


Jane the Virgin: 5x19 Chapter One Hundred

this has to be one of the greatest finales to a tv show ever written

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

this is a great, original way to explore the concept of unconditional love, or even the concept of soulmates. the fact it keeps you thinking the whole time makes it one of the most interesting romance films that's out there for us to watch as well!! loved it

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The Fountain

Shout by Fran

i loved how this film just has the characters in an incessant search for a way to cheat death, through myth, religion and science, only for them to realise eternal peace can only be found once you accept nature cannot be changed and all things must die. it's such a peaceful way to deal with death, and it really makes the world around you stop while you watch. it tells you that in the end we're all just a part of something bigger and are never in control of our own lives, because life will end, no matter how much we try to fight it. that can be scary for some, but to me it just makes living less scary.

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Shameless: 10x02 Sleep Well My Prince For Tomorrow You Shall Be King

every second of this episode was gold. FINALLY the good old shameless is back

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The Thin Blue Line

Been meaning to watch this for forever and it's undeniably historic. One of the most serious, well constructed, no bullshitting documentaries i've ever watched. The slow build up to an explosive ending can be hard to stick with at first, but if you get through those less exciting scene-setting first few minutes, you'll be rewarded with a conclusion that will blow your mind. And then, better still, you will google the movie to find out it was the reason Randall Adams was released from prison just a year after this documentary premiered. That's so damn inspiring. The Thin Blue Line is one of the biggest evidences of the power of good, honest film making.

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Dog Day Afternoon

I found this film surprisingly endearing and funny. It's got a really interesting tone to it, combining the typical cop movie with a real human story, making Sonny a great leading character, you wanna know more and more about. Of course, we can't judge the quality of a movie like this based on how much it stays true to the real life story because film makers are allowed to take liberties and make different choices. In this case i'm glad they did because the real guy wouldn't have made me root for him at all, and Al Pacino's Sonny did just that. His performance was, obviously, the highlight of the film. I love him so much, what a man, what an actor!

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Just Mercy

I haven't cried this much over a movie in a long time. This is one of those films that feels larger than its medium, jumps out at you and grabs that which makes you human. I can't believe it didn't get a single Oscar nomination. This deserved enough hype to make everyone around the world tune in to watch it. Vital, immense and so so so important. And of course, memorable performances from Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx who delivered arguably the best supporting performance of 2019.

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This Is Us: 4x18 Strangers: Part Two

THIS FU*KING SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS GODDAMN FU*CKING SHOW.

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Memories of Murder

One of the best crime thrillers you will watch. It's dark and chilling and disturbing, you won't know where to turn as you see these detectives absolutely butchering their job while more and more victims pile up. Bong Joon-ho is a fantastic director, all his films have so much character and this specific type of dark humour that both makes you uncomfortable and breaks the tension at the same time. His ability to build suspense and shock you without being vulgar is refreshing.

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Léon: The Professional

This was absolutely brilliant. Natalie Portman's performance has become one of my all time favourites. Love love love.

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Brilliant film on a terrifying subject. It's amazing to feel like you're witnessing history and that thankfully it was (mostly) all recorded. Like one of the speakers in the EU meeting mentioned, our generation is one that no longer finds anything shocking, and this didn't shock me in the slightest, most likely because it's a relatively old story, which has turned into general knowledge by now. Even so, it's still scary as shit and you find yourself thinking "well, as long as i follow the law nothing will happen to me" but that works as long as the law is democratic, what happens when it's not? (which is already happening in some places around the world). In all honesty, if i don't choose to ignore this, I dont think i can live in peace ever again. Anyways, if we're talking about cinematic achievements, this is definitely one of the greatest documentaries Ive watched, think, it's almost totally observational and let's you make your own conclusions, the footage is obviously relatively edited since they must have had so much to work with, but the important bits are included in an almost completely raw way, it's great.

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Making a Murderer: Season 1

This was definitely one of the most depressing things I've ever watched, but what an achievement in documentary film making.

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Breakfast at Tiffany's
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x04 Out of the Past

such an awesome episode omg

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Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

Absolutely obsessed with the women of Almodovar. This movie is just too iconic, his vision is on another plane of reality.

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WandaVision: 1x09 The Series Finale

It was an okay ending.. I felt like they were too ambitious throughout the season and then couldn't really deliver at the end. The whole Agatha witchery stuff felt low budget and badly acted (the actress excels as Agnes, in a comedic register tho). Highlights were the Vision vs. Vision confrontation and Wanda in her final Scarlet Witch costume. The after credits scene with Monica was exciting too! Now I cannot wait for Falcon and The Winter Soldier!!

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Days of Being Wild

Watched this purely to get it out of my watchlist. Knowing it existed as a sequel to Silence of The Lambs and not watching it felt like a waste, but I can’t decide if watching it was even more wasteful.

It’s crude, obvious, leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination, felt parodistic at times. Very disappointing since the first film is one of the greats. Hannibal Lecter had so much potential as a character, and was rendered a cardboard maniac serial killer here with queer jokes thrown in the mixture for good measure. Bleh.

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I’m obsessed with the long tracking shot in the cabin when Max describes the moment of Rebecca’s death as if her ghost was being filmed and we just couldn’t see it. This film is perfectly filled with dramatics and mystery, its dialogues and settings allowing you to get lost in 1940s magic for a couple of hours. Great watch, and Hitchcock is brilliant at making the most of the story as always.

P.S.: Watched this for a deep dive I’m doing on Queer Coded characters and Mrs. Danvers suffered the same fate as they all did back then, but she was actually not as evil and obsessed as I had read. I don’t know if I am just projecting, but I only saw her as someone who respected and loved Rebecca in the most dedicated way. Of course in the end she went mad but only hurt herself and no one else. I guess for all its worth, I expected way worse for a lesbian coded character in 1940s Hollywood cinema.

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The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Just too much pretentious hipstery “oh my god your taste in music is amazing :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:” shit for me. The themes of friendship and Charlie’s arc are generally interesting and beautiful tho.

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tick, tick... BOOM!

This had such a strong start and then I think Lin-Manuel Miranda got a bit lost in all the different ideas he had both for particular scenes and for the tone of the movie as a whole. Needed to be a little tighter and have a stronger identity, but some sequences were truly incredible. The way he juxtaposes the actual play, written by Larson, called Tick Tick… BOOM!, which essentially is about the turbulent period of the playwright’s life represented in the film, with the actual narrative scenes, blending them sometimes so that you can’t quite figure out which belongs to which, works really well. Garfield is amazing as always. Overall, a must watch film of the season and a strong contended for many awards.

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The Power of the Dog

Albeit not the type of film that I connect to normally, it still kept me gripped throughout much due to Campion’s powerful and confident handling of tension, timing and suspense. An incredible original score elevates it even further. And one of Cumberbatch’s best performances. A must watch for the season.

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Happy Together

I am an emotional wreck. The longing and passion between the protagonists is breath taking… Tony Leung and Leslie Cheung had me glued to the screen, their performances are so vulnerable and they had so much chemistry. I always love the narrations in Wong films but in this one, because the characters were so reluctant to open up to one another, they hit me twice as hard. Of course they didn’t get a happy ending, but I swear I was holding out hope till the last second.

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Drive My Car

A 3-hour long runtime is always intimidating, but every second of this felt necessary. It’s slow, but it doesn’t drag. Instead the tempo and stillness allow you to sit with these wonderfully complicated and wounded characters, both as a spectator to their stories and difficulties and as a part of the film yourself. Much like Takatsuki’s monologue about loving yourself before loving someone else, a good story is primarily about your subjective relationship with it, and only secondarily about its objective characters and plots. A good movie is introspective and connects to parts of your own soul and psyche by way of someone else’s (characters, director, writer). And Drive My Car is a really good movie.

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The White Lotus: Season 1

Now what the fuck was the hype around this show all about? Awful characters, average theatrical action, and the plot is predictable and cowardly.

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Marvel's Cloak & Dagger: 1x01 First Light

Oh, I absolutely L O V E D this. I don't know anything about their comics but their stories are incredible and the actors have great chemistry. The casting of the little kids was soooooo well done too. Has everything to become my favorite marvel tv show to date. Let's see if ep2 is just as good!

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Beautiful Boy

There's more than a lot of films about addiction out there, but Beautiful Boy manages to be one of the most successful at delivering the message that this is a disease that can absolutely affect anyone and everyone, and that it doesn't just happen to those with a libertine, sort of, underground lifestyle. I also liked that it focused less on the effects of the drugs in your system - whilst still making it clear what exactly meth will do to you - and more on the strain it will put on your relationship with everyone around you. I found it was a different, more sensitive angle to tell a story that's been told a thousand times, and yet is still such a huge issue and taboo. Timothée does a good job and so does Steve. The soundtrack to the movie is also really great.


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The Favourite

Oh, this was f*cking fabulous.

  1. i love women!!!!!!! God, Olivia, Emma and Rachel are SO good in this and their characters are all so freaking iconic.
  2. the sass and personality from the first second of the film till that ending. the whole thing smelled of legendary.
  3. im not the biggest fan of period films but if they all looked like this i would be.
  4. gays make everything better, they really do


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Second Act

YES to women empowerment and YES to Milo Ventimiglia's ass!!!


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The Blue Lagoon

i still think this is the cutest, purest love story and them not wanting to go back to "the real world" is honestly the biggest mood.


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