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Accented Cinema

All Episodes 2018 - 2024

  • 2018-01-11T00:00:00Zs at 2018-01-11T00:00:00Z
  • 2018-11-22T00:00:00Z
  • 12m
  • 1d 3h 14m (136 episodes)
Accented Cinema is a YouTube video essay series with a focus on foreign cinema.

138 episodes

Channel Update from May 16, 2019 Hey everyone. Here is something different. I'm honestly a bit scare of how much subscribers I have, to a point where for the past few weeks, my brain interprets the subscriber count as 2.8k. Because that number sounds a bit more realistic. Anyway, if you'd like to be more involve in the creative process, or get some extra content from this channel, you can do so by becoming a patron. Any support from you will help this channel stay afloat. In any case, I hope to see you in the next episode, Thursday, next week.

Our original Patreon video is a bit old and crusty. Let's update it with a much snappier one!

Series Premiere


1x01 Patriotism in Chinese Cinema | Video Essay

Series Premiere

1x01 Patriotism in Chinese Cinema | Video Essay

  • 2018-11-22T00:00:00Z12m

Accented Cinema - Episode 1 In this episode, we explores the changing patriotic ideology through the lens of two films: Wolf Warrior (2015) and Drunken Master II (1994) Also, US Drunken master II box art is horrible.

Accented Cinema - Episode 2 You probably know what katana is, but do you know the word for sword in Chinese? In this episode, we examine the various depictions of swords in both Chinese and Japanese films. We'll delve into the cultural significance behind their depiction and see how swords reflect the philosophy of the two nations. And the Chinese word for sword is "Jian".

Accented Cinema - Episode 3 Sometimes, I find the idea of watching foreign films intimidating. Having no expectations going in, unsure if I can understand the film fully. It's a psychological barrier. That's part of the reason why I started this channel, to help people get into foreign films. In this episode, we will recommend some films that you might not know, but still feels familiar. Hopefully they can serve as a starting point for you. By the way, "qi" can also be spelled "chi", and it's pretty much the same thing as "ki" in Japanese. Dragon Ball fan rejoice.

Season Premiere

2x01 A Brief Overview on J-Horror (Part 1) | Video Essay

  • 2019-01-03T00:00:00Z12m

Accented Cinema - Episode 5 In this episode, we continue our journey through the J-horror genre.

Accented Cinema - Episode 6 It's Chinese New Year, which means Chinese people around the country are gathering around the dinner table and enjoying a lavish meal with their family and friends. Food is such a key part of Chinese culture, it is found in almost any and all situations, from weddings to festivals to funerals. And the food often has greater meaning than just fuel for your body. Today, we'll take a look at foods in Chinese movies, and discuss the meanings behind. Sit back and relax, and bon appetit. By the way, Chinese people worships their gods with foods, too. But after the worship is over, we eat the food. So I guess it's not really for the gods, isn't it?

Accented Cinema - Episode 7 Stephen Chow's new film "The New King of Comedy" just came out, and people can't stop talking about it. While we, in the west, may not all have the opportunity to see it, we can always watch and talk about the original "King of Comedy". In this episode, I'll talk about Stephen Chow, share some insight into the production of the film, and my personal feelings in regards to the film as a filmmaker.

Accented Cinema - Episode 8 I'm one of those assholes that watches bad movies on a regular basis for entertainment. And foreign films are one of those place where I find the most weirdness and fun. But this creates an unfortunate assumption about foreign culture for many. A lot of people begins assume foreign cultures are so different, that they are weird when compare to our culture. In this episode, we'll tackle this misconception head on, and discusses the bias people have when dealing with foreign culture in film. Strap yourself in, because this is going to be a bit controversial for some. Also, don't watch Teeth. I'd rather you watch Chatterbox.

Accented Cinema - Episode 9 Chinese movie sucks. Even your average Chinese would admit, there hasn't been many good Chinese films in recent years. But most of them aren't bad because they are lazy cash grabs. In fact, quite the opposite. Often times, they look expensive. So what went wrong? In this episode, I'll offer my take on why Chinese films went downhill and how to fix it. And if you are into GOOD Chinese films, go to your local cinema and watch "Wandering Earth"

Accented Cinema - Episode 10 Did you know the North Korean Government once kidnapped a South Korean director to make a Godzilla style monster movie? Now you know! There are hundreds if not thousands of videos out there talking about the backstory, and it is most definitely fascinating. But not a lot of people pay attention to the film itself. Today, we'll take a detail look, and do some film analysis, to see if this film has any hidden meanings. By the way, the Japanese film crew agreed to this production, because they were tricked into believing it's a Japanese-Chinese co-production.

Accented Cinema - Episode 11 Making people laugh is difficult. Entire industry of people spent their entire life studying the art of humor, yet no one is ever consistently funny. Knowing this, makes Stephen Chow's career that much more impressive. The man has been consistently funny in near every movie he was in. Today, we'll learn from the master himself, and see how we can tell better jokes, with a Hong Kong flavour. No, this is not the Stephen Chow retrospective I was working on. I still don't have all the Chow movies in my possession, yet. It's coming, though!

Accented Cinema - Episode 12 Today, we are stepping out of Asia, and take a look at a South African classic: The Gods Must Be Crazy. It is not the best film ever made. But it is one of my favourite films of all time. There is this purity of joy within that makes me giggle like a child. In this episode, we’ll stroll through the film and see, why is this film so charming. Did you know Hong Kong loves this film so much, they made 3 separate sequels of it? Well, that’s a story for another time.

Accented Cinema - Episode 13 I wanted to talk about this film for a long time. The Iron Ladies is such a remarkable film from my childhood. It's funny. It's wholesome. It's may be still ahead of its time. And I want more people to appreciate it. There was a lot of ways I can and want to talk about this acclaimed Thai classic. Ultimately, I choose to talk to you about this film, the same way the film taught me when I was a child: To understand the world is much more diverse and people can be much more different in expression than me. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. True story. This film and Sailor Moon were 2 of my earliest exposure to LGBT.

Accented Cinema - Episode 14 I'm a Kaiju fan since I was a kid. But I'm also the only Kaiju fan I know. But that probably won't be the case soon, because the the New Godzilla movie is looking good. If you have any passing interests in Kaiju movies, but don't know where to begin, then here is senpai's recommendation: The Gamera Trilogy.

2x12 Asians in Hollywood | Video Essay

  • 2019-06-06T00:00:00Z12m

Accented Cinema - Episode 15 In case it isn't obvious enough, I'm ethnically Asian. So, this is somewhat of a personal topic to me. Not to make everything about race, but I think most of us can agree that Hollywood, despite the diverse demographic, has not been to most supportive of minority groups. So, for this episode, let's talk about it. I'll share my personal experience with the industry, and walk you through some of the most offensive or disappointing films.

Accented Cinema - Episode 16 It's an age old question: Can Jackie Chan fight? Many people call Kung Fu "fake", for the simple reason that its practitioner isn't the best in an MMA ring. And that, ot me, its a very narrow minded understanding of Kung Fu. So, for this episode, I'd like to talk about how Kung Fu took over cinema, and how it has changed. And through this exploration, hopefully we can learn to appreciate Kung Fu's beauty.

Accented Cinema - Episode 17 I wanted to talk about this film since I first saw the film in theatres and absolutely loved it. This is one of those film where the more I watch, the more details I notice. And today, I'd like to share some small and big details that might not be able to cross the cultural barrier.

Accented Cinema - Episode 18 Yes, you read the title right. With Ip Man 4 coming out soon, the time is right for a Ip Man retrospective. When talking about the Ip Man series, most people immediately think of its kung fu action. But hidden behind every punch, there is a story: a superhero story. Today, we are going to analyze the story of all three Ip Man films, and find out what works and what doesn't. All the while drawing some parallels to Superman stories of the past.

Accented Cinema - Episode 19 It's time we give the biggest film industry some long over due attention. What better place to begin than with an all time classic: Sholay. I first watched Sholay in a film study class about Indian cinema. And it has been with me ever since. It's such a memorable epic, different from your regular Hollywood fair, yet fresh and interesting. What's so different about it? Why it feels so epic? Let's find out!

Accented Cinema - Episode 20 Watching only the most famous Chinese films to learn about Chinese culture, is like only ordering the most famous dishes from Chinatown. A lot of nuances are missing if you don't look for the local stuff. So in this episode, I'm going to recommend 50 Chinese films for you, some famous, some not, all of which have a huge effect on Mainland China, Hong Kong and/or Taiwan. They aren't necessary the best films. But they defined the shared memories of my generation. Also, am I the only one who grew up watching Ten Brothers?

Accented Cinema - Episode 21 In the Mood for Love is my favourite movie, and in this episode, I want to show you why. Or at least, show you how to appreciation this film, and seeing more than just the story and plot.

Accented Cinema - Episode 22 While primary known as a movie star, most people tend to focus on Bruce Lee as a martial artist. How couldn't they? Watching this man fight is absolutely mesmerizing. But let's not forget that Bruce Lee is also a filmmaker, who single handedly reinvented the Martial Arts movie in genre, first in Hong Kong, and then in the west. In this two-part retrospective, we are going to examine just exactly how Bruce Lee changed the film industry.

Accented Cinema - Episode 23 Last time, we talked about Bruce's contribution to the technique in Kung Fu films. This time, we'll be talking about his cultural impact and the legacy he left, from obvious influence on Jackie Chan, to less obvious influence on the Ninja Turtles.

Accented Cinema - Episode 24 So instead of your usual analysis and critique, we are just going to share a few small tidbits about Bruce Lee, informations that I can't quite fit into the two-part retrospective.

Accented Cinema - Episode 25 It's Halloween, which means we are going to talk horror. And today, we'll talk about one of Hong Kong's most iconic contemporary horror film: The Eye. It may seem like just a knock off of the J-horror films of its time. But if you look carefully, there are a lot of small differences that makes this film a brilliant reflection on Chinese superstitions. Let me show you.

Accented Cinema - Episode 26 After winning Palme d'Or at Cannes Film Festival, the buzz surrounding this film has never stopped. How can I resist talking about Parasite? Today, we'll examine the fundamental techniques director Bong Joon-ho used in this film, and see how it elevates a film into an art house movie.

Accented Cinema - Episode 27 Today, we are going to do something different. Over the past year of this channel, a lot of people asked me about my film school experience and recommendations. So, let's answer these questions!

Accented Cinema - Episode 28 We are coming to the end of the Star Wars Sequel Saga, and we still have yet to have a truly satisfying lightsaber duel. Why are the sword fights in The Last Jedi so lacking? Well, since Star Wars was originally a Samurai Western set in space, what better place to seek guidance than Asian sword movies?

Accented Cinema - Episode 29 Welcome to the last episode of 2019! Let us celebrates this holiday with the best Christmas movie in the anime industry: Tokyo Godfathers?

Season Premiere

3x01 Chinese Animation: In Search of a Style | Video Essay

  • 2020-01-08T00:00:00Z12m

Accented Cinema - Episode 30 Happy New Year! Did you know 2019 was a great year for Chinese animations? I didn't! And nobody told me! After taking a deep dive into all the animations released last year, I can't help but fall in love with them. So, for this episode, we are going on a journey through time, and experience the rise and fall of Chinese animation. Hopefully, you will fall in love, just as I did.

Accented Cinema - Episode 31 Pure Hearts: Into Chinese Showbiz is widely considered as one of the worst Chinese movie ever. The director's name is now a nickname for bad directors in general. Why is that? Some may consider this film to be a cult "so-bad-it's-good" movie, like the Room. I personally just think it's embarrassing and offensive. Why? Let's take a look.

Accented Cinema - Episode 32 International Women's Day just passed, Mulan is coming out soon. It's time we celebrate the brave heroines of Chinese cinema, who's punches and kicks are not only impressive on screen, but make differences in real life! This is a two part series, in which we explore some of the notable Kung Fu actresses in Chinese cinema.

Accented Cinema - Episode 33 The fight continues, as we head into the modern age, with contemporary Kung Fu heroines, from Kara Hui, to Michelle Yeoh, to Zhang Ziyi. One after another, they put on a great show of strength on screen, and unbridled dedication in real life. Let's explore their stories, and see why they are true heroines. The fight continues, as we head into the modern age, with contemporary Kung Fu heroines, from Kara Hui, to Michelle Yeoh, to Zhang Ziyi. One after another, they put on a great show of strength on screen, and unbridled dedication in real life. Let's explore their stories, and see why they are true heroines.

Accented Game - Episode... 1?

Accented Cinema - Episode 34 Ip Man 4 is a strange case where, its greatest sin is that it comes after Ip Man 2. In every way, it is a technically superior film to the second instalment of the series. At least, that was what I first thought. With the world in its current state, my mindset has changed, and I find myself seeing a lot of details I missed in my first viewing. Turns out, Ip Man 4 has a heart that we all need right now.

Accented Cinema - Episode 35 Need something fun and easy to watch? Try this Ugandan classic. Do not be deceived by its rough exterior, inside, it is an hour of pure joy and fun. Who Killed Captain Alex is a good movie in its purest form, stripped of good visual, good audio, good VFX or even good acting. So, what makes it a so good? Let's take a closer look!

Accented Cinema - Episode 36 I love Mr. Vampire as a kid, and judging by all the requests from our viewers, so does many of of you. It is fun for the whole family, featuring dead people hopping around. With some pretty scary imageries, how does Mr. Vampire managed to charm us as a kid instead of scare us away? Let's take a look at the film, and talk about family horror as a genre.

Accented Cinema - Episode 37 This is a bit of a different episode. It is a personal take on a film that, with time, becoming more and more personal to me. Being an artist is a lot more emotionally challenging than many people know. It is a lot of hard work that, as a society, we often overlooked. In this video, I'd like to share with you, my personal feelings of being an artist, and share with you, what I see when I watched Whisper of the Heart.

Accented Cinema - Episode 38 This should not have been a partisan issue. This should not have been a political issue.

Accented Cinema - Episode 39 We loosely talked about how to film a sword fight before, but how to WRITE a fight scene is an entirely different story. Today, we'll talk about how to just that, how to write a fight scene that'll bring out the emotions in your audience. And we'll talk about one of my favourite martial art films of all time.

Accented Cinema - Episode 40 2018's Shadow seems like a film overlooked by many. I personally found it to be a fairly good film, and believe it to be Zhang Yimou's best blockbuster yet. Over the years, I feel like Zhang has been judge rather harshly, especially by general audience. In this video, I want to talk about Shadow, and through the film, talk about why Zhang deserves a bit more respect.

3x13 Posters of East Asia | Video Essay

  • 2020-07-28T00:00:00Z12m

Accented Cinema - Episode 41 Phew, this video took a while to make. Movie posters are something we often use to decorate our wall. We KNOW they are beautiful, but we don't often pay attention to WHY they are beautiful. In this video, we'll learn how to appreciate poster designs, and explore the world of Asian movie posters.

Accented Cinema - Episode 42 I'm not exaggerating when I say "Noroi is one of most realistic horror film I've watched". It's not because the content or the setting is realistic, far from it. But because how everything is packaged and presented, it makes me trusts the film, it makes me want to believe. And that's something I rarely say for a movie, let alone a found footage film.

Accented Cinema - Episode 43 A hallmark of a great film is when a character dies, the death sticks with you long after the credit rolls. Character death is something so difficult to do right, a lot of movies (and TV shows) botch on a regular basis. So, what does Train to Busan did right? Let's find out.

Accented Cinema - Episode 44 To most people, the live action Mulan film is just a boring, soulless war movie. But to me, it is an insulting experience. I can forgive it for all the inaccuracies in depicting Chinese culture. But I cannot forgive this film for what it did to the character of Mulan: Turning her into a symbol of submission.

Accented Cinema - Episode 45 Not many people talk about Thai Horror, which is a shame. Like the country itself, Thai cinema is often overlooked by the rest of the world. But Thai Horror really is something special, and should not be underestimated. From filmmaking techniques, to metaphors and philosophies, there are so much to this genre, It will open your mind to a new world.

3x18 Crayon Shin-chan And Nostalgia

  • 2020-10-10T00:00:00Z12m

Crayon Shin-chan is a hugely popular series in the East, but for some reason, relatively unknown in the west. It's a natural fit for this channel. Yet, at the same time, this series has been extremely personal to me. It helped me through the most depressing period of my life. To talk about it, would mean I'd have to talk about myself, open myself up in uncomfortable ways. But... there is no better time to talk about this film than now. With so many people struggling in 2020, perhaps it is my turn to help you, just the way this film helped me many years ago.

Accented Cinema - Episode 47 Shin Godzilla is one of those movies that I know it's good, but I just can't enjoy it. When a film has intentions of tackling real life subjects, it must deal with its share of real life responsibilities. And Shin Godzilla, to me, did not do a very good job. Let me explain.

Accented Cinema - Episode 48 I gushed about this series on this channel all the time, and for good reasons. Some may call it the best anime adaptations. Others think it's one of the best sword movies ever. To me, this is just one of the most well-written action film of all time. To understand the depth of its writing, we can look to its metaphor.

This is a shorter video highlighting a movie that I think deserves some attention. While I wasn't blown away by Over the Moon, I still think it is a solid, emotionally driven movie that can be enjoyed by everyone. But it does have one thing that makes it very special.

Accented Cinema - Episode 50 On this month's Director Project, we talk about the legendary grumpy old man: Hayao Miyazaki. His distaste for anime is a well known meme at this point. But he does have a point: Compare to most other anime films, the work of Miyazaki just feels so... alive. Why is that? Today, we take a detail look at Princess Mononoke and find out.

Accented Cinema - Episode 51 For the last video of 2020, I bring to you a lighthearted comedy featuring Buddha and Jesus. It's fun, weird, and uplifting. And it has a lot more hearts than it lets on.

Season Premiere

4x01 The Most Shameless Chinese Knock-Off | Video Essay

  • 2021-01-07T00:00:00Z12m

This is not Cars. In fact, the movie looks nothing like the poster. This is The Autobots, the most shameless Chinese movie ever made. And today, I want to show you the story in and outside of this film.

It's time to pay my respect to the living legend himself: Jackie Chan. Many things can be said about him: Fights, stunts, humor, dramatic acting. But there is one thing about his craft that rarely gets mentioned: Selling a hit. It's not the most glamorous thing in the world, but it is an essential part of any fight scene, especially Jackie Chan fight scenes. Today, I'll attempt to break down the technique behind the seemingly simple act of getting hurt.

Let me use Valentine's Day as an excuse to introduce you to Hong Kong romance films. Despite all the stigma against it, romance is a genre that can be very deep yet down to earth. If you are willing to give it a chance, it has a lot to offer.

The Eight Hundred came out last year in the middle of the pandemic and became the highest-grossing film of 2020. For a couple of months, people talk about this movie non-stop. While most of the discussion focuses on the film's historical accuracy, I want to focus on the film itself, mainly its depiction of heroism.

This video has been on the back burner since summer of 2019. I didn't realize I would run of out time this early. I supposed this is the time for me to pay my respect, to one of the most influential, yet under-appreciated actor of our generation.

Godzilla vs. Kong is coming. I don't have high hope for it, but I'm still hyped! But before we look at our new and shiny remake, let's take some time to appreciate the original 1962 classic. Did you know there's two versions of that movie?

Today, let's talk about movie titles, specifically, how to translate English titles into Chinese. Trust me, it's more exciting than it sounds... I hope.

Godzilla vs. Kong is out. While initially I was satisfied but unimpressed, for the next few days, the more I think about the film, the more I begin to like it. It feels different, it feels like it has magic in it. After some contemplation, I think I figured out what that magic is.

Originally I wasn't going to talk about this film, as I thought it doesn't really fit this channel. But the more I think about it, the more frustrating this movie becomes, so, let's turn this frustration into motivation, and see if we can learn something from the failure of Ghibli.

For a lot of people, Hong Kong cinema means quality entertainment. From the excited action provided by Jackie Chan, to poetic experience crafted by Wong Kar-wai. But to a local audience, Hong Kong cinema has another side, a much more sleazy and crazy side. Today, we'll take a dive into this rabbit hole, and see what it got.

Today, South Korea routinely produces some of the most acclaimed movies in the world. But that wasn't always the case. There was a time, when South Korea made knock-offs on the regular. So, what changed? And what can we learn from this?

4x12 Why China Cared About Kung Fu Panda

  • 2021-06-10T00:00:00Z12m

One commonly shared trivial is that Kung Fu Panda impressed the Chinese audience so much, there were conferences held to discuss why couldn't China make this movie. With this amount of attention paid to the film, you'd think Kung Fu Panda did an incredible job at representing Chinese culture. But the reality is... different.

Have you ever get told by a senpai to make a video, or else they'll sue you?

Brought to you by the folks who made White Snake, Nezha Reborn is a visual stunning, steampunk anime inspired reimagining of a classic Chinese folk tale. While the story reception is lukewarm in China, almost everyone agrees that the visual style is a big achievement. That's kinda unusual. Consider how much Chinese people hate when someone messes with Chinese culture. So, what did this movie do so right, that people can overlook the drastic change?

Accented Cinema - Episode 65 The reason it took me this long to make a video on the cinema of India is purely because I know nothing about India's cinematic culture. So this is going to my, no joke, my first dive into the rich world of Bollywood, Kollywood, and Tollywood!

Accented Cinema - Episode 66 It's time we get into Taiwanese cinema and what better movie to start than one of the best, and my favourite film from the industry: Eat Drink Man Woman. This masterpiece by Ang Lee is truly a one of a kind exploration of the Taiwanese/Chinese family value. It is a dense movie, so let's break it down.

Accented Cinema - Episode 67 It's truly a shame that Tony Leung isn't more popular in the mainstream western audience. It's not everyday you get an actor who's both an acting legend, and a sex icon. Today, I want to take a brief look at some of Tony Leung's starring role, and help you appreciate his craft of acting.

Accented Cinema - Episode 68 If you are watching this channel, chances are, you have seen Kung Fu Hustle. But it was only recently that I realized, a lot of people enjoyed this film, without understanding many references hidden in this Hong Kong classic. Today, allow me to show you my side of the story. Let me show you some of the references the film made, and how it ties into the history of the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

4x19 The Birth of Gun Fu | Video Essay

  • 2021-09-08T00:00:00Z12m

Accented Cinema - Episode 69 When we think of Hong Kong cinema, we usually think of Kung Fu, hand to hand combat. However, Hong Kong is also once known for awesome gunfights. From The Matrix, to John Wick, all of these "Gun Fu" movies can trace its lineage back to just one director: John Woo.

Accented Cinema - Episode 70 I guess I'm an Asian dad, now. I realize when I'm heavily invested in something I like, I'd start nitpicking it. That is the case here, too. Shang-Chi, by and large, is a pretty good movie. But you probably already know that. Everybody is talking about it. So, today, I let me go for what I believe to be, the one thing Shang-Chi could've improved upon.

4x21 The Rise of Gun Fu | Video Essay

  • 2021-09-30T00:00:00Z12m

Accented Cinema - Episode 71 Let's finish our Gun Fu journey by heading from Hong Kong to Hollywood. In this video, let's explore the lineage that leads to John Wick, and what makes John Wick such a special movie for the Gun Fu genre.

Accented Cinema - Episode 72 Oh boy, this is a spicy one, and I'm not talking about the girls on the thumbnail there. Believe it or not, this is actually no even remotely close to a controversial opinion within China: Mainland Chinese horror films, especially the recent ones, are widely regarded as hot garbage. And people's attitude towards the constant shifting censorship codes isn't exactly positive either. But like every story, things always goes deeper. So in this episode, let's talk about why Chinese film censorship is the way it is, and it is perceived in China.

Accented Cinema - Episode 73 Silenced (2011) is a film based on true events that happened in a school. It is one of the most difficult film I have ever watched, but also one of the most important. It is a shame that it's virtually unknown in the west. Hopefully after this video, we can all appreciate this film for what it's done for our world.

Accented Cinema - Episode 74 Today, we talk about something slightly different. I'm about to push a short film introduction. And it is a very stressful and intimidating process. Luckily, today's indie and low budget films shows us some comfort. Because to make a movie, you just need creativity.

Accented Cinema - Episode 75 Every Christmas, this channel recommends a heartfelt Japanese animated film, and this year is no exception. While at first, I was taken back by the idea of making a 3D Doraemon film. After watching it, not only do I think the film is beautiful, I also think it is surprisingly deep for a children's anime.

Accented Cinema - Episode 76 New year, new me. And if your new year resolution is to start filmmaking, this is the video for you.

Season Premiere

5x01 When Hollywood Speaks Chinese, I Cringe | Video Essay

  • 2022-01-05T00:00:00Z12m

Here is a problem rarely discussed, but should be relatable to anyone who speaks a language beyond English: Hollywood just doesn't seem to understand how non-English languages work.

Accented Cinema - Episode 78 Sorry Ireland. Fatal Deviation is one of those so bad it's good movie that everyone loves to make fun of. How can you resist? The film is so funny and so bad! But let's put our mockery aside, and take a deeper look. How does a martial artist with legit cool moves ended up making such a terrible movie? Today, let's take a deep dive into a bad movie, and see what we can learn from it.

Accented Cinema - Episode 79 Let's talk about one of my favorite movies from 2021, a little-known comedy from Mainland China called Hi, Mom. On the surface, it seems like a cliche film with the same premise as Back to the Future. But if you are willing to examine it closely, this is one of the most sincere and honest films you may have seen in a very long time.

Accented Cinema - Episode 80 Before you get angry, hear me out: I think most of us agree that Big Trouble in Little China isn't particularly offensive. Even a Chinese-American audience can appreciate the film for its wild imaginative story. But that raises the question: What makes some movies offensive, but not others?

Accented Cinema - Episode 81 Being a multitalented artist, Leslie Cheung is loved for many reasons. His singing voice is magnetic. His acting is mesmerizing. But one thing that is often acknowledge yet under-appreciated is his queer identity. To publicly stands as a bisexual man in a gay relationship, Leslie Cheung single handedly changed LGBT perception in the entire Chinese speaking region. Today, let's take a look at Leslie Cheung's film career, and see how his popularity shaped LGBT cinema in Hong Kong.

Accented Cinema - Episode 82 I can't believe this is not a movie about kids turning communists.

Accented Cinema - Episode 83 What if you go to sleep tonight and wake up decades later? That is the story of Jia An, a Chinese woman who went into a 14 year long coma, and wakes up to find China completely unrecognizable.

Accented Cinema - Episode 83B A behind the scene look at our April Fool's video.

Accented Cinema - Episode 84 What makes Drive My Car such a good film, that it managed to win both Palme d'Or and an Oscar? Well, the reasons are numerous, but today, we'll focus on one: How it utilizes "intertextuality" to help add meanings to the film.

Accented Cinema - Episode 85 In the West, it's common for people to assume an Asian country is homogenous. But that is rarely the case. A simple look at films made in Malaysia can immediately debunks such notion.

Before we talk about Everything Everywhere At at Once with a proper video, we have to talk about the film's heart and soul: Michelle Yeoh.

Here it is! My analysis of the metaphors hidden in Everything Everywhere At at Once. Did you know why Michelle Yeoh put a googly eye on herself? Let's find out!

When we think of kung fu movies, we often think of patriotic national heroes punching Japanese invaders in WWII. However, that wasn't always the case.

Also known as Tiger & Dragon Reloaded, this 2010 kung fu comedy somehow out-competed Ip Man 2, and won the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Picture that year. What's so special about it? Let's take a look!

This is my favourite horror film of all time, and it's time I explain why I love it so much.

Jackie Chan uses stunt doubles? Preposterous, right?

Just because it's a children's movie doesn't mean it has to suck.

5x18 The Importance of RRR | Video Essay

  • 2022-09-08T00:00:00Z12m

Finally, the most celebrated movie of 2022 so far.

I love how every culture on Earth gets scare by similar things.

There's so much to talk about, I have to leave out discussions on such classics as The One.

Movie don't have to be good to be fun.

They made Jigen hot. That's why this movie is so good looking.

Season Premiere


6x01 The Other Train to Busan Movies | Video Essay

Season Premiere

6x01 The Other Train to Busan Movies | Video Essay

  • 2023-01-05T00:00:00Z12m

Train to Busan is also the only movie in the series with a different writer.

By the way, this movie came out before Terminator 2.

More like Crazy Riichi Asians, amirite?

If they don't look that bad... That's because they are actually good.

Steven Yeun is my fav. There, I said it.

I don't live in the basement. I only work there.

A fun movie for kids, a thought provoking one for adults.

Is it me or does Thomas Gibson looks like Jim Carrey with the smile of Benedict Cumberbatch.

Honestly, the 12 year old me deep inside my heart still thinks some of these scenes are cool. At least the idea of them is.

It was a perspective shifting journey.

I have so many things I want to say about Tony Jaa, but I can only fit 2 movies into one video.

It has been so many years. I wonder if McDull still holds the same importance to most Hong Kongers today.

If only the poster is better.

In this video, let's take a look at Dangal, an absolute blast of an Indian film that somehow became a phenomenon in China.

This movie has nothing to do with the Nintendo product of the same name.

Honestly, a lot of these 60s war movies were well made and entertaining. I would've love them if they were shown to me in college. Tunnel Warfare is legit WWII Home Alone, except it predates Home Alone by a few decades.

Here's an idea: How about we hire Johnny To to direct Rush Hour 4 instead?

It's very refreshing to see a good horror film from Hong Kong that isn't a comedy nor a CAT III exploitation. Give it a watch!

Maybe I should just make a whole video about God of Cookery.

I've always believed that this film is better than Kung Fu Hustle. A love letter to friends is better than a love letter to other movies.

I heard that Kim Soo-hyun actually cried due to the film's negative reception. And I honestly cannot blame him.

For reference, some of the films came out in film festivals in prior years, but all movies were theatrically released in 2023. That's why the dates aren't always consistent.

While writing this script, I find myself constantly sidetracked by his numerous allegations, lies, political controversies, and everything else surrounding him. There exist an entire Seagalogical sub-genre on YouTube, that's how much of a meme Steven Seagal really is.

Here's a spicy hot take. What if not all copyright infringements are unacceptable? Well, that's how it was with the film industry.

This movie has nothing to do with the Nintendo product of the same name.

Due to the chaotic nature of the video, we decided to not further clutter up the visuals, and cite all the memes at the pinned comment instead. Go ahead if you want to see the memes for yourself!

Don't let Godzilla distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.

Welcome to a brand new series, in which we'll go through the entire history of China, and talking how each dynasty is represented in film. Enjoy the ride!

Let's see how YouTube likes this one.

In this video, we'll talk about the early dynastic period, including China's first golden age, and discuss its many stories and themes.

In this video, we'll talk about the early dynastic period, including China's first golden age, and discuss its many stories and themes.

Welcome to Medieval China, the period with the most striking cinematic visuals in my opinion.

One of the most influential Japanese manga is finally getting a faithful live action adaptation, done with amazing Gun Fu, non-stop humor, and charismatic characters. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
