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Accented Cinema

Season 4 2021

  • 2021-01-07T00:00:00Z
  • 12m
  • 5h 12m (26 episodes)
Accented Cinema is a YouTube video essay series with a focus on foreign cinema.

26 episodes

Season Premiere

4x01 The Most Shameless Chinese Knock-Off | Video Essay

  • 2021-01-07T00:00:00Z12m

This is not Cars. In fact, the movie looks nothing like the poster. This is The Autobots, the most shameless Chinese movie ever made. And today, I want to show you the story in and outside of this film.

It's time to pay my respect to the living legend himself: Jackie Chan. Many things can be said about him: Fights, stunts, humor, dramatic acting. But there is one thing about his craft that rarely gets mentioned: Selling a hit. It's not the most glamorous thing in the world, but it is an essential part of any fight scene, especially Jackie Chan fight scenes. Today, I'll attempt to break down the technique behind the seemingly simple act of getting hurt.

Let me use Valentine's Day as an excuse to introduce you to Hong Kong romance films. Despite all the stigma against it, romance is a genre that can be very deep yet down to earth. If you are willing to give it a chance, it has a lot to offer.

The Eight Hundred came out last year in the middle of the pandemic and became the highest-grossing film of 2020. For a couple of months, people talk about this movie non-stop. While most of the discussion focuses on the film's historical accuracy, I want to focus on the film itself, mainly its depiction of heroism.

This video has been on the back burner since summer of 2019. I didn't realize I would run of out time this early. I supposed this is the time for me to pay my respect, to one of the most influential, yet under-appreciated actor of our generation.

Godzilla vs. Kong is coming. I don't have high hope for it, but I'm still hyped! But before we look at our new and shiny remake, let's take some time to appreciate the original 1962 classic. Did you know there's two versions of that movie?

Today, let's talk about movie titles, specifically, how to translate English titles into Chinese. Trust me, it's more exciting than it sounds... I hope.

Godzilla vs. Kong is out. While initially I was satisfied but unimpressed, for the next few days, the more I think about the film, the more I begin to like it. It feels different, it feels like it has magic in it. After some contemplation, I think I figured out what that magic is.

Originally I wasn't going to talk about this film, as I thought it doesn't really fit this channel. But the more I think about it, the more frustrating this movie becomes, so, let's turn this frustration into motivation, and see if we can learn something from the failure of Ghibli.

For a lot of people, Hong Kong cinema means quality entertainment. From the excited action provided by Jackie Chan, to poetic experience crafted by Wong Kar-wai. But to a local audience, Hong Kong cinema has another side, a much more sleazy and crazy side. Today, we'll take a dive into this rabbit hole, and see what it got.

Today, South Korea routinely produces some of the most acclaimed movies in the world. But that wasn't always the case. There was a time, when South Korea made knock-offs on the regular. So, what changed? And what can we learn from this?

4x12 Why China Cared About Kung Fu Panda

  • 2021-06-10T00:00:00Z12m

One commonly shared trivial is that Kung Fu Panda impressed the Chinese audience so much, there were conferences held to discuss why couldn't China make this movie. With this amount of attention paid to the film, you'd think Kung Fu Panda did an incredible job at representing Chinese culture. But the reality is... different.

Have you ever get told by a senpai to make a video, or else they'll sue you?

Brought to you by the folks who made White Snake, Nezha Reborn is a visual stunning, steampunk anime inspired reimagining of a classic Chinese folk tale. While the story reception is lukewarm in China, almost everyone agrees that the visual style is a big achievement.
That's kinda unusual. Consider how much Chinese people hate when someone messes with Chinese culture. So, what did this movie do so right, that people can overlook the drastic change?

Accented Cinema - Episode 65
The reason it took me this long to make a video on the cinema of India is purely because I know nothing about India's cinematic culture. So this is going to my, no joke, my first dive into the rich world of Bollywood, Kollywood, and Tollywood!

Accented Cinema - Episode 66

It's time we get into Taiwanese cinema and what better movie to start than one of the best, and my favourite film from the industry: Eat Drink Man Woman. This masterpiece by Ang Lee is truly a one of a kind exploration of the Taiwanese/Chinese family value. It is a dense movie, so let's break it down.

Accented Cinema - Episode 67

It's truly a shame that Tony Leung isn't more popular in the mainstream western audience. It's not everyday you get an actor who's both an acting legend, and a sex icon. Today, I want to take a brief look at some of Tony Leung's starring role, and help you appreciate his craft of acting.

Accented Cinema - Episode 68

If you are watching this channel, chances are, you have seen Kung Fu Hustle. But it was only recently that I realized, a lot of people enjoyed this film, without understanding many references hidden in this Hong Kong classic.

Today, allow me to show you my side of the story. Let me show you some of the references the film made, and how it ties into the history of the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

4x19 The Birth of Gun Fu | Video Essay

  • 2021-09-08T00:00:00Z12m

Accented Cinema - Episode 69

When we think of Hong Kong cinema, we usually think of Kung Fu, hand to hand combat. However, Hong Kong is also once known for awesome gunfights. From The Matrix, to John Wick, all of these "Gun Fu" movies can trace its lineage back to just one director: John Woo.

Accented Cinema - Episode 70

I guess I'm an Asian dad, now. I realize when I'm heavily invested in something I like, I'd start nitpicking it. That is the case here, too.

Shang-Chi, by and large, is a pretty good movie. But you probably already know that. Everybody is talking about it. So, today, I let me go for what I believe to be, the one thing Shang-Chi could've improved upon.

4x21 The Rise of Gun Fu | Video Essay

  • 2021-09-30T00:00:00Z12m

Accented Cinema - Episode 71

Let's finish our Gun Fu journey by heading from Hong Kong to Hollywood. In this video, let's explore the lineage that leads to John Wick, and what makes John Wick such a special movie for the Gun Fu genre.

Accented Cinema - Episode 72

Oh boy, this is a spicy one, and I'm not talking about the girls on the thumbnail there. Believe it or not, this is actually no even remotely close to a controversial opinion within China: Mainland Chinese horror films, especially the recent ones, are widely regarded as hot garbage. And people's attitude towards the constant shifting censorship codes isn't exactly positive either.

But like every story, things always goes deeper. So in this episode, let's talk about why Chinese film censorship is the way it is, and it is perceived in China.

Accented Cinema - Episode 73

Silenced (2011) is a film based on true events that happened in a school. It is one of the most difficult film I have ever watched, but also one of the most important. It is a shame that it's virtually unknown in the west. Hopefully after this video, we can all appreciate this film for what it's done for our world.

Accented Cinema - Episode 74

Today, we talk about something slightly different. I'm about to push a short film introduction. And it is a very stressful and intimidating process. Luckily, today's indie and low budget films shows us some comfort. Because to make a movie, you just need creativity.

Accented Cinema - Episode 75
Every Christmas, this channel recommends a heartfelt Japanese animated film, and this year is no exception. While at first, I was taken back by the idea of making a 3D Doraemon film. After watching it, not only do I think the film is beautiful, I also think it is surprisingly deep for a children's anime.

Accented Cinema - Episode 76
New year, new me. And if your new year resolution is to start filmmaking, this is the video for you.
