



I agree with the sentiment that if a movie needs an explanation outside of itself then it’s not a perfect movie, however, once you read the theories this film takes on a whole nother level of genius. If i had gotten to the meaning of it by myself this movie would have a big round 10, but unfortunately it’s just a little too abstract for me to be completely satisfied by it. Jake is fucking incredible, i am seriously obsessed with him. And Villeneuve does an amazing job with his shot composition, atmosphere setting and suspense building. One of my favourite directors. I don’t doubt this movie might go up to a 9 on a second watch, maybe.


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Ferris Bueller's Day Off

i love all of it except for cameron's arc lol the actor that played him was pretty bad and the character didn't help.. if it wasn't for him this movie'd be a 10 for me lmfao but still amazing, and some sequences are freaking iconic. i love 80s and 90s teen movies so much


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The Domain

Trakt only allows you to write in English, for some reason so... An incredible performance from Albano Jerónimo in a movie that had everything to be successful until it got lost in a family melodrama, with an air of Os Maias, in its third acr. Even still, the first and second acts, with the Estado Novo and Revolução dos Cravos thematics told through an uncommon perspective, are super interesting and intriguing.

Uma performance incrivel de Albano Jerónimo num filme que tinha tudo para dar certo até se perder num melodrama familiar, com ar d’Os Maias, no seu terceiro ato. Ainda assim o primeiro e segundo atos, com a temática do Estado Novo e da Revolução dos Cravos contada através de uma perspetiva pouco comum, são super interessantes e intrigantes.

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Dickinson: Season 1

hi, im only on ep 2 but this is already my favourite show of all time. bye.

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Before Sunrise

This film takes everything that life and love and connection are all about and boils it all down to one dream-like time-stood-still night. It’s romantic but real, the awkwardness at the start is almost a turn-off because of how little you see it in movies, but in the end it makes it all feel even more attainable. Their connection grows and transports the story, making it almost impossible for you not to be transported with it.

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Dickinson: 1x09 ‘Faith’ is a fine invention

This episode is a masterpiece.

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Dickinson: 1x10 I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

i'm just really glad this show exists. one of my favourite things i've watched... ever. im in love love love love looove. emily dickinson, you are my hero.

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Knives Out

It was a fun movie, even if a bit messy and with a rather unsatisfying ending.

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Dead Poets Society

I know this film teaches you to dream, but it also shows just how dangerous dreaming can be when the real world so often, effectively and nonchalantly kills every last bit of belief and hope we let ourselves have as kids, as we grow up. Neil’s death is unbelievably painful to watch now after the world lost one of its greats, sir Robin Williams, in such a similar fashion. I guess we’re all lucky to have an entire film dedicated to how incredible and inspiring that man was. O captain, my captain!

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The Conversation

Great film about paranoia and the surveillance state. Memorable ending.

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Three Colors: White

Men are fucking deranged help... look at the lengths he went just to prove his virility.

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The Pursuit of Happyness
This Is Us: 5x07 There

Listen, I know this episode was incredibly melodramatic and the car crash and the scene at the airport were majorly over the top but then you'll have scenes like Jack and Kev at the bar, or the end scene and you're just like......... "how does this show do it every damn time....". How many episodes have we had about Jack as a father, Jack as a son, how many episodes have we had about family, both blood and found? And still, the most impactful This Is Us episodes are the ones that go back to the very pillars and essence of the show, rewrite the same scene we've seen about 10 times in a slightly different light, and hit you like a ton of bricks again, every single time. That's the magic of this show, and I understand that as time goes on it can't be as focused on Jack anymore, but there's no doubt that the very best episodes always revolve around him somehow.

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This Is Us: 5x08 In the Room

SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD. I love this show sm, it’s been more than 4 years and it STILL makes my heart full with almost every episode. This is a weird thought to have but I cannot wait till I have a family of my own and can rewatch this (my bad memory will make a lot of it feel like a first watch) and relive it all again.

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Brokeback Mountain

The quietness of this film seeps through you. At first it makes Ennis and Jack's relationship all the more genuine and moving, the way they can sit in silence up in the mountains and their actions of love are more electrifying than any lengthy, love-declaration filled dialogue could ever be. By the end, though, that quietness has transformed into soul-crushing loneliness, that which comes from living an entire life denied of the freedom to love the only person who completes you.

Brokeback is and will always be groundbreaking and, to this day, after decades of good LGBT+ cinema (boosted by this movie itself), it is still one of the very best, if not the best well-rounded characterisation of human sentiment in general, and queer experience in particular, to be seen on screen.

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The Father

Incredibly heartbreaking and so well made. Anthony Hopkins is a legend.

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Sex Education: Season 3

this show is very very well written

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Lilo & Stitch

Lilo has to be the cutest Disney character of all time! Lover her so much

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Almost Famous

“The only true currency in this bankrupt world, is what you share with someone else when you’re uncool.”

Oooooooh this is a classic

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For the first hour of this film I was so excited about it possibly being my first 10/10 rating of this award season but then they had Diana say, with her full chest, that she likes middle class things like les mis, phantom of the opera and fast food, and it just lost some credibility.

Why have all the films I’ve been watching lately had such poor third acts? It’s like filmmakers run out of ideas, but have to make feature length runtime so they just repeat the same themes over and over. Luckily, the themes in this movie were strong enough to hold it together for that shaky finish line, much like Stewart’s performance and the breathtaking photography, score and costume design. Screenplay was lacking at times and Directing was just good enough to make up for it. So a 9 it is!

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Kind of disturbing that this was all a twitter thread, kind of dystopian. Zola was a different approach to filmmaking and scriptwriting that I was curious to check out but the end-result was only so-so. The visuals are often stunning and the nods to the original platforms the stories were posted on were funny, but the narrative just wasn’t strong enough to hold a whole feature film.

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Finally. My first 10/10 movie of the 2022 Academy Awards. If a Disney movie wins over this, I’m rioting. Absolutely breathtaking. One of the best documentaries I have ever watched.

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 2x01 Soul Brother #1

Absolutely loved the directing in this episode, I didn't even know Lucy Liu was also a director! The pacing was better than the entire season 1 put together. Promising start, but I see she didn't direct any other one of the episodes.. So we'll see. I hope Claire sticks around but she's listed as a guest star, so who knows.

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Jesus Christ, this movie really takes you on the wildest freaking ride. So wild it excuses the slow pace, and almost justifies it, since it helps you sit with every emotion, every situation and every hardship, feel them and think about them. My favourite thing about the film is Azabal's performance, for sure. It does seem a bit far fetched and cruel, though, that after such an awful life a mother would send her children back to where all the atrocities she experienced happened, and have them go through the process of finding out about them on their own , but again, you excuse it for the way the search and discovery make the story so much more compelling. Absolutely loved it, and want to watch again.


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Pain and Glory

I'm surprised this film has such a low rating on here, i found it brilliant. It was the first time i watched an Almodovar film and I think i picked a great one to start with, because it turned me into a fan. Not only is the direction in this film brilliant, so is the writing and that's all down to him. You can tell it's auteur cinema, because there's this cohesiveness that's so satisfying and that pushes the narrative forward. It auto-references itself in a way that's surprising and moving and it tells someone's life story, set in different times, while almost making it feel like it's all happening at the same time. The past is so present and constant, there's so much intention in everything that's happening both in the flashbacks and in the present. This film feels like a spider-web but Almodovar simplifies it enough to make for a beautifully satisfying watching experience. The ending is just the cherry on top. Absolutely adored it!

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Black Is King

Beyoncé revolutionised the visual album concept and format. Her self titled Beyoncé started the trend, Lemonade took it one step further, and Black Is King is just on a whole other level. Insane visuals, incredible production. Narrative wise, if i wasn't so familiar with the story of Simba, it would have been a bit confusing I think, but you slowly put the pieces together and extract the message that African culture is one of the richest in the world, and never should have been attacked, reduced and perverted the way it was by the white colonisers. Beyoncé should go wild and direct a whole narrative feature film, she clearly has the vision.

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Taxi Driver

On a rewatch it's great to pay attention to Travis' very slow descent into psychosis, i think the movie does a fantastic job at building it up. It's great piece on subjectivity and mental instability.

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Dickinson: 2x08 I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Pose: 3x02 Intervention

The acting and the dynamics in that dinner fight scene were off the charts. I love this cast.

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It's amazing watching the movies that inspired all the ones that came after it. The continuous shot illusion here is flawed yes, but obviously genius for the time. The performances and the tension keep your eyes glued to the screen.

It's also interesting to see how so many of the villains in Hitchcock's movies are queer coded - at the time that came from his fascination with the twisted, but he couldn't have predicted that these villains would make the heroes of his stories incredibly dull in comparison - that is especially obvious in this film. Now, funnily enough, Hollywood is obsessed with making stories about villains, we've become the celebrated protagonists.

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