



SO SO GOOD! It was funny, scary and amazing! Who can hate on this film, it's much better then everyone thought it would be, maybe better than the originals! Not a perfect movie but it is a really strong 9.

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couldn't agree more, Andrew.

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Captain Marvel

Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.

BRIE LARSON, I love you, thank you for give what the fanboys hate: a strong female character.

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@hildebread perhaps you're blind or something idc but what I SAID was just too simple to understand but your lack of interpratation is too much. I never said there isn't strong female characters I only said that fanboys hate these characters.

And well, Hulk got his powers by accident and the world loves him, and I can name tons of heroes that didn't nothing to "earn" their powers so your argument is invalid here.

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Captain Marvel

Shout by Deleted

brie larson is a lot like jeniffer lawrence: one facial expression. done. but hell what do I know?! why do these two have Oscars?

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@hildebread seems like you are a little bit hasty, my friend. Well, you can always watch Room (2016), after that we can discuss if Brie has one facial expression or not. The academy is way ahead of you in this matter tho lol

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