. It is an entertaining watch packed with a lot of action and characters known from the previous X-Men movies.
What I did not like at all was the villain and I think they should have come up with something better. I therefore found the beginning to be a little boring in parts and all the scenes in Egypt throughout the movie were not that great IMHO. It didn't help that in some of the scenes the CGI was discernible as such quite easily (something I found rather odd for a movie made in 2016!).
Overall I think Apocalypse was better than "The Wolverine" (the weakest in the series for me) but worse then X2 and "Days of Future Past".

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Shout by Deleted

Brilliant - the best one yet (imvho)

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"At least you tried"/10

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Not sure why people hate this one. It is so good to me. So is the prequel trilogy.

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still can't beat the previous two. looking forward to see Gambit in upcoming series.

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For some reason I just wasn't feeling most of the movie. Apocalypse wasn't even a big bad.

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very good movie !!!! go go go

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Cheio de lerô-lerô... ficou ruim o filme.

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What i came to realize about X-men cinematic universe, is that the story always have heart in it and it got this ability to go to dark places without losing the audience . This film brought out the best in every X-men, Charles, Erik and Raven. Gave justice to Jean Grey too and if you really think of it she could be an equivalent to Professor X.

While maintaining the same old good complex relationships and mutant battles to save the world, they represented Egypt in most accurate way in which respected the origin story of En Sabah Nur (Apocalypse).

Finally fuck the critics,THE WORLD NEEDS THE X-MEN.

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This is horrible big shit.

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Appreciated the movie well-enough. Not my favorite X-men movie, but this is certainly not the worst.

Semi-spoiler: One my of FAVORITE scenes in this movie is towards the end, and we see the emergence is a certain character whose story was completely failed in The Last Stand. From what we saw in Apocalypse, MUCH better.

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Who to make money:
Create a villain, maybe an egyptian god !
Take good actors
Villain want to destroy the world to rebuild his world (Good idea, it works for 100+ movies)
Villain build a team with people without future

It's a classical movie, no brain needed.
You need only your money and your time.

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Shout by Salvatore Cocco
BlockedParent2016-09-04T15:21:57Z— updated 2020-12-28T23:32:49Z

To long to be good! Cut out 20 minutes of pointless dialogue and silent staring and it's probably a better movie.

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Shout by Deleted

One word! AMAZING!! Loved it. #ShiftvW8

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Shout by Deleted

I'm an X-Men fan and I loved it a lot

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Ok first: The X-Men franchise is my favorite out of Marvel. Now X-Men: Apocalypse was very fun, X-Men fans will like this just like I did. I forgave the clichéd villain because of how cool and how frightening he was. Overall I thought the movie was good and I had a blast watching it and will be watching it again. Worth seeing if you're an X-Men fan!

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Shout by Deleted

worst x-men movie ever made period. I would not watch this again even if you paid me!!!!

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For some reason I wasn't amazed at all. And there's something with it's cinematography or maybe the set that I didn't quite like. It felt low quality, or was it intended as such? I guess I expected more. I probably like the Quicksilver parts, but that's it. 6.5/10

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Shout by Mounir

this movie is like gives you conclusion to how X-Men came together and how their powers it is what it is, kinda led down but amazing too

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Shout by Deleted

By far the BEST X-men movie ever made. Fantsstic. Absolutely loved this. 10/10 ignore anything rated less.

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Expection killed the movie and i felt it was rather boring. Wished it was better! Quicksilver stole the show!

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Found myself wishing for an actual apocalypse to put me out of my misery. 4/10

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Shout by Deleted

ok movie but captain America civil wars much better #ShiftvW8

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Shout by Deleted

Brilliant but would have been better with more wolverine in it. #ShiftvW8

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Quicksilver's scene was ridiculous and over the top. I laughed like a giddy idiot through the whole scene :D

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my main gripe with this movie is that the horseman (with the exception of Magneto ofc) were kinda underused and the CGI in their fights in the final battle was not the best.

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I liked, has been good, but is less than civil war. There are post credits scene

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