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Accented Cinema

Season 3 2020

  • 2020-01-08T00:00:00Z
  • 12m
  • 4h 36m (23 episodes)
Accented Cinema is a YouTube video essay series with a focus on foreign cinema.

23 episodes

Season Premiere

3x01 Chinese Animation: In Search of a Style | Video Essay

  • 2020-01-08T00:00:00Z12m

Accented Cinema - Episode 30

Happy New Year! Did you know 2019 was a great year for Chinese animations? I didn't! And nobody told me! After taking a deep dive into all the animations released last year, I can't help but fall in love with them.
So, for this episode, we are going on a journey through time, and experience the rise and fall of Chinese animation. Hopefully, you will fall in love, just as I did.

Accented Cinema - Episode 31

Pure Hearts: Into Chinese Showbiz is widely considered as one of the worst Chinese movie ever. The director's name is now a nickname for bad directors in general. Why is that?
Some may consider this film to be a cult "so-bad-it's-good" movie, like the Room. I personally just think it's embarrassing and offensive. Why? Let's take a look.

Accented Cinema - Episode 32

International Women's Day just passed, Mulan is coming out soon. It's time we celebrate the brave heroines of Chinese cinema, who's punches and kicks are not only impressive on screen, but make differences in real life!

This is a two part series, in which we explore some of the notable Kung Fu actresses in Chinese cinema.

Accented Cinema - Episode 33

The fight continues, as we head into the modern age, with contemporary Kung Fu heroines, from Kara Hui, to Michelle Yeoh, to Zhang Ziyi. One after another, they put on a great show of strength on screen, and unbridled dedication in real life. Let's explore their stories, and see why they are true heroines.

The fight continues, as we head into the modern age, with contemporary Kung Fu heroines, from Kara Hui, to Michelle Yeoh, to Zhang Ziyi. One after another, they put on a great show of strength on screen, and unbridled dedication in real life. Let's explore their stories, and see why they are true heroines.

Accented Game - Episode... 1?

Accented Cinema - Episode 34

Ip Man 4 is a strange case where, its greatest sin is that it comes after Ip Man 2. In every way, it is a technically superior film to the second instalment of the series. At least, that was what I first thought.

With the world in its current state, my mindset has changed, and I find myself seeing a lot of details I missed in my first viewing. Turns out, Ip Man 4 has a heart that we all need right now.

Accented Cinema - Episode 35

Need something fun and easy to watch? Try this Ugandan classic. Do not be deceived by its rough exterior, inside, it is an hour of pure joy and fun. Who Killed Captain Alex is a good movie in its purest form, stripped of good visual, good audio, good VFX or even good acting. So, what makes it a so good? Let's take a closer look!

Accented Cinema - Episode 36

I love Mr. Vampire as a kid, and judging by all the requests from our viewers, so does many of of you. It is fun for the whole family, featuring dead people hopping around.
With some pretty scary imageries, how does Mr. Vampire managed to charm us as a kid instead of scare us away? Let's take a look at the film, and talk about family horror as a genre.

Accented Cinema - Episode 37

This is a bit of a different episode. It is a personal take on a film that, with time, becoming more and more personal to me. Being an artist is a lot more emotionally challenging than many people know. It is a lot of hard work that, as a society, we often overlooked.

In this video, I'd like to share with you, my personal feelings of being an artist, and share with you, what I see when I watched Whisper of the Heart.

Accented Cinema - Episode 38

This should not have been a partisan issue. This should not have been a political issue.

Accented Cinema - Episode 39

We loosely talked about how to film a sword fight before, but how to WRITE a fight scene is an entirely different story. Today, we'll talk about how to just that, how to write a fight scene that'll bring out the emotions in your audience. And we'll talk about one of my favourite martial art films of all time.

Accented Cinema - Episode 40

2018's Shadow seems like a film overlooked by many. I personally found it to be a fairly good film, and believe it to be Zhang Yimou's best blockbuster yet. Over the years, I feel like Zhang has been judge rather harshly, especially by general audience. In this video, I want to talk about Shadow, and through the film, talk about why Zhang deserves a bit more respect.

3x13 Posters of East Asia | Video Essay

  • 2020-07-28T00:00:00Z12m

Accented Cinema - Episode 41

Phew, this video took a while to make.
Movie posters are something we often use to decorate our wall. We KNOW they are beautiful, but we don't often pay attention to WHY they are beautiful. In this video, we'll learn how to appreciate poster designs, and explore the world of Asian movie posters.

Accented Cinema - Episode 42

I'm not exaggerating when I say "Noroi is one of most realistic horror film I've watched". It's not because the content or the setting is realistic, far from it. But because how everything is packaged and presented, it makes me trusts the film, it makes me want to believe. And that's something I rarely say for a movie, let alone a found footage film.

Accented Cinema - Episode 43

A hallmark of a great film is when a character dies, the death sticks with you long after the credit rolls. Character death is something so difficult to do right, a lot of movies (and TV shows) botch on a regular basis. So, what does Train to Busan did right? Let's find out.

Accented Cinema - Episode 44

To most people, the live action Mulan film is just a boring, soulless war movie. But to me, it is an insulting experience. I can forgive it for all the inaccuracies in depicting Chinese culture. But I cannot forgive this film for what it did to the character of Mulan: Turning her into a symbol of submission.

Accented Cinema - Episode 45

Not many people talk about Thai Horror, which is a shame. Like the country itself, Thai cinema is often overlooked by the rest of the world. But Thai Horror really is something special, and should not be underestimated. From filmmaking techniques, to metaphors and philosophies, there are so much to this genre, It will open your mind to a new world.

3x18 Crayon Shin-chan And Nostalgia

  • 2020-10-10T00:00:00Z12m

Crayon Shin-chan is a hugely popular series in the East, but for some reason, relatively unknown in the west. It's a natural fit for this channel.
Yet, at the same time, this series has been extremely personal to me. It helped me through the most depressing period of my life. To talk about it, would mean I'd have to talk about myself, open myself up in uncomfortable ways.
But... there is no better time to talk about this film than now. With so many people struggling in 2020, perhaps it is my turn to help you, just the way this film helped me many years ago.

Accented Cinema - Episode 47

Shin Godzilla is one of those movies that I know it's good, but I just can't enjoy it. When a film has intentions of tackling real life subjects, it must deal with its share of real life responsibilities. And Shin Godzilla, to me, did not do a very good job. Let me explain.

Accented Cinema - Episode 48

I gushed about this series on this channel all the time, and for good reasons. Some may call it the best anime adaptations. Others think it's one of the best sword movies ever. To me, this is just one of the most well-written action film of all time. To understand the depth of its writing, we can look to its metaphor.

This is a shorter video highlighting a movie that I think deserves some attention. While I wasn't blown away by Over the Moon, I still think it is a solid, emotionally driven movie that can be enjoyed by everyone. But it does have one thing that makes it very special.

Accented Cinema - Episode 50

On this month's Director Project, we talk about the legendary grumpy old man: Hayao Miyazaki. His distaste for anime is a well known meme at this point. But he does have a point: Compare to most other anime films, the work of Miyazaki just feels so... alive. Why is that? Today, we take a detail look at Princess Mononoke and find out.

Accented Cinema - Episode 51

For the last video of 2020, I bring to you a lighthearted comedy featuring Buddha and Jesus. It's fun, weird, and uplifting. And it has a lot more hearts than it lets on.
