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Accented Cinema

Season 5 2022

  • 2022-01-05T00:00:00Z
  • 12m
  • 5h 2m (25 episodes)
Accented Cinema is a YouTube video essay series with a focus on foreign cinema.

25 episodes

Season Premiere

5x01 When Hollywood Speaks Chinese, I Cringe | Video Essay

  • 2022-01-05T00:00:00Z12m

Here is a problem rarely discussed, but should be relatable to anyone who speaks a language beyond English: Hollywood just doesn't seem to understand how non-English languages work.

Accented Cinema - Episode 78
Sorry Ireland.
Fatal Deviation is one of those so bad it's good movie that everyone loves to make fun of. How can you resist? The film is so funny and so bad! But let's put our mockery aside, and take a deeper look. How does a martial artist with legit cool moves ended up making such a terrible movie?
Today, let's take a deep dive into a bad movie, and see what we can learn from it.

Accented Cinema - Episode 79
Let's talk about one of my favorite movies from 2021, a little-known comedy from Mainland China called Hi, Mom. On the surface, it seems like a cliche film with the same premise as Back to the Future. But if you are willing to examine it closely, this is one of the most sincere and honest films you may have seen in a very long time.

Accented Cinema - Episode 80
Before you get angry, hear me out: I think most of us agree that Big Trouble in Little China isn't particularly offensive. Even a Chinese-American audience can appreciate the film for its wild imaginative story. But that raises the question: What makes some movies offensive, but not others?

Accented Cinema - Episode 81
Being a multitalented artist, Leslie Cheung is loved for many reasons. His singing voice is magnetic. His acting is mesmerizing. But one thing that is often acknowledge yet under-appreciated is his queer identity. To publicly stands as a bisexual man in a gay relationship, Leslie Cheung single handedly changed LGBT perception in the entire Chinese speaking region.
Today, let's take a look at Leslie Cheung's film career, and see how his popularity shaped LGBT cinema in Hong Kong.

Accented Cinema - Episode 82
I can't believe this is not a movie about kids turning communists.

Accented Cinema - Episode 83
What if you go to sleep tonight and wake up decades later? That is the story of Jia An, a Chinese woman who went into a 14 year long coma, and wakes up to find China completely unrecognizable.

Accented Cinema - Episode 83B
A behind the scene look at our April Fool's video.

Accented Cinema - Episode 84
What makes Drive My Car such a good film, that it managed to win both Palme d'Or and an Oscar? Well, the reasons are numerous, but today, we'll focus on one: How it utilizes "intertextuality" to help add meanings to the film.

Accented Cinema - Episode 85
In the West, it's common for people to assume an Asian country is homogenous. But that is rarely the case. A simple look at films made in Malaysia can immediately debunks such notion.

Before we talk about Everything Everywhere At at Once with a proper video, we have to talk about the film's heart and soul: Michelle Yeoh.

Here it is! My analysis of the metaphors hidden in Everything Everywhere At at Once. Did you know why Michelle Yeoh put a googly eye on herself? Let's find out!

When we think of kung fu movies, we often think of patriotic national heroes punching Japanese invaders in WWII. However, that wasn't always the case.

Also known as Tiger & Dragon Reloaded, this 2010 kung fu comedy somehow out-competed Ip Man 2, and won the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Picture that year. What's so special about it? Let's take a look!

This is my favourite horror film of all time, and it's time I explain why I love it so much.

Jackie Chan uses stunt doubles? Preposterous, right?

Just because it's a children's movie doesn't mean it has to suck.

5x18 The Importance of RRR | Video Essay

  • 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z12m

Finally, the most celebrated movie of 2022 so far.

I love how every culture on Earth gets scare by similar things.

There's so much to talk about, I have to leave out discussions on such classics as The One.

Movie don't have to be good to be fun.

They made Jigen hot.
That's why this movie is so good looking.
