I enjoyed this. I'm liking the way Rowena has been adopted into the group. If someone time travel back a few years and told the younger Sam and Dean that they would adopt a Nephilim and partner with a witch, the look on their faces would be something.

I also don't think the Michael arc is over. I think that he will seem gone for a while then things will change. I think they have combined Jack and Michael on purpose. If Jack could have killed Michael so easily why would all of Death's books end the same way?

My guess is because Jack burned off so much of his soul that Michael will begin to slowly exert control or influence. Jack will need to be put in the box and dropped in the Ocean.

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Jack did all the work in this one.

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I like Rowena, I hope she's in it more often. NO, everyone is not okay, FFS!

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Nice ending! Curious to see how Jack's soul is

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Yeah, that beginning scene looked totally realistic. Y'know, because it's so easy to cleanly rip those out.

"I'm not dying." XD He can be a little sassy when he wants to be.

Why would that even work on Cas? He should have a different biology.

So many things to complain about regarding the end. I'm mad if they keep it this way, and I'm mad if they reverse it at the last minute again. Supernatural writers, do you not realize you've been writing and rewriting the same old story for years now? It's time for something new...


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I'm starting to wonder (after 14 seasons) if it's a concious decision of the writers to always have the "big-bad" battles be underwhelming and almost "too easy". This is, ofcourse and luckely, not the season finale so there's something else bound to happen but still... And there's something to be said about it that makes this a valid choice I guess?

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