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The Orville: Season 3

3x09 Domino

Victor Garber has the best lines in the entire series. They sum up everything that The Planetary Union is about, and, by extension, the entire series. He delivers them to perfection.

Kaylon Prime: We have reviewed the organizational structure of your council and its history of deliberations. What you call representative democracy is a most inefficient form of governance.

Admiral Halsey: Maybe, but the one thing you can say for democracy is that all other forms of government are even worse. Over thousands of years and on countless planets, it's the best system anyone's ever come up to ensure the strong don't dominate the weak, at least not for long.

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On any other show Charly's arc would have been trash, but the team writing this show wrote that arc so very well. I like that her growth wasn't a revelation in her last moments, but that it was done over time. Great episode. Fantastic show.

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Damn. Charly was a bitch, but I'm emotional.

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Charly is definitely a horrible person and a terrible officer. Stop buttering her up Ed.

Thankfully Charly is dead! Yay! At least she didn't suck at being an officer for once.

I loved Isaac's eulogy. It was incredibly moving. Charly did ultimately do the right thing when the time came and her sacrifice was definitely worth recognizing. But she was a completely worthless human being the rest of the season.

For as much as I hate on Charly, Anne Winters seems like a really sweet person. She definitely nails the character. It would be interesting to meet her and see what she is really like. She is definitely talented. I love her singing with Grimes.

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I have not yet written a comment in response to a particular episode, yet here I am. The Orville Season 3 Episode 9: Domino was absolute magic. I texted a best friend, just before the conclusion, these words: "The Orville is out Star-Trekking Star Trek."

This episode was a glorious fulfillment of the innumerous emotions to which the show has brought us. We have so far, to name only a few, dealt with drama, conquest, and power struggle, only at the end to be given an indescribably beautiful revelation of the arc of this story.

Given, in my opinion, the first season of The Orville was supremely mediocre, I never once anticipated a future episode would draw me to tears... and...


Please watch

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Charly should have had more on screen character development and her sacrifice would have been more meaningful. We got almost an entire season of her hating the Kaylon and Isaac and then we find out that they just became okay working together after the ending of last week's episode? I can see how it happened, but it would have been nice to actually SEE it happen.

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Yes well what can we say about this episode.

I guess the caption for this episode would be, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". Again this episode as has all this seasons episodes have challenged the viewer with some big questions that thankfully most of us wouldn't need to address, not in this magnitude anyway. But it is still worth looking inside oneself to ask these life and moral questions and moreso to realise the answers that come up.

You gotta give kudos for the excellent battle scenes - kinda 'Star Wars' epic! Well done to all concerned.
Great performances from the cast, everyone is excelling in this season... there must be good vibes on set, it shows. Hulu is doing the right thing to and for the show.

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A bland but well constructed space movie. Too obviously constructed for my taste however. This is basically THE blueprint.
What I must praise is that this could really be a standalone movie. Even all the elements like previously established relationships or children do not need the knowledge but the viewer can just build his own picture with the information at hand. And I must say this is actually more enjoyable because it would be less on the nose storytelling. But well this is just an observation since this is NOT a standalone movie.

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The shuttle that takes the device from Earth to the waiting Krill ship is numbered ECV-197-1, matching the Orville's shuttle. The question is, is it really one of the titular ship's pods or is it the result of lazy VFX work? Personally, I lean toward the latter; another pod numbered ECV-197-1 is clearly visible in Orville's shuttle bay when the Kaylon pod docks about halfway through the episode, and in later scenes. (Looking at you, Defiant. It's the Sao Paulo all over again.)

I am frustrated by how shallow this episode seems, despite its attempts to seem deep. Getting too far into it would be major spoilers, but let's just say there are a lot of ships critically damaged or destroyed in this episode that go completely unacknowledged. The cynic in me says that "you know why" there's only one casualty we seem to care about. Maybe the next (and final?) episode will address the rest.


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This show IS amazing. It's exciting to see what mite happen now in the future. Bring on the last episode and then season 4.

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Unlike many others I really liked Charlie. First they killed Hemmer and now her. :sob:

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wtf......... Charly :'( the best thing about season 3.

I am not sure if I can really like this Starwars episode much. It's one big remake of the attack on the DeathStar in orbit around Endor, even including the base door leading to the power source. Only thing missing is some furry knock off of the Ewoks, where I guess the Kaylon come in - instead.

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I started watching this show as a Star Trek fan needing a 'Trek' comedy. It delivered and I was hooked and enjoyed the first two seasons. Then they revamped it for Hulu and it got serious. I've spent season 3 getting to know characters I already thought I knew and falling in love with a show that I originally only expected to get a few laughs at. I have seen almost every episode and series that Star Trek has put out and I would put this episode up there with the best of them. In fact this whole season makes me want to go back and watch old Trek (TOS, TNG, DS9) just to compare it. If this comment gets read by any Orville cast or crew, job well done. Thank you for entertaining me beyond expectations. I hope this isn't a farewell but an anticipation of another season of magic and goodness.

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Didn't think an unfeeling artificial being's eulogy of another character I previously disliked would ever make me cry, but here we are.

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It’s rare a show makes me tear up. It’s even more rare when a show manages to make me tear up twice. I hope The Orville gets a season 4 because this show is one of the best I’ve ever seen.

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spectacular episode, those conversations between delegations. They must have spent the budget here

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Shout by Manuel Tassi
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-07-29T09:07:20Z— updated 2022-08-21T02:14:01Z

At first, I hated Ensign Burke for her bigotry. But as the story evolved, she grew and I felt attached to that character. Then this episode comes, she dies, no, she sacrifice herself to save the beings she hated so much. This destroyed my heart and I was almost crying during Isaac's speech.

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What a stupid fucking plot. I could tolerate some earlier episodes but this seals the deal for me… I’m done with this terrible, pointless piece of shit show.

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A really great episode. This is how sci-fi shows should be.

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awesome episode. wraps up the season perfectly.

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Shout by Ana

Amazing episode, though I'm really sad they killed off Charly, she was starting to grow on me.

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Why the hell is the Orville's chief engineer piloting a fighter in a battle???

Also this episode is very clearly just Star Wars.

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Enjoyable but derivative. Could have been plotted better.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Another episode that crammed a lot into it. New alliances, special weapon out of nowhere and a 180 on the Kaylon war.
A decent arc for Charly tbh but there was plenty of mehh about the episode.
A whole ass homage to star wars was a bit unnecessary, why does Malloy get so much screen attention? Did we really need to see him sing again? And why does the writing for Kelly always bring up her marriage/divorce from Ed/her cheating. The writers are obsessed! There are so many more interesting things they could be doing with this character. It's a decent dynamic that they're able to work together now but fucking hell leave it alone with the marriage stuff. Anyone would think Seth McFarlane wrote a Star Trek fantasy that ultimately all centres around him...

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Perhaps one of the greatest bits of science fiction on television I have ever seen.

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