• 2024-03-04T18:00:00Z on TV4
  • 45m
  • 2d 45m (65 episodes)
  • Poland
  • Polish
Policemen patrolling the streets of Wrocław is a real phenomenon that attracts millions of viewers thanks to heroes who simply cannot be disliked and stories from their private lives and work - full of daily challenges and interventions in various situations: from dramatic and dangerous to shocking and that's funny.

65 episodes


20x1111 Odcinek 1111

20x1111 Odcinek 1111

  • 2024-03-04T18:00:00Z45m

Jacek Nowak notifies the sixth patrol about the disappearance of a several-year-old girl. The child was on a school trip and did not return to the bus after an organized break. Staff midshipmen Marek Korwicki and Natalia Mróz go to the scene of the incident. There they meet a distraught teacher. A moment later, the mother of the missing student arrives at the bus stop. The woman blames the teacher for neglecting her duties. After a short interview, the police start looking for the child. A moment later, the first lead in the case is obtained. The police obtain footage from the camera of a passenger car parked near the bus. During the investigation, it turns out that the mother of the wanted student concealed certain facts from the past, which turned out to be extremely important in the investigation. Marek is very upset about the situation with his son. The policeman is slowly losing hope that Igor will one day recover.


20x1112 Odcinek 1112

20x1112 Odcinek 1112

  • 2024-03-05T18:00:00Z45m

Crew seven gets the first call. Assistant Commissioner Bachleda and staff aspirant Białach try to help the store owner. The woman reported the theft and at the same time detained the suspected thief in the store, thanks to which the police can directly interrogate the culprit. The detainee claims that she is entitled to the goods from the store because she is related to the owner. The case turns out to be a family drama in which jealousy leads to crime. Meanwhile, a woman with a several-year-old boy arrives at the police station. The woman accuses the child of constantly disturbing the peace. Duty officer Nowak and sergeant Poniatowski join the case. The police very quickly manage to conduct an effective investigation into the case and calm the neighborhood disputes. Meanwhile, Mikołaj Białach visits Ida in prison. The detained psychologist is unable to endure such conditions. The policeman must quickly find a way to get the woman out of trouble.


20x1113 Odcinek 1113

20x1113 Odcinek 1113

  • 2024-03-06T18:00:00Z45m

Commander Jerzy Witacki introduces a new colleague to the policewomen from patrol five. It is a young constable who is not very satisfied with his assigned reception job. Senior Sergeant Emilia Drawska tries to convince the novice about the advantages of working in such a place. Meanwhile, the first task appears. A beaten man shows up at the police station and asks patrol five for help in finding the perpetrator. Apart from a general description of the perpetrator, the injured party cannot say anything about the wanted man. Deputy Commissioner Lena Kamińska and senior sergeant Emilia Drawska-Zapała go to the scene of the incident to find any clues in the case. Policewomen are talking to the manager of the club where the beating took place. Thanks to the camera footage, the case gains momentum as the policewomen find their first useful clue. Emilka confides in Lena about her fears after Krzysiek's arrest.


20x1114 Odcinek 1114

20x1114 Odcinek 1114

  • 2024-03-07T18:00:00Z45m

A man appears at the police station to report the theft of a hunting rifle. The case is being handled by staff midshipmen Mróz and Korwicki from the sixth patrol. The police first check whether the man has a firearms license. The police and a technician go to the scene of the incident. It turns out that the theft was made from a home safe, but there are no signs of forced entry. Suspicion falls on the injured person's immediate family. Neither his wife nor his two sons share the head of the family's hunting passion. During the investigation, it turns out that one of the sons of the robbed man did not show up at school and contact with him was lost. The police suspect that this may be the main clue in this investigation. Meanwhile, Igor returns home. Iza appears with Igor in Marek's apartment and decides to take care of her son.


20x1115 Odcinek 1115

20x1115 Odcinek 1115

  • 2024-03-08T18:00:00Z45m

Patrol seven receives an unusual report. A woman claims that her brother is harassed by his ex-girlfriend. Her brother couldn't come in person because, as the woman claims, he almost had a heart attack and was taken to hospital. The police decide to check all leads and talk to the woman suspected of stalking. This turns out to be a difficult task, because the suspect is undergoing psychiatric treatment herself and avoids direct contact with the police. The suspected woman's brother unexpectedly helps patrol seven in the case. He leads the policemen to an important clue. Meanwhile, the injured person is recovering, thanks to which Assistant Commissioner Bachleda and Staff Aspirant Białach can ask directly about the details of the case. Mikołaj decides to take radical steps to help Ida get out of prison.


20x1116 Odcinek 1116

20x1116 Odcinek 1116

  • 2024-03-11T18:00:00Z45m

A confused woman appears at the police station and claims that someone unexpectedly cut her hair on the tram. He cannot point out the culprit because he did it unnoticed. Policewomen from patrol five contact the city carrier looking for any information. It turns out that this is neither an isolated case nor an urban legend. Someone actually cuts the hair of women traveling on trams. The attacker is called the Barber and attacks in different routes to make it difficult to track and identify. Policewomen face quite a task. Meanwhile, a moment later, another report appears. This time, a bloody and unconscious woman was found in the park. Deputy Commissioner Lena Kamińska and senior sergeant Emilia Drawska-Zapala go to the scene of the incident. Unfortunately, it turns out that the woman did not survive the knife attack and policewomen open a murder investigation.


20x1117 Odcinek 1117

20x1117 Odcinek 1117

  • 2024-03-12T18:00:00Z45m

The duty officer shows up in the policemen's room with a new report. This time it concerns the beating up of a pregnant woman. The agitated policemen from patrol six go to the injured woman's house. Once there, they encounter resistance from the victim, even though her husband insists on a visit from the police. Despite clear signs of beating, the woman claims that she fell and hit the curb. A moment later, the injured woman's husband is severely beaten. This time the victim, who did not want to testify, will have to tell the police the truth. Meanwhile, Marek receives a phone call from Iza. Igor felt worse and an ambulance had to be called. A policeman leaves duty for a while to help his son. Meanwhile, new constable Alan Niedzielski sets off on his first action. He is accompanied by the reliable sergeant Juliusz Poniatowski. Will this duo cope in the field?


20x1118 Odcinek 1118

20x1118 Odcinek 1118

  • 2024-03-13T18:00:00Z45m

In one of the poorer districts of the city, a boy is beaten. The police are questioning the father of the beating victim to obtain some information. The man suspects that his son "owed" someone money and that is why the attack took place. Deputy Commissioner Bachleda and staff aspirant Białach are checking the man whose name was mentioned in his father's interrogation. A moment later, the police receive information that a man's body was found in a park near them. It turns out that this death is related to the boy's beating. Patrol Seven must connect many facts to find the truth in this investigation. The past of the people involved in the investigation and the deeds that no one remembers are of key importance. Ida returns to work at the police station. Mikołaj Białach tries to decorate her office a bit to make the psychologist feel appreciated. Unfortunately, Ida does not seem to appreciate her friend's expression of sympathy.


20x1119 Odcinek 1119

20x1119 Odcinek 1119

  • 2024-03-14T18:00:00Z45m

The fifth patrol is to deal with the case of a robbed apartment. The incident occurred during the owner's long absence. The injured person was in hospital for two weeks. At the scene of the incident, police officers determine what exactly disappeared. Unfortunately, there are no traces of the break-in itself. Therefore, suspicion falls on the injured man's ex-girlfriend, as she was the only one who had additional keys. Deputy Commissioner Lena Kamińska and senior sergeant Emilia Drawska-Zapała detain the suspect. It turns out that the woman has a criminal past. There is also the matter of the car accident. An underage boy was driving his father's car, lost control and crashed into a bus stop shelter. Fortunately, there were no casualties. The fifth patrol transports the culprit to the police station. A moment later, the father of the detained teenager appears. Emilka, on the other hand, lives in fear after the threats that came from the prison cell where Zapała is imprisoned.


20x1120 Odcinek 1120

20x1120 Odcinek 1120

  • 2024-03-15T18:00:00Z45m

Matylda, Natalia's sister, starts working in the school common room. Unfortunately, the peaceful activity is disturbed by a terrorist. A man enters the institution with a gun and locks himself in the common room with children and teachers. Matylda manages to send a text message to her policewoman sister asking for help. Police officers from patrol six go to the scene. A school security guard is waiting for them, and a moment later a negotiator appears. The terrorist doesn't want to talk to anyone except Natalia. She becomes the negotiator and provides the bandit with half of the requested amount. Thanks to Natalia's persuasion, the terrorist is willing to release some of the children. Natalia stays inside. Now Marek is bending over backwards to take control of the situation. Together with the entire team, the command looks for ways to save the rest of the hostages...


20x1121 Odcinek 1121

20x1121 Odcinek 1121

  • 2024-03-18T18:00:00Z45m

The city police station received a call to the Barber Shop. An unconscious client who had a serious collapse during a haircut was taken from there. Patrol seven goes to the scene to explain the situation. Apparently the barber who was cutting the injured man's hair ran away screaming that he had killed him. The owner cannot answer the question why his employee was convinced that he had killed a customer. A moment later, the officer on duty locates the fugitive. Staff aspirant Mikołaj Białach and deputy commissioner Miłosz Bachleda start chasing the suspicious barber. During the arrest, the man threatens that touching him will kill the policemen. It turns out that the detainee is convinced of a curse upon him. How will patrol seven deal with this turn of events? Tamara and Assistant Commissioner Bachleda's relationship is flourishing. Unfortunately, someone appears who wants to interrupt this idyll.


20x1122 Odcinek 1122

20x1122 Odcinek 1122

  • 2024-03-19T18:00:00Z45m

Policewomen from the fifth patrol have a meeting with young people in one of Wrocław's high schools. The policewomen are accompanied by Sergeant Juliusz Poniatowski. The entire meeting is about talking about the harmful effects of psychoactive substances. Meanwhile, during the lecture, one of the policewomen notices wounds on the student's forearms. The policewomen are very delicately trying to find out what happened to this girl. It turns out that the teenager has a very difficult situation at home, and she has gotten into a lot of trouble. A moment later, the girl's friend disappears under mysterious circumstances. Deputy Commissioner Lena Kamińska and Sergeant Emilia Drawska-Zapała start looking for a teenager from high school. The police officers have no idea how serious this investigation will turn out to be and what they will discover while searching for the missing person. The officer on duty, Jacek Nowak, makes it a point of honor to help Emilka Drawska.


20x1123 Odcinek 1123

20x1123 Odcinek 1123

  • 2024-03-20T18:00:00Z45m

A woman reports her adult daughter missing. She is convinced that her daughter's husband abuses her and makes contact with the world difficult or has done her more serious harm. Police officers from patrol six go to the village where the daughter of a worried pensioner lives. Once there, it turns out that the husband of the wanted woman is not willing to cooperate with the police. Only after a while does he let the patrol into his house. Staff aspirants Mróz and Korwicki find the woman they are looking for in good shape. However, Natalia doesn't quite believe that everything is fine. A moment after leaving the property, the police are returned to the place they visited a moment earlier. It turns out that the man suspected of abusing his wife shot the village headman with a bow. Marek Korwicki also has to do something extremely important after his duty. His decision may change a lot in the future.


20x1124 Odcinek 1124

20x1124 Odcinek 1124

  • 2024-03-21T18:00:00Z45m

A young woman reports a crime. A boy she met on webcams was hurt. Recently she noticed bruises on his arms, and this morning, while they were chatting, a man walked into the frame and started beating her boyfriend. Then he turned off the camera. Unfortunately, the reporting person does not know the victim's place of residence and, to top it all off, she does not even know his real name. The boy appeared on the webcams under a pseudonym. The only evidence are the recordings the girl kept. Thanks to them, policemen from patrol seven find the first clue. Tamara and Nano move in with Miłosz Bachleda. After anonymous threats, Miłosz wants to be sure that his girlfriend is safe.


20x1125 Odcinek 1125

20x1125 Odcinek 1125

  • 2024-03-22T18:00:00Z45m

Duty officer Jacek Nowak has a new task for policewomen from patrol five. This time the report comes from a restaurant where one of the waiters overheard a disturbing conversation. Two customers were discussing an upcoming murder. Policewomen from patrol five go to the scene of the incident. After viewing the surveillance video provided by the restaurant owner, police officers have no doubt that some suspicious transaction took place. The next step is to locate the suspicious men. The policewomen decide to ask the bank to provide the data. One of the men paid by card and thus enabled the fifth patrol to obtain his details. The race against time begins. Will policewomen prevent a planned crime? Meanwhile, Lena decides to help Emilka regain her good mood. After duty, the policewomen decide to go for a little shopping.


20x1126 Odcinek 1126

20x1126 Odcinek 1126

  • 2024-03-25T18:00:00Z45m

A woman shows up at the police station regarding the disappearance of her daughter. The case happened a few months ago and was closed based on a letter from the alleged missing person. However, the mother does not believe that her daughter voluntarily went abroad and broke off contact with her. The woman is convinced that something bad happened to her daughter. To make matters worse, the girl's cell phone is found in the forest. Police officers from patrol six reopen the investigation. The boyfriend of the wanted woman becomes the first suspect. A moment later, another clue appears. Fingerprints of a person previously unrelated to the case are discovered on the girl's phone. The police are getting closer to solving the investigation. Marek has stomach cramps throughout the entire day of service. Natalia is worried about her boyfriend. The policewoman doesn't even suspect what is causing Marek's stress.


20x1127 Odcinek 1127

20x1127 Odcinek 1127

  • 2024-03-26T18:00:00Z45m

Policemen from patrol seven receive their first task. The police were called by a woman who saw her neighbor being kidnapped. Staff Aspirant Białach and Assistant Commissioner Bachleda go to the indicated address. Once there, it turns out that his wife has been imprisoned in the kidnapped man's house. The woman witnessed the entire incident. Two masked men entered the house through the terrace door. Unfortunately, the kidnapped man's wife cannot give the reason for the kidnapping. My husband is a lecturer at one of the universities, he avoids any conflicts. A moment later, the woman receives a ransom demand via text message. The police establish an action plan. There they are waiting for the kidnapper and a woman with a bag of money. However, the wife of the kidnapped lecturer never shows up at the agreed place. Miłosz Bachleda tries to protect Tamara and her son after they received anonymous threats. Unfortunately, the enemy is more dangerous than the policeman predicted.


20x1128 Odcinek 1128

20x1128 Odcinek 1128

  • 2024-03-27T18:00:00Z45m

The police station is mourning the loss of one of the policemen. Unfortunately, evil does not sleep and the service continues. The fifth patrol, composed of Assistant Commissioner Kamińska and Senior Sergeant Drawska-Zapala, has already received the first report. The officer on duty informs about the case of an unconscious child locked in a car. The policewomen rush to the scene on the signal. The police manage to wake up the boy locked in the car. It turns out that the mother told the child to wait while she went to a 24-hour pub nearby. The policewomen have a feeling that this intervention will not end pleasantly. Lena goes inside the pub, while Emilka stays with the scared boy. After a long search, Assistant Commissioner Kamińska finds an unconscious woman in the toilet. The ambulance takes the injured person and the policewomen return to the station. There, the injured boy notices Luna and playing with Sergeant Poniatowski's dog immediately improves his mood.


20x1129 Odcinek 1129

20x1129 Odcinek 1129

  • 2024-03-28T18:00:00Z45m

The duty officer informs patrol six about the theft of a large amount of cash. The money was intended for surgery on a sick girl. Meanwhile, the child's grandmother gave it to the courier, who very cleverly deceived the old lady. The police open an investigation in which every second counts. By the evening, the money should be transferred to the account at the clinic where the child's procedure is to be performed. Suspicion first falls on the girl's father. This is one of the leads to check. Footage from a camera in the estate confirms that the man was hanging around the area just before the theft. Meanwhile, the police also intervene in a fight at a go-kart track. The cashier had a fight with a customer who tried to enter using fake tickets. Patrol six reaches the track to solve the case. Marek tries to persuade Natalia to return home. The policewoman doesn't want to hear about it until Iza, his ex-wife, moves out. Will the policeman manage to solve this private problem?


20x1130 Odcinek 1130

20x1130 Odcinek 1130

  • 2024-03-29T18:00:00Z45m

In one of the student dorms, a mother is looking for her daughter. He asks the policemen for help. Patrol seven responds to the report. The police find blood in the missing woman's room. A moment later, the officer on duty informs that an unconscious girl has been found in the forest and that she is most likely the student she is looking for. In the hospital, it turns out that the girl had a mixture of drugs in her blood that could have been fatal for her, and she also had a deep head wound. Patrol seven opens an investigation into an attempted murder. A police technician looks for clues in the student's room, and the girl's laptop is additionally secured. The first suspicions fall on the victim's immediate environment. The police are looking for her roommate and ex-boyfriend. Meanwhile, Patrol Seven is conducting a parallel investigation, this time into Levan's case. The man vanished into thin air after the last shooting.


20x1131 Odcinek 1131

20x1131 Odcinek 1131

  • 2024-04-01T17:00:00Z45m

The fifth patrol, consisting of Lena Kamińska and Emilia Drawska-Zapała, finds an unconscious man in a ditch during the morning patrol. There are no traces of the accident. The police suspect that the man was deliberately abandoned in this place. Unfortunately, they don't find any documents with him. The injured person only has a characteristic chain with him, which the police officers take for analysis. It turns out that he is in the city with his wife. After interrogating her, the main suspect becomes a man who employs emigrants to do physical work and for whom the injured party also worked. Meanwhile, Juliusz decides to cheer up the new policeman. Will Nowy like Poniatowski's joke?


20x1132 Odcinek 1132

20x1132 Odcinek 1132

  • 2024-04-02T17:00:00Z45m

Police officers from patrol six receive an invitation to appear on breakfast television. They are supposed to talk about online safety. Everything is going great on the set, but after the program ends, their presence in the film studio turns out to be essential. The presenter of the program finds the producer covered in blood. It turns out that the man is dead. Staff midshipmen Mróz and Korwicki begin investigating the murder. The first suspicion falls on one of the participants of the TV program. He was last seen arguing with the murdered producer and threatening him. A moment later, the police find a suspicious man threatening another participant of the program. The man is arrested. Will the police manage to close the case with the first suspect? Igor, Marek's son, celebrates his birthday. Natalia shows up at the party prepared by Iza, Igor's mother. This leads to an awkward situation.


20x1133 Odcinek 1133

20x1133 Odcinek 1133

  • 2024-04-03T17:00:00Z45m

The police station is planning a manhunt for the man responsible for killing a young policeman. The seventh patrol is primarily involved in the case. Meanwhile, a man appears at the reception claiming to have killed someone. Commander Witacki delegates Białach and Góral to check this report first. It turns out that the case happened twenty-five years ago. Apparently, during an argument, the man killed another with a knife and buried him in the park. The police go with the suspect to the place where the body is hidden. Unfortunately, there is no longer a park in the indicated location, but there is a skyscraper with offices there. Meanwhile, the daughter of a self-proclaimed murderer appears at the police station... The police also find a clue that may confirm the crime from the past.


20x1134 Odcinek 1134

20x1134 Odcinek 1134

  • 2024-04-04T17:00:00Z45m

The officer on duty comes to policewomen from patrol five to report a domestic disturbance. Deputy Commissioner Kamińska and Senior Sergeant Drawska-Zapała go to the indicated address. At the scene, the police officers meet a neighbor who called the police station. The woman claims that the argument is over, but she suspects that the husband may have killed his wife, since there is silence in the apartment next door. Patrol five is banging on the door. The door is opened by a frightened woman who denies any trouble. A moment later, an aggressive husband appears right behind his wife. The policemen barely manage to stop him. After being transported to the police station, the man loses consciousness in the interrogation room... Meanwhile, a journalist appears at the police station and wants to interview Emilka. The policewoman is not convinced about this conversation, but Juliusz has no secrets, even from journalists.


20x1135 Odcinek 1135

20x1135 Odcinek 1135

  • 2024-04-05T17:00:00Z45m

A concerned woman calls the police and claims that she cannot get to her grandmother's house. Police officers from patrol six go to investigate this report. Inside the house, the police find a man who claims to be helping an elderly woman. However, the owner only went for a walk. The suspicious person is taken to the police station to give a statement. Meanwhile, staff midshipmen Mróz and Korwicki are searching the area for the missing woman. A moment later they find a woman in a serious condition under the viaduct... The police open an investigation and try to find out who the people from the injured old lady's immediate surroundings are. Natalia decides to take private matters into her own hands and invites Marek on a special date.


20x1136 Odcinek 1136

20x1136 Odcinek 1136

  • 2024-04-08T17:00:00Z45m

Patrol seven notices something disturbing while patrolling the streets. The police discover an unconscious taxi driver in a taxi standing on the side of the road. The man has a T-shirt around his neck. All traces at the scene indicate that it was a robbery. The main suspect is the last passenger of the taxi. It turns out that the man is wanted for two years for robbery. The police locate the suspect in his fiancée's apartment. The detained person does not confess to anything, and the police only have circumstantial evidence. A moment later, a new clue appears. The injured taxi driver's wife is convinced that the attack could have been related to his gambling problems. The injured party lost small amounts of money in poker. However, his wife suspects that he borrowed more money. Meanwhile, Juliusz decides to train the new policeman Bartek in self-defense techniques. What does the constable say?


20x1137 Odcinek 1137

20x1137 Odcinek 1137

  • 2024-04-09T17:00:00Z45m

The fifth patrol begins service with a changed composition. Deputy Commissioner Lena Kamińska is accompanied by Constable Bartosz Sołtys, who is very excited about the opportunity to work in the field. The policemen's first task is to collect a statement from a woman who, apparently, saw two fans suspected of robbery. The woman does not want to let the police into the apartment, but indicates the whereabouts of the wanted people. A moment later, the police find one of them. He is beaten, has cuts on his body and a broken nose. The man goes to hospital. The police find traces of amphetamines in his apartment. The detainee fills his mouth with water. To find the second wanted fan, the police decide to set up a stunt. Bartek enters the fan community as one of them. Will the trick used solve the case? Emilka is devastated after a newspaper article defaming her. Jacek, on duty, tries to help his colleague.


20x1138 Odcinek 1138

20x1138 Odcinek 1138

  • 2024-04-10T17:00:00Z45m

Patrol six, composed of staff aspirants - Mróz and Korwicki, are called to attack the owner of a bar. The reporting party saw the thief snatch the woman's purse and threaten her with what may have been a weapon. The police have to hurry because the witness of the attack is chasing the thief himself. When they get there, it turns out that the chaser caught the wrong man. At least that's what the injured woman says. Moments later, the would-be thief is hospitalized with a concussion after being beaten. Patrol Six is convinced that the case is suspicious and one of the parties is definitely lying. The leading clue is a recording from city surveillance. On the same day, Natalia and Marek intervene in a neighborly quarrel. Patrol Six helps with a complicated inheritance case. Meanwhile, at the police station, Sergeant Juliusz Poniatowski offers his help in organizing the wedding of a couple from the sixth patrol. Will Marek and Natalia use the offer?


20x1139 Odcinek 1139

20x1139 Odcinek 1139

  • 2024-04-11T17:00:00Z45m

Patrol seven receives a report of an assault with theft. A witness tells the details of the incident. A man wearing a balaclava jumped out of the car, attacked a passerby and took his bag. The victim's wife claims that the bag contained the entire month's proceeds, several thousand zlotys. Fortunately, the witness of the incident remembered the car's registration number, thanks to which the police can move the investigation forward. A moment later they find the owner of the car. Unfortunately, it turns out that his car has recently been stolen and this is where the trail ends... On the same day, the police intervene in the case of an attempted murder. A teenager calls the police and claims that her parents are trying to murder her. Aspirant Białach and assistant commissioner Bachleda set off on the signal to help the girl... Mikołaj Białach invites his friends to the new house he arranged with Ida. The policeman can't wait to meet his loved ones.


20x1140 Odcinek 1140

20x1140 Odcinek 1140

  • 2024-04-12T17:00:00Z45m

A young woman calls the police and claims that her father is unconscious at home. She can't get in herself because she doesn't have the keys. Patrol five goes to help. Once there, the police decide to break down the door. Inside, they actually find a man lying on the floor. The victim has a clotted wound on the back of his head after being hit with a blunt instrument. After the technician's inspection, it turns out that the injured party must have let the attacker in himself, as there were no signs of forced entry. During the interrogation, the daughter introduces people from her father's immediate environment. The first suspicion falls on an accomplice with whom the victim had a tense relationship. Patrol five must follow up on this lead. Lena has been feeling unwell for some time. The policewoman has her suspicions. Tomek Szulc persuades his partner to take a pregnancy test.


20x1141 Odcinek 1141

20x1141 Odcinek 1141

  • 2024-04-15T17:00:00Z45m

During the morning briefing, duty officer Jacek Nowak assigns a task to patrol six. Accompanied by two policemen from the anti-terrorist unit, they are to take down an illegal alcohol factory. This time, the counterfeit alcohol is of very poor quality and threatens the lives of consumers. The police are already receiving information about a wave of poisonings in the city after drinking this particular drink. The police manage to arrest two people involved in this illegal production. One of them is a chemistry professor who takes the quality of the product very seriously and does not admit to accusations of poisoning people. A moment later, a legal alcohol producer appears at the police station and wishes to thank him for stopping the fraudsters who were unequal competition for his company. Marek has a feeling that the whole case has a deeper meaning and decides to find all the pieces of this puzzle.


20x1142 Odcinek 1142

20x1142 Odcinek 1142

  • 2024-04-16T17:00:00Z45m

In one of the housing estates, a man shouts criminal threats. Patrol seven goes to the site to check the report from concerned residents. It turns out that the entire argument and shouting is staged as part of a show involving two men. These are fighters preparing to take part in an arranged fight. The men do not respond to the policemen's warnings, so one of them is detained by the police. The detainee turns out to be a famous rapper who wants to collect money for the operation of his paralyzed sister through the fight. This fact slightly changes the attitude of the policemen. However, a moment later it turns out that the rapper's intentions are not entirely pure. Meanwhile, Mikołaj Białach decides to find Ida on his own. He wants to hear from her why she decided to suddenly disappear from his life.


20x1143 Odcinek 1143

20x1143 Odcinek 1143

  • 2024-04-17T17:00:00Z45m

Emilka is called to school about Tośek's deteriorating grades. In the classroom, a policewoman witnesses one of the students being bullied. A moment later, it turns out that the student came to class with a self-made bomb. The boy also has a gun, which he aims at his classmates one by one. Emilka sends a text message to Lena asking for help. Deputy Commissioner Lena Kamińska immediately reports to the school principal. The policewoman is accompanied by Constable Bartosz Sołtys. It turns out that there are more bombs at the school. The director himself has one of them in his office. The police order the evacuation of the entire school. Sappers arrive on site. The boy's teacher from the orphanage also shows up. From him, the police learn the difficult story of a child that no one wanted. Meanwhile, in the classroom with hostages, Tosiek cannot stand the tension and provokes the attacker with a gun. A shot is fired. Now Constable Bartek steps in and has his own idea to save the situation.


20x1144 Odcinek 1144

20x1144 Odcinek 1144

  • 2024-04-18T17:00:00Z45m

Staff aspirants Natalia Mróz and Marek Korwicki intervene in the theft of tickets for an important football match. They go to the stadium office about this matter. On site, they meet with the sales manager and his assistant. It turns out that several hundred tickets were lost. There are no signs of forced entry on the safe. The office employees, including the cleaning lady, are questioned. Unfortunately, there is no monitoring at the place of the theft, which makes the investigation much more difficult. Meanwhile, the manager's assistant shows up at the police station. He reveals that everyone working at the stadium is afraid of hooligans. According to the woman, fans come to the office as if for themselves, take tickets for free, threaten the players, the coach and the stadium staff. When the police asked why no one reported it, the assistant claimed it was for fear of retaliation. Patrol six decides to look into the whole matter.


20x1145 Odcinek 1145

20x1145 Odcinek 1145

  • 2024-04-19T17:00:00Z45m

A woman calls the police station after hearing shots near the old warehouses. Duty officer Jacek Nowak sends the seventh patrol to check this report. Unfortunately, staff aspirant Mikołaj Białach did not show up for duty. Constable Bartosz Sołtys is assigned to the pair of Assistant Commissioner Miłosz Bachleda. The police rush to the scene of the report. In empty post-factory rooms they find traces of blood and 9mm shell casings. The police ask the officer on duty to send a police technician. A little further, the seventh patrol finds a girl who, hearing the shots, got scared and tried to run away. While escaping, she fell and dislocated her leg. The girl turns out to be an important witness to the event, but she also causes a lot of confusion in the investigation. Meanwhile, Miłosz is very worried about Mikołaj. After duty, he decides to look for his patrol partner.


20x1146 Odcinek 1146

20x1146 Odcinek 1146

  • 2024-04-22T17:00:00Z45m

In high school, one of the students suffers from an epileptic attack. The school principal notifies the police because he suspects that the boy is under the influence of an illegal substance. Additionally, other students find a bottle with a suspicious liquid in his backpack. This case is dealt with by the fifth patrol, composed of Assistant Commissioner Lena Kamińska and Constable Bartosz Sołtys. Most students refuse to cooperate and do not want to talk to the police. One girl volunteers. The student claims that she knows exactly who is distributing illegal substances around school. Thanks to her testimony and school surveillance recordings, the police are getting closer to solving the mystery. Meanwhile, duty officer Jacek Nowak helps his colleague. This time it's a special task - you have to combine professional duties with taking care of your friend's daughter. Will Jacek be able to rise to the challenge?


20x1147 Odcinek 1147

20x1147 Odcinek 1147

  • 2024-04-23T17:00:00Z45m

The sixth patrol is sent to a restaurant where one of the customers fainted. The victim's wife claims that the man was intentionally poisoned. The victim of the poisoning is a well-known food critic who wrote an unfavorable review about the restaurant some time ago. Thus, he could endanger the owners. According to the woman, they took revenge on her husband. Of course, none of the owners admits guilt. The police are also questioning cooks and employees. Everyone has something behind their ears, but are they also a murderer? Toxicology indicates botulism poisoning. Now the police are searching the premises to find the poison. Monitoring proves useful in the investigation. It is thanks to one of the recordings that a potential murderer is located. Meanwhile, Marek Korwicki has a serious problem in his private life. The policeman must deal with information that he did not expect at all.


20x1148 Odcinek 1148

20x1148 Odcinek 1148

  • 2024-04-24T17:00:00Z45m

Sergeant Juliusz Poniatowski decides to save the command on his own. The policeman is convinced that the recent bad events that have befallen many of his colleagues are caused by a curse placed on the police station. Julius hires a shaman to ward off evil spells. Meanwhile, Assistant Commissioner Bachleda and Staff Aspirant Białach go to respond to the call. In a boxing gym, a ring referee aims a gun at another man. It turns out that the whole row was provoked by a disgruntled parent after a tournament in which his son lost. Despite the presence of policemen, the brawl does not subside. A moment later, fistfights break out. During the investigation, other facts come to light that incriminate the men involved in the conflict. After a difficult day of service and difficult experiences in his private life, Mikołaj Białach also decides to train with boxing gloves.


20x1149 Odcinek 1149

20x1149 Odcinek 1149

  • 2024-04-25T17:00:00Z45m

Constable Bartek Sołtys' cousin appears at the police station. The woman comes with her several-year-old son. It turns out that the son found the body of a woman while playing football. The boy leads patrol five to the scene. A moment later, the police discover that the woman is in a very serious condition, but is still alive. From the hospital where the injured woman was taken, the police receive information that the woman has just given birth. The police did not see the newborn. A large-scale search begins. The fifth patrol also goes to the orphanage where the injured party was raised. They obtain information about her past from the director of the facility. They get the address of the mother whose parental rights have been terminated. The next clue turns out to be the young woman's boyfriend. He claims that his fiancée should be in Norway now. Nobody has any idea what really happened.


20x1150 Odcinek 1150

20x1150 Odcinek 1150

  • 2024-04-26T17:00:00Z45m

A tourist is attacked in the city center. It turns out that this is not an isolated case. Police officers from patrol six go to the scene. They question the tourist about the circumstances of the incident, and a moment later they go to the place where the injured person was staying. At the hostel, they talk to the owner and try to find a clue. The woman gives the policemen from patrol six photos of men who recently tried to extort tribute from her. He suspects that they may be the same ones responsible for attacking foreign guests. The police go looking for the indicated men. Meanwhile, Natalia comes up with an idea to go to the cinema together. Unexpectedly, Igor shows up at the meeting with someone else. Marek is completely surprised.


20x1151 Odcinek 1151

20x1151 Odcinek 1151

  • 2024-04-29T17:00:00Z45m

While patrolling the streets, officers Mikołaj Białach and Miłosz Bachleda receive information from their officer on duty about the earlier incident. Men aged around sixty received the blows. The injured person is in normal condition. At the scene of the seventh patrol, they met rescuers who took the victim to the hospital. Emergency response from a dog owner who becomes separated from a man in front of his shop. A moment later, the wife of the attacked man arrives at the scene. A woman suspects that the attacker may be a man who has been her long-time husband, and a suspicious photo appears on her cell phone. The police recognized him as a criminal convicted years ago for armed robbery... Meanwhile, off-duty Mikołaj Białach cannot find the key to the house. A moment later you can see that his apartment door is open. Mikołaj ushered inside. What will we find when we live there?


20x1152 Odcinek 1152

20x1152 Odcinek 1152

  • 2024-04-30T17:00:00Z45m

Police officers from patrol five receive a call regarding a neighborly quarrel. The matter is so serious that one of the neighbors accuses another of killing several chickens and pigs from the farm. On site, the police will learn the details of the conflict. It turns out that the neighbors are arguing about political issues. However, killing animals is a serious crime. Veterinary services are called to check what the animals were poisoned with. The accused neighbor does not admit to anything, but does not want to cooperate with the police. Additionally, he stole one of the dead hens, which his wife used to cook broth. A moment later, the woman goes to hospital with symptoms of poisoning... Meanwhile, Lena is going through a difficult time. She decides not to talk about her problems to her family.


20x1153 Odcinek 1153

20x1153 Odcinek 1153

  • 2024-05-01T17:00:00Z45m

The first intervention for patrol six concerns an incident in the parking lot. The woman hit the reporting person's car with her door and wanted to drive away without saying a word. When identifying the woman, the personal data she provides does not match the documents. The police take the suspect to the police station. They need to find out who they are dealing with and why the detained person provided false information. It turns out that this is a wanted person, incapacitated by her husband due to a diagnosed mental illness. The detainee does not want to return home. The police have no choice but to notify her guardian. A moment later, the husband appears at the police station. However, Sergeant Poniatowski's intuition tells him that something is wrong in this case. Juliusz decides to investigate on his own. Meanwhile, Natalia is waiting for an important shipment. The parcel arrives at the police station, but a moment later it disappears under mysterious circumstances.


20x1154 Odcinek 1154

20x1154 Odcinek 1154

  • 2024-05-02T17:00:00Z45m

Patrol seven receives a report of the theft of significant cash. The injured person shows up at the police station. He has evidence in the case, a flat tire from his car. The man describes in detail the incident during which he was robbed and also provides a description of the person suspected of the crime. Thanks to the man's detailed account, the police have a good starting point. Additionally, it turns out that this is not the first case of theft right after visiting the bank. The police begin their investigation by checking the area around this institution. They are assisted in the investigation by a florist who has seen suspicious individuals hanging around the area several times. Patrol seven, during routine activities, also discovers that the injured party has committed a crime because he runs a gambling business. Mikołaj Białach and Miłosz Bachleda have a day full of excitement. Unfortunately, things are not any calmer after the service.


20x1155 Odcinek 1155

20x1155 Odcinek 1155

  • 2024-05-03T17:00:00Z45m

The police carry out the first intervention in the hospital. They were called by a concerned doctor. A boy was admitted to the ward with a burnt esophagus. The injured party ate some very spicy mixture and an allergic reaction occurred. A moment later, young people approach the police and claim that the boy took part in the challenge and won. It turns out that he is a famous internet celebrity. The doctor asks the police to protect the celebrity from the press and fans. For this special task, they appoint Sergeant Juliusz Poniatowski. Unfortunately, the policeman gets involved in the competition himself and a moment later he becomes another hospital patient. The fifth patrol decides to check who is really making money from harming teenagers.


20x1156 Odcinek 1156

20x1156 Odcinek 1156

  • 2024-05-06T17:00:00Z45m

The city police receives a report from the hospital. In the morning, an elderly woman was brought in who had fainted in her apartment at night. Apparently, something scared the woman to death. Patrol Six must obtain more information from the injured party to open an investigation. In a conversation with the police, the woman assures that her apartment is haunted by ghosts. She recently inherited this place from her deceased sister, and strange things have been happening there since the beginning. The sixth patrol, consisting of staff midshipmen Korwicki and Mróz, goes with the injured party and her granddaughter to the apartment. Once there, Marek and Natalia carefully check every corner, but nothing catches their attention. Suddenly, a dull, terrifying sound is heard from the bedroom - something like a muffled howl. The police cannot find the source of the sound.


20x1157 Odcinek 1157

20x1157 Odcinek 1157

  • 2024-05-07T17:00:00Z45m

The officer on duty, Jacek Nowak, brings information to patrol seven about a new report. The witness saw a man packing a large black bag, about 10 kg, into the trunk. Blood was dripping from the bag and, according to the witness, it looked as if there was a dismembered body inside. Mikołaj Białach and Miłosz Bachleda go into the field to verify the information from the report. The police manage to locate the suspect. It turns out that the man is a cook and transports quartered meat. The man admits that it is stolen goods. The police go to the restaurant from which it was taken. Once there, the whole thing is gaining momentum. In the back room, the police find the restaurant owner and her husband bound and gagged. Now Patrol Seven begins its official investigation. Meanwhile, former police psychologist Ida Szumiec is being interrogated at the police station. Mikołaj Białach manages to overhear her testimony. What will the policeman find out about his girlfriend?


20x1158 Odcinek 1158

20x1158 Odcinek 1158

  • 2024-05-08T17:00:00Z45m

A group of teenagers had a fight with security guards of a shopping mall. The fifth patrol, composed of Bartosz Sołtys and Lena Kamińska, arrives at the scene of the incident near the gallery. It turns out that young people have been harassing customers of this mall for some time now. A security guard who tried to stop them was beaten. The police manage to arrest one of the members of the youth gang. Unfortunately, the leader of the group remains elusive. It turns out that the teenager is the son of a known criminal. Patrol five goes to the criminal's house to find his son. Moments later, the wanted teenager is found in a critical condition. Someone beat him unconscious. The five policemen open an investigation. Ania brings home a new boyfriend. Lena is very surprised to see her daughter's companion.


20x1159 Odcinek 1159

20x1159 Odcinek 1159

  • 2024-05-09T17:00:00Z45m

There is a small renovation going on at the police station, which slightly disorganizes the policemen's work. Meanwhile, the first report appears. A several-year-old boy who noticed a fire in his neighbors' house calls the dispatcher. At the scene, the police force the door open. Thanks to their quick intervention, Marek and Natalia save the woman's life. It turns out that the victim did not suffer from smoke poisoning, but was attacked with a knife. The woman is bleeding heavily from a stomach wound. From conversations with neighbors, suspicion falls on her husband, from whom the victim is in the process of divorcing. Patrol six tries to track down the man. I finally manage to intercept him on the bus to Germany. The man doesn't admit to anything. However, he draws the attention of patrol six to one of the neighbors. Igor, Marek's son, visits his friend Maja in the hospital. It turns out that the girl is very sick.


20x1160 Odcinek 1160

20x1160 Odcinek 1160

  • 2024-05-10T17:00:00Z45m

A young couple is attacked while returning from the cinema. The attack is robbery in nature. A young man tries to stand up to a criminal and is attacked with a blunt instrument. He goes to hospital. Meanwhile, policemen from patrol seven go to the scene to find traces of the crime. Miłosz Bachleda finds the wallet of the attacked man. There is no money in the wallet, but the police find amphetamine in one of the compartments. Patrol seven returns to the hospital to question the owner of the find. However, a moment earlier, the man had signed out at his own request and disappeared from sight. The police start searching. Meanwhile, at the police station, police officers are celebrating a small success of one of their own.




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