The fact that apparently everyone (surely not) decided that they would abandon their loved ones and family and life outside work i.e starfleet, was ludicrous. If my work told me we’re all heading into the future 930 years I’d say ok cool, good luck with that. But I guess if nobody went it would just be the Michael Burnham show, well, no change there then.

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What the fuck's going on with that prologue?
Me Hani Ika Hali Ka Po had only previously appeared in ST:Short Trek S01E01 'Runaway'.

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So incredibly cheesy, makes it hard to watch.

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The first episode is less a calm before the storm episode, and more a stationary bicycle. The wheels are spinning, but it's going nowhere. I've enjoyed much of this series, but this episode felt unnecessary. Even watching it, as I did, along with the season finale, it did little more than tread water. The big emotional moments felt rushed, when there was ample room for them to breathe, and the space talk and explosion bits felt laboured, and given that they were there only to foreshadow similar scenes in the episode to come, they felt overplayed.

(More on this two-parter in Star Trek: Discovery "Such Sweet Sorrow: Part Two")

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It has become interesting the preparation of the season finale, I hope something big. The problem is that this chapter can be counted the 10 minutes being generous

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I wish there was more diversity in the cinematography. Sure, there is a lot of spinning around and upside angles, but I feel like we never get to see the Discovery from a completely different angle, like what it feels like to walk through those halls as Georgiou, as Tilly, as Pike, or as Saru. To feel the structure of it all empower you, or make you feel small and timid.

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Hello Hollywood! The next time some lazy ass writer suggests time travel...shoot him. This crap is just so boring, illogical and shitful of plotholes. Not to mention all those useless boring worthless emotional and sentimental fillers.

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Wow, they decided to have a whole episodes filled with just awful parts of the show:overacting, fake drama, bad dialogue. And oh my god, reaction shots. Do we really need to to see every character reacting to every sentence someone else said?

90% of the this episode were emotional speeches and reaction shots.
The actual content would fit in 5 minutes.

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What a great episode to lead i to the season finale. Those involved with Trek, today, are killing it and i cant wait for all the new series and properties to come out for more goodness.

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Please be over and show people that fans don't deserve another trek for being a-holes. I really hope they cancel the show as they did with enterprise so we can have stupid people in the future complaining about how it was a good show and was still finding it's ways when it was cancelled. I pray for the ending of this franchise everyday so the fans only has to enjoy what they have - wich is always great and a lot ot content, despite they complaining otherwise - and never again see somebody try to do something for the franchise because they know fans are just to moronic to enjoy anything besides their own misconceptions of what trek should be.

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Well, @balazs955 inspired me to leave a comment that this episode is just another disappointment. >70% of this episode was full of pathos and preceding weeping, terribly written and acted as (almost) always when STD gets emotional. What makes this even more absurd is that half of the weeping was pointless, as most of the crew decides to join the mission at the end.

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Just a heads up for y'all. Nobody cares if you don't like this episode, season, series. Maybe stop watching and complaining under every episode and just get out of here.

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Take away the sappy and overdone goodbyes for a character we know isn't going anywhere and you have about a 30-minute episode...

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What a mess of an episode

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Shout by Ahmed Hamdy
BlockedParent2019-04-12T21:53:41Z— updated 2019-04-19T15:16:45Z

I wanted to give it 4/10 but the only thing made me give it a +2 is the extra time we had with the Enterprise <3

This series is seriously fucked up! And again, for the trillionth time, I don't like Michael at all, I skip almost all of her acting scene! Damn, I am skipping a lot with each episode.

The episode was very weak, it felt fake...

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I thought this episode had its ups and downs. There were several things I liked. The docking of the ships. The color contrast between the two crews and ships. We've seen that before but never to this degree. The interactions between Michael and Georgiou. "I thought there were no bad ideas?" Most of Georgiou's scenes were really good. The bit with her and Pike at the end was great. Number One bringing along some strike fighter. The whole shuttle/fighter scene was very reminiscent of Star Fleet Battles the game. That gives it a bonus point.

Some things I liked less. All the goodbye speeches. I just don't feel enough for most of the characters for this type of thing to work. We know most of the characters not from Enterprise will continue to see each other. I hated being reminded of Micheal's mother building a super time travel suit that seems to be behold Next Gen technologies. The Vulcan telepathic hologram mind power also fit the category of things I try not to remember.

I'm sure I could add to both lists but it's enough.

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At first I was like "muhuh" and then was like "oh?" which quickly made me go "Wahah yeah". Then I was like "pft" which turned into "sigh" and made me go "urgh". I eyerolled so much my eyeballs almost dropped out of my sockets, thankfully for me (and all my unborn offspring) my other balls firmly stayed where they were unlike most male characters' in this episode (however few there are).

I'm 35 minutes in now and I'm almost bursting into tears... Not due to all the emotions they are attempting to show in every single scene but due to the "fact" (I'll put these " " here just for the heck of it) it's so godawful I fear the era of descent True Trek is gone. I'm in agony as it keeps going and going and going and going... You're my rock Dazzy! You're... * insert gif of man scraping his skin open from Hellraiser 2*

Was I not raising a couple of children with wooden swords and a good balance of emotions and "sucking it up" I'd fear for the future. Thankfully there's still hope...

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and still for what reason ever people on Trakt rated Std good. insane.

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I am actually shocked that they did not spend an entire 45 minutes of this episode to show every each of Discovery’s crew members, which we met through two seasons, saying their goodbyes.

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I am not really watching any more I just let it run in the background but, man, what a yawn fest.

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I stopped watching at the 12 minute mark...happy that this STD had finally ended...good riddance...headcannon complete.

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