


Drive My Car

A 3-hour long runtime is always intimidating, but every second of this felt necessary. It’s slow, but it doesn’t drag. Instead the tempo and stillness allow you to sit with these wonderfully complicated and wounded characters, both as a spectator to their stories and difficulties and as a part of the film yourself. Much like Takatsuki’s monologue about loving yourself before loving someone else, a good story is primarily about your subjective relationship with it, and only secondarily about its objective characters and plots. A good movie is introspective and connects to parts of your own soul and psyche by way of someone else’s (characters, director, writer). And Drive My Car is a really good movie.

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The Favourite

Oh, this was f*cking fabulous.

  1. i love women!!!!!!! God, Olivia, Emma and Rachel are SO good in this and their characters are all so freaking iconic.
  2. the sass and personality from the first second of the film till that ending. the whole thing smelled of legendary.
  3. im not the biggest fan of period films but if they all looked like this i would be.
  4. gays make everything better, they really do


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The Blue Lagoon

i still think this is the cutest, purest love story and them not wanting to go back to "the real world" is honestly the biggest mood.


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Before Sunrise

This film takes everything that life and love and connection are all about and boils it all down to one dream-like time-stood-still night. It’s romantic but real, the awkwardness at the start is almost a turn-off because of how little you see it in movies, but in the end it makes it all feel even more attainable. Their connection grows and transports the story, making it almost impossible for you not to be transported with it.

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Dead Poets Society

I know this film teaches you to dream, but it also shows just how dangerous dreaming can be when the real world so often, effectively and nonchalantly kills every last bit of belief and hope we let ourselves have as kids, as we grow up. Neil’s death is unbelievably painful to watch now after the world lost one of its greats, sir Robin Williams, in such a similar fashion. I guess we’re all lucky to have an entire film dedicated to how incredible and inspiring that man was. O captain, my captain!

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Pain and Glory

I'm surprised this film has such a low rating on here, i found it brilliant. It was the first time i watched an Almodovar film and I think i picked a great one to start with, because it turned me into a fan. Not only is the direction in this film brilliant, so is the writing and that's all down to him. You can tell it's auteur cinema, because there's this cohesiveness that's so satisfying and that pushes the narrative forward. It auto-references itself in a way that's surprising and moving and it tells someone's life story, set in different times, while almost making it feel like it's all happening at the same time. The past is so present and constant, there's so much intention in everything that's happening both in the flashbacks and in the present. This film feels like a spider-web but Almodovar simplifies it enough to make for a beautifully satisfying watching experience. The ending is just the cherry on top. Absolutely adored it!

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Black Is King

Beyoncé revolutionised the visual album concept and format. Her self titled Beyoncé started the trend, Lemonade took it one step further, and Black Is King is just on a whole other level. Insane visuals, incredible production. Narrative wise, if i wasn't so familiar with the story of Simba, it would have been a bit confusing I think, but you slowly put the pieces together and extract the message that African culture is one of the richest in the world, and never should have been attacked, reduced and perverted the way it was by the white colonisers. Beyoncé should go wild and direct a whole narrative feature film, she clearly has the vision.

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Taxi Driver

On a rewatch it's great to pay attention to Travis' very slow descent into psychosis, i think the movie does a fantastic job at building it up. It's great piece on subjectivity and mental instability.

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This Is Us: 2x11 The Fifth Wheel

how can I give something more than 10 hearts??????? this was probably my favourite episode of anything ever. Incredible writing, incredible dialogues, incredible character building, incredible acting and such a viewing experience if you happen to relate to any of these characters (which I think we all do in some way). brilliant work!

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The Dark Knight

I miss Heath.


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Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions

There are no words to describe just how meaningful Folklore is to me, personally, and I wouldn’t want to do it in the trakt comment section anyways, but I just want to say this one thing: Thank you, Taylor.

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God's Own Country

Shout by Fran
BlockedParent2019-01-29T11:33:49Z— updated 2019-11-04T18:31:34Z

I just love the simplicity of this movie, how unpretentious and raw it is. Just real emotion, real struggle, real nitty gritty work. The almost documentary feeling is coupled with breath taking scenery and cinematography to make for the most serene, beautiful, intense film. It's so refreshing to see a story about two gay men that doesn't revolve around their sexuality, but instead focuses on their personality traits - Gheorghe's romanticism, Johnny's fear of real emotion or commitment. As characters they really bring out the best in each other and it's so beautiful to watch. It's a love story, that happens to be between two men. Not once is their sexuality an issue for them, or the people around them. I just LOVE Josh O'Connor though, hope to see him in more stuff soon.


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Before Sunset

The most exciting stage of a (fictional) relationship for me personally is exactly the one encapsulated in this chapter of the trilogy. Forget the nerves and ingenuity of a new relationship, i want the angst and the high tension of a past love that didn't work out but is on the verge of a reunion. I'm obsessed with the way this pair of actors explores the different levels of chemistry, applied to each different stage of the chatacters' relationship - it's subtle, but you notice it just enough to make it feel whole and real but still more exciting and dramatic than real life, (which is what we always look for in movies, right?) without ever crossing the bridge to cringiness, which is always the big risk in romantic movies. The dialogues, as always, were an incredibly entertaining chess match to follow, but by far my favourite part is Céline's outburst of emotion in the car, just so so good. That ending has to be one of my favourite endings to a movie ever. I'm obsessed. First one was a solid 9, this one's a good 9,5. Let's see what the third instalment has got!

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Shutter Island

works even better as a rewatch! you truly see the genius of it once you know the ending and can look for clues.

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The Notebook

Do you mean the greatest romantic movie of all time?


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Portrait of a Lady on Fire

so im just supposed to go on with my life after this?????????

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Captain Marvel

im not a big fan of this kree stuff but gosh i love brie SO much and seeing shield and the marvel universe in the 90s was iconic. hope the second instalment will be better!


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Professor Marston and the Wonder Women



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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

This movie gets more and more interesting with each watch, there's so many underlying themes, there's so much to interpret and think about. All the twists and turns. Absolutely brilliant. I upped it from an 8 to a 9 the last time I watched it, and this time i'm giving it a full 10. I'm obsessed.


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Avengers: Age of Ultron
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Marvel's Runaways: 3x08 Devil's Torture Chamber

dont mind me.. just rewatching this again and crying

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Mulholland Drive

Sooooooooo freaking cool. Makes me jealous of Lynch's genius mind, wish I had one like that.

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Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
Captain America: Civil War

How you gone watch this and tell me Steve and Bucky arent in love


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Captain Marvel

second time watching it loved it much more. i found it too confusing the first time but watching it knowing the plot already actually makes it a more concise and clean story than on your first watch. carol is literally my whole life i would die for her and her cute smile PLEASE


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Avengers: Endgame
Brokeback Mountain

The quietness of this film seeps through you. At first it makes Ennis and Jack's relationship all the more genuine and moving, the way they can sit in silence up in the mountains and their actions of love are more electrifying than any lengthy, love-declaration filled dialogue could ever be. By the end, though, that quietness has transformed into soul-crushing loneliness, that which comes from living an entire life denied of the freedom to love the only person who completes you.

Brokeback is and will always be groundbreaking and, to this day, after decades of good LGBT+ cinema (boosted by this movie itself), it is still one of the very best, if not the best well-rounded characterisation of human sentiment in general, and queer experience in particular, to be seen on screen.

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The Avengers

I’m doing a mini rewatch before Endgame and I swear I started crying when Tony said "If we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it". I just can’t believe how far this universe has come and how much the original 6 have grown and changed. I really really really love this world and these characters and I’m not ready to say goodbye to them. So Tony, Steve, you all better stay fucking alive :sneezing_face:


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Brokeback Mountain