
All Episodes 2018 - 2024

  • 2018-01-09T23:00:00Zs at 2018-01-09T23:00:00Z on Twitch
  • 2018-10-02T22:00:00Z
  • 2h 40m
  • 20d 13h 20m (185 episodes)
  • United States
A Dungeons & Dragons 5e Actual Play Campaign! By the Dungeon Dudes!

224 episodes

Three Wizards of the Amethyst Academy are charged with cleaning up the aftermath of Veo, Sebastian, and Pluto's capture of the Academy Tower.

Three Wizards of the Amethyst Academy continue their mission to clean up the aftermath of Veo, Sebastian, and Pluto's capture of the Academy Tower.

The Queen of Thieves dispatches three of her deadliest and most dastardly agents on a high-stakes heist into the stronghold of the Followers of the Falling Fire.

We continue as the three queens men try to pull off their insane heist, stealing an amulet from the followers of the falling fire in part two of Rooked!

We return to Tierhaven, where Rudi, Wilhelm, and Wrath encounter a truly fowl omen -- and we try integrating Roll20's virtual tabletop into our game!

Rudi, Wilhelm, and Wrath encounter the nefarious mastermind behind the missing ducks of Tierhaven.

Three members of the Followers of the Falling Fire lead a band of new recruits to the Great Crater in their pilgrimage to find the light. The journey is treacherous and their faith will be tested.

We continue the journey of three members of the Followers of the Falling Fire as they lead a band of new recruits to the Great Crater in their pilgrimage to find the light.

Years before the events of Dungeons of Drakkenheim, the hooded lanterns send their first scouts in to the city to find a base of operations. This story follows the events of one of those scouting parties.

We continue the adventures of Chud, Raine, and Sten as they search for supplies and a base for the Hooded Lanterns in this side story in the worlds of Drakkenheim.

Three of the best riders of the Silver Order are tasked with stopping a caravan of Delirium set to ship out of Drakkenheim

Knights of the Silver Order invade a smuggler's camp to uncover the destination of their malign cargo.

Dwarven Forge guest stars Nate and Nina join the Dungeon Dudes in this Untold Tale where three adventures explore a disturbing gallery in the heart of Drakkenheim.

Dwarven Forge guest stars Nate and Nina return, as M'roewl, C.H.U.G and Osiris play the long odds with a couple ancient foes.

Kelly is our dungeon master this week as the Dudes are joined by special guest Mitch from Quarter Life Gaming in this Untold Tale featuring three new heroes and their investigation into the Pale Man.

Skip, Flex and Isacc continue to search the ruins for a cure to Skip's son's superfluous eyeball.

This week, the Dungeon Dudes are joined by special guest cosplayer Alicia Marie With some brand new character and a new adventure in Drakkenheim.

In part 2, our heroes encounter the Hogtown butcher....and his family.

A tricky rogue crime boss and his two new henchmen venture in to the ruins to claim a treasure before any of the factions can.

Fred, Ted and Mr. Big continue their trek into the crypts in search of an ancient and valuable scepter.

Special 22 The Dragon of Hatheg-Kla (Part 1)

  • 2022-01-04T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Join the Dungeon Dudes and special guests Colby from @d4: D&D Deep Dive and Chris from @Treantmonk's Temple in this one-shot showcase of optimized characters and how to challenge them!

Special 23 The Dragon of Hatheg-Kla (Part 2)

  • 2022-01-11T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Join the Dungeon Dudes and special guests Colby from @d4: D&D Deep Dive and Chris from @Treantmonk's Temple in this one-shot showcase of optimized characters and how to challenge them!

Kelly, Joe, Jill and special guest Mitch unravel the mysteries behind the death and madness weaved into the northern Ontario town of Pine Ridge, in part one of this Monster of the Week one-shot.

Playtesting the new Apothecary class from Sebastian Crowe’s Guide to Drakkenheim, three Apothecaries uncover the truth within a crashed Amethyst Academy ship.

A group of retired military agents reunite to save their friends from execution by a vengeful duke.

Special 28 Call of Cthulhu - Paper Chase

  • 2022-10-25T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Today, Monty, Kelly and Jill take a brief detour from D&D as they try out the Paper Chase adventure from Call of Cthulhu 7th edition.

Pluto Jackson inspires his comrades with tales of the awe-inspiring triumphs that propelled him into the history books as the wisest, burliest, and most competent champion Caspia has ever known. ... Oh, a bard and a mage were there too.

The courageous Pluto Jackson charges through a fetid swamp to strike down the foul Troll Hag and the Humongous Fungus Troll!

NERDS have seeped into Caspia, promising fast and easy shortcuts to ripcord muscles and cut physiques! Only the heroic prince, Pluto Jackson, can put an end to their sickening solutions and sub-par supplements. He brought his bard and wizard along too.

Galatea and Gemini look on in awe as Pluto Jackson unleashes the beast against the apothecaries and learns that there is more than one way to get ripped!

After studying in the Jackson family library, Pluto casts a powerful spell in order to search other planes of existence for a legendary weapon. Gemini and Galatea had tea.

With unwavering self-assurance, Pluto Jackson slaughters the aberrations of the space between worlds, and sets to work forging one of the most powerful weapons to ever exist. Galatea and Gemini finish their cups of tea.

The valiant Pluto Jackson leads a contingent of Caspia's greatest warriors into the city of Drakkenheim to face down it's most terrifying monsters.

With a mountain of slain beasts at his feet, Pluto Jackson rushes head on to meet he source of three blood-curdling screams. He misplaced his mage and stenographer.

Series Premiere

1x01 Dungeons of Drakkenheim Episode 1: The Rat's Nest

  • 2018-10-02T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Three adventurers set out to find their fortune in the ruined city of Drakkenheim.

The crew arrives at a crumbling manor house in search of a renegade wizard.

Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo embark on the perilous journey through Drakkenheim towards the safe haven of Emberwood Village.

While seeking respite from the Drakkenheim ruins in the nearby settlement of Emberwood Village, Veo, Sebastian, and Pluto have unexpected reunions with friends, family, and foes alike.

When their foray into the sewers under Drakkenheim goes worse than expected, Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo call in a favour from a former foe.

Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo continue their trek through the dangerous sewers beneath Drakkenheim.

Pluto, Veo, and Sebastian attack the vile harpies nesting in the Clock Tower.

After securing the Clock Tower, Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo make for the Hooded Lanterns' Barracks to secure safe passage through the city gates. They'll have to pass through Gnoll territory to get there, though!

On their way to wrap up the job River had sent them on, our heroes run in to an old rival. Pluto has to prove himself in battle, Sebastian makes an enemy ,Veo proves she is a great bodyguard.

Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo search the overgrown Queen's Park Gardens for an Eldritch Lily.

Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo make an unexpected discovery in Queen's Park Gardens which could change everything -- if it doesn't kill them first!

Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo conduct a science experiment to help them survive in the haze, but it comes at a great cost.

Our three heroes venture in to the former home of the Crowe family, where it seems many secrets were buried and nothing is exactly as it seems.

Sebastian uncovers more secrets from his past, while Pluto and Veo try very hard to keep him from making deals with demons. Sebastian finally is forced to face his nightmares.

Sebastian concludes his adventures in to his past as things get a little heated, Pluto questions if they are the bad guys when he meets an old rival, Veo needs a rest after struggling with some undead.

Our heroes take some much needed down time, an old friend brings warnings of approaching danger, things on the outskirts of Drakkenheim are heating up.

Our heroes meet with the Silver Order and the Hooded Lanterns to discuss the state of affairs in Drakkenheim, but find themselves revealing a lot more than they expected.

Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo return to Reed Manor to retrieve Lenore, the former Queen of Drakkenheim, but find they may have put their trust in the wrong place.

To keep up their pursuit, Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo decide to scale the Drakkenheim city walls.

With the party split, they struggle to clean up the mess they are in as they try and locate Oscar and the Queen.

After making amends with the Hooded Lanterns of Drakkenheim, Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo journey to Buckledown Row to find out what the Queen of Thieves is plotting.

After winning in the fighting pits the heroes have a choice to make, fight their way to an audience with the Queen of Thieves, or slink off in to the deadly trap filled sewers to find their own way. Either way, things are going to get rough.

Pluto, Sebastain, and Veo wake up in a cell, the prisoners of the Queen of Thieves!

Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo negotiate terms with the Queen of Thieves!

After their defeat at the hands of the Queen of Thieves, our heroes set out to meet the only faction they don’t know in Drakkenheim, along the way they finally get a chance to discuss some deeply buried secrets.

Our heroes work their way through the thickest of the haze in an attempt to get back to their clock tower for a much needed team meeting and rest. But the city is dark and full of terrors.

A private meeting about the factions leads the party to decide who to trust, and who to kill. Later, the lord commander lays out plans for the upcoming battle, and the Queen is not well and some choices need to be made.

The battle to reclaim temple gate is about to begin, marking the start of a much bigger war for a new Drakkenheim.

The assault on Temple Gate continues! Veo, Sebastian, and Pluto fight to open the portcullis for the Paladins of the Silver Order.

With Temple Gate secure, the Lord Commander sends the heroes on a special mission to retrieve the supplies needed to keep Queen Lenore alive. But the old potions shop where the supplies are held has been twisted by delirium.

Our heroes prepare to make a final push against the Gnolls, coming up with a plan involving an old nemesis.

Our heroes race through the streets of Drakkenheim in a desperate attempt to lure the Lord of the Feast toward the deadly trap set at Slaughterstone Square.

Our heroes make their way back to the Cathedral in hopes of ending the scourge of the Gnolls once and for all.

Though the Cathedral of St Vitruvio has been reclaimed, what secrets and dangers will Sebastian, Veo, and Pluto find in the long-abandoned catacombs below?

Secrets are spilled when the heroes uncover several truths of the lineage of the lords of Drakkenheim and try to reveal the truth of their enemies.

Pluto, Veo and Sebastian must make a difficult choice when they are forced to confront all the factions of Drakkenheim.

Veo settles in to her new role as Lord Commander, Sebastian learns the process for reactivating the Academy Tower, and Pluto prepares to slay mages, as the three return to the grounds of the Amethyst Academy Tower.

While exploring the Shattered Tower of the Amethyst Academy, our three heroes learn some valuable lessons in magic, alchemy and table manners.

Amid the enchanted books in the library of the Amethyst Academy, Veo, Pluto and Sebastian attempt to settle the score with Oscar Yoren.

Pluto, Veo and Sebastian attempt to repair the Staff of Power.

After returning from the Amethyst Academy, Pluto, Veo and Sebastian are handsomely rewarded with both new toys, and new responsibilities.

Sometimes one sacrifice can halt waves of bloodshed, other times...

Our heroes visit the Rat Prince to discuss his role in their upcoming plans.

As our heroes prepare for upcoming conflicts, they realize they may have bitten off more than they can chew.

Veo, Pluto and Sebastian unveil a long hidden foe, and one of their alliances looks like it might backfire.

Sebastian has a tense heart to heart with Kat, and the gang make their way back to the Amethyst Academy to meet with River.

Pluto, Sebastian, and Veo have a long awaited conversation with the head of the Silver Flame before finally heading to castle Drakkenheim.

Our heroes chase a group of Minotaurs through the dungeons of castle Drakken before finding a dangerous new enemy in the throne room.

Our heroes flee castle Drakken to have to regroup with their allies and prepare to confront what lies within the depths of the castle.

After a close call with a terrifying creature in castle Drakken, the gang is presented with a myriad of choices that will determine the fate of the Drakkenheim and perhaps the entire realm.

Our heroes gather their allies for a showdown in the throne room of castle Drakken.

In the season finale, Sebastian, Veo and Pluto decide the fate of Drakkenheim in one final battle.

Season Premiere


2x01 Terror in Tierhaven

Season Premiere

2x01 Terror in Tierhaven

  • 2020-01-14T23:00:00Z2h 40m

A strange sight on one of the outlying farms near Tierhaven leads to a horrific discovery.


2x02 They Came from Below

2x02 They Came from Below

  • 2020-01-21T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wrath, and Wilhelm go spelunking and a have their first encounter with the mysterious substance known as delirium.


2x03 Screams in the Night

2x03 Screams in the Night

  • 2020-02-04T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes meet with River and learn of a new organization within the Amethyst Academy that is searching for recruits...

2x04 The Sinister Secret of Schaffburg

  • 2020-02-11T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wrath, and Wilhelm arrive in the small town of Schaffburg in search of a new contact, but something is not quite right with the townsfolk.


2x05 The Schaffburg Massacre

2x05 The Schaffburg Massacre

  • 2020-02-18T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudy, Wilhelm, and Wrath use stealth and disguise to uncover the mysteries of Schaffburg.


2x06 Tunnels and Treachery

2x06 Tunnels and Treachery

  • 2020-02-25T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wrath and Wilhelm concoct a plan to unravel the mysteries of Schaffburg by infiltrating its church.


2x07 Cabin in the Swamp

2x07 Cabin in the Swamp

  • 2020-03-10T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes may get more than they bargain for when they investigate a lone cabin in a swamp near Schaffburg.


2x08 The Thin Place

2x08 The Thin Place

  • 2020-08-11T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wilhelm, and Wrath follow discover a mysterious ruin where the townsfolk bring their captive neighbours.


2x09 Voices in the Dark

2x09 Voices in the Dark

  • 2020-08-18T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Wrath, Rudy and Wilhelm fighter deeper into the caverns and ruins, where they discover an ominous lake.


2x10 Treacherous Waters

2x10 Treacherous Waters

  • 2020-08-25T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes paddle their way through the lake and encounter the monstrosity that lurks beneath.


2x11 The Puppet Master

2x11 The Puppet Master

  • 2020-09-01T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Wrath, Rudi and Wilhelm have a telepathic conversation with a dark and ominous creature.


2x12 Those Who Remain

2x12 Those Who Remain

  • 2020-09-08T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Our Heroes return to Schaffburg and learn of the fate the Flame Keepers that dwell there.


2x13 Tense Hospitality

2x13 Tense Hospitality

  • 2020-09-22T22:00:00Z2h 40m

This week in Shadows of Drakkenheim, some unsettling conversations are had over dinner and drinks.


2x14 Depths of Drannsmund

2x14 Depths of Drannsmund

  • 2020-09-30T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Finally reaching Drannsmund, our heroes commune with River where they reap the benefits of a new forge and are tasked with a murky investigation.


2x15 We the Cursed

2x15 We the Cursed

  • 2020-10-06T22:00:00Z2h 40m

A secret is discovered about the the fish folk that causes the Dusk Wardens to cement their diplomatic status with the faction.


2x16 Best Friend, Worst Friend

2x16 Best Friend, Worst Friend

  • 2020-10-20T22:00:00Z2h 40m

They were the best of friends, they were the worst of friends! Our trio escapes the sewers and the tale of their time there puts River on edge...

2x17 Do Ratlings Dream of Electric Sheep

  • 2020-10-27T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens discover some strange blueprints in the ratling lair and learn that they may be underestimating this adversary.


2x18 Batten Down the Hatches

2x18 Batten Down the Hatches

  • 2020-11-10T23:00:00Z2h 40m

After a gritty fight at sea, the Dusk Wardens earn a rest, but not for long...


2x19 Port and Starboard

2x19 Port and Starboard

  • 2020-11-17T23:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens continue to unearth the mysteries of delirium and go on another exciting boat ride!


2x20 Douse with Flames

2x20 Douse with Flames

  • 2020-11-24T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes discover an unsettling village in a mysterious cove near Ashaffen.


2x21 Murky Waters

2x21 Murky Waters

  • 2020-12-01T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes face down some truly mighty foes in the mid-season finale of Shadows of Drakkenhiem!


2x22 Return to Ash Bay

2x22 Return to Ash Bay

  • 2021-04-13T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wrath and Wilhelm are back and learning to fly in more ways than one while they continue to deal with delirium contamination.


2x23 The Lighthouse

2x23 The Lighthouse

  • 2021-04-20T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Wilhelm, Rudy and Wrath venture into the mysterious Elven lighthouse overlooking the Haze-covered waters of Ash Bay.


2x24 Pool Party

2x24 Pool Party

  • 2021-04-27T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The mysterious circumstances surrounding an old elf's lost memories lead our heroes into a soggy encounter with some abnormal fishfolk!

2x25 The Battle of Aschaffen Part 1

  • 2021-05-11T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens concoct a plan to subdue the Duchess.

2x26 The Battle of Aschaffen Part 2

  • 2021-05-18T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens and the Silver Order have sprung their trap for the Duchess!

2x27 Three Heads Are Better Than Eight

  • 2021-05-25T22:00:00Z2h 40m

After their encounter with the Duchess, our heroes head back to the lighthouse tower to with River.


2x28 Family Matters

2x28 Family Matters

  • 2021-06-08T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wrath and Wilhelm take a well deserved break and return to Tierhaven to check in on Rudi's family and receive some distressing news.


2x29 Heads and Tales

2x29 Heads and Tales

  • 2021-06-15T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The dusk wardens encounter a haunting figure on the road to Kesselholm.


2x30 Night Terrors

2x30 Night Terrors

  • 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Faced with a slew of mysteries, our heroes now play the role of the investigators as they try to unravel one case at a time.


2x31 Court of the Night

2x31 Court of the Night

  • 2021-06-29T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens sneak into Madam Fassbender's manor house to investigate the mystery of her nightmares.


2x32 The 11th Hour

2x32 The 11th Hour

  • 2021-07-06T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wrath and Wilhelm attend a dinner party at Kesselholm Keep hosted by a countess with an insatiable appetite for conversation.


2x33 Buried Past

2x33 Buried Past

  • 2021-07-13T22:00:00Z2h 40m

After an eventful night in Kesselholm Keep, the Dusk Wardens make a shocking discovery about one of their own.


2x34 Wolfsbane

2x34 Wolfsbane

  • 2021-07-20T22:00:00Z2h 40m

After receiving some heavy news, Wilhelm has a heart-to-heart with Elias Drexyl.


2x35 The Hunger

2x35 The Hunger

  • 2021-08-17T22:00:00Z2h 40m


2x36 Amongst Wolves

2x36 Amongst Wolves

  • 2021-08-24T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens negotiate with Rikkard Steelfang and stumble upon a a guarded nest.


2x37 Root of All Evil

2x37 Root of All Evil

  • 2021-08-31T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Our Heroes discover a malicious garden as they delve deep into the druidic shrine.


2x38 Where Dreamers Often Lie

2x38 Where Dreamers Often Lie

  • 2021-09-07T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens face their nightmares as they venture deeper underground.


2x39 What Dreams May Come

2x39 What Dreams May Come

  • 2021-09-21T22:00:00Z2h 40m


2x40 The Rift Between Us

2x40 The Rift Between Us

  • 2021-09-28T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes fight to save the druids and face a horrific otherworldly threat.


2x41 The Key Master

2x41 The Key Master

  • 2021-10-05T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes must do battle with the grotesque creatures that emerged from the rift, all while trying to halt its expansion.


2x42 Awakenings

2x42 Awakenings

  • 2021-10-12T22:00:00Z2h 40m

It's time to plan as the Dusk Wardens consider how best to deal with one of their greatest enemies yet.

2x43 Court of the Countess Part 1

  • 2021-10-19T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The showdown begins as the Dusk Wardens and Steelfangs finally engage the Countess and her army.

2x44 Court of the Countess Part 2

  • 2021-10-26T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens face off with a mutated monstrosity and are held accountable for their promise to an immortal werewolf.


2x45 Return to the Ruins

2x45 Return to the Ruins

  • 2021-11-09T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce is back! River recounts a tale of Veo, Sebastian and Pluto delving into the ruins of Drakkenheim.


2x46 The Perfect Geode

2x46 The Perfect Geode

  • 2021-11-16T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Continuing the tales of Veo, Pluto and Sebastian, our heroes receive much help and guidance before venturing into the heart of the Drakkenheim crater...


2x47 Heart of Annihilation

2x47 Heart of Annihilation

  • 2021-11-23T23:00:00Z2h 40m

As we continue the tale of Veo, Sebastian and Pluto, our heroes reach the impact site of the crater, and finally learn the origins and nature of Delerium


2x48 No Easy Choice

2x48 No Easy Choice

  • 2021-11-30T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce meets with a myriad of potential allies and must weigh the consequences of picking sides.


2x49 Dark Side of the Moon

2x49 Dark Side of the Moon

  • 2021-12-07T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce deals with an impatient Ryan Greymere while the Dusk Wardens deliberate on the the best path to save Westimar, and the world.


2x50 Joining Forces

2x50 Joining Forces

  • 2021-12-14T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce and the Dusk Wardens finally meet, and determine who will rule Westimar and steer the fate of Drakkenheim.

Season Premiere


3x01 Kings and Corpses

Season Premiere

3x01 Kings and Corpses

  • 2022-02-08T23:00:00Z2h 40m

With the future of Drakkenheim clouded in uncertainty, the Duck Wardens begin to settle into their new roles.


3x02 Ghost Light

3x02 Ghost Light

  • 2022-02-15T23:00:00Z2h 40m

After capturing Sheppard's Gate, the Dusk Wardens set out to take back the rest of the garrison and discover some restless spirits and a mysterious pool.


3x03 Divine Favours

3x03 Divine Favours

  • 2022-03-01T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Pluto, Veo and Sebastian travel through the city of Drakkenheim and revisit the city's castle.


3x04 Dealing with Demons

3x04 Dealing with Demons

  • 2022-03-08T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo, Pluto and Sebastian make some risky wagers.


3x05 Shield Brother

3x05 Shield Brother

  • 2022-03-15T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce explores Castle Drakken in an effort to procure a precious relic.


3x06 Tower of Vermin

3x06 Tower of Vermin

  • 2022-03-22T22:00:00Z2h 40m

After retaking the city garrison, the Dusk Wardens set out to evict the current residents of the clocktower.


3x07 Divide and Conquer

3x07 Divide and Conquer

  • 2022-04-05T22:00:00Z2h 40m

After obtaining the Shield of the Sacred Flame and securing the clocktower and garrison, the Dusk Wardens and Drakkenforce all prepare for the next step in their adventure.


3x08 Royal Flush

3x08 Royal Flush

  • 2022-04-12T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Sebastian, Rudi and Wrath head to Camp Dawn before tracking down the Queen of Thieves via an interesting lead...


3x09 Tourist Trap

3x09 Tourist Trap

  • 2022-06-14T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Sebastian, Wrath and Rudy, explore the free city of Liberio.


3x10 Free Falling

3x10 Free Falling

  • 2022-06-21T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Sebastian, Rudy and Wrath explore the enigma ziggurat


3x11 My Father's Son

3x11 My Father's Son

  • 2022-07-05T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Wrath confronts his dad, Sebastian learns the true nature of the academy, Rudi shows she’s everyone’s Mom.


3x12 Dinner and Decisions

3x12 Dinner and Decisions

  • 2022-07-12T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Wilhelm, Pluto and Veo break bread as they leverage Wilhelm's royal rights to negotiate with world leaders.


3x13 The Hunt is On

3x13 The Hunt is On

  • 2022-07-26T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Pluto, Veo and Wilhelm track some large prey, but are interrupted a gang of angry zealots.


3x14 Life Finds A Way

3x14 Life Finds A Way

  • 2022-08-16T22:00:00Z2h 40m

A long awaited rematch takes place when Veo, Pluto and Wilhelm finally catch up to their quarry.


3x15 A Head of the Game

3x15 A Head of the Game

  • 2022-08-23T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo, Pluto and Wilhelm struggle to escort their valuable and impressive trophy back to the gate.


3x16 Duke it Out

3x16 Duke it Out

  • 2022-08-30T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Wilhelm, Pluto and Veo return to Camp Dawn to deliver their trophy and recover their strength.


3x17 Royal Vaults

3x17 Royal Vaults

  • 2022-09-06T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Growing anxiety around the competition with Uriel Radley prompts Pluto, Veo and Wilhelm to venture out in search of a secondary trophy even more illustrious than the head of Big Linda.

3x18 Heralds in the Throne Room

  • 2022-09-13T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes fight through various grotesqueries as they continue to explore castle Drakken, searching for an even grander trophy than the head of Big Linda.


3x19 Death in the Family

3x19 Death in the Family

  • 2022-09-20T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo's dire situation comes to conclusion...


3x20 Family Reunion

3x20 Family Reunion

  • 2022-10-18T22:00:00Z2h 40m

This week we catch up with Veo, Rudi, Pluto, Wrath, Sebastian and Wilhelm as parties reunite!


3x21 Disturbing Corpses

3x21 Disturbing Corpses

  • 2022-11-01T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo, Sebastian and Pluto reunite to engage in political discussions and dungeon diving!


3x22 Shore Leave

3x22 Shore Leave

  • 2022-11-08T23:00:00Z2h 40m

After encountering an ornery sailor, Veo, Sebastian, and Pluto search for captain Gregory Highsail on a seemingly abandoned ship: The Ill-fated Finch


3x23 Smoke on the Water

3x23 Smoke on the Water

  • 2022-11-22T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo, Sebastian & Pluto tussle with tongues and teeth on a terrifying trireme.




  • 2022-11-29T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo, Sebastian and Pluto attend the great Gasconade to determine the results of the competition between Pluto and High Paladin Uriel Radley.


3x25 And the Winner is

3x25 And the Winner is

  • 2022-12-13T23:00:00Z2h 40m

The season Finale of Fate of Drakkenheim concludes the great Gasconade!


3x26 Creative Process

3x26 Creative Process

  • 2023-01-24T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo, Sebastian and Pluto are back and set off on a mission to find a gifted artist who creates unqiue and mysterious paintings.


3x27 To Hell and Back

3x27 To Hell and Back

  • 2023-01-31T23:00:00Z2h 40m

An impulsive Sebastian leads Veo and Pluto through the a portal in an attempt to atone for a mistake from his past.


3x28 True Colors

3x28 True Colors

  • 2023-02-07T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce solves puzzles in the final two realms in an attempt to rescue Perrin from his muses.


3x29 Dark Roast

3x29 Dark Roast

  • 2023-02-14T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi Wrath and Wilhelm set out to recruit an old member of the Octanwald Irregulars gone rogue.


3x30 Magic School B U S

3x30 Magic School B U S

  • 2023-02-21T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce and the Dusk Wardens take their chances with some boundless, unstable magic.


3x31 Help in Helig

3x31 Help in Helig

  • 2023-02-28T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce and the Dusk Wardens battle it out with a group of mutated giants on their way to Helig.


3x32 The Quarry

3x32 The Quarry

  • 2023-03-07T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wrath and Wilhelm venture out to a Dwarven mining site and and come across an agitated dwarf and his wounded mount.


3x33 Trust No

3x33 Trust No

  • 2023-03-14T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens begin to learn what horrors befell the dwarves of the quarry.


3x34 Blood Sausage

3x34 Blood Sausage

  • 2023-03-21T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes delve into the quarry in pursuit of the fleeing Brimley and Dr. Catin .


3x35 Cats of Ulthar

3x35 Cats of Ulthar

  • 2023-03-28T22:00:00Z2h 40m

After an exhausting encounter, Wrath explores the quarry alone while Rudi and Wilhelm slumber.


3x36 Doom Shroom

3x36 Doom Shroom

  • 2023-04-04T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes discover what happened to the past adventurers who explored the sanctum beneath the quarry.


3x37 Rats and Riddles

3x37 Rats and Riddles

  • 2023-04-11T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Wrath, Rudi and Wilhelm continue to navigate the the subterranean temple and pit their minds and bodies (and Wrath's soul) against its safeguards.


3x38 Paws and Reflect

3x38 Paws and Reflect

  • 2023-04-18T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens finally make it to the hear t of the temple where Wrath must pass a test with the help of his friends to meet his patron.


3x39 The Secret Sanctum

3x39 The Secret Sanctum

  • 2023-04-25T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Wrath and Wilhelm deal with Rudi's dark passenger while Drakkenhforce explores Helig castle.


3x40 The Undying Mage

3x40 The Undying Mage

  • 2023-05-02T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce arrive at the quarry in search of the Dusk Wardens and meet a friendly giant along the way.


3x41 Pirates of the Void

3x41 Pirates of the Void

  • 2023-05-09T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce enters a strange portal in search of the Dusk Wardens and navigate a mind-bending environment filled with bizarre denizens.


3x42 Rescue Party

3x42 Rescue Party

  • 2023-05-16T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce and the Dusk Wardens reunite and contemplate the impact of Wrath's actions and the future of the Royal family.


3x43 Back to School Special

3x43 Back to School Special

  • 2023-05-23T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Sebastian and Pluto travel to Altbruke to discover a free-thinking town and a magical mystery.


3x44 Operation 23 Hurdle Road

3x44 Operation 23 Hurdle Road

  • 2023-05-30T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Sebastian and Pluto disguise themselves as students and faculty at Ultbrook University in order to uncover a disturbing plot.


3x45 Student Bodies

3x45 Student Bodies

  • 2023-06-06T22:00:00Z2h 40m

A kidnapper attempts to pick off our heroes one by one.


3x46 Applied Goology

3x46 Applied Goology

  • 2023-06-13T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Pluto and Sebastian discover the source of the horrific abominations plaguing the university as they search for an abducted student.

3x47 Altbruke Chainsaw Massacre

  • 2023-06-20T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Our group of heroes discovers the fate of Christophe.


3x48 Psychology 101

3x48 Psychology 101

  • 2023-06-27T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Sebastian & Pluto return to the university to sleuth out who is behind the disturbing experiments being conducted.


3x49 Swimming Lessons

3x49 Swimming Lessons

  • 2023-07-04T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes continue to chase an oddly behaving Christophe through the University campus.


3x50 Murder of Crows

3x50 Murder of Crows

  • 2023-07-11T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Everet Fried bargains for freedom after Sebastian Crowe does everything he can to save Pluto and Rudi from the echo of the Dutchess.


3x51 Druids & Dragons

3x51 Druids & Dragons

  • 2023-07-18T22:00:00Z2h 40m


3x52 Soul Food

3x52 Soul Food

  • 2023-07-25T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Sebastian's soul wanders the shadowlands with his mother and acquires unsettling new abilities.


3x53 Homecoming

3x53 Homecoming

  • 2023-08-22T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wilhelm & Wrath return to Tierhaven and investigate the whereabouts of Rudi's family.


3x54 Home Reno

3x54 Home Reno

  • 2023-08-29T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Moving from Rudi's home to Wrath's, our heroes attempt to repair the observatory tower.


3x55 The Hiring Process

3x55 The Hiring Process

  • 2023-09-05T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo and Pluto enlist the help of an old friend in recruiting a new teammate to help them resurrect Sebastian.


3x56 Soul Survivor

3x56 Soul Survivor

  • 2023-09-12T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Deep in the shadowlands, Sebastian confronts a powerful old foe.


3x57 The Ironhelm Brothers

3x57 The Ironhelm Brothers

  • 2023-09-19T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo and Pluto continue to interview potential partners to help them capture a dragon.


3x58 The Brave and the Kobold

3x58 The Brave and the Kobold

  • 2023-09-26T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wilhelm and Wrath seek explore the Achtungwald forest in search of Rudi's son


3x59 Tracking Teachers

3x59 Tracking Teachers

  • 2023-10-03T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wilhelm and Wrath Continue to explore the Achtungwald forest and encounter some familiar adversaries.


3x60 Unchained Melodies

3x60 Unchained Melodies

  • 2023-10-10T22:00:00Z2h 40m

After locating the teachers, the Dusk Wardens stumble across a group of Apothecaries conducting some unsettling experiments.


3x61 The Eagle Has Landed

3x61 The Eagle Has Landed

  • 2023-10-17T22:00:00Z2h 40m

After negotiating with the great dragon of the Aughtenwald, the Dusk Wardens are ambushed by the apothecaries.


3x62 A Fair Trade

3x62 A Fair Trade

  • 2023-10-24T22:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens, along with Veo, Pluto and Balderick engage a legend of the Achtungwald in a desperate attempt to revive Sebastian Crowe.


3x63 A Family Renewed

3x63 A Family Renewed

  • 2023-10-31T22:00:00Z2h 40m


3x64 Sibling Rivalry

3x64 Sibling Rivalry

  • 2023-11-07T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Rudi, Wrath and Wilhelm delve deep into the dragon's cave and stumbled upon the remains of it's brood.


3x65 The King's Judgement

3x65 The King's Judgement

  • 2023-11-14T23:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens negotiate for Corbin's life and take their share of the dragon's hoard.


3x66 House Whittaker

3x66 House Whittaker

  • 2023-11-21T23:00:00Z2h 40m

After rescuing Corbin, the Dusk Wardens meet with Elias Drexel to debrief and plan for the hunt of Everett Fried.


3x67 My Enemy's Enemy

3x67 My Enemy's Enemy

  • 2023-11-28T23:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens meet an unlikely ally in Academy mage Eva Blightward and prepare for their assault of Toddsfeld.


3x68 The Gate Assault

3x68 The Gate Assault

  • 2023-12-05T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Accompanied by Eva Blightward, the Dusk Wardens contend with Everet Fried's attempts to thwart their siege.


3x69 A Father's Due

3x69 A Father's Due

  • 2023-12-12T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes explore Toddsfeld keep in search of Eva's father.


3x70 Down the Well

3x70 Down the Well

  • 2023-12-19T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes delve into the Toddsfeld well in their pursuit or Everett Fried.


3x71 Brain Drain

3x71 Brain Drain

  • 2023-12-26T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes finally confront Everett Fried.


3x72 Parting Ways

3x72 Parting Ways

  • 2024-01-02T23:00:00Z2h 40m

The Dusk Wardens say good bye to Eva Blightward.


3x73 Play to your Strengths

3x73 Play to your Strengths

  • 2024-01-30T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo, Pluto, and Sebastian hatch a "cunning" plan to distract the Ilyrians.


3x74 Mirror Match

3x74 Mirror Match

  • 2024-02-06T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Sebastian is ambushed while making friends in the seediest tavern in Lumen.


3x75 Wanted

3x75 Wanted

  • 2024-02-13T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes' shenanigans in Lumen begin to catch up with them.


3x76 Dungeons of Nox

3x76 Dungeons of Nox

  • 2024-02-20T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Our heroes make their way through the Dungeons of Nox in search of Old Man Night.


3x77 Let's Make a Deal

3x77 Let's Make a Deal

  • 2024-02-27T23:00:00Z2h 40m

While seeking Old Man Night, our heroes encounter some powerful entities.


3x78 Old Man Night

3x78 Old Man Night

  • 2024-03-05T23:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo, Sebastian and Pluto finally encounter Old Man Night.


3x79 School of Hard Nox

3x79 School of Hard Nox

  • 2024-03-12T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Drakkenforce seeks out a powerful artifact and learns a few lessons the hard way.


3x80 Divided We Fall

3x80 Divided We Fall

  • 2024-05-14T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Veo, Sebastian and Pluto gain some practical experience from Old Man Night.


3x81 Working Together

3x81 Working Together

  • 2024-05-21T22:00:00Z2h 40m

With fresh insights and newfound teamwork, our heroes face down Ramik Demongrip once again in hopes of retrieving his powerful artifact.


3x82 The True Manipulator

3x82 The True Manipulator

  • 2024-05-28T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Pluto and Veo pursue the Queen of Thieves while Sebastian wanders the halls of Nox and exudes lichly angst.


3x83 Express Yourself

3x83 Express Yourself

  • 2024-06-04T22:00:00Z2h 40m

Emotions run hot as Drakkenforce reunites in Nox.


3x84 TBD

3x84 TBD

  • 2024-06-11T22:00:00Z2h 40m


3x85 TBD

3x85 TBD

  • 2024-06-18T22:00:00Z2h 40m


3x86 TBD

3x86 TBD

  • 2024-06-25T22:00:00Z2h 40m
